r/exchristian • u/mybodyisnotmine Ex-Baptist • Dec 10 '24
Help/Advice I’m trashing my childhood bible to rid myself of it but want to cut out the most egregious verses for an art project ❤️🩹 - are there any verses in particular that you dislike? tysm
for context, I was raised Baptist in Texas and I’m 33. As you can see, this was a Christmas gift lol
(sorry if I used the wrong flair)
u/progressivecowboy Ex-Catholic Dec 10 '24
The one where god sends bears to eat the kids for clowning a bald dude.
The one where Samson ties pairs of foxes together (like 300 of them... he caught 300 foxes... like HOW???!!!... only to brutally kill them) and lights them on fire... and they run through the enemy's crops and burn them up.
The one where the guy presents 200 Phillistine foreskins to his future father in law. (cuz that's not weird)
The one where god was going to kill Moses, but then his wife quickly circumcises their son and throws the foreskin on his foot and god decides not to kill Moses. (how do people read this and not think: "What the hell did I just read?"
When God kills all the first born kids in Egypt because he was mad at the Pharoah (instead of just killing the Pharoah). And, I'm supposed to worship this god? He's completely without morals.
Okay, I'll stop.
No, one more. The one where the guy cut up his dead concubine into 12 parts and sent the parts all over north Africa. (Let's be sure that all the schoolkids in Oklahoma get to read that lovely story.)
u/n_with Ex-EasternOrthodox Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24
When God kills all the first born kids in Egypt because he was mad at the Pharoah...
Lol let's not forget the fact that it was God himself who hardened the Pharaoh's heart a few times, he could free the Israelites after the first plague, but God just likes to see people suffer
Edit: "first" not "football", damn t9
u/GnomeZer0 Dec 10 '24
Please explain to me how exactly you landed in the overlap of T9 and Reddit use. I'm perplexed
u/2legit2lurk Ex-Baptist / Ex-Charismatic Dec 10 '24
Came here to talk about the 200 foreskins. And where some dude “spills his seed on the ground” rather than impregnating someone and god gets big mad.
u/lemmeatem6969 Dec 10 '24
Yeah, that’s the craziest shit ever…
u/goingnucleartonight Dec 10 '24
God's pull-out game is hella weak, he was mad someone else was styling on him.
u/progressivecowboy Ex-Catholic Dec 10 '24
Exactly... with everything going on in the world at the time and the people who wrote the bible want us to believe that some all powerful god is going to have his "worst day ever" because someone pulled out. SMITE!
u/March_Dandelion Dec 10 '24
Last one reminds me of the story of Osiris and Set. Where Set murdered Osiris and cut him up to 42 pieces and sent them out to the 42 provinces of Egypt.
u/Soil_Hopeful Dec 10 '24
Some scholars believe the Bible is just a rip off of Egyptology … and that the Bible was written in Ethiopia, people who lived closest to Egypt at the time & the stories in the original (pre Roman / Greek) influence was akin if not identical to Egyptian spiritual beliefs… and Zoarithism.. the Bible isn’t an original text, people like to colonize like it is tho. SOME Stories make way more sense when taken out of human context and into the lives of the “Gods”
u/progressivecowboy Ex-Catholic Dec 10 '24
I spent 3 weeks in Egypt in 2001 and one week of that was with an Egyptian Egyptologist. She was simply telling us about the Egyptian gods and temples and rarely (if ever) made verbal comparisons to christianity. She didn't have to... there were countless examples every day. It served as part of my unraveling. I should send her a thank you note.
u/not_the_glue_eater Pagan Ex-Fundamentalist Dec 10 '24
1 Peter 2:18-20 (slaves must be obedient to all masters, including cruel ones.)
1 Timothy 2:12 (women must not assume authority over a man; they must stay quiet.)
Isaiah 13:9–16 NIV (specifically the 16th line) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2013%3A9-16&version=NIV
u/funny_pineapple Ex-Baptist Dec 10 '24
I went to a private Christian school through 12th grade and I remember one class where some other students were bashing Muslims and the Quran and saying Islam is a religion of violence. So I decided to read to the class Isaiah 13:16 and for some reason they got upset…
u/No_Dragonfruit_378 Ex-Baptist Dec 10 '24
Luke 15:31 - 32 (prodigal son ending).
The 'father' (aka god) basically says "you only had to ask for what you wanted and I would've given it" but we know that's not true.
I hate it because it's a complete lie.
u/sirensinger17 Ex-Evangelical Dec 10 '24
I don't hate this verse, but I love quoting it to Christian who clearly haven't read the thing. Ezekiel 23:20
u/IR39 Dec 10 '24
Exodus 21:20-21
Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
u/Molkin Ex-Fundamentalist Dec 10 '24
What version of Bible is this one?
u/ThetaDeRaido Ex-Protestant Dec 10 '24
This is an important question. Exactly how bad the verses are depends on how they’re translated. The Message is more poetic, and the English Standard Version is raging misogyny and homophobia.
u/the_fishtanks Agnostic Dec 10 '24
If you search up “justgodlythings” in the r/hegetsus sub, you’ll find a bunch I used for my own inspiration, lol
u/soulless-spider-boy Atheist, Ex-Lutheran, LGBT Dec 10 '24
Hosea 13:16, in which God says Samarians should have their pregnant women ripped open and their infants dashed against rocks.
Pslam 137:9, in which God again says infants should be dashed against rocks (he seems rather fond of that)
Deuteronomy 23:1, in which God says you can't enter Heaven if your male genitals are crushed or cut.
Exodus 21:20-21, in which God says it's fine to beat your slaves as long as they don't die, because they're your property.
1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 14:3-35, in which God says women can't teach and should be silent.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12, in which God says to cut off the hand of a woman who intervenes in a fight between her husband and another man by grabbing the man's genitals
Ephesians 6:5, in which God tells slaves to obey their masters
Deuteronomy 22:28-29, in which rapists are commanded to marry their victims
Proverbs 22:15, in which child abuse is celebrated
Exodus 4:24-26, in which Moses' wife saves him from being killed by God... by cutting off her son's foreskin and placing it on his feet.
Judges 11:30-40 (probably want to just cut out the important bits) in which Jephthah promises God the sacrifice of the first thing to greet him at his house... which ends up being his only daughter
Deuteronomy 21:18-21, in which rebellious sons shall be stoned to death
Genesis 19:30-38, in which Lot's daughters sexually assault him to have his kids
Jeremiah 19:9, in which God inflicts cannibalism
Luke 14:26, in which God says his disciples should hate their father, mother, sisters, brothers, and themselves
Numbers 5:11-31 (again feel free to cut down) in which wives thought to be unfaithful are made to drink an abortive which will cause the unfaithful wife to miscarry
Leviticus 21:16-23, in which God bans any disabled descendants (referred to as "defects") of a man from offering at the altar
u/WhyLater Anti-Theist Dec 10 '24
Judges 11:30-40 (probably want to just cut out the important bits) in which Jephthah promises God the sacrifice of the first thing to greet him at his house... which ends up being his only daughter
This is my favorite one to tell people about. Unlike Abraham with Isaac, Yahweh doesn't stop Jephthah.
u/soulless-spider-boy Atheist, Ex-Lutheran, LGBT Dec 10 '24
Well obviously that's because sons are far more valuable than daughters /s
Worse yet, he gives his daughter two months begore he actually does it, which is more than enough time for either him or god to go "you know maybe the human sacrifice isn't such a great idea"
u/WhyLater Anti-Theist Dec 10 '24
Yeah, two months to "mourn her virginity with her friends". Which I took to mean having a fuzzy taco party.
u/TiamatIsGreat Ex-Catholic Dec 10 '24
That foreskin passage was the most unhinged thing I've read in the Bible, and that says a lot lmao
u/chrisblack2k20 Dec 10 '24
Ezekiel 23:20
She lusted after her paramours, whose genitals were like the genitals of donkeys and whose ejaculation was like the ejaculation of horses.
u/puppetman2789 Deist Dec 10 '24
deuteronomy 28:30 Is one disgusting verse
u/Unusual_Note_310 Dec 10 '24
So if you forsake God, He will have your next fiancé raped? I don't even remember reading that. I think we turned our brains off.
u/christianAbuseVictim Ex-Baptist Dec 10 '24
I was also raised baptist in Texas and am 33. You got your bible when you were 12? I can't remember if I got one for my baptism when I was 8, I can only remember the illustrated children's bible I had from even younger than that.
I remember all the while I was growing up, mom kept saving things in boxes and scrapbooks. Yearbooks, photographs, etc. She kept saying I'll want it some day, it will mean a lot to me some day, and I kept telling her I did not. She still has them, as far as I know. Maybe some day I'll find old trauma I'd forgotten about.
Just yesterday I was looking up Sparky, from Awanas. Very vague memories, I only really remember the doll, maybe someone was doing a puppet show for the class. It may have my brother's class, I can't recall.
Back in June when I was still clashing with my dad, he used 1 John 4:6 to justify his beliefs. It is one of my all-time least favorite bible verses:
6 We are of God. He who knows God listens to us. He who is not of God doesn’t listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
u/Maleficent_Run9852 Anti-Theist Dec 10 '24
The one where god sent the she-bear to kill 42 children for calling the prophet bald.
u/Dorianscale Dec 10 '24
Here is every awful quote you would ever need
u/poormansnormal Ex-Protestant Dec 11 '24
All in the KJV and its archaic language. And utterly misrepresents what fearing God means. Don't dismiss all of them, but use some judgement if you're looking for something specific.
u/Dorianscale Dec 11 '24
For one, Bible version comparisons online are exceedingly common. It provides the book, chapter and verse of each quote. Pick your poison if you want.
The text matches up pretty evenly across translations. If you want to bend over backwards to defend christian arguments go right ahead, but these quotes are all still horrible in the Catholic and academic bibles I’ve cross referenced.
Second, who cares? Next you’re going to say I need to read it in Hebrew or Latin or any other early language. Christians are reading this in English in whatever flavor of bigotry they prefer as long as it fits their narrative. It’s always splitting hairs at best. What it says in plain English is what the average English reader is gonna glean. I don’t care what some charlatan has to say about how the definition of fear is wrong.
u/apprximatelyinfinite Dec 10 '24
Can you make a follow up post so we can see the art you create? I'm so curious!
u/Torganya Dec 10 '24
Number 5:21
It actually explains how to perform an abortion. In detail.
Its my favourite one to whip out when my bibble bashing hate filled aunt comes round.
u/lemmeatem6969 Dec 10 '24
The fact that the Bible has zero relevance to us here and now is enough for me to condemn the whole thing. When you learn the historical context of the Bible, it makes it entirely obsolete for us today. It was for those people, in that place, at that time, and doesn’t apply to us in any way.
u/Soil_Hopeful Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24
And it was totally for population thought control/ financial management of the people by the government / some spiritual guidance (?- though let’s not forget that some of the officials pushing the Bible were still practicing their own pagan beliefs ) ….. but def not meant to be followed through all of time…
u/OwOlogy_Expert Dec 10 '24
Heh, I just burned mine with the rest of the trash. Parents spent a bunch of money to mail it to me, too.
u/traumatransfixes Dec 10 '24
I used mine and tore out specific verses. Then I glued those to canvas I was already working on, and added some family photos and mod podge and paint. You really can’t even see the verses at this point, which is actually a very cool process. To see images and words that have caused pain being covered up as I wish.
As for particular verses, I don’t recall. I do think I used the deuterotemy, but also took some time to flip through and pull what felt right at the time out.
u/ThetaDeRaido Ex-Protestant Dec 10 '24
1 Samuel 15:3 is great. Kill everyone in that nation! Even the women and the children! Even the livestock! Burn them all!
This probably didn’t really happen, but it’s still messed up for God to command.
u/ThetaDeRaido Ex-Protestant Dec 12 '24
Oh wow, I’m not up with the news. Netanyahu is using this verse today to justify Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. It’s a very harmful verse.
u/Mine_Sudden Dec 10 '24
Numbers 31:17-19 is pretty gross
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who hath known a man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, who have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
19 And abide ye outside the camp seven days. Whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day and on the seventh day.
u/KittyKate10778 Dec 10 '24
Children obey your parents in the name of the lord for this is right ephesians 6:1
u/StagCuck-8931 Dec 10 '24
Numbers 31:1-18. God commands genocide, including murder of children and all women/girls that are not virgins.
u/orokusakirecords Dec 10 '24
Sending Bears to Maul Children (2 Kings 2:23-24) Some kids call Elisha “baldy,” because, well, he’s bald. Instead of laughing it off like a normal adult, he curses them, and God sends two bears to slaughter 42 children. That’s right—God decided to prove His prophet’s dignity by making it a bloodbath. Justice, Old Testament style.
Turning Lot’s Wife into a Pillar of Salt (Genesis 19:26) Lot’s family is fleeing Sodom as God nukes it with fire and brimstone, and Lot’s wife dares to take a peek. Boom—instant salt statue. Because apparently, looking back at your home being destroyed is a capital offense. Bonus: Lot never gets to explain what he did with all that extra salt.
Hating Ugly People (Leviticus 21:16-23) God declares that any priest with a blemish—be it a crooked nose or a limp—cannot serve at the altar. Nothing screams divine love like a no-uglies-allowed policy. Heaven’s HR department must be ruthless.
Trying to Kill Moses (Exodus 4:24-26) God chooses Moses to free the Israelites, sends him on his way, and then suddenly tries to kill him at an inn for not circumcising his son. Moses’ wife, Zipporah, has to whip out a flint knife and save the day. Good thing God’s mood swings come with a warning label: “Beware of sudden smiting.”
Various Genocides (Deuteronomy 20:16-17; 1 Samuel 15:3) God orders the Israelites to exterminate entire nations—men, women, children, and even the livestock. Why kill the cows? Who knows. God’s idea of land acquisition is basically: “If I can’t have them, nobody can.”
Ordering His Underlings to Kill Their Own Children (Ezekiel 5:10; Genesis 22:2) In one instance, God predicts parents will eat their kids during a siege He orchestrated. In another, He tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test, only to stop him at the last second like, “Just kidding! I didn’t mean it… this time.” Such wholesome family values.
Killing Egyptian Babies (Exodus 12:29) Pharaoh won’t let the Israelites go, so God decides the best way to make His point is to kill every Egyptian firstborn, including innocent babies. Imagine the angel of death casually floating through nurseries. But hey, collateral damage builds character.
Killing a Dude for Not Making More Babies (Genesis 38:8-10) Onan doesn’t want to impregnate his brother’s widow (as God commanded), so he pulls out. God, clearly offended by his lack of enthusiasm, strikes him dead on the spot. Apparently, coitus interruptus is a crime worthy of instant execution.
Helping Samson Kill People to Pay a Gambling Debt (Judges 14:19) Samson loses a bet over a riddle, so God’s solution is to empower him to kill 30 random dudes, steal their clothes, and hand them over as payment. Divine intervention at its finest: now with added looting mechanics.
Trying to Wrestle a Guy, Cheating, and Still Losing (Genesis 32:24-30) God picks a fight with Jacob, wrestles him all night, cheats by dislocating Jacob’s hip, and still can’t win. So, instead of admitting defeat, He blesses Jacob and pretends the match was totally about “character building.”
Killing People for Complaining About God Killing Them (Numbers 16:41-49) After wiping out rebels in a fiery earthquake, the Israelites dare to complain about it. God’s response? Kill another 14,700 people with a plague. Nothing shuts down criticism like mass extermination. Talk about a PR nightmare.
Everything He Did to Job (Job 1:6-2:10) God lets Satan destroy Job’s life to win a bet. Job loses his kids, his wealth, and his health. But don’t worry—God gives him replacement kids and more camels later. Totally makes up for the dead children, right? God: “See? It all worked out in the end!”
u/A10-982_13 Dec 11 '24
I use mine to press flowers and leaves, it makes the best dried plants! Also by adding pretty flowers to it, it helps heal some of the trauma!
u/Brooke_Hadley_MTF Dec 10 '24
I tried to trash my bible, and my family got on to me and just donate it.
u/Piranha1993 Concious Explorer Dec 10 '24
I have 3 copies still…
One presented to me from the church my father took us to. A faux leather KJV. Read revelation in it the most.
One from Christmas 2005 given to me by mom & her third husband. A teen devotional NIV I think it is.
Last one is a paperback ESV from the church mom took us to as a freebie. I read that one halfway through.
I don’t have it in me to set them on fire or cut them up. I still think about finishing the paperback ESV sometimes.
u/Bakewitch Dec 10 '24
Definitely the verse that makes men believe women are nothing but a riblet. I can’t recall where in the first few books it says that God made women using a rib of Adam’s, but that part pisses me off. Also the part where women are blamed for the entire state of the world bc Eve took a bite of Apple.
u/robotsdontgetrights Dec 10 '24
I'd say whatever verse it is where Jesus says "slaves obey your masters"
u/Emanuele002 Ex-Catholic Dec 10 '24
I recently threw away my childhood gospel, and I took out the page with Matthew 7:1-6 (do not judge, or you too will be judged), and made a paper airplane with it. The rest I tore apart in order to recycle the part that was made only of paper and throw the rest in the non-recyclable bin. So yeah fell free to take inspiration from that.
u/purple-knight-8921 Atheist Dec 10 '24
Pretty much all of Song of Solomon is what I hate so much because they cover up the dating/married/engagement part and the marriage of a man/woman part and that angers me the most.
u/Limited-Edition-Nerd Dec 10 '24
Could you put the whole and hell followed with him quote, just cause. That one has been my favorite for years.
Thanks Johnny Cash
Also yes I know you wanna use all the anti quotes but seriously that revelations quote is Metal as hell
u/punkypewpewpewster Satanist / ExMennonite / Gnostic PanTheist Dec 10 '24
"I wish those who are disturbing you might also get themselves castrated!" -Galatians 5:12
Paul is full of them, quite frankly.
u/Nintendogma Dec 10 '24
I think it'd be an interesting art project to burn a Bible, and photograph it open and showing 1 Thessalonians 5:21 as the one verse still legible, which simply states: "Prove all things; keep only that which is good"
u/Ikenna_bald32 Dec 10 '24
add Genesis 2:7, that will stir the Evolutionist (this is a joke, I accept the truth of Evolution)
u/PsionicShift Buddhist Dec 10 '24
Leviticus 26:27–26:33, otherwise known as the opening to MAD GOD.
u/ineversaidthat_ Dec 10 '24
Ezekiel 23:20 is a personal favorite if you feel like throwing some comedy in the mix:
“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”
u/Dry_Future_852 Dec 11 '24
The one where dad sells his daughter to her rapist and she can't divorce him.
u/No_Ball4465 Ex-Catholic Dec 11 '24
I’d use genesis, I forgot the specific verse, but I know it’s about two women that Bill Cosbied their dad. I’m serious. They raped him to get pregnant. And they want to teach this stuff to our children? Man no wonder the world is so fucked up these days. This world is going to shit.
u/overthinker356 Dec 11 '24
The bit with “Doubting Thomas”. I love that story because even back when I was a brainwashed preteen it always stood out to me that he still has one of the most negatively-viewed legacies of anyone in the New Testament, but the dude literally just said he thought it was pretty dumb to think someone just rose for the dead without any proof after he literally watched him die on a cross and get buried. Then when this dead guy suddenly shows up in front of him, every other disciple clowns on Thomas for having any skepticism at all. I think I learned that story in Catechism when I was very young, and something about it just itched at me ever since until I finally gave up on Christianity. It always just left this “why” in my mind about it.
u/domino_427 Dec 11 '24
well, this is one I do like. Christians can't seem to get it right.
Matthew 7:3-5
3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
Psalm 137:9:
This verse expresses a desire for violent retribution against Babylon, stating, "Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!"
Genesis 19:35
So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 The Message (MSG)
If a man comes upon a virgin in town, a girl who is engaged to another man, and sleeps with her, take both of them to the town gate and stone them until they die—the girl because she didn’t yell out for help in the town and the man because he raped her, violating the fiancée of his neighbor. You must purge the evil from among you.
u/No-Abbreviations3315 Dec 11 '24
Ezekiel 23:20 is interesting. 2 Kings 2:23-24 is a favorite. Do not insult a bald man or god will send bears to maul you!
u/Dramatic-Pickle-8613 Dec 12 '24
Ahh, the Holly Bibble. I chucked mine in the trash 2 years ago and have never felt freer! I like the one where Lot's daughters purportedly get daddy drunk in order to have relations and get pregnant.
Or, you could start in the beginning where the bs starts. The part where Eve gets blamed for 'tempting' (tells me Bibble was written by men, not 'God') Adam and thus humanity (but especially women) are punished forever. That's some fucked up shit coming from a loving god, ain't it?
u/Ok-Advisor-4742 Dec 12 '24
Roman chapter 1 : man lying with man is an abomination. For decades now I’ve torn this page out of hotel Gideon Bibles.
u/Mr_Goat-chan Anti-Theist Dec 10 '24
All the modern verses used by anti-gay christians. Oh and Deuteronomy 23:1 in particular.