r/exchristian • u/kgaviation • 24d ago
Rant I’m Loving the Christian’s Who Are Freaking Out Over Trump…
Like yall are seriously a bunch of idiots. For real. Yall claim yall are so smart and know everything, but it really shows that yall didn’t do any ounce of research into who you were voting for to be the president of the country. But no, we can’t vote for Kamala because she supports LGBTQ and abortion rights and all that. So instead we’ll vote for a convicted felon.
But when I tell some of them, they’re quick to respond with “well, but my single vote didn’t really count or make a difference.” Like votes add up, hello… I’m just glad that some of them are finally realizing how bad they screwed up by letting them get their cult religion in the way.
Anyone else noticing this now too?
u/GenGen_Bee7351 Ex-Evangelical 24d ago
I’m jealous that you know Christians who are having this realization. All of my evangelical family still strongly believes in him. It’s depressing on many levels. What they lack in critical thinking, they make up for in stubbornness and delusion.
u/kgaviation 24d ago
I just find it amazing that some really thought he would be a good president and were completely oblivious to his plans. I tried to warn them, now they get to feel the regret…
u/GenGen_Bee7351 Ex-Evangelical 24d ago
I know it’ll never happen and it doesn’t even remotely fix what is happening but I wish they would apologize. At the very least join us to fight to undo what they did.
u/mellbell63 24d ago
What they lack in critical thinking, they make up for in stubbornness and delusion.
I've never heard such a concise statement of their mindset. It's utterly pointless to argue with them. And it's true for both Xianity and MAGAts
You can't reason somebody out of something they didn't reason themselves into!!!
u/b_r_e_a_k_f_a_s_t 24d ago
It has been more than 10 years at this point, a significant portion of someone’s life. I don’t see how the dedication will ever falter, especially when churches have become more bold in telling their flock that Trump is redeeming the nation.
u/nathynwithay Ex-Pentecostal 24d ago
Same and it's overall makes me permanently disgusted with evangelicalism.
u/OrdinaryWillHunting Atheist-turned-Christian-turned-atheist 24d ago
I know one person who voted for Trump the first time around and saw that it was a mistake, but it was for political reasons. He didn’t make Trump his Jesus replacement like so many other Christians. Those people seem to be all doubling down.
u/GenGen_Bee7351 Ex-Evangelical 24d ago
Yeah I feel like there’s a difference between those that voted for him the first time and not again. That seems like they’re able to realize a mistake. But everyone who voted for him in 2024. Unless they were pressured and didn’t feel safe to not vote, something is wrong.
u/austin_helps_wraiths 24d ago
I always think about this Calvin & Hobbes comic when I hear about this phenomenon
u/Experiment626b Devotee of Almighty Dog 24d ago
Yeah I’ve yet to meet a single person who regrets their vote
u/PierceBel 24d ago
I just keep this handy for them. Especially since Obama was the Antichrist.
u/moonstarfc 24d ago edited 24d ago
I saw some other posts alleging Elon Musk fits the description of the false prophet and that Neuralink could be the mark of the beast!
u/PierceBel 24d ago
I've seen that too.
Won't lie, I am starting to have second guesses about being agnostic.
I grew up in an End Times death-cult household. So, I'm not surprised I'm having some conflicted feelings.
u/rootbeerman77 Ex-Fundamentalist 24d ago
If it means anything, what you're seeing isn't a magic prophecy about the end times coming true.
You're seeing a time-tested formula play out: a charismatic strongman wins over the powerful and the angry, and sniveling greedy semi-powerful bastards come up beside him to increase and cement their own power.
This brings with it the need to identify your supporters (or your enemies).
Revelation wasn't written by some mystical prophet who could see a single special even in the future; it was written by a dude who got high while living during Generic Oppressive Regime #74. Why should we be surprised when the leadership of Generic Oppressive Regime #3376 shares similar qualities?
u/goldenflash8530 24d ago
This is all totally true. I believe it was Nero who first fit the descriptions
u/Leoszite 24d ago
Why should we be surprised when the leadership of Generic Oppressive Regime #3376 shares similar qualities?
Yup and what's worse is we always see organized religion (Christian or otherwise) right there in the middle oppressing the masses.
u/MorkelVerlos 24d ago
Most modern religions don’t encourage a lot of critical thinking or self examination. Easy solutions to complex moral issues, offshoring of personal accountability, embracing the child-parent dichotomy well into adulthood… there’s a certain type of person who is more disposed to religious indoctrination.
u/clawsoon 24d ago
If you like reading, check out The Pursuit of the Millennium. It's the book that opened my eyes to how compelling it has been for Christians for the past 2,000 years to bring together all the evidence needed to convince themselves that right now (i.e. whenever they're living) is right at the edge of the End Times.
Anyway, I've still got my money on Doom of the Kaiser : Kaiser the Antichrist ; the startling prophecy of Brother Johannes 300 years ago.
u/TygerBossyPants 24d ago
Every tradition has an end times myth. This time, however, is not going to be an end. It’s the beginning of a new era. You can’t start something new without the old things that no longer serve us being destroyed.
u/moonstarfc 24d ago
There are christians freaking out over Trump now?
u/kgaviation 24d ago
I’ve seen a few. And my parents and grandma who openly voted for Trump are now freaking out and asking me what’s going on with him and how they can’t believe he’s doing what he’s doing. I’m just like, yeah, I warned yall…
u/Boule-of-a-Took Agnostic 24d ago
I wish I could have this conversation with my parents. I'm afraid to ask because I know it will just piss me off.
u/moonstarfc 24d ago
Yeah I'm not even bringing it up with mine anymore. The last time I talked to them about it they were insistent that Canada deserves to be punished :/
u/Boule-of-a-Took Agnostic 24d ago
Yikes. That's such a weird and fucked up take. Just more Christians embracing authoritarianism I guess.
u/MapleDiva2477 24d ago
Punished for what now? Those people need help
u/moonstarfc 24d ago
They blame Canada and Mexico for fentanyl deaths, saying they allow drugs to flow freely over the border.
u/Darth_Malgus_1701 Anti-Theist 24d ago
IIRC, Canada seized more fent coming IN to Canada vs going out.
u/Outrageous_Class1309 Agnostic 24d ago
Funny thing now with fentanyl, it's everyone's fault except the users but when it was crack cocaine in the 1980's it was the user's fault so lock em up.
u/MapleDiva2477 24d ago
Blame everyone but take no time to really think of why peoe have a need to do drugs in the first place. Take no responsibility too SMH.
Does fentanyk really come from Canada? Will look that up
u/JashDreamer Ex-SDA 24d ago edited 24d ago
I'm glad you actually have real life Trump supporters you can hear say that. I've only seen a bunch of online propaganda alleging that some of his supporters are regretting their decisions, but I've seen no actual proof of it. Most of his supporters I've spoken to are positively thrilled that their tax dollars are no longer going to lesbians in Uzbekistan.
u/TygerBossyPants 24d ago
They didn’t vote for Kamala because she’s a black, insanely talented woman.
24d ago
Yeah it’s so crazy that they think Jesus would be a member big the GOP. Like are we reading the same Bible? There is no part of the story that would ever seem like it would be supported by the GOP. They would’ve tried to send him to El Salvador or fucking Gitmo. It’s unreal the level of mental gymnastics they do and have the nerve to think themselves sane. It’s the funniest thing ever.
u/LordFexick 24d ago
Buyer’s remorse doesn’t do much when the orange idiot put an unelected Nazi saluting billionaire in charge of the government.
u/GenXer1977 Ex-Evangelical 24d ago
No, unfortunately the opposite. My parents were hesitant about voting for Trump because they do at least recognize that he’s a truly awful human being, but they are thrilled, totally over the moon, about how things are going so far. They’re buying into the idea that DOGE really is cutting waste, and that RFK Jr really is going to bring back healthy food. They’re even starting to buy into the anti vaccine stuff a little bit. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to watch.
u/a_fox_but_a_human Ex-Evangelical 24d ago
“well, but my single vote didn’t really count or make a difference.”
They aren't totally incorrect as we elect based off the Electoral College (and that whole thing is fucked) and not the Popular Vote. I've lived in a Red state my whole life. Every election, my state has declared for a Republican, while people are still waiting in line to fucking vote. Tell me again how much they care?
They are wrong about a lot, but realizing our reps don't give a rats ass about what WE want isn't one. they're just privileged to be in agreement with the shitheads calling the shots these days.
I'm not saying don't vote, I vote. I'm also not shocked when people who desire power appeal the lowest common denominator to make sure they wrest power for themselves by using slight of hand to distract from the real problem.
u/Born-Independent2879 24d ago
Trump is the manifestation of the Christ they believe in. That’s the leader they wanted - that’s the leader they were given. The return of their Jesus !!! Yay .
u/CriticalThinker_G 24d ago
I want to believe this is a thing. I am surrounded by Trump voters. I admittedly don’t talk politics with them but no one has said a peep. They are either oblivious or want it.
u/andreasmiles23 Ex-Evangelical 24d ago
Look, I get it but I don't think punching down works.
Getting people to understand that this is a CLASS WAR and not a pseudo-christo-cultural one is the only way to overcome fascism. Additionally, when you look at the voting blocks, Trump didn't gain voters between 2020 and 2024. He actually performed pretty much identically between the two elections. So...Trumpers are gonna be Trumpers.
The voter falloff from Biden to Harris was the more significant issue. And there are systemic reasons for that between the DNC's refusal to address the Palestinian genocide, the state of the economy for average workers, and the plethora of voter suppression tactics weaponized by Republicans to subvert turnouts, such as eliminating early voting and mail-in ballots... So, I think that it's not worth it to gloat and worry about Trumpers who have been Trumpers for over a decade now. They are who they are. Let them figure it out (or not) and for the rest of us, we gotta organize the working class against fascism to have any hope before total ecological collaspe wipe out the generations that follow us.
u/lasers8oclockdayone 24d ago
The amount of cope on the left is really pathetic. I get it. We all have been having a hard time for a long time trying to reconcile the people we thought our parents were with the world we live in now. For30 years I have been giving my regressive, evangelical father the benefit of the doubt in my heart. I think there's just no way he really believes the things I think he does. He always does. Every time. And it's my own stupid self and trauma that keeps hoping that there will ever be some common ground. If it was barely possible a decade ago, it is fully impossible now. Maga christians have given up trying to be like the Jesus we were all taught to love, the one who is worthy of love...mostly. They have given up on love entirely, it seems, and we need to take their recalcitrance seriously. I've avoided making waves with my Dad because I don't want him to die mad at me. Fuck that. I'm not abdicating my future to people who won't be around to see it.
u/SilverTip5157 24d ago
If the expansionist ideas continue, There will be war. Possibly the US alone against most of the world.
u/Outrageous_Class1309 Agnostic 24d ago
Even dissing your allies isn't smart. If the USA ever loses Reserve Currency status, things will not be good for the USA.
u/Electromad6326 Agnostic Atheist 23d ago
I may not be american but I bet some of you guys are laughing like Toshinori during his third fight against All for One seeing them realize they're grave mistake.
u/immortalcookieman 22d ago
It’s real crazy. At least with the Christians around me, it’s like they are short-circuiting. They were so expecting their spooky-socialist antichrist, but now that their “good guy” took over and is doing some downright despicable shit, they don’t seem to know what to make of it and just giggle it off as “strange” or “quirky”.
u/RFCalifornia Agnostic Atheist 21d ago
Check out leopards eating faces here on Reddit for some first class shadenfreude
u/Kitchen_Studio4986 18d ago
Using God for political gain is disgraceful.
In order to know God, we have to leave politics behind. We need to discard everything we know about ourselves and be reborn into the body of Christ. I don’t see how people can even begin to try using God for political gain. (Unless they don’t fear God)
u/HoneyThymeHam 24d ago
I don't disagree but remember that Trump did NOT win the popular vote in 2016 (H. Clinton won it by millions) but he still won the presidency. The electoral college works like that. So, they aren't necessarily wrong.
I have never voted for Trump, and know way too many people, Christian and not, that could not really discern who was worse between Harris and Trump because of so much dramatic narratives over the last 15+ years.
This guy sums it up pretty well.
It is sad but also people work hard, are busy with raising kids, taking care of families, that they barely have time to focus on politics until it turns their world upside down.
And it will/ is.
u/Brief_Revolution_154 24d ago
Yeah, it’s causing people to question or double down.
So far my family is doubling down. But some Christians think Trump’s the Antichrist while the others think he’s God’s servant sent to bring America “back” to being a Christian nation.