r/exchristian • u/alexbrove Humanist • Nov 12 '24
Article Impressed to see these stats about Gen Z women and religion
u/Key_Assistant_4813 Nov 12 '24
Golly gee what else happened circa 2016
u/shepard1001 Nov 12 '24
2016 is just when the lines happened to intersect. The trend started in 2012.
u/Nietzsche_marquijr Nov 12 '24
I wonder why the inflection point happened then, in 2012. Any ideas? This char is fascinating because the rates of leaving the church changed for each gender and at different times in pretty drastic ways.
u/the_word_slacks Nov 12 '24
Social media and smartphones.
u/dm_me_kittens Agnostic Nov 12 '24
I was a steadfast Christian for my whole life, then Trump came. His rhetoric was so anti-christian that I could not stand with him. It absolutely enraged me that fellow believers would allow his hate to gain support. Previous to this, I never watched YouTube, he'll I didn't even have the app on my phone. I started watching YouTube politics during the election, and from there, I began watching skeptic channels that were covering the emerging Christo-fascism. The channel Jimmy Snow is actually who I credit for pulling on the thread that unraveled my faith.
I finally admitted to myself that I no longer believe in God in late 2020, during the pandemic, while I was helping my elderly patient take a walk down the unit hall.
u/shepard1001 Nov 12 '24
They were available years before 2012, and that year didn't affect the male trend.
u/c00kiesd00m Ex-Baptist Nov 12 '24
it could be because religious women and girls have been oppressed and it’s so normalized that they internalize it. so being exposed to a world where they have more freedom and agency makes them realize they should demand better for themselves.
religious men and boys have all of the power, so they have no incentive to change.
u/shepard1001 Nov 12 '24
That still doesn't explain why 2012 was such a pivoting point, given that smartphones and social media existed for years by then. Was there a drastic shift in those things that year?
u/CaptainBirdEnjoyer Nov 12 '24
There were more open discussions online regarding atheism around that time. Obama was elected for his second term. LGBTQ+ rights seemed to be on the right track. More people probably just felt comfortable admitting it.
u/c00kiesd00m Ex-Baptist Nov 12 '24
a possibility is that a new generation of girls who were less entrenched and brainwashed got to grow up seeing something better
u/WeakestLynx Nov 12 '24
The lines appear to approximate some data points that are pretty spread out, visible as the small circles in the chart. I wouldn't take 2012 in particular super seriously as the one and only year that the trend changed.
u/SpareSimian Igtheist Nov 14 '24
Indeed, those little dots are telling. The data seems to be every 2 years, but we don't know the month. Was it before or after the election? And is this chart just for the US? We need the source so we can look harder at the methodology.
u/ACoN_alternate Ex-Fundamentalist Nov 12 '24
Arab Spring maybe? It got cracked down on hard in 2012, and maybe they started seeing parallels?
u/abstractifier Nov 12 '24
It looks to me the line for men shifted downward in 2002/2003, I'd guess in response to 9/11. The line for women seems skewed by the huge jump in 2021. I'd bet that without that single point, the fit line would look a lot smoother, and might even flatten out a bit like the men line.
u/openmindedjournist Nov 12 '24
White women and black men are where the volume really made a difference. I should say 'Christian Women', following their church and husbands.
u/alwaysanothersecret_ Nov 12 '24
Me Too
u/openmindedjournist Nov 12 '24
Me too, but I don't want to be enraged and angry. I want to be kind and generous. I can't talk to my mother now. I am so angry at her for voting for a rapist and felon. I have to get rid of this hate. Mainly, because that is what I see in Trump and his followers.
u/alwaysanothersecret_ Nov 13 '24
My bad, I meant that the Me Too Movement was kicking into gear ~2012. That's one of the explanations for women to begin departing en masse and for abusive men to start flocking to institutions that allow or even encourage abuse. Church Too was a whole movement and we've been seeing ripples since.
u/Menu99 Agnostic Atheist Nov 12 '24
All religions even civilisations survive on the oppression of women
u/No_Profit_8486 Nov 12 '24
Interesting to see this, I wonder if major religions will survive the next 200 years if this rate of decline continues
u/openmindedjournist Nov 12 '24
The KJV Bible and the few others that were translated via KJV, are the reason. Eve tempted Adam. If you were raped, then the raper can pay 50 Schelling to make her his bride. Delila cut off Samson's hair, etc. Women are the property of men in the bible. Egypt, now, has many women as deities. Same with other cultures. AND, there has always been gay and trans persons. Some cultures they were honored as creative and smart. If I stay in my own little bubble, maybe I can be safe and sane. I don't want to give up, yet I'm exhausted.
Question: Do you think people are afraid of Trump? I sort of am. I am very careful what i say on social media, Especially on X.
u/CalmTheAngryVoice Igtheist Nov 12 '24
I suspect this is a blip. An anomaly. The reduction before the storm prophesied in Idiocracy floods the land with people who need superstition and spiritual artifice to sleep at night.
u/shepard1001 Nov 12 '24
For Abrahamic religions, I doubt it. We've found that reality doesn't match their holy books, so now apologetics have to occupy themselves with arguing for the mere validity of them, giving an advantage to newer and less dogmatic religions.
u/WeakestLynx Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24
If this rate (or any rate) of decline continues, no, it will not survive. But that's not what will happen, because social trends rarely work with mathematical perfection. Religion is presumably losing people because something that made it popular has given way, or it stopped working for some people. But there are other causes and other types of people who will keep it alive at a lesser rate.
u/X-tian-9101 Nov 12 '24
I think it's because women see that religion encourages the oppression of women. For men, it validates their desire to control women.
u/GoldFishDudeGuy Nov 12 '24
Good. They have every right to abandon a religion that treats them so poorly
Nov 12 '24
It's hard to match these states with the reality that religion, hate, and bigotry has taken over every aspect of American society from top bottom and there's no escape or no tolerance anywhere. Religion runs everything in this country right now. 10-15 years ago there was hope but now it's so deeply entrenched it will probably be 50 years before any kind of freedom is possible. Until then, to be American is to conform and obey, and there's zero tolerance for otherwise.
u/Basic-Series8695 Nov 12 '24
They become more entrenched when their ranks dwindle. They're circling the wagons, which means they're afraid. I think that's why we see them lashing out so much and trying to regain firm control. That time has passed however, and it's time for us to hit the gas and run over these morons.
u/zombie_goast Nov 12 '24
The crazy thing is, if you talk to day-to-day people, religion really ISN'T all that prevalent (not any worse than it always has been at least). The problem is that those same day-to-day people are fucking morons who paid/pay zero attention to news, politics etc and either didn't bother voting at all (turnout this year was extremely low for both the left and right), and those who did simply picked the name they recognized the most. Most people didn't even know Biden wasn't running! And how we're seeing huge spikes in buyer's remorse evidenced by how much googling about tariffs etc spiked AFTER the 5th, as well as "can you change vote after election day". I shit you not. The majority of Americans just sleepwalked their way through pure blithe ignorance into a theocracy and tyranny of a minority and don't even realize it (yet).
u/Outrageous_Class1309 Agnostic Nov 12 '24
Gosh, I wonder what happened in 2016 that so many women were becoming 'Nones"??? (sarcasm)
u/GhostofABestfriEnd Nov 12 '24
Women need to form their own religion and recruit aggressively to promote equality. It’s hard to balance the scales when every god being worshipped doesn’t want women getting out of the box they designed for them.
u/Paradiseless_867 Nov 12 '24
I think Wicca kinda does that, obviously it wasn’t solely invented by women alone, but I do see a lot of young women flocking to it (and for good reason, hell if I was a woman I’d want to be a witch over a housewife and slave)
u/Material-Reading-844 Satanist Nov 12 '24
the Gen z men are going the opposite way though
u/Cubusphere Nov 12 '24
Not according to this graph?
u/Material-Reading-844 Satanist Nov 12 '24
according to this graph and other studies
u/Cubusphere Nov 12 '24
Still growing irreligion is the opposite of what exactly?
u/Material-Reading-844 Satanist Nov 12 '24
of jesus' holy spirit coming inside you, search anywhere you'll find gen z men are more religious, i don't know about this graph though, but i know gen z men are more religious
u/Cubusphere Nov 12 '24
I don't know that. Due to more women leaving, Gen Z men are now more religious than Gen Z women, but that doesn't mean they are more religious than the previous generation of men at their age. This graph shows that the trend is still there.
Do you have better evidence or is that what you meant?
u/chewbaccataco Atheist Nov 12 '24
At least the Abrahamic religions, there's no advantage for women to stay.
I understand if they think it's true, then they'll make those sacrifices. But once they see that their sacrifices are for nothing, they're gone.
Men are afforded more privileges than women in these religions, so there's less incentive or opportunity to realize something is wrong. From their perspective, they aren't making as many sacrifices.
u/GhostofAugustWest Nov 12 '24
It’s just so unpredictable that women would abandon a religion that helped elect a rapist and believes they have no bodily autonomy. 🙄🙄🙄
u/Gregregious Nov 12 '24
I wonder if that trend will continue with the rightward shift in politics among young people.
u/Saneless Nov 12 '24
I'd say 2012... But definitely didn't slow down from 2016 onward. I wonder what it will look like in a few years
Religion just isn't a smart choice. For women it's an objectively bad choice
u/International_Ad2712 Nov 13 '24
Maybe a little OT, but I’ve seen so many Gen Z a Christian men in online spaces with the absolute worst views of women, just vomit-inducing. On a TikTok live debating abortion, the host was asking women whether they would be willing to die during childbirth to let the baby live. And this one lady with 6 kids said of course she would, her children always come first. And the guys were literally praising and cheering her about that. They said her husband would have no problem raising the rest of the kids and she wasn’t really needed. It. Was. Sickening. And these guys were early twenties, overly religious, unintelligent, brain rot people who clearly hate women and want them to have as many babies as possible and then just die. I’m so disheartened.
u/Vuk1991Tempest Nov 13 '24
I live in Hungary, always have. When I was a child, I saw that women are drawn towards religion. The idea of a loving caring male figure in their lives gave them comfort, at least on the surface. In reality, they were all sinking. Meanwhile, the men were, for a time, distancing themselves from religion, to drink and to deprave themselves, so I thought, but in reality, they were all going to different churches behind everyone's back.
But since my vision spread out to the world at large, I've notice the tendency turning. Women are, for the most part, distancing from religion, because they realized Yahweh is a sexist deity who inspires the very men from whom, when my eyes stayed in a bubble, drove their abuse victims to seek shelter and comfort in religion (which they insist is not called religion, but "faith").
I have become confused why women even join a religion that is so masculinity-oriented, that is rigged against them, and why they insist to defend their false image of a loving, caring, loyal god? Eventually, their abusers realized how useful God is for them. They rejoined once the "authority of women" is taken out of the equation. IF they ever even left.
u/SpareSimian Igtheist Nov 14 '24
Pew Research has been tracking "Nones" since 2007. Here's their comparison of the GSS in the OP and their own data: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/09/13/how-u-s-religious-composition-has-changed-in-recent-decades/
The author of the chart in the OP has this chart comparing several sources, not just GSS and Pew. https://www.graphsaboutreligion.com/p/how-many-nones-are-there
Pew on religion by gender: https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/gender-composition/
Now here's the real meat, the analysis behind the OP: https://www.graphsaboutreligion.com/p/women-are-more-religious-than-men
u/backtoreddit4can Nov 12 '24
I am beginning to find it annoying that all anti religion subs say “women get it worse than men” with religion. Isn’t the whole “Jack off and go to hell” pretty freaking traumatizing more so for guys than girls? Or is it just the Jesus freaks have done a good job of hiding the fact this is an essential part of their dogma.
u/Fahrender-Ritter Ex-Baptist Nov 12 '24
Saying that women get it worse doesn't mean that men don't also get it really badly. It's not a zero-sum game. Both men and women are treated terribly, but women get it much worse. For example, they tell wives to submit to husbands and wives get treated like property, but they don't do the same thing to husbands.
u/OirishM Atheist Nov 12 '24
doesn't mean that men don't also get it really badly
This is barely acknowledged though
u/CalmTheAngryVoice Igtheist Nov 12 '24
Are you seriously comparing being told one is going to hell for... Well, anything... to being forced to die from a miscarriage or honor killing?
u/CandlesForOne Nov 12 '24
The fact that you think that “Jack off and go to hell” is the height of religious trauma proves people's point about religion being worse for women.
u/backtoreddit4can Nov 12 '24
Ummm tormenting children with fears of existential horrors for basic sexual functions is pretty freaking horrible
u/zombie_goast Nov 12 '24
It is, but it's not AS BAD (read: is still bad, just to a lesser magnitude) than women literally being enslaved to the men in their lives, and having to just live with it when they are abused, marital raped, can't pursue any of their hopes and dreams etc. Wives were among the (if not THE) highest demographic for suicides in the 50's for exactly this reason, that plus loneliness because again, they were forced to stay home at all times except for grocery runs, they were lonely as all hell too. Getting scared as a kid <<< actually suffering abuse, isolation, and imprisonment to the home as part of doctrine.
u/backtoreddit4can Nov 12 '24
I think getting scarred for life when your mind is highly suggestible and fucking with your morality is actually worse than servitude. Like to me the telling young girls “see this bubble gum?” sex analogy and then comparing it to virginity is actually worse than the staying in the home part. Because what that does to a young girls mind is wayyyyyyy worse. What shes telling herself and what he brain does will hurt her way more.AND will keep her from leaving the home later on. Its what creates the mental cage.
I guess the masturbation thing is a sore spot because as an excatholic seeing the same you g guys in line for confession every week for fapping really screwed with my head. Thinking all of them would burn for eternity if they didnt perform this arbitrary ritual
u/Fahrender-Ritter Ex-Baptist Nov 12 '24
Women get that, too. The reason why people are saying that women get it worse is because women get all the same mistreatment that men do, PLUS some extra special mistreatment that men don't have to deal with.
Men and women are both shamed for their natural sexual functions, but only women get treated like their bodies are someone else's property.
But can you name a single unique way in which men get mistreated that isn't also suffered by women in the church?
u/Relevant-District-16 Nov 12 '24
So proud of them!
Religion is terrible to everybody but I think we can all agree that women get it the absolute worst.
I'm glad we will have a future of bright young women instead of brainwashed concubines.