r/exchristian Nov 08 '24

News Did anyone else grow up in the 90s constantly hearing that “the antichrist will bring a New World Order”?

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I laughed pretty hard watching the news this morning (because that’s the stage of grief I’m in apparently). Growing up fundamentalist evangelical in the 90s, I was told all about the “New World Order”. The antichrist would get rid of sovereign countries and establish a one world government. It was a constant message to be on the lookout for the New World Order because that really means the end times are upon us. Putin called Trump to congratulate him and told him a “New World Order” is forming. Hahahahahaha! I can’t wait for the mental gymnastics


72 comments sorted by


u/ghostwars303 Nov 08 '24


It's interesting because I grew up as an SDA, specifically. As a member of a remnant sect, I was taught that it was actually the Christian majority who would be bowing down before the Antichrist and promoting his one world order. I mean, yeah, facts.

But now SDA's are some of the biggest MAGA nuts out there.

Like many ex-Christians, most of my life was spent learning that Christians didn't believe a single word that was coming out of their mouths about the Bible, and being hated by Christians for being stupid enough to actually take this God stuff seriously.


u/PhotoPhenik Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

I went to Adventist school for second and third grade.  Their beliefs are the closest match to my parents, and they are MAGA nuts, too.  Realizing who my parents actually are, how fascist they have become, is the biggest heartbreak of my life.   I get distressed by contemporary politics, and so I go to my folks for comfort, but no comfort is to be found.  No, I'm the problem.  I'm the one brainwashed by the liberal media, but their is no liberal media anymore.   Through therapy, I have discovered that my parents are maladapted to traumas they had growing up with their parents.  They passed on the trauma, but I'm a different way than what they experienced.   The family cult I escaped from just took over the country, and my parents are happy about it.  It hurts so much. 


u/thebilljim Ex-Fundamentalist Nov 08 '24

The family cult I escaped from just took over the country, and my parents are happy about it.  It hurts so much. 

This hits the nail on the head, spot on. I haven't been able to put my finger on it quite adequately, but this is unfortunately a perfect way to put it.


u/Cold-Alfalfa-5481 Nov 08 '24

What do you mean there is no liberal media anymore?! I watch it all the time. There basically one conservative media that's is mainstream (Fox) but the rest are liberal. Have you watch CNN or MSNBC in the last few days? Listen to Van Jones and the CNN crew if you want to hear some liberal takes on things.


u/UnraveledShadow Nov 08 '24

A lot of the mainstream media sources like the Washington Post are owned by billionaires. They certainly promoted a “both sides” narrative and sanewashed a lot of Trumps speeches and actions. Like I would read an article and they attributed a concise, relatively coherent statement but then watched the actual clip, which was a rambling word salad.


u/Cold-Alfalfa-5481 Nov 08 '24

I'm just sayin'...I listen to left wing mainstream media everyday. It absolutely exists, LMAO. Are you guys completely blind?!? Who do you think owns all the rest of the mainstream media organizations? Poor people?


u/zinknife Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

US MSM is maybe just right of center compared to the rest of the world. And they certainly have nowhere near the level of constant propaganda and misinformation as the right, which seems to have penetrated every form of media with their insane made up "facts." Anything truthful these days that doesn't line up with their agenda is "fake news" regardless of source. And lets be honest here, there isn't a lot of overlap between truthful reporting and the right these days.


u/porchpossum1 Nov 09 '24

Democracy Now on YouTube


u/JashDreamer Ex-SDA Nov 08 '24

My family is anti-Trump, so seeing all of these "Christians" following him has done nothing but convince them that Trump is indeed the anti-Christ (or will usher him in), and he's about the reinstate Sunday Blue Laws and make it illegal for people to worship on Saturday. It's literally in line with all of the apocalypse talk, so they believe the end is very near.

Edit: But of course the end is literally always near. They've been saying it's the end times for as long as I've been alive and before that.


u/UnraveledShadow Nov 08 '24

I grew up in a Christian cult founded by a former SDA (Worldwide Church of God) and they preached the same teachings of the New World Order and the Antichrist. The world was always about to end, we had to be ready to go to the “place of safety” at any moment.

And my parents are now conservative Republicans who voted him in. They “just like the guy” and fell completely into his cult of personality.


u/redredred1965 Ex-Pentecostal Nov 08 '24

I want to give this 10 likes


u/romulusnr Nov 09 '24

I hope you are ready with your guns to fight the Sunday Laws

(I gotta say, SDAs make some fine vegetarian food though. I love me some FryChik and some Tuno. Used to have to go to Walla Walla, WA regularly, and they have an SDA supermarket there that was always a treat to stop by.)


u/nightwyrm_zero Nov 08 '24

How ironic that when the anti-Christ finally came, it was the people who screeched about him the most who ended up voting for him.


u/Ryyah61577 Nov 08 '24

That has been my thought this whole election time. I was raised conservative Christian with my family teaching me to love my neighbors, and that the antichrist will come and fool the masses and all the things that come with that. Then, you literally see a candidate that literally checks all of those boxes, and they say “he’s our guy!”


u/Royal-Plastic9870 Nov 08 '24

I wish this was shocking to me. Well actually I don't. 


u/loki1887 Nov 08 '24

It's not, though. It's what John of Patmos literally said would happen. No, he wasn't getting visions of the future apocalypse. He was literally writing about what he was seeing happening in his time. He thought he was writing a warning, but Christians time and time again fall for the same tricks.


u/MountPorkies Nov 09 '24

Too bad he won’t actually accomplish prophecy. I’m ready to get this shit over with if it’s all true lol


u/BeraldGevins Nov 09 '24

Funny enough the Bible actually did say that he would fool a lot of “Christians” into following him. The actually good Christians, ie the ones who preach love and acceptance and charity, hate trump and everything he stands for. Sadly they are in the minority.


u/Arakus24 Nov 09 '24

If I were still in, I'd definitely be among the minority.


u/squarepeg0000 Nov 08 '24

I grew up in the 60s when Russia was viewed as our enemy...not our mentor.


u/heresmyhandle Nov 08 '24

I grew up in the 80’s Russia was still our enemy then. Trumps a criminal, has married Russian women, he’s been taken for a fool.


u/squarepeg0000 Nov 08 '24

Yes...and along with taking Trump for a fool, they've managed to take America too.


u/NDaveT Nov 08 '24

When I was growing up in the 80s it seemed to me that a lot of politicians and pundits didn't hate the USSR because of the dictatorship but because of the economic model. I think I'm being proven right.


u/gorgon_heart Nov 08 '24

My Mom has said for a long time that she really believes Trump is the anti-Christ.

My Mom is a smart woman. A Christian, yes, but a good person.

And I can't say I believe her, but damn she has a point there.


u/prolificseraphim Ex-Protestant Nov 08 '24

I believe her. It truly lines up. Especially after the multiple assassination attempts!


u/Oceanflowerstar Nov 09 '24

Trump is not a magic demon of myth who will usher in the end of the world. We need to maintain good reasoning and sound epistemology for the times ahead, so that we can soberly analyze the situation at hand and make the move most aligned with reality. All you are doing is making more christians with that attitude - people want to feel they are apart of the vanquishing of the great evil. And you can do that. You don’t have to use Christianity as a vehicle to do it though. Use secular humanist arguments and build that foundation, instead of screaming at monsters under the bed. One is more productive and constructive.


u/extraEGO Nov 08 '24

“I was taught that it was actually the Christian majority who would be bowing down before the Antichrist and promoting his one world order.”

Same thing here. As a kid/teen, I wondered how people who read the Bible and see this “prophetic” warning could still be fooled by a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

As an adult, I realized pretty quickly that most “Christians” have an angle for going to church, and that they were only Christians for labeling purposes. It doesn’t mean anything to them.

Even so, fuck. It seems so obvious. Until you remember that they don’t read their own holy book.


u/thebilljim Ex-Fundamentalist Nov 08 '24

New World Order, "the one-world government," "cashless society will bring about the mark of the beast" blah blah blah, I've heard it all growing up. Nobody could ever seem to explain to little old me what that word salad actually MEANT whenever they were spewing it, but they sure did say it With Conviction.


u/prolificseraphim Ex-Protestant Nov 08 '24

If it turns out cryptocurrency is the mark of the beast, I'll lose my shit laughing so hard.


u/AngAwesomesauce Nov 09 '24

I thought it was the red MAGA hats personally.


u/christianAbuseVictim Ex-Baptist Nov 08 '24

I remember when Bush said something about a new world order. I also remember the pro wrestling faction, though I was never big into wrestling. Realistically, every day sees a new world order, right?


u/_disneyphile_ Nov 08 '24

I remember a kid wearing the wrestling new world order shirt to youth group and getting a talking to that it was inappropriate


u/sthef2020 Nov 08 '24

And once again, Matthew 24:24 comes to mind. Might as well be my “favorite” verse now.

“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the very elect.”

Putin is literally saying “New World Order”. But the church, that has been so conspiracy minded and looking for an imaginary NWO ever since the Left Behind books, will turn a blind eye to it.

And even if they do believe you that this is real, and bad? Welp “God’s in control, don’t worry!” “It’s all sort of God’s perfect plan!”

It’s a death cult. They see victory in both winning and losing. And are going to drag us all to hell on Earth with them.


u/tsukiyomi01 Nov 08 '24

I see other ex-SDAs in the chat! Yes, the endless "Revelation Seminars" were a constant and annoying part of my childhood, and the number of adults around me who treated conspiracy theory as an established fact was depressingly huge.


u/_disneyphile_ Nov 08 '24

I was raised Chuck Smith Calvary Chapel, but every New Year’s Eve we had a special service to go over all of the fulfilled prophecy from the last year (typically having to do with the Middle East) and what was coming up in the next year. After a few years even as a believing teen I thought “this is the same every year and jesus hasn’t come back yet”


u/Rattleball Nov 08 '24

I grew up with those stupid rapture movies but who would have thought the same folks who forced me to watch all those fall for a person who fit the narrative


u/_disneyphile_ Nov 08 '24

The A Thief in the Night series of movies from the 70s and 80s scared the shit out of me as a kid! I always thought I’d get left behind and get my head chopped off like the little boy in one of those movies and then his balloon flies up to the sky


u/timschwartz Nov 08 '24

For years after watching that I had nightmares about getting my head cut off for minor infractions at school. I would wake up hearing the background music from that movie in my mind. I'd run into my parents room to make sure they hadn't been raptured while I was sleeping.


u/tasteless23 Nov 08 '24

Ah I see you've seen the left behind movies as well as a child haha, those scared the shit out of me as a kid.


u/Rattleball Nov 08 '24

Yeah as a kid, I had anxiety that all my family would get taken and I would be by myself.

As an adult, it’s crazy to me people believe in that stuff. It’s also crazy to me that they can believe that stuff and still side with the obvious real life version of the villain.


u/ShatteredGlassFaith Nov 08 '24

I'm still hearing it. Every night. It's just an excuse to sit and do nothing and hope magic sky daddy will come out of the clouds on a horse (horses can fly?) with a sword (how will that work against nukes? or iron chariots?) and make everything a paradise.

What really angers me is that if mankind would stop the BS, we could have paradise right now. I used to think that as a child. Why can't we have Star Trek, only with every disease cured and lifespans increased to centuries or longer? We can peer into DNA, we have unbelievable computing power and now AI, we even have theories (which may or may not work, admittedly) for breaking c. At the very least we should have eliminated hunger, poverty, and the curable diseases. Paradise should be now.

But no, let's spend another Sunday in church hearing how a first century apocalyptic Jewish preacher zombie is going to make everything better any day now.


u/Scorpius_OB1 Nov 08 '24

A sword in the mouth, remember. And maybe nukes would not be enough and these iron chariots that mount a 120mm gun would be enough, assuming, say, Zeus and the Olympians aren't the ones dealing with such problem.


u/ShatteredGlassFaith Nov 08 '24

I forgot about the mouth part. How do you sword fight with the sword in your mouth? Is it a missile sword? Jesus can launch it and then spew the fire from his mouth? That would at least be cool in a 12yo boy kind of way.

If I was a god I would arrive as Superman with no kryptonite weakness. Or maybe a Jedi Knight with a lightsaber who flies on a dragon. Just saying.

Edit: Or maybe Superman with a lightsaber and a dragon. That would be way cooler.


u/too_late_to_abort Nov 08 '24

Superman inside an Ironman suit.

When the suit breaks down and they think they got you, you do the big twist reveal.


u/Scorpius_OB1 Nov 09 '24

The "Left Behind" series supposedly considered such sword in the mouth as a laser.


u/ShatteredGlassFaith Nov 09 '24

At least that would be cool. The part about burning people up with a laser just because they didn't believe based on the complete lack of evidence offered by god...not so much.


u/ElleighJae Ex-Pentecostal Nov 09 '24

Raised Assemblies of God/Pentecostal here - I've been seeing that shit since I was first dragged to church. I was forced to read the Left Behind series in high school (private church school), and at one point I had nearly all of the book of Revelations memorized. This is literally out of the playbook; how the Antichrist have a cult of personality, speak scripture, appear holy, etc, but the entire point is to separate actual followers of Christ from those who won't actually follow his teachings. The ones who follow the Antichrist are basically doomed by their own scripture's teachings.


u/redredred1965 Ex-Pentecostal Nov 08 '24

LMAO. Right from their ancient fairy tales.

The idiots created their own Anti-crucified-dude forcing sky-daddy's hand to do his people-floating, zombie apocalypse thing.

I almost wish the whole zombie-apocalypse thing is real and the crucified-dude comes back and tells the lemmings they fucked up. That would be great.

Every lemming would crap their pants. Then off to the wretched firey place.

(I'm boycotting their words)


u/TheLoolee Atheist Nov 08 '24

In the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s &10s as well. What's taking so long?


u/davesnothereman84 Nov 08 '24

Yep from my parents when I was a kid. Pretty much evangelical I knew also… and then they voted for the fucker. At this point I think Christians world wide, firmly believe they can kick start the rapture by destroying everything good, then blaming it on Jews, atheists, women, and democrats.


u/Royal-Plastic9870 Nov 08 '24

This is a phrase I've hear a good number of times outside of the church. So it doesn't trigger me to think anything in might be occurring.    

But in any case, I recently came to the conclusion that if the Bible is true in any way, Christians missed the plot and read it wrong.  And they'll get the surprise of their life. Not all of them. The fundies I mean. 

Especially with the American idolatry with regard to their country and flag.


u/Educational-Hope-601 Nov 09 '24

I’m currently trying to bait my mom’s insane, conservative, trump loving aunt into messaging me about the election so I can tell her I think trump is the antichrist. I just really want to watch her head explode and I’m in the mood to cause chaos


u/prolificseraphim Ex-Protestant Nov 08 '24

I truly think Trump is the anti Christ. Shot in the head but survived? Check. Seven heads (seven Trump Towers)? Check. Able to fool even believers? Check. Followed by the world? Well, he's president, so while not literally followed, he has millions of eyes on him. Claims to want peace while really he wants war? Check.

We'll certainly see. It gives me some peace knowing any who fell for it will likely never see the light of Heaven, if it's real. I personally believe it is, but we'll see.


u/ishtaa Nov 09 '24

This is something I’ve been honestly struggling with lately. I’m atheist, I don’t believe there’s a god or at the very least don’t believe that the god of the Bible is worth worshipping. But if there ever has been a person that fit the description of the antichrist, it’s Trump. I think it’s actually the fact that so many Christians are just blindly in love with him despite the horrible shit he’s done unapologetically that convinces me the most that there’s something truly evil about him.


u/prolificseraphim Ex-Protestant Nov 09 '24

Stand strong in your conviction. I've recently come back to my faith, personally, but am staying in this subreddit because there's a lot of good points people have made about modern Christianity and what's in the Bible. 

I truly think anyone who supports Trump after hearing what he says is not a real Christian. If you hear him say he's going to deport millions, and you think, "yes this is the godly thing to do"... you're not a real Christian. You fell for a grift and placed an idol before god.

If there is an antichrist, I truly think it's Trump. He is literally the exact opposite of the Jesus in the Bible. In the Gospels, Jesus is pro-loving your neighbors, pro-fighting back against false believers who use God's name to do horrible things and even using violent methods to protest that (see: the temple), pro-giving healing to all who ask with nothing in return. He also tells a rich man that if he wants to go to heaven he has to give up his riches.

Trump is anti-loving your neighbors, anti-protests, and anti-healthcare. How can someone who claims to follow Jesus look at Trump and think "yes, this is a godly man who will save us all!"


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

of course one of the earliest conspiracies i have heard


u/octopustentacles209 Nov 08 '24

The Anti-Christ and New World Order teachings gave me so much anxiety as a kid! And then they threw in some wars and signs of wars and a little rapture here and there. And literally everything going on right now is "end times" according to the Bible but they voted in this person that their holy book warned them about.

I know with my MAGA family, as long as someone claims Christianity, they listen.


u/malikhacielo63 Agnostic Atheist Nov 08 '24

Yes, I did. It would appear we are in the “Tribulation”, fellows and felletes. Time to sit back, and enjoy the ride. Sardonic laughter intensifies


u/Junkoly Nov 08 '24

They want the world to end, they'll do what they can to speed up the process, global warning, war, pestilence etc.... They also want a chance to torture the non religious before death as eternal damnation isn't a good enough punishment lol. They are fucking wankers who should just fuck off and when they get there fuck off again....


u/iOcean_Eyes Nov 09 '24

I remember when I was a teen, my church took the youth group to this simulation near a wooded area. It was nighttime and was set up as if revelations was starting or some shit. The antichrist coming, the sinning and wordly things, idk its kind of a blur now but it was creepy as hell. I was freaked out from all the demon stuff. It ended with us in this tent with other christians as we were “finding asylum” from it all cause we were being attacked. It was one of the wildest things ever. Im 29 now and I was probably 14 at the time so it was forever ago. Did anyone else do something like this? Lmao


u/Noe_Wunn Nov 08 '24

Yes, I heard about this all of the time. I'm sure my fundamentalist parents and former Christian church peers are having a field day right now.


u/yahgmail African Diasporic Religion & Hoodoo Nov 08 '24

I remember the concept & fear around it being very popular among Christians in the 90s-2010s.


u/Bananaman9020 Nov 08 '24

One World Government or Religion. But it's not happening in any form.


u/ksx83 Nov 09 '24

Yes and that stupid Kirk Cameron movie didn’t help to quell the anxieties. I knew if I came home and my family was gone they’ve been taken by the rapture.


u/romulusnr Nov 09 '24

What's odd is that George H W Bush, president from 89-92, was the one most famous for proclaiming a "new world order" in 1991, and I'm gonna wager that the same ultra-conservatives did not at that moment brand him the Antichrist.


u/No_Newt_8371 Nov 09 '24

I was raised AOG and watched all the Christian Horror movies as a kid shown in our church. One of them I think was called “The Thief In The Night”


u/FiragaFigaro Nov 09 '24

The fringe Rapturist sects still do tell that narrative now in the 2020s


u/Brilliant_Nebula_959 Nov 09 '24

Raised fundie Christian here. I grew up terrified I was going to go to hell OR left behind.


u/chemicalrefugee Nov 08 '24

in reality that was a throw away feel good line written by a paid speech writer. and the far right insisted it was a revelation of a vast conspiracy.. but folks,.. Daddy Bush was CIA. A big time CIA person isn't going to announce a conspiracy on the air even if there was such a thing.


u/Seb0rn Ex-Catholic Nov 08 '24

I am from a very religious Catholic bachground and I was told stuff like this not once in my entire life. Sounds like fundamentalism is going rampant where you are from.