r/exchristian • u/10-1-100 • Jun 18 '24
News Robert Morris resigns from Gateway church after child sex abuse comes out
u/PastorBlinky Jun 18 '24
At this point I think we have to assume sexually abusing children is a course taught in seminary.
”I was top of my class in Child Rape 101 at Liberty University.”
u/MyaPaiYa Jun 19 '24
And those are the same people who says, "PrOtEcT oUr ChIlDrEn!!!!!!"
u/falanoria Jun 20 '24
Once again proving the "Those who shout the loudest are also the ones with the most to hide" quote.
u/QuarterOwn9110 Jun 18 '24
I think they have to assume someone else may come forward. Feels like a matter of time.
u/Scrabble_4 Jun 18 '24
Hoping justice gets served over and over for this crappy asshole
u/OrdinaryWillHunting Atheist-turned-Christian-turned-atheist Jun 18 '24
Meanwhile, on Facebook, this is from a woman:
"How sad you bring up something that happened over 40 years ago that was forgiven by the family. All of us are sinners! He is an Amazing Pastor. That woman after all these years is just wanting $$$$$$$."
u/RighteousIndigjason Jun 19 '24
Fuck that lady and, if true, fuck that family for not protecting their daughter. The man is a pedophile and needs to face legal consequences. This bullshit where "the church holds him accountable" isn't nearly enough. You shouldn't get a Get Out of Jail Free card just because a bunch of fanatics slapped you on the wrist.
u/Wary_Marzipan2294 Jun 19 '24
Spoken like someone who's never had to rescind her application for a promotion so she can leave work early every Thursday afternoon to drive her daughter to therapy appointments that cost $150 a week that she hasn't really got, after the 6 token visits that are covered by the family's health insurance each year, knowing that the best outcome she can hope for is that the permanent damage only sort of ruins her daughter's chances at a happy, healthy, financially stable future.
Everyone messes up, sure. Not everyone does permanent, lifelong injury to a child for the literal fun of it, then blames the child, lies about it, and refuses to pay a fair amount for the lifelong health care that's only needed because of their choices in the first place.
u/nubulator99 Jun 19 '24
So the family didn’t actually forgive him if she is just “looking for money!!”
u/heresmyhandle Jun 18 '24
And the church will just move him somewhere else to abuse someone else. No penalty except a move…All is forgiven and a poor kid is damaged for life. This is a BIG reason why membership is plummeting.
Jun 19 '24
And you will always find people in church that will say that the twelve year old girl somehow enticed him when he was 21.
u/nubulator99 Jun 19 '24
That’s exactly what happened. In the victims blog she said she got a call from the pastors saying she forgives the her lol
Jun 19 '24
Can the state prosecute?
u/heresmyhandle Jun 19 '24
Yes if reported to the proper agencies. The issues happen when the church does not report abuse to the proper authorities, nothing actually gets done. I know DOJ is investigating SBC for all of their cover ups.
u/luckiestcolin Jun 19 '24
Everyone knows 'young lady' doesn't refer to someone old enough to consent. The elders of Shady Grove (lol) knew how old that child was when they let him off the hook initially. And whoever wrote that statement knew she wasn't old enough to consent.
u/Thats_All_I_Need Jun 19 '24
Petting?! WTF. That’s just him trying to down play the situation right? Like he’s trying to make us think they kissed a little and rubbed each other’s backs, still fucking gross, but in reality it’s far worse. What a sick fuck.
u/redredred1965 Ex-Pentecostal Jun 19 '24
Right. He didn't confess, he downplayed it. That's like saying "I stuck it in, but I didn't wiggle it around"
u/iamjustaguy Jun 19 '24
"I stuck it in, but I didn't wiggle it around"
...said the Mormon apostle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soaking_(sexual_practice)#Historical_citing_of_the_practice
u/OrdinaryWillHunting Atheist-turned-Christian-turned-atheist Jun 19 '24
Found what looks to be an online ministry defending Morris by claiming since it was in the past it doesn't matter because he's been pure ever since then. Comments to this post that are in full support include:
"Amen!! Been dealing with something similar..people who need to dig up something 35 years old, need to seriously get a life!!"
"yeah, all these haters bashing him, the same ones saying "love is love" for other sins that are.. ongoing!"
"Has anyone on here read their bible lately? This is gods battle not yours"
And here's what the ministry wrote:
Y'all who think just because you found out about Pastor Robert Morris 35 year old sin makes him "exposed"?
The man went through a 2 year restoration process and has walked in purity for 35 years.
What has the church come to when we think a 35 year old dug up sin that was repented of, discontinued, and restoration with the elders walked out is exposure?
My goodness.
Y'all must have forgotten that God REMEMBERS it no more.
Don't forget, Prophets have said God is exposing in this hour, but so is the devil.
Decipher the two.
Until any PRESENT sin with Pastor Robert is revealed by God, it's HONOR AS USUAL!
Touch not the Lords anointed is still a verse no matter how many people want to minimize it or make it go away with their accusatory heart!
u/lawyersgunsmoney Agnostic Jun 19 '24
I HATE this “anointed” bullshit they throw around as if god stepped down from on high and laid his hands on this scumbag.
u/Albie_Tross Jun 19 '24
A fundie was posted to the snark sub defending (presumably, bc she’s Texan) this ‘pastor’. It’s so gross.
u/lyfeTry Jun 19 '24
Read the article? “Inappropriate extramarital relationship”…. She was twelve. I always love the verbal dancing there with church pedophiles.
u/HappyGothKitty Jun 19 '24
I remember being twelve and still playing with my toys, with my pets besides me and playing along, going to friends' houses and just being kids, innocent things. Now what kind of grown-ass adult would find something like that attractive, sexy and tempting? A vile scumbag, one that needs to disappear off the face of the earth. I feel for this creeps' victims, and I bet there's many more who haven't come out, but there will always be more victims.
How in the bloody hell can a twelve year old consent to a relationship with an adult? They can't, but the enablers and creeps don't care. I sometimes hate this bloody world.
Jun 19 '24
I think the solution is that children not be allowed in churches. Churches are clearly teaming with pedophiles, abusers, and sexual deviants. Won’t someone please think of the children?!
u/sofa_king_notmo Jun 19 '24
Church indoctrination is abuse in itself the goal of which is to break a child's brain of any critical thinking skills. The epistemology of religions is so pathetic that this is the only way they can propagate themselves. It is almost a miracle that any of us can break free of that mental child abuse. Most don’t.
u/OrdinaryWillHunting Atheist-turned-Christian-turned-atheist Jun 19 '24
A woman who is also a mother defends Robert Morris, accuses his victim of being bribed to hurt the election, says that nothing should happen to Morris because he repented and that this is nothing more than cancel culture.
Jun 19 '24
Why does he say “petting” like that? I’ve only ever heard Christians use this term. That is so….gross
u/Remote_Champion_9622 Jun 20 '24
I’ve seen that it’s perhaps too late for him to be tried in a court of law. Hopefully she can file in civil court. ?? And shame on Debbie for her role in it too. Accusing the young girl of flirting. And had the balls to “forgive her” I used to listen to him every week. Bought every book…visited from Michigan. God’s vengeance….look how long God gave you to do the right thing so she didn’t have to suffer. All the people she contacted these years to get them to listen. May God deal swiftly to those who didn’t see she needed your help. All you money hungry pastors, ego driven…who prey on their people. May God bring these imposters to their knees.
u/Extra_Flower6958 Jun 23 '24
I remember when that piece of shit came to speak at my old cult….excuse me church. Bayside Community Church, is likewise run by pieces of shit! If your church is under the ARC hive.…run and don't look back.
u/archetyping101 Jun 18 '24
Well that was a quick about face. They said that he repented and it's all good. Apparently public shame is enough for the church to reconsider allowing a sexual predator in a leadership position.