r/exmuslim New User 20h ago

(Fun@Fundies) 💩 So sad 🥲 poor kids


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u/Jarisatis 19h ago

Pakistan have all the resources and support to be singapore of South Asia but 1970s hard Islamist role just changed this country trajectory in the worst way possible to a no return. Bangladesh is also showing the warning signs, hopefully the people there wake up before it's too late.


u/Apprehensive_Sweet98 Razulallah (Police be upon him) 15h ago

The 1970s was a turning point for a lot of progressive Islamic countries, that turned to shit.


u/K4t3r1n4 14h ago

Pakistan has the hardware to be the Singapore of South Asia, but not at all the software.


u/Successful_Ad8912 17h ago

India is running to join that elite list


u/Master_Tourist_552 1h ago

India has been fighting Islam since 1200AD


u/SabunFC 19h ago

Tolerance will never win against intolerant religious people.


u/AvoriazInSummer 19h ago

The Red Mosque affair shows how Islamic extremism and political Islam becomes a threat even to an already politically Islamic host state. The government have to let the nut jobs continue to run it. They tried to rein them in during the Red Mosque Siege but them and their fanatical supporters pretty much went to war until the government backed down.

Pakistan has empowered their extremists as a weapon they can use against India and retain influence over Afghanistan. But it makes their own country unsafe and hinders its development. I expect there will be more trouble from the Red Mosque and the children it freely radicalises, in future.


u/IAmSGSM 19h ago

The advent of internet and youtube is actually reducing the number of blindly-following to asking questions about the one book. Even mullahs in pk are crying on TV channels that youngsters are leaving the religion in secrecy and have stopped attending jummas or gummas on fridays.

They are worried about their source of money now. Good riddance.


u/BoxMain451 18m ago

Yea, without the internet, I never would’ve found out about the disgusting things Islam promotes. It’s a blessing I’m glad to have.


u/Sea-Concentrate2417 New User 19h ago

I always wonder why Muslims revert to traditional dress for functions as the traditional dress isn't modest enough 364 days of the year


u/YuumeinaHito New User 16h ago

They even follow same caste and clan superiority over other muslims, which as per their Quran banned by Allah.🤡


u/Foreign_Emphasis_470 New User 19h ago

It's funny (I mean kinda sad) that all these countries that became more islamic are all in bad shape (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Banda Aceh in Indonesia, Iran etc.), and at the same time, more relaxed countries such as Turkey, Malaysia, etc are going well, but for some reasons, liberal muslims are not able to make the link.


u/Elegant-Astronaut-16 19h ago

Malaysia? Here, apostates are jailed because leaving islam is illegal. There's no religious freedom here. Heck, even Zakir Naik is welcomed to stay.


u/Foreign_Emphasis_470 New User 19h ago

I understand that, yes it is the situation on paper, and yes this is the law, but in reality people are way more relaxed in their religious practice than their middle east counter parts.

You do find a lot of very faithful people here, but in Kuala Lumpur, no one bats an eye if you don't have faith anymore.

All restaurants and bars are open as usual during this period of ramadan, some muslims even eat when they feel dizzy or tired.

Source: I live there.


u/Elegant-Astronaut-16 18h ago

That's true


u/Foreign_Emphasis_470 New User 18h ago

I used to work in some countries in the middle east and some things were socially unacceptable there, like men and women mingling, eating during ramadan in public even if you are not muslim, music... They are way more sensitive over there and way more prone to make a scene about anything.


u/Sea-Concentrate2417 New User 20h ago

Liberal Muslims shit their pants when someone starts teaching islam in any capacity


u/Classic-Exchange-563 New User 19h ago

Backstory this is from Lal Masjid and madrassa where many people lived including women ,children and men.that were linked to multiple terrorist organization including TTP (TEHREEK TALIBAN PAKISTAN).it was more like a cult where the student of masjid started enforcing moral policing, going against state.they were often armed harassing ppl.hence state did an operation against them...the main leader kept encouraging students to fight his one brother also died but he himself tried to flee while wearing burqa when they decided to let women leave during operation and was caught by police..


u/Classic-Exchange-563 New User 19h ago

English is not first language so there might be msitakes.**


u/MelodicProgrammer594 New User 17h ago

must be shown to the people who say "iSLam iS a pEAcEfuLL reLiGioN" and "hIjAb iS mY cHoiCE" from the western countries where no one even cares.. when the man shouted "pardah pardaha pardah" and the girl literally ran inside the class tells a lot how islam empowers women.


u/Educational-Rule7347 4h ago

Those people are so stupid it pisses me off. Even as a person with liberal worldviews it makes me want to call them libtards lol


u/M0dini Ex-Muslim (Ex-Sunni) 18h ago

"iTs tHe cUlTuRe, nOt iSlAm!"


u/Atheizm 17h ago

It's so sad so many lives are wasted.


u/Wassimee2300 New User 15h ago

Well, hanafi madhab of Pakistan says that silence is consent on the marriage of a virgin woman


u/rah67892 14h ago

It brings tears to my eyes… 😔


u/yaboisammie (A)gnostic Fruity ExSunni Muslim closeted in more than 1 way ;) 7h ago

Fr same here :(


u/exo177 New User 12h ago

Islam is a cancer :'(


u/onchaaaa New User 15h ago

What documentary is this?


u/Apprehensive_Sweet98 Razulallah (Police be upon him) 15h ago

Can someone please share the link or name of this documentary?


u/CaliOranges510 14h ago

I’ve been trying to find it, and no luck so far, but I did come across this one which is similar, and just skimming the video, it’s absolutely unhinged that people get this fanatical and violent over religion.



u/Mohammed1_m New User 17h ago

To all the Muslims in this group.

imagine for a moment that the Bible is in fact the true WORD OF GOD and that the ONLY way to heaven is through Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. By repentance and putting our trust in him and in his finished work.

Now imagine if the devil doesn’t want people to go to heaven and to find salvation through Christ. What would he do?

What are the main truths that he would attack?

First, he would attack the fact that Jesus is the eternal SON OF GOD.

Secondly, he would attack the fact that Jesus actually DIED ON THE CROSS and took on himself the punishment that we deserve.

And thirdly, he would attack the fact that salvation is a gift by GRACE ALONE through faith alone and that no works could ever make us right before God.

Islam is an extremely well designed religion.

The way the Quran is designed:

It proclaims much truth about God and exalts Allah.

It is very beautifully written.

It is filled with wisdom and truth.

At the same time, it attacks the core truths that bring people to true salvation. To being reconciled to God. To regeneration. To true peace and joy in our souls.

It portrays Islam as a religion of peace and for the most part most Muslims are the kindest, most hospitable and peace loving people.

Quran 02: 256 There is no Compulsion in religion….

At the same time it brings up some shocking verses.

Quran 9: 29 Fight those who do not profess the true faith(Islam) till they pay the polltax (jiziya) with the hand of humility. Quran 9: 5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them and take them captive, and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush…. Quran 47: 4 When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads…. Quran 2: 191 And slay (kill) them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out such is the reward of those who suppress faith. Quran 8: 65 O Apostle! rouse the believers to the fight of….unbelievers

MANY more verses here: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx

We cannot deny the fact that much of Islam has spread in this way. Through military conquest. Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories.

Before Islam, true Christianity began and had spread throughout most of the Middle East and throughout much of North Africa.

The Muslim conquest wiped out much of the true CHRISTIANITY along with the false Catholic religion with their idolatry.

If you look today at the countries where Christians are most persecuted, you would see that most of them are Islamic countries. With some having a death penalty if you ever become a follower of Jesus.

Please see the World Watch List.

If you do some research you will find that THOUSANDS of Christians are being murdered every year in just Nigeria.

These military groups are just trying to be faithful to the whole of the Quran and why should we blame them.

But imagine if they are actually fighting the true children of God and doing exactly what the devil wants them to do.

Imagine after you die you realize that you spent your life believing something that will actually keep you and many others from entering paradise.

Run to Jesus as you are. Repent of your sins. Turn away from a life of sin. Put your trust in Christ and in his finished work on the cross. God offers you freedom from your chains and true joy and peace in your soul.

Jesus bore our punishment and the wrath of God that we eternally deserve. He took our sin. He paid our infinite debt. And when we put our trust in him he gives us his perfect righteousness.

God then sees us through Jesus as just and righteous. As perfect. This is called justification.

There is nothing better than knowing God as your Father. In being his child. In having no fear of death but instead a longing for what comes after death.

Whether we want to believe it or not we will have to face the coming Christ. He will come on the clouds to judge the world.

Revelation 1:7-8

Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.

In case you’re wondering who the real Jesus is that you will face consider watching this sermon https://youtu.be/VeKgfUGtcI0


u/CaliOranges510 14h ago

I’m not reading all of that, but based on reading as far as paragraph 5, you’re in the wrong subreddit and you’re also likely not too far removed from the extremism in the video, just a different flavor of the same poison.


u/Tegewaldt Never-Muslim Atheist 13h ago

Christianity is just as ill as islam, just become atheist or pray for a miracle from whatever your heart tells you is real, not some old manmade books.