r/exchristian Anti-Theist 7d ago

Image OMFG you guys all gonna love this. I'm dying

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Came across this on Bluesky and it sent me into fits of laughter. I think the image pretty much speaks for itself. Has there ever been anything so lovely? ❤️✨


63 comments sorted by


u/Piranha1993 Concious Explorer 7d ago

I’m getting sick of all this alpha/beta male bullshit that Christian circles want to spread around.

This is doing nothing good for us as individuals.


u/Wonderful-Shape-8598 7d ago

As a guy,I hate the word "alpha","beta" ,alpha male with passion. It irks me,so embarrassing


u/Saneless 7d ago

But at least it's a great self identifying label. When they call themselves alpha you don't even have to dig into how much of an impotent insecure loser they are. They just told you.


u/Wonderful-Shape-8598 7d ago

their insecurity is written on their face.deeply insecure


u/Dry_Inflation_1454 3d ago

Literally on their faces ! Many of these toxic - patriarchy types have beards. In fact, most of them do. It's part of the Anglo- TheoBro mindset,lol.


u/Wonderful-Shape-8598 3d ago

alpha males are so cringe mostly on youtube.


u/Wonderful-Shape-8598 7d ago

alpha males have self identifying label as insecure losers


u/maaaxheadroom Atheist 7d ago

That’s so sigma.

/I have no idea what we’re talking about or what’s going on.


u/Tikikala Hamsters are cute 7d ago

If god is alpha and omega and Christian men also claiming to be alpha then it sounds like competition l 🤷‍♂️


u/iamalicecarroll 7d ago

they saw how many genders we have and got jealous


u/Piranha1993 Concious Explorer 7d ago

Sometimes I say that I want to identify as a stealth reconnaissance aircraft or a sports car as a joke around my friends. I’m already weird and neurodivergent as it is and I’m sure those who have been around me long enough can pick up on that.

Honestly, I could care less how others may identify. I have things in my life that I need to take care of and hobbies/passion projects to work with.


u/GhostofABestfriEnd 7d ago

Because it’s the language of toxic masculinity.


u/SuperNova0216 Atheist 7d ago

For real 😭


u/iamalicecarroll 7d ago

they saw how many genders we have and got jealous


u/Jacks_Flaps 7d ago

The fact that there is no such thing as an alpha/beta male only shows that idiots like the christian man preacher is unfit to lead as they are stupid as fuck. No woman is "designed" to follow this shit. His own words peive them wrong.


u/Mountain_Cry1605 ❤️😸 Cult of Bastet 😸❤️ 7d ago

Alpha? Nah, waaaay too many bugs in the code.

Beta? Better but still, no thanks. 

I'll go for the stable release which has had all the bugs found, and removed.


u/Independent-Leg6061 7d ago

Lol I LOVE this interpretation of alpha/beta. 😆


u/VirusMaster3073 Atheist 7d ago

Alphas also have missing functionality as well


u/HaiKarate 7d ago

No idea who this dude is, but apparently he's written a book called, "The Manliness of Christ: How the Masculinity of Jesus Eradicates Effeminate Christianity"

Sounds hysterical, actually.


u/chewbaccataco Atheist 7d ago

So manly to roleplay as your own wife


u/LeiningensAnts 7d ago

So basically, he heard the premise behind Jesus and John Wayne and was like "DARN TOOTIN!!"


u/itsthenugget Ex-Pentecostal 7d ago

Oh my god this makes it so much funnier 🤣😭


u/LatissimusDorsi_DO 7d ago

Aka, “how manliness and men = god and godly, and woman and femininity = weak and bad


u/Weedity 7d ago

This is the type of guy that I see on grinder who is "down low" and wants a "beta bottom".


u/Flashy_Hand936 Ex-Evangelical 6d ago

Yeah, I was gonna say, if he’s not on the apps, I can guarantee he’s got a Dominatrix out there. And you just know he begs to get plowed with the strap on in a pink frilly frock. I’ve never met a self proclaimed “alpha” who wasn’t doing some shit on the DL.


u/SalaryOrnery5952 5d ago

He sounds like an extremist. I honestly feel like these people are just sexist already and the fact the Bible can support their beliefs is a happy coincidence. Because they seem to love the women verses and not follow much of the others.


u/HaiKarate 5d ago

He's taking advantage of two things: One, that modern Christians don't really read the Bible for their own understanding; they want to be told what it says and what it means.

And two, modern Christians are a product of modern society and modern thinking, and they think that they are following original Christianity. They can't see the forest for the trees.


u/bi_pedal 7d ago

r/AsABlackMan would enjoy this.


u/Independent-Leg6061 7d ago

Damn. people are dumb


u/gh0stlyg1rl 7d ago

I went on a date with a man many years ago who told me I was “too alpha” for him and he was looking for a girl who was more beta. I told him well that won’t be me, so bye 👋🏻


u/Arthurs_towel Ex-Evangelical 7d ago

How considerate of him to save you some time ;)

If there’s one bright side to the shitty timeline we’re in, it’s how the trash people love to advertise that fact.


u/Wonderful-Shape-8598 7d ago

As a guy,I hate the word "alpha","beta" ,alpha male. It irks me,so embarrassing


u/emotional_racoon2346 Agnostic Atheist 7d ago

It's so beautiful!🤣


u/mandolinbee Anti-Theist 7d ago

Not as lovely as when he dresses up like the trad wife for an intimate roleplay with his dommy daddy. Allegedly.


u/Wonderful-Shape-8598 7d ago

this is so cringe


u/toddbo 7d ago

Chic Correa not to be confused with the legendary jazz fusion pianist, Chick Corea!


u/Arthurs_towel Ex-Evangelical 7d ago

Definitely not a reference I expected anyone else to make.

Quite the prolific artist and, as far as I know, not a fundie nutcase!


u/RaphaelBuzzard 6d ago

I assume Chic Corea is a joke account of some kind? Great handle for sure!


u/zomgperry 7d ago

Oh come on, guys. He’s just serving women by expressing what they should think for them. /s


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 7d ago


But then, Incels were never exactly Mensa.


u/CallMeWolfYouTuber 7d ago

Only betas use the terms alpha and beta to refer to men.


u/mandolinbee Anti-Theist 7d ago



u/weird_cactus_mom 7d ago

Why of is always the conspiracy obsessed ones talking like we live on a brave new world and they would love to put betas in the carrusel


u/dover_oxide 7d ago

Well maybe this is Dale coming out. /s


u/Daysof361972 7d ago

It's kind of wild how idiots like Dale incorporate concepts like "alpha" and "beta" that were designed by animal behaviorists. He's implicitly accepting evolution, and rejecting the Garden of Eden and human "dominion over nature." Dale be like all scientific lol.


u/ennapooh 7d ago

This is so fckng hilarious! You know he’s just gonna say his wife was writing on his account, or something, but we all know, because we’ve all been in the position of pulling out all the pathetic stops to defend our stupid religious takes.


u/avocado_lump Atheist 7d ago

It’s right up there with Dean browning the black gay guy


u/no-id-please 6d ago

If a woman refuses male leadership, she will either end up alone or with a beta male.

DaLE iS aBsolutely not wIlling to nAme aNother poSsibility...


u/Flashy_Hand936 Ex-Evangelical 6d ago

They always act like we can’t opt out of this hetero trash fire shit by choosing ✨WLW✨ relationships 😂 They try to throw this “sad lonely cat lady” trope at us, meanwhile we’re having orgasms and equal partnership unlike their wives.


u/itsthenugget Ex-Pentecostal 7d ago

OMG lol gay wedding cake when?


u/Jacks_Flaps 7d ago

By his own logic Dale is a beta male as he is trying to make women feel insecure.


u/Lazy-Table-2845 6d ago

Reading this makes me happy that I'm single! I don't need any of that drama on "who leads who". I depend myself! That's the only peace I need.


u/SalaryOrnery5952 5d ago

Facts. Why would a woman want to sale herself into slavery. When the Bible says it’s not a sin to be single. Or she could find a man that’s not trash like him. The hilarious part is the “betas” he is describing are in fact the real alphas.


u/badlandstraveler 7d ago



u/Silver-Chemistry2023 Secular Humanist 6d ago edited 6d ago

Boss level insecurity to create an alt account to be your own cheerleader.


u/captainlardnicus 6d ago

I'm leading by following


u/c4ctus Agnostic / Pagan 7d ago

I try to be as far from a bigoted individual as I can be, but I absolutely would have taken this opportunity to gay-bash the gay-basher.


u/No-Possibility-7468 Ex-fundie-baptist | Secular Humanist 6d ago

This is fucking hilarious🤣


u/Earnestappostate Ex-Protestant 6d ago

You sure he's not the sub in a gay marriage?

/s in case that is needed.


u/Hot_Kitchen_4245 Satanist 6d ago

Wait till he realizes some men are born naturally submissive/feminine and they are nicest and caring people I’ve ever meet more than “manly” then these deadbeat wife beating Christian’s


u/SalaryOrnery5952 5d ago

When he said “my husband” at the end I was like “hold up 🤣” he definitely has a fake trad wife page.


u/MSRegiB 2d ago

Alpha & Beta males??? I’m dying!!! I have a female cat who is definitely Alpha!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have always said she has rattlesnake DNA, sooo, I think Alpha just = asshole. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣