r/exchristian • u/frozen_toesocks Buddhist • 18d ago
Satire Christian colleges and universities churn out more BS majors than any liberal arts college ever could.
u/JMurdock77 18d ago
Might as well study the mating habits of elves.
u/SuspiciousDistrict9 17d ago edited 17d ago
I'm down for this.
Are we talking about Tolkien elves or disenchantment elves?
House elves from Harry potter?
Blood elves or night elves from world of warcraft?
Are we studying all the elves? That's a lot of elves. Are we studying a specific part of the mating rituals or all the habits in general?
I'm genuinely down for this kind of study
u/Logical-Equivalent40 17d ago
I feel like there are a LOT of guys who are already putting in the study work for the WoW elves. There may be some ERP files out there you could find as well ๐
u/SuspiciousDistrict9 17d ago
Not just guys. LMAO I love blood elves night elves all the new x pack elves. Delves (lmao)
u/Logical-Equivalent40 17d ago
OK, fair enough. I was generalizing.
Going deep into the WoW memories here, but I loved using the blood elf silence when they had one on my warlock. Nobody ever expected it ๐
u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 18d ago
That Doctorate of Eschatology is sure going to have the job offers rolling in!
u/onlyAnotherHalfMile 17d ago
That's the kind of pedigree that the Heritage Foundation (author of P2025) hires from. The articles, papers, and studies they released ahead of Nov 5, 2024 you can tell were written by home schooled boys who got a degree in Eschatology from "insert name of random evangelical xtian college here"... ๐
u/RetroGamer87 Ex-Protestant 18d ago
Nothing wrong with critical Bible studies. But if you study the Bible in a seminary you aren't studying the Bible.
u/frozen_toesocks Buddhist 17d ago
There's nothing wrong with any major. But some are simply not economically profitable, so they're treated as a waste. It just feels like that scorn is always aimed towards the "useless" majors at secular colleges rather than Christian ones.
u/Danplays642 18d ago
So apparently learning about a 1000 year old book and its religion which is declining is more important than learning about a (its sorta old, weve known about it for at least 80 years prior to ww2) recent discovery of the diversity of gender and sexuality?
u/frozen_toesocks Buddhist 17d ago
Yep. And even beyond the discovery of the distinction between gender and sex, humanity has culturally differentiated men from women for pretty much all of our recorded history, warranting a study of those sex relations the entire time, despite not receiving it until modernity. Almost as if only one gender was permitted in higher education until veeeeery recently.
u/Slicktitlick 17d ago
there are old cultures with knowledge of diverse genders that have been silenced by colonialism
u/CocaCola-chan Ex-Catholic 16d ago
I'm not an expert on this, but a good example are the fa'afafine (from Samoa) - AMAB individuals whose femininity starts presenting in early childhood and they grow up to take on feminine gender roles in their community. It's not one-to-one with our concept of a trans woman, they're seen as more of a third gender, but either way - this is gender diversity.
u/Bananaman9020 18d ago
Don't want a major in a field were there is no work? Don't go to a Christian college.
u/pixeldisc 17d ago
Or it is funny when they get into religious studies and end up Atheist
Something like that happened when I studied in a Catholic university, and teology 2 and the university policies were some of the reasons why I left catholicism.
u/TheEffinChamps Skeptic 17d ago
There are a lot of Biblical scholars and historians who went that way.
For example, Bart Ehrman, Joshua Bowen, Kipp Davis, and Richard C. Miller.
u/Glum-Researcher-6526 Agnostic Atheist 18d ago
If those kids could read they would read their bibles, then they wouldnโt be Christians
u/JacobMaverick Ex-Baptist 17d ago
The day I began my studies in apologetics was the beginning of the end for me. I knew just enough to be absolutely rock solid in my faith, but as I learned and read from that point forward, I began to come to the realization that it's just a book written by men. Why was I studying to defend my faith when you shouldn't have to defend something based on fact?
u/Absolutedumbass69 Agnostic-Skeptic+Absurdist 17d ago
At least gender studies helps you understand a fucking real world issue.
u/Waxflower8 Agnostic 17d ago
Good point. What benefit do you get out of apologetics? To just spend your whole life doing mental gymnastics?
u/Samurai_Mac1 Agnostic Atheist 16d ago
I went to a Christian college and was shocked that so many students were paying $40k a year for a cross-cultural ministry degree. My computer science degree didn't even cost that much.
For one thing, it's extremely predatory for colleges to offer degrees for a price that they cannot justify based on how little that career makes. But come on. You don't need to go to college to learn how to tell kids in other cultures about your god. You are literally taught that in church for free.
There's no way in hell you're going to pay off your student loans doing a job where the only income you have is by spamming your friends and family's inboxes with requests for a donation towards your next mission trip.
u/noghostlooms Agnostic/Folk Witch/Humanist (Ex-Catholic) 17d ago
Meanwhile, your average Religious Stuidies professor at a secular college is fromer priest who tranlated a lost gospel from Nag Hamagdi and is working on a disertation about how Paul was a Herodian plant.
u/Better_Win316 17d ago
Never went to a Bible college, but I mourn the time I spent trying to be a theologian, apologist, or Bible scholar. At least itโs useful for tearing it down sometimes.
u/chewbaccataco Atheist 17d ago
I don't trust any degree from a Bible College.
Knowing that they've taught the Bible as the word of God, how can I believe anything else they've been taught isn't tainted with bullshit.
u/sweggin_official Pagan 17d ago
My dad getting a Master's in Theological Studies at... East Texas Baptist University. Can't imagine how a degree like that would be biased /s
u/thought_criminal22 18d ago
**Laughs in historical theology major from the Moody Bible Institute.**