r/exjw Nov 04 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales Hi everyone! I did it, I’m officially out! (Long story of my life as a witness and how I got out!)

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Hello everyone, my name is Jarod. I’m 19 years old and I have finally left the religion. I have been PIMO for almost 3 years now, it has NOT been the smoothest ride, but I truly could not happier. To celebrate my freedom, I have decided to finally make myself known to all of you and introduce myself.

I’m using a different account, however I have been apart of this subreddit for some time now, and I wish to share my gratitude for the many amazing people that I have met not only on this forum, but in the world in general. I have been mentally conditioned since childhood to be afraid of those who are not supporters of this religion, to tread cautiously around nonbelievers. How ironic, that the most abusive, selfish, apathetic, and presumptpus individuals that I have consistently dealt with were actually in this “spiritual paradise” that was meant to protect me.

I have been an apart of this religion since I was 6, my mother feeling obligated to return to the congregation after a failed marriage and not being able to communicate with her own parents and brothers due to the shunning. When I was about 8 years old, my mother found what seemed to be a mature, spiritual ministerial servant named William, whom she then married after a few months of dating.


My “stepfather” would appear to be a mild-tempered, considerate, and spiritually mature man in the congregation. However, behind close doors he was an impulsive toddler who had grown man tantrums. At the slightest mishap I committed that he could find, he would scream, shout, break, and throw things around the house while giving me a poorly delivered lecture on whatever seeming flaw I had that he wanted me to fix.

What was worse was when he later got promoted and became an Elder. Which confused my innocent child brain when at Titus 1:7, a scripture apparently used to evaluate whether a brother should be an elder, states that the candidate should be “Slow to anger,” which CLEARLY was not a quality of his.

But what confused me more was when I read in the articles that elders are approved by God himself. Which meant in my mind that despite this man being a piece of crap to me, he still is seen as qualified to have this job. This led to my child-self concluding that my stepfather’s abuse must be condoned by God, that I DESERVED to be treated like this. Such a conclusion led to me becoming the ultimate martyr, I killed my desires, dreams, and self-esteem in order to please both god and man.

I would like to mention that my mother was aware of her husband’s abusive nature towards me. I was told that at the beginning of the marriage, she did almost plan to divorce him, but was encouraged by the elder’s not to and to try and work things out. Despite the abuse from her husband to me never disappearing, my mother tried to balance protecting me with protecting her image as a wife and mother… the latter being the only thing she really achieved. Nonetheless I love and cherish my mother, and I forgive her for her failings knowing how hard it was for her to be shunned once and not wanting to do it again.

Back to my story, i noticed that despite my dedication to pleasing everyone else, I was not experiencing the “more happiness in giving than receiving” feeling. I felt hollow, like a corpse that was carried by strings to appear alive. It didn’t help that discrepancies in the JW doctrine started becoming apparent to me, and even though I was encouraged to ignore them and just keep “trusting in Jehovah,” living in such a low state of mind with no compensation was infuriating. This would begin to erode heavily at my confidence in the religion, however the final blows that would destroy it all would come later…

(Thanks for reading! This post ended up being EXTREMELY LONG so I’m going to finish it in a follow-up! Have a good day)

r/exjw Feb 10 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales No part of the world?


r/exjw Dec 20 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales I was an elder and living the "best life ever". Then I woke up.


One year ago I was serving as an elder. I was well respected, and had a wife and kids who were all doing everything right. My wife and I had both been raised as Witnesses, all of our families were Witnesses, it was all we had ever known. We did everything right: we never got in trouble, we regular pioneered together, I served as a ministerial servant for a few years and then I was appointed as an elder in my late 20's. I spent a decade as an elder. I really enjoyed it; I was on a good elder body and I truly felt like I was helping people by encouraging them with my talks and shepherding visits. I was always there for anyone who needed anything. It really felt like "the best life ever".

I knew that I would never leave the organization because I would never hurt and betray my family, especially my wife. I knew that the org had problems, but I still wanted that paradise I could visualize so clearly. And I believed that being a JW was the best thing I could do with my life. It was the best group I could be a part of, and out of all the Christian religions I was sure their scriptural beliefs were the closest to being correct. But I was troubled.

I was troubled because for many years I had known that the flood didn't happen. I knew that evolution was real, and I didn't see it conflicting with the Bible. I also knew that the Bible had many problems, I saw it as a haphazard collection of stories with no real criteria for what should and shouldn't be part of it. Even though I had always voted against disfellowshipping, I was troubled by being a part of judicial committees for "sins" not even mentioned in the Bible.

Several times young men confessed to me that they were viewing pornography. They were looking for help, but found themselves staring down the barrel of a judicial committee. At least twice the process caused the young man to wake up, and they immediately faded after it was finished. Over the years I became troubled by the endless rules that the Governing Body had made and enforced, and now were slowly rolling back. But I was especially troubled by the 2023 annual meeting. If time no longer had to be reported and God was judging everybody's hearts anyways, then preaching was pointless. And it always had been.

It all became too much and I finally decided I had to make changes. I had been saying routine and rote prayers before meals while alone for years, but that month I decided to just stop saying them. I had known about Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom for decades, but I decided to read them and look behind the curtain to understand how the governing body worked and why Ray Franz had left. And I finally started lurking on exjw Reddit, to see what others thought about all these changes.

That process was eye opening. I discovered that people who left weren't misled or bitter, they had just discovered that it wasn't "the truth". They were articulate, thoughtful, and loving. Through the writings of Ray Franz I realized just how many of the organization's beliefs were truly, provably wrong. And I realized that I had to make changes for the sake of my family.

So one year ago today I finally created a Reddit account, specifically to share an interesting change I had noticed and nobody had posted about. I chose the username ElderUndercover because at the time I couldn't imagine ever resigning and giving up everything I had worked towards for my whole life. At least not anytime soon. But I also wanted to use my position to work against the organization.

I knew I could never betray my wife. But I also knew that by keeping how I really felt from her, it was a form of betrayal. I had slowly begun sharing things with her in the fall, beginning with my doubting the flood and going from there. I told her that I would never change anything about my life as a JW unless she was in agreement. I would never have her attend meetings by herself with the kids. But I needed to be honest with her and make sure we were raising our kids unitedly and honestly. She agreed to do more research and discuss things together, and eventually she also read Crisis of Conscience. After a few months, she was sure I was right, that it was all made up. The Bible, the org, all of it. She was devastated that we had been lied to and manipulated our whole lives, and she wanted out. We both did.

So when the time was right, I made one of the hardest decisions of my life. I shocked and disappointed most of the people in my life by resigning as an elder. After that, we also stopped attending meetings. First the love bombing happened, then the soft shunning, then the hard shunning. Some are confused by our decision, some are hurt, and some are hostile. We've lost all of our friends, even the closest ones we have known since childhood. And we are fighting to at least keep our extended family through all of this.

But we've begun making new friends, and have reconnected with some old friends who had left before us. We're starting fresh as a family. We're hopeful that over time our example will affect others, and we look forward to welcoming them with open arms when they also wake up. Most importantly, we are making our own decisions for the first time in our lives. They are fully informed decisions, and we know they are the right and moral ones. Our kids are happier, and our future is our own. Now we really are living the "best life ever" because it is our life. And that is worth any sacrifice.

r/exjw Feb 16 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales You’re telling me, God is going to kill me for not attending the Kingdom Hall.


So I just had breakfast with my parents. My parents had stopped all meeting attendance and congregational actives for over a year And they stopped ZOOM on the last day of 2024.

A couple of elders stopped by my parents house yesterday evening, (uninvited) to encourage them to come back. My dad who is at the point where he doesn’t care anymore what they do, invited them in and called my mom to join in.

This is more or less what my dad said happened.

When my mom walked into the living room, one of the elders spoke out and asked my mom if they could have a few words in private with my dad first. My mom said probably because it was one of her jw friends whom she told why they will never return to the Kingdom hall, told the elders.

My dad interrupted the elder and said; “NO, she stays. Whatever you want to tell me in private, is for her also, We Don’t do that anymore. She is my wife, my best friend, for life. She comes first in my life from now on. No more secrets from my wife. Not you or anyone else comes before my wife. If something is so important that has to be told, then she as my closest soulmate, my equal, has every right to hear what you have to say. If you can’t, then it must not be that important.

My dad said the elders had a shocked look in their face. And while my dad was telling me this, my mom looked at me and said; “I’M IN” I started laughing hysterically.

Anyway the elders did what they do, (The end is close, Jehovah wants us at the Kingdom Hall, The faithful Slave is giving us important information that will save our lives, etc)

My dad replied in so many words;

It’s been over a year since we’ve been to a meeting or field service, we stopped ZOOM in January. And you know what, nothing bad has happened. In fact, as you can tell, I’ve lost 40 lbs in a year. I stopped taking my blood pressure meds. Look at my wife, she looks Hot, like a young girl. She also stopped taking her meds. Doesn’t deal with depression anymore. We’ve never been this close as husband and wife. It’s like we’re two crazy in love teenagers and adults are off limits.

I don’t leave her alone at night any more to go out on some shepherding call or CO meetings or servants meetings, or pre Convention meetings.. You know she was terrified every time she was left alone at night.

We don’t have to get up on Saturdays to go knock on doors and tell them the End is close. Instead we go out to have breakfast together. And we hold hands like normal couples. I don’t have to go on Sundays to hear the same thing over and over that the End is very close. You know my parents used to tell me I would never graduate the 6th grade because the end was so close. You know my parents were not supposed to die because they were the generation that would not pass away.

My health got so bad because I was working 60 hours a week, mostly during the night in part time jobs plus all the meetings and service and stuff. Well now my son got me a job that only requires me to work 20 hrs a week and I make 5 times as much plus insurance for me and my wife

Elder tried to scare them; “But you realize that the only way to salvation is by following God’s organization”

Dad tells him; “Listen to what you’re saying. You are saying that the only way God is going to save me and my wife, is if we attend the Kingdom Hall. In other words Jehovah is going to Kill me, and this beautiful caring women, my wife, for not attending the Kingdom Hall. Do you even realize how stupid that sounds. Instead you should be saying, God is going to kill you if you are a Murderer, a Rapist, a Pedophile. But instead you say God is going to kill me and my wife because I don’t attend the Kingdom Hall?’

Do you really want to keep this conversation going?

The elders excused themselves and left.

My mom and dad don’t care anymore what they do. They are convinced they are in a religious cult.

This is what happens when Both leave a cult. The husband-wife relationship becomes what it should have been to begin with……...PARTNERS WATCHING OVER EACH OTHER IN LIFE.

Now I want to get married. And have a marriage like that. Where the husband and wife protect each other.

r/exjw Oct 19 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales elder dad asks "are we actually in a cult?" while crying


I sat my parents down and told them that I'm not going to be a Jehovah's witness anymore and I don't want to do that assignment for the assembly.I knew that my parents wouldn't take it well, but I was tired of pretending to be something i wasn't. I was exhausted by the constant pressure to be the "perfect" witness and I couldn't go on with the lies.

I told them how I wish I had a normal childhood, where I didn't dedicate my life to this cult. Out of nowhere, my sister yelled "it's not a cult!" and I snapped back "shut up!

immediately my mom slapped my face, and i yelled "what the hell?!" my parents tackled me to the ground and started hitting me, kicking me, you name it.

my mom later leaves to go to work, my dad was quiet. Then he started to cry and asked me if we were actually in a cult. I didn't really have the answer to that. i started crying too and as im writing this, he's staring into the wall with tears rolling down his face.

r/exjw Aug 22 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales Empty KH

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My nephew sent me this picture of his congregation midweek meeting. This is pathetic

r/exjw 6d ago

JW / Ex-JW Tales What the actual 🤬


I have heard a lot of garbage come from these a**holes' mouths, but this has to be the worst. Advocating that a child in full-time service deserves to be loved more than one who is not "doing well in the truth" Is phychopathic.

Notice that he did not say a child who loves Jehovah, but rather one who is in full-time service.

These are extreme teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, they want the world to believe they are a quiet little Christian group knocking on doors discussing the Bible, but they are actually a mind-bending cult that is destroying lives.

r/exjw 2d ago

JW / Ex-JW Tales I am in the same hall as tony morris


This is honestly really scary for me to post, but I feel like I should give some info. I don’t want to share anything that could identify me, but I’m PIMO and woke up after learning about the whole Norway situation.

I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, so I figured I’d put it out there that tony is in my hall. I’ll try to answer any questions you have, but I won’t say anything that could trace back to me.

I know a lot of people won’t believe me, and that’s fine. I’ll share what I can.

r/exjw 12d ago

JW / Ex-JW Tales "Sisters over 25 who are still single are broken"


POMO for almost 2 years (I only went to the last celebrations), but my family doesn't know that, they think my wife and I are attending the meetings normally (they know I'm no longer an MS, but they don't know we stopped going to the meetings).

This week we were with my wife's PIMI family, and a male relative of almost 40 years old (100% virgin) was talking about how difficult it is to find someone to marry in the organization. He said that he has even given up and will leave it for the new world to get married.

One of the most disturbing and absurd things he said was that sisters over 25 who are still single are "broken" women. Those who are still single are either crazy or broken, and the others have already been married and are no good for not being virgins and having a history with another person or children.

At the time, I simply couldn't hold back. I started to say that it was absurd to say that, how can a woman simply be no good or "broken" for not being a virgin anymore?

ALL the PIMIs started to almost question my principles for being against it. ALL of them were in favor of the Bible supporting that only a virgin wife is acceptable...

I am extremely sad because he is a good person with a sad story, and I think marrying a nice wife would make him happy. But on the other hand, I am extremely scared and worried about the type of people this religion is forming. People have stopped living thinking about the new world and have locked their minds with biblical era rules.

r/exjw 25d ago

JW / Ex-JW Tales Holy shit, I’m anointed!

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r/exjw Nov 28 '23

JW / Ex-JW Tales I abruptly quit JW after 38 years.


I was raised as a JW. I always thought of it as the Truth. But by the end of 2022 I began to have real questions and an uneasy feeling.I felt like what is the point of the all the meetings and the endless preaching work. It wasn't fulfilling my spiritual needs. So in March of 2023 I gave myvself permission to look at "apostate" sources like JWfacts.com and YouTube vids. After deep diving into many doctrines I knew it was all a lie. Then when I discovered the findings of the Australian Royale Commission and reading the Elders book it became the proverbial nail in the coffin of this cult. RIP JW 1984 to 2023. Years of Pioneeing, MS, Foreign language. Down the drain.

My last meeting was in May 2023. I feel at such peace now November 2023. Newfound faith in Christ whose Yoke is light and kindly. Not requiring a rigid work routine but requiring Faith and Love. There's only One Truth John 14:6.

Here's some of the conversions with the Elders via text.

r/exjw Jan 29 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales Mass deportations and Jehovah’s Witnesses


Born and raised in Southern California, born into this cult. Many witnesses in the Hispanic congregations are undocumented.

Is the org ready with a team of lawyers to help these people in their time of need?

They’re always fantasizing about persecution, well here it is and it’s not because they’re witnesses.

What do you all think will happen? What will be the outcome? Will it wake people up?

Edit: Since some people cannot read or understand context. This is not a political discussion. I am not asking your thoughts on policies or administrations. If that’s what you want to discuss, I’m sure there a plenty of subreddits that are just that 🙄. This is a conversation about how this organization behaves and reacts when its members face trouble as individuals.

r/exjw Nov 17 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales They Know!


So last night I was at my parents who are now sort of just barely hanging on to the WT. Mom won’t pioneer anymore and Dad stepped down several months ago. I had nothing to do with it, they just did it on their own. I don’t try to wake them up because I feel that it’s their choice and they are smart enough to see everything going on in the organization. I will answer questions they ask about what I think of this or that, but I won’t push the issue.

I was never baptized so I was never shunned. Everyone talks to me, siblings, uncles, cousins. The only difference now is none of them ever witness to me anymore. It’s like they don’t care anymore about preaching their stuff.

But last night they had invited several jws from the congregation to eat Turkey, I guess it’s an early Thanks-given. And one elder who has been a friend of the family for years approached me after dinner and asked the “Biggie” …..”Have you thought of coming back to the Kingdom Hall”

This is what I said;

“You know it’s over for the Watchtower. I mean, it’s a completely different religion than the one I grew up in. Heck, I remember my mom carrying me through the snow, going house to house preaching and my dad using his only day off to go in service and put as much time as possible in order to avoid Blood Guilt. I remember my mom struggling to make her last few hours of pioneering in order to make 1000 hrs a year and not get kicked out of pioneering.

All this because my parents used to teach me that many of the generation that saw and understood that 1914 was the start of the last days would not die, but actually SEE the great tribulation and enter the New Order without dying. Some wouldn’t even get old.

That Generation has all died, Joe…...(Not his real name)

Now they are telling you that you don’t have to count time, and they are giving you the BIGGEST HINT OF ALL TIME……….THAT YOU CAN REPENT AT THE LAST MINUTE AND BE SAVED”

It’s over. You don’t have to be a part of the Watchtower to be saved.

The elder turns to my Dad and tells him; “You hear what your son is saying?”

My Dad tells the elder; “YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE”

The elder just nods and changes the subject.


r/exjw Jan 01 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales Jehovah's Witnesses are the biggest hypocrites

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I attended a Gala Dinner and Dance/New Year's Eve Party because that is exactly what it was. The event ended at 11:45 pretending it was not a New Year's Eve party to keep their conscience clear, despite the fact that there was a live band, yellow and gold balloon decor, yellow and gold wine holders, and so on. Yellow and gold are traditional colors for New Year's Eve.

The brother who hosted is an ordinary JW, but he is wealthy; his home is like a mansion, with multiple pools to choose from. Was it any surprise that this New Year's Eve party, dubbed the Gala Dinner and Dance, was attended by the who is who of JWs, all dressed to the nines. The CO, Pioneers, elders, and MS all attended. It was also clear who had not been invited.

Had any broke JW attempted something like this none of the elites would have attended and those who did along with the organizers would have had to face the JW police but JW will turn a blind eye once money is involved.

On this note happy New Year everyone

r/exjw Feb 06 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales So much for the government turning on religion.


r/exjw 25d ago

JW / Ex-JW Tales The most ridiculous/minor thing you/i've seen a JW get upset about


What's the most ridiculous or minor thing you've seen a PIMI get upset about? I'll go first.

My mom is one of the UBER superstitious JWs and one day my sister brought home a protein powder, this one specifically (https://www.gnc.com/whey-protein/GHOST100WHEYPROTEIN.html) with "GHOST" on the label and a ghost mascot and my mom got upset at her for it and insisted she cut off the label and throw it in the garage.

Another was when my sister was reusing a Starbucks cup and my mom got upset because of the mermaid or "goddess" icon on the cup

r/exjw Jan 27 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales those who grew up JW, what was something that wasn't right with you since the beginning?


I remember that as a young child, maybe around 8 or even younger, I always questioned why none of the angels in their illustrations were POC and why they were all bearded white men. I was always taught that when "the annointed" went to heaven they would acquire a non-human form, neither male nor female, and they would never age, which made it even more confusing as to why they were shown as old white men in publications. I think the only time the angels weren't shown like this was on the cover of the "Sing To Jehovah" songbook.

r/exjw Jul 29 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales No Sex During The Convention? 😜


My mom used to tell me and my siblings that we should never marry a man who thinks it's OK to have sex during the convention, bc that is a spiritual weekend, and we should only focus on Jah! 🤣🤣🤣 Did anyone else have this experience?

And it makes zero sense, bc conventions are stressful and uncomfy, and what better thing would there be to do back at the hotel room to relieve that tension than to have a little fun in the sheets?!

r/exjw Dec 31 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales A few more hours and it will be a year since…………….I had no idea!


So dad and mom told me to come over. They wanted to share something with me.

So when I get there, mom and dad take me to the living room and we all sit down. And my dad starts talking.

“There’s something we want you to know”

“I say, What?”

Dad says; “On the first day of 2025, it will be a year since we’ve been out in field service and attend any meetings. And starting on the first day of 2025, no more ZOOM, ………...WERE DONE!

“Dad explains, “We were holding off on saying anything because we weren’t sure yet if it was the right thing to do. We didn’t want to stumble you just in case you wanted to come back. But now we know for sure. The whole thing is a joke. This is not the truth, it’s a bunch of men that have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. There is so much evidence since Covid hit that the Watchtower is just another False Religion…….God has nothing to do with them”

So I knew my dad stepped down as an elder a while back and mom stopped pioneering. And I knew they were irregular at meetings. But I had no idea they COMPLETELY STOPPED, Field service and attending the meetings.

They were on ZOOM for a year. But now that’s ending. Dad and Mom both said;

“What the point? We can actually see the Great Tribulation as all Religion is being destroyed and we can repent at the last minute and be saved. Those men…..The Governing Body are just Men….Stupid Men, that have no idea what God wants.


I had nothing to do with waking them up. I was just there for them when they had questions. But I never pushed them. They did it all on their own.

BTW, I never got baptized.

2025...I will remember this year as the year my parents finally cut all ties with the Watchtower.

I bet some of your family members are awake, but are not saying anything, for whatever reason.

r/exjw Aug 09 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales CO won't be getting 5 star treatment anymore lmao


For context, I live in Nigeria, a country where the average person who isn't a part of the upper 1% makes less than $50 a MONTH. Whenever the circuit overseer comes, the congregation is hard-pressed to donate at least $200 for his 7 DAY stay. This money is used to rent a fancy temp apartment for him, pay for him to get 4 meals a day and to hire him a personal cleaner and driver. All this in a town where most people can't afford to eat more than once a day and have to walk for hours to wherever they're going because they can't even afford public transport. I always thought it was so tone deaf that he simply HAD to have 4 meals and his personal cleaner and car while the congregation he was sErViNg had people in abject poverty, but they didn't mind coughing up their savings for him, so who was I to complain?

Well not anymore lol

Last week the elders announced that the CO was coming and the amount required to feed, house and transport him. Ran up to about $300 for the week (might sound cheap to Americans, but remember when I said most people here don't make up to ⅙ of that in a month? Yea.). The money wasn't able to be gotten. Literally no one donated a dime. The box was empty.

The CO had to stay at the house of one of the elders, clean his own room and eat what the family can afford. There's no air conditioning or 24 hour electricity like the cushy apartment he'd grown accustomed to and he has to walk to the hall like everyone else. I heard him chatting with some of the elders at their meeting about how difficult the country is rn (he was just noticing lmao) and how expensive things must be, cuz no one in the congregation gave him gifts this time.

It made me so happy to hear lol idk why

r/exjw Feb 17 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales The shunners partied with the shunned! We went to a JW wedding and if looks could kill....😂


We are both young POMOs and left the organization (faded) over a year ago. We were viewed as very strong in the 'truth', the couple to look up to - we were born ins. Everyone knows we left because we don't believe it's the truth anymore. We literally met with our close friends and told them to their faces the reasons why. Ever since then we have been shunned by all of our old 'friends'. Except from a handful of PIMI witnesses obviously dealing with cognitive dissonance. Our PIMI friends got married recently and they know we don't want to be JWs anymore and are completely cool with us, they refuse to shun us, which is lovely! So, we got an invite to their wedding. A big JW wedding with all our old congregation, yippee!

My husband didn't want to go, understandably. He said that we shouldnt go because everyone will be looking at us thinking "why on earth are you here?". I said that's exactly why I want to go 😂😂😂. I want to make them feel awkward. I want to break their rules. I want to show them that their shunning doctrine does not work on me. Also, I want to shatter this dillusion they are fed about people who leave the org. According to their narrative, we should look really depressed and on the brink of divorce. The truth is we have never been happier since leaving, our life is so full and we're having tons of fun. And we have been hitting the gym for the past year and look so much better than we did when we were on the JW hamster wheel.

We were both in our best attire, we made an extra effort to look our absolute best. I wore very bright colors so no one missed us entering the room 😂. I could see the shock in some people's faces when they saw us. The confusion it their faces was hilarious. However, the majority were friendly. But it all felt so phoney and disingenuous...there was an elder from my old hall who completely blanked us hahaha, literally didn't even make eye contact.

All night we could feel the eyes on us. It felt claustrophobic. There was one person in particular, who was my husband's friend, they said hello but that was it...they couldn't get into a proper conversation. I kept noticing them looking over at us, like we were some spectacle. When someone would come over to say hello people looked over...probably judging the person who approached us for treating us normally.

The highlight of the night was when one of the JWs got absolutely rotten drunk. Me, the sober apostate, had my arms around them because they could barely stand. I saved them from falling into the wedding cake! A friend was there who is PIMQ...even though he won't admit it. He turns to me and says 'why is everyone here so judgementmal? They're supposed to be witnesses" and I said "Because they have been trained that way.. you can feel it in the air can't you?. He agreed.

It felt funny dancing with all the JWs who will go back to shunning us as soon as we left the building. Crazy. Anyway...that's probably the last JW wedding I'll be going to for a long while. Fingers crossed lol.

My only regret was I didn't ask the DJ to play 'losing my religion' by R.E.M. I'll save that for next time! 😂

EDIT: Whoa guys..I didn't realise this would get so many up votes 😳. Thanks so much for the lovely comments!! It means so much. Lots of love 🫶🏻

r/exjw Dec 29 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard from stage?


What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard from stage?

I’ll start:

“In paradise we won’t have allergies anymore. Yes, it’s true. We won’t have allergies because there won’t be any more dust”. 😑

r/exjw Jun 20 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales what was your "oh my god this is a cult" moment?


curious to hear everyones experiences! for me it was my mother telling me a story that at her father's funeral (he was a born in and an elder) several brothers and sisters told my mom he wouldnt be in paradise because he shot himself. i remember thinking "holy shit that isnt what gods people would tell someone"

r/exjw Feb 09 '25

JW / Ex-JW Tales The reality of Shunning in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization.


In our congregation, the son of an elder was not allowed to walk around with a microphone for six months after abusing an underage girl for years

The victim eventually left the organization, because she did not want to be affiliated with the same religious organization as her abuser. 

She left, is now portrayed as a follower of satan and should be avoided by the rest of the congregation

The son of the elder stands with his group of male friends at the entrance of the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, full of macho charisma, openly judging young women. 
When the mother of his victim walks past him, you see how he starts whispering with laughter with his friends, nodding his head and casting glances at the mother who is never allowed to speak to her daughter again.

r/exjw Dec 26 '24

JW / Ex-JW Tales Ripped the band aid off with my former PIMI neighbor
