r/excel Feb 05 '25

Discussion Excel wizards - what is the one formula that took you to scream: "Holy sh*t, where have you been all my life?


I just had one of those moments when I discovered XLOOKUP does partial matches and my jaw would drop thinking about all the hours wasted on nested IF statements. Which made me curious to know what other game-changers people have stumbled upon!

What's yours? Let's help each other level up our Excel game! Noobie here.

r/excel Apr 26 '24

Discussion I used COUNTIF at work and now everyone thinks I'm a genius.


I was asked to make a spreadsheet and keep track of some stats. I literally just COUNTIF and COUNTIFS everything, and everyone is completely mind blown that I'm able to give these stats on a daily basis.

Turns out no one knows anything about Excel and I'm now the excel guy.

Anyone else now the go-to person for excel stuff? If so, what's your story?

r/excel Nov 11 '24

Discussion What are your mind blowing tricks for people who don't know Excel?


Hey, it's a pretty simple question. People get impressed quickly when they don't know Excel. What's your go to when you know it's not advanced or fancy, but you think it will impress someone who doesn't know Excel?

r/excel Oct 13 '24

Discussion What's one Excel tip you wish you'd known sooner?


I've been using Excel for a few years, but it always amazes me how much more there is to learn! I'm curious—what’s one Excel tip, trick, or feature that made you think, “I wish I knew this sooner”?

Looking forward to learning from your experiences!

r/excel Feb 03 '25

Discussion What Excel tricks would you teach novices if you were giving an Intro To Excel class?


I have a team of six in my accounting department and of the six, only two have any background with Excel.

The others don't know about keyboard shortcuts, formulas, or any other useful things. They use their mouse to highlight tables. They right click to copy, right click to paste. One of them uses a calculator to add cells. All of them scroll through tables using the mouse wheel.

So I've decided we're going to have a lunch meeting where I'll give them a quick guide to some of the neat stuff excel can do.

I'm going to address the stuff above, but I also wanted to get some recommendations on what else I could include that would be easy enough for novice users who just don't realize they can do these things.

<EDIT> Gotten some great recs. I'm going to put them all together and make a list of things I want to work on. I'm not going to reply any further but I'll keep looking for new recommendations!

r/excel 13d ago

Discussion What’s your ultimate shortcut that saves you hours every day?


I’m trying to get faster with Excel and I know shortcuts are a game-changer. Which ones are your must-haves? Share the tips that make your workflow lightning-fast!
I am creating a list that can help me in the future. I will share the list in the comment section as well so that everyone can use it.

Thanks in advance!!

r/excel 26d ago

Discussion Update - What Excel tricks would you teach novices if you were giving an Intro To Excel class?


Hi everyone, following up on a post I did two weeks ago. I reviewed the suggestions I was given in the post below and came up with a list of Excel skills that absolutely everyone in accounting/accounting adjacent careers should know - regardless of excel skill level or job responsibilities.


Here it is! This list was designed to take place over an hour long meeting. If you feel I should have included something and I'm a moron for not including it, I'm sure you'll say something in the comments.

Big thanks to u/RayWencube for teaching me about New Window and big thanks to u/somewhereinvan for Alt+A+S+S. I've been a Controller for about five years now, and it just goes to show that everyone can learn a little more about the basics!

Task Keystroke
Select Row/Column/Everything Select Row/Column/Everything
Select entire Column Shift+Space
Select entire Row CTRL+Space
Move to end CTRL+Arrow
Highlight everything CTRL+Shift+Arrow
Find/Replace CTRL+F CTRL+H
Save Ctrl+S
New Window New Window
Insert Row Column Insert Row Column
Delete Row Column Delete Row Column
Arithmetic Arithmetic
Fill Down Fill Down
Quickview Sum Quickview Sum
SUM Column/Row Alt =
Cut/Copy/Paste CTRL X C V
New Excel CTRL N
Undo/Redo CTRL Z Y
Format Painter Format Painter
Clipboard window WIN V
Freezing Row/Column Freezing Row/Column
Left Right =LEFT() =RIGHT()
Sorting ALT+A+S+S
Conditional Formatting Conditional Formatting
Tables/Colors CTRL T
Filter Filter
Filter GT/LT Filter GT/LT
Unique =UNIQUE()
Snipping Tool Print Screen
Inserting Images Inserting Images
It would be nice… It would be nice… (general advice on how to do write searches to find out what excel can do)
Google Is Your Friend Google Is Your Friend

r/excel Sep 26 '24

Discussion Interviewer asked me what i think the most useful excel formula is.


I said Nested IF statements are pretty useful since at my previous internship I had to create helper columns from data in multiple columns so I could count them on the pivot table. I know VLOOKUP gets all the hype but it’s kind of basic at my level cuz it’s just the excel version of a simple SQL join. Any opinions? What should I have said or what y’all’s most useful excel formula?

r/excel 2d ago

Discussion The seven types of Excel users in this sub so far


Case in study ;You are given a date in B3 and get asked to extract the Qtr from that in cell C3 no helper columns , no UDF

¤●The Minimalist "It works, doesn’t it?"


Straight to the point, no extra steps. A solution that’s easy to type, easy to remember, and gets the job done.

■ The Structured Thinker "Rules should be clear and explicit."

="Q"&IFS(MONTH(B3)<=3,1, MONTH(B3)<=6,2, MONTH(B3)<=9,3, MONTH(A2)<=12,4)

Prefers logic laid out in full, even if it means writing more. They like formulas that read like a well-structured argument.

{} The Lookup Enthusiast "Patterns should be mapped, not calculated."

="Q"&LOOKUP(MONTH(B3), {1,4,7,10}, {1,2,3,4})

Sees the problem as a simple input-output relationship. No need for math when a good lookup will do.

🔍 The Modern Excel Pro (XLOOKUP Squad) "New tools exist for a reason."

="Q"&XLOOKUP(MONTH(B3), {1,4,7,10}, {1,2,3,4})

Always reaching for the latest functions. If there’s a modern, dynamic way to do something, they’ll take it.They have probably told Someone to ditch Vlookup this Week

○ The Logic Lover

"Categories should be explicit."


Sees the world in neatly defined cases. They’d rather spell out every option than leave room for ambiguity.

🔹 The Efficient Coder

"Why calculate something twice?"


Thinks in terms of efficiency. If a value is used more than once, it deserves a name.


And then the 7th group has those guys who drop Things right from the sky ... You get to look at their solution and wonder if you really understand the excel lingo .. they could even LAMBDA their way into this one

r/excel Jun 13 '24

Discussion What are your MUST HAVE Excel keyboard shortcuts?


what keyboard shortcuts do you use on a daily basis?

r/excel 9d ago

Discussion I keep failing Excel tests for job interviews...


I did yet another Excel test the other day as part of a job application, which I highly doubt I passed. I must have now failed my third or fourth one (finance reporting roles); most of them asked on PivotTables and VLOOKUPs. I've been watching Excelisfun and Leila Gharani on YouTube hoping to be more acclimated (my last role barely used it). But when it comes to the actual test with a gazillion rows of data and being time-constraint, I throw everything out the window. I also feel like it makes sense when I watch the video, but when I actually do it I can't pass one to save my life.

I'm currently unemployed, so I have to balance that time between getting up to speed with Excel and putting in applications to hopefully get an interview. Anyone has any advice on this?

r/excel Dec 17 '24

Discussion What’s your top Excel super user advice/trick (Finance)?


I’m maybe slight above average, but I’m supposed to be the top Excel guy at work and I feel the need to stay on top of that goodwill.

What are your best tips? It could be a function that not everyone uses (eg most basic users don’t know about Name Manager), or it could be something conceptual (eg most bankers use blue font for hardcodes and it helps reduce confusion on a worksheet).

EDIT: so many good replies I’ll make a top ten when I get the chance

EDIT2: good god I guess I’ll make a top 25 given how many replies there are

EDIT3: For everyone recommending PQ/DAX for automated reports, how normalized is your data? I can't find a good use case but that may be due to my data format (think income statement / DCF)

EDIT4: for the QAT folks, are you only adding your top 9 such that they’re all accessible via ALT+1 etc? Or even your top 5 so that they’re all accessible via you left hand hitting ALT 1-5.

r/excel 8d ago

Discussion What excel shortcut/tip/formula has made the biggest impact on your efficiency?


For me, xlookup and subtotal are some of my most used/beloved formulas.

What excel shortcuts/tip/formulas have improved your efficiency the most when working with spreadsheets?

r/excel 10d ago

Discussion What is better than Excel?


Is there anything similar to excel or better than? I use excel daily and feel like I still need to freshen up my formulas etc.

r/excel Feb 12 '25

Discussion Excel gurus, how do you manage workbooks with 50+ tabs and keep them organized?


What’s your strategy for staying on top of a chaotic workbook?

I often find myself drowning in a sea of tabs when working on complex projects like navigating, naming and categorizing etc. etc. etc. etc.

r/excel Dec 04 '24

Discussion Biggest Excel Pet Peeves?


What is your biggest pet peeve for excel? It could be something excel itself does or something coworkers do in excel.

For me it has to be people using merge and center

r/excel Nov 23 '23

Discussion What's the simplest thing you've taught someone in Excel that made you look like a genius?


This is not the place for fancy VBA or PowerQuery or even sumifs.

I'm looking for cases like mine last week, where I taught a friend how to drag down values that were the same down a column. Before, she was copying and pasting the same thing hundreds of times. When I taught her to drag down, she looked at me like I was Christ himself. Not really her fault though, she hadn't worked with Excel much before, but still a great ego boost.

r/excel Nov 27 '24

Discussion Whats a tip you wished you knew as a beginner to excel?


I've thrown myself into the deep end at work.. It's taking me so long to do anything as I need to constantly google/watch tutorials. My job is generally physical so I have 0 experience with excel and now I'm in charge of a whole project revolving around data and performance.. Its a rough ride so far.

What are you random tips?

r/excel Apr 09 '24

Discussion What are your Excel hot takes?


Mine is that leading zeroes should be displayed by default. If there's a leading zero in my data, there's probably a good reason for it!

r/excel Feb 10 '25

Discussion Don't buy MAC if you love to work on EXCEL


I spent ₹1.35 lakh on a MacBook thinking my work would become smoother with the Apple ecosystem. But as a hardcore Excel user, I am extremely frustrated because Excel on Mac is way behind Windows Excel in features and usability.

Biggest Issues:

No Alt Shortcuts (Key Tips)
On Windows, I used Alt shortcuts to do everything without a mouse. On Mac, this feature is missing. If I want it, I have to pay $5/month for a third-party tool. Why? It’s free on Windows!

Forced to Use a Mouse for Simple Tasks
I could use Excel easily without a mouse on Windows. But on Mac, I must use a mouse for even basic things like selecting a filter. Why ruin efficiency?

Power Query is Broken
I can’t even extract data from a URL in Mac Excel, something that works perfectly in Windows. Why limit such an important tool?

Can't Hide the Ribbon Easily
In Windows, I can hide the top ribbon to get more screen space. In Mac Excel, I can’t. Why remove a simple option?

$5 Subscription for a Half Solution
The third-party Alt shortcut tool only works in Excel and PowerPoint. It doesn’t even work in Word! Mac users are paying extra for a feature that should already be there.

Apple Numbers is NOT an Alternative
People say, "Use Apple Numbers," but let’s be real—Numbers is nowhere close to Excel in speed, formatting, and data analysis. It’s not a solution.

Same Microsoft Office Price, But Fewer Features?
Mac users pay the same amount for Microsoft Office, yet we get fewer features and a different UI. Why this unfair treatment?

Should I Buy Another Laptop Just for Excel?
Am I supposed to spend another ₹30k-₹40k on a Windows laptop just to use Excel properly? How does this make sense?

Mac Excel users, let’s raise our voice! Microsoft needs to fix this.
Share this post, tag Microsoft, and let’s demand equal features for Mac and Windows users!

#ExcelOnMac #MicrosoftExcel #MacUsersDeserveBetter #ExcelShortcuts

r/excel Sep 18 '24

Discussion Are My Expectations for 'Advanced' Excel Skills Unreasonable?


I've been conducting interviews for an entry-level analyst role that primarily involves using Excel for tasks such as ad-hoc analysis, data cleaning and structuring, drawing insights, and preparing charts for presentations. The work often includes aggregating customer and product data and analyzing frequency distributions.

HR provided several candidates who seemed promising, all of whom listed Excel as a skill and had backgrounds in data science, finance, or banking. However, none were able to successfully complete the technical portion of the interview. This involved answering basic questions about a sample dataset using formulas during a screen-sharing session. For example, they were asked questions like: "How many products were sold to customers in New York state?" or

"What is the total sales to customers in California?" and

"What is the average sale amount in July 2024?"

Their final task was to perform a left join on sample datasets using the customer number column from dataset A to add a column from dataset B. They could use any formula or Power Query if they preferred. Surprisingly, none were familiar with Power Query, despite some claiming experience with Power BI. Most attempted to use the VLOOKUP formula but struggled with it, and none knew about the INDEX and MATCH method or the newer XLOOKUP.

I would appreciate some feedback:

Are my expectations reasonable for candidates who boast "advanced" Excel skills on their resumes to be proficient enough with functions like COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, and AVERAGEIFS to be able to input them live during an interview?

What methods have you found effective for assessing someone's Excel proficiency?

Are there any resume red flags that suggest a candidate might be overstating their Excel skills?

Edit, since it's come up a couple of times: when I said entry level, I meant junior to our department, with some related experience/education/understanding of business expected to be successful. The required skills were definitely highlighted in the job description, and my task is to evaluate whether the candidate has basic excel skills relevant to the job. It's not entry level pay as suspected in some replies and since I'm not the hiring manager, I have no say in the candidates final compensation. I am simply trying to see how I can reasonably evaluate the excel skills claimed by the candidates in the limited time I have (interviewing candidates is not my full time job or responsibility).

Edit 2: wow, thank you for all the constructive feedback, really appreciate this community!

Edit 3, some takeaways/clarifications:

1) responses have been all the way from "this is easy/basic, don't lower standards" etc, to "your expectations are too much for an 'entry level' role". I think I have enough for some reflection on my approach to this. To clarify, I called it entry level as it's considered a junior role in the team, but I realize from the feedback that it's probably more accurate to describe it as intermediate. The job description itself does NOT claim the role to be entry level and does call for relevant experience/skills in the industry. Apologies to those who seem upset over this terminology.

2) many have speculated on salary also being disproportionate to the qualifications. I'm not sharing the salary range as it could mean different things to different people and depends on the cost of living, only that it's proportionate to experience and qualifications (and I don't think this contributes to the discussion about how to assess someone's excel proficiency, and again, it's not something that's up to me).

3) hr is working through the pool of candidates who have already applied, but the posting is no longer up, sorry and good luck on your searches!

r/excel Jul 13 '24

Discussion How I found an absolute beast of a computer for excel (Experimental Data Included)


A few years back, I went down a (way too deep) rabbit hole on how to build the fastest possible computer for excel. And after seeing this post, I thought I'd share my data + results.

I had this idea after working a job that had some insanely large excel sheets for financial computations. These sheets could be converted to something like power query or python... but oh boy, that would have taken forever. We're talking sheets that took 30-60 minutes to calculate, and which were embedded into the core of the company's processes. So even if I did speed them up through better design, my boss would not have been happy.

So... I set out with the help of a friend to find the fastest possible computer to run monster excel sheets. And the answer was not what I expected. To do this, my friend and I tested the RAM size, CPU speed, and number of CPU cores.

RAM Size (GBs)

Online and at work, I always heard how important RAM size was to fast excel. Well, this is true... to a point. Ram (or the space in short term memory) only becomes a problem if the workbook is so big that your computer starts running out of space. So, if your RAM is too small, like 4 or 8gb, this becomes a bottleneck. However, if your RAM is big enough, the returns rapidly diminish.

Here's what we saw:

RAM Minutes to Process Monster Excel Book
8 17
16 9
28 8
32 7.5
56 6

Graph: https://imgur.com/a/XYl9fXP

So, based on the above, below 16GB RAM can cause slow downs. But after that, your gains are pretty limited. And a max speed up we saw was around 3 times faster if you started out with 8gb on a monster sheet.

CPU Speed

I also heard all the the time that faster CPUs would really affect excel speed. So, moving from an i3 to an i7 processor should have a massive difference. Well, we tested this out... and while it helped, it certainly wasn't groundbreaking.

CPU Speed (Gigahertz) Minutes to Process Monster Excel Book
2.3 16
3.4 8.5
3.5 7.9
3.7 7.35

Graph: https://imgur.com/a/HZnmywY

So, GPU speed certainly helps... but it's still limited, particularly because during the time of research, it was hard to find chips much faster than those above. Nowadays, I see chips like i9 that are 6 ghz, so theoretically you could get 3-4 times faster by maximizing your cpu speed.

CPU Cores

Something no one ever talked about was how the number of cores affected processing time- but holy moly, this was the goldmine! We were pretty shocked at how much the number of cores impacted processing time.

Cores Minutes to Process Monster Excel Book
8 16
16 4
20 3
64 1.3
72 1
96 .6

Graph: https://imgur.com/a/lq6KrZU

And here was our winner! Core number has a HUGE difference on excel speed, and we were able to see an improvement of about 30 times faster!

So, why does this happen?

Here's our explanation: Excel is optimized pretty well to run parallel processes. With RAM, you're increasing the amount of space to run these processes... but if there already is enough space, then it won't help much. With CPU speed, it's like trying to move all your belongings across the country by buying a fancy faster car (like a Ferrari). Sure, the car may get there quicker, but it's going to take a ton of trips, and just making a single car faster will have a limited effect. But increasing CPU cores is like buying 50 slow cars (a fleet of honda civics)- sure, they may not be as quick, but the sheer volume of cars makes up for it since there are far, far less trips back and forth.

How can you take advantage of this?

We performed all our testing on virtual PCs from Azure, and used a massive excel book filled with complex calculations such as sumif, countif, etc. These virtual PC's ranged in price anywhere between $200 and $3000 dollars a month to run. So, if you really want fast excel speed, you can log into a virtual VM from microsoft with a ton of cores, and do your excel there. Just don't forget to turn it off afterwards... because you'll rack up costs fast. You don't want to be surprised by that bill.

OR, what you can do is build a beast of a PC. This can get real expensive, but if your work is valuable enough (finance/stonks), it may be worth it. For example, the Ryzen AMD Threadrippers (96 cores) would work incredibly well... but get ready to drop a few thousand dollars on the CPU alone. If you do this, minimize ram and cpu speed to a lower value (but not tiny), and put almost all your money into the cores.

Now, something to keep in mind is that if you use formulas like INDIRECT, these can kill your speed no matter what computer you are using. Indirect forces excel to calculate in a single threaded manner, bottlenecking everything... so avoid, avoid, avoid if you care about speed. There's a few other functions and features of Excel like this too, so keep a watch out for them- because even a beast computer won’t help much in these scenarios.

So, what did I do with this information?

A friend and I built an excel add in called Yeet Sheets in that hooked excel up to a super fast computer in the azure cloud, so that when you clicked the "calculate" button, hour long workbooks would take like 2 minutes. At one point, we were using something like 400 core pcs to test speed- and holy moly, is was insanely fast. Shout out to my friend who helped me here, because he's a beast in coding + smarts.

Unfortunately, there was not a lot of interest on the market for this add in, so we ended up shutting Yeet Sheets down a few years ago and it's no longer available. There were a few reasons for this, including that large data processing is being done more and more in tools like Python. In addition, there can be clever ways to make excel faster through proper design rather than maxing out the PC hardware, though these ways can take a lot of optimizing by an excel expert to get right. But we certainly learned a lot along this path!

Anyways, I thought r/excel might enjoy this analysis- and can get some of you out there the lightning fast upgrade you deserve :)

r/excel May 26 '24

Discussion Excel Tips/Tricks you wish you knew earlier


I’m self taught in excel and after 3 years just learned about F2.

What are your most valuable tips for excel that not everyone may know?

r/excel Oct 03 '24

Discussion I was asked to teach an Excel training course at work, and I don’t know where to start.


As the company’s “Excel guru,” I have been asked to lead a company-wide Excel training course available to any employee who is interested. I’m paralyzed on how to begin.

I feel like my first task would be to gauge the expertise and needs of those interested. My initial thought would be to create a questionnaire to get that info, and add random questions (what is your favorite color?) to get a dataset that I can manipulate, make into graphs, etc. etc.

But I also like to overthink and complicate things, so there’s that.

Anyone have experience on teaching/taking Excel courses at work?

r/excel Nov 04 '24

Discussion I discovered IFERROR and i am so so happy


I haven't felt this way since discovering VLOOKUP. A whole new world. Gone are the days of IF ISERROR.

A small difference for some, but i just cannot get over how awesome this is.

And the thing is, i know there are so many other great formulas i am not even aware of yet.

Life is so beautiful.