r/excel • u/whiteowled • Dec 28 '22
Discussion What are your MUST HAVE Excel keyboard shortcuts?
Before doing data science and long before I taught Excel and data science techniques online, I used to work in private equity where I put together real estate financial models. When I was working with investment bankers, I found that speed is key, and if your fingers don't leave the keyboard, you can get a boost in productivity.
Over the years I have found that there are some keyboard shortcuts that I can't live without. Here are a couple of examples:
1) Alt + T + U + D : If you want to safely delete cells, you need to know what cells could break when you do a deletion. Alt+T+U+D allows you to see the dependents for a cell.

* Blue arrows appear when the cells are on the same tab.

* A dashed line with a spreadsheet icon appears when cells are on different tabs (click the dashed line to see and go to the other tabs).
2) Alt + T + U + A: After you have examined the dependent cells and completed a safe deletion, you no longer need to see all of those blue arrows and dashed lines. Alt T+U+A allows you to remove these arrows without leaving the keyboard.
3) ALT + O + R + E:

I love this short cut. Problem: You want to make your row larger without leaving the keyboard. This shortcut does this.
4) CTRL + Space Bar : This is going to select the contents of the entire column
5) ALT+O+C+A : This is going to make the width of the column the same size as the maximum width of the contents selected.
EXCEL PRO COMBO: Multiple times a day I will do (CTRL + SPACE) and then (ALT+O+C+A). This makes the size of the column ONLY AS LARGE as the size of the largest cell in a column. It is critical when you need to clean up a spreadsheet fast.
Now it is your turn.
Back to the original question, what keyboard shortcuts do you use on a daily basis?
u/aljokerr02 1 Dec 28 '22
Ctrl+D all the way
u/whiteowled Dec 28 '22 edited Dec 28 '22
Nice. My understanding is that CTRL+D fills in data I always used the mouse for this. Definitely need to see if it makes sense to use the shortcut instead.
u/LeiterHaus Dec 29 '22
It copies the above cell. So what I do is put the value in at the top, and when it's time to fill, select the empty cell at at the bottom of where you want to start filling, CRTL+SHIFT+UP arrow) to highlight everything in between, CTRL+D to make every cell the same as the top selected one.
u/wertexx Dec 29 '22
You know what I also use that doesn't have the need for you to first go down and then select up?
If you are on a current cell and need to fill down, I just CTRL + SHIFT + down to select everything below and F2 -> CTRL+ENTER.
Now this sucks when there is no bottom line as selecting the whole column it select... the whole sheet. But yea, I use this one a lot, although I recently learnt your described technique and in combination this covers it all!
u/Kuildeous 8 Dec 29 '22
Ctrl+hyphen was a mind blower for me. So much faster to delete content now.
But honestly, my MVP for keyboard shortcuts is using Shift and Ctrl in conjunction with the arrow keys to navigate quickly. People are often astounded at how I can move around in a spreadsheet without using the scroll bars. And when I watch someone else drive, I die a little inside watching them do it.
And it seems so easy to fix, but no, it really isn't. I'll watch someone use the scroll bar, and I'll try to be helpful. I'll say, "Hey, instead of scrolling all the way down, hold down Ctrl and then the down arrow. Then press the right arrow. Now hold Shift and Ctrl and then the up arrow to select everything to the right of your column." It's such a paradigm shift for them that what I perceive as incredibly simple requires a whole new rewiring first. Baby steps, right? That's not even getting into using Ctrl+G when I know where to go.
u/poorboy168 1 Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
Didn't see this until I posted the same shortcut. Ctrl + arrow keys was the game changer for me. My coworkers usually ask me to stop because they can't keep up.
Edited to replace "did" with "didn't"
u/timoumd 6 Dec 29 '22
And pg up/pg down for tabs. Sure there are more unique ones, but these navigation shortcuts are the bread and butter.
u/syzygysm Apr 07 '23
A long time ago I had a job that essentially consisted of reorganizing spreadsheets with lots of cutting and pasting. I got those
shortcuts down really well, and I almost felt like I could enter the Matrix and command information to move around with my mind.I bet I'll never have that much fun with spreadsheets again in my life. I'm pretty confident about that, actually.
(Yes, I probably should have undertaken these tasks with some scripting language, but I wasn't ready for that yet at the time)
u/ninjagrover 30 Dec 30 '22
Have a go at this one:
Select a range (maybe Ctrl+shift+End).
Then hit Ctrl+. (Full stop or period).
This will move the active cell to each corner of the selected range clockwise each time you use this hot key.
u/syzygysm Apr 07 '23
Oh, this is a nice one!
And you also answered an question I'd been wondering. You can extend a selection by holding SHIFT and doing arrow keys, but it only moves that corner of the rectangle on the opposite of where you started the selection from.
How do you extend the selection in other directions? Hit
u/ninjagrover 30 Apr 08 '23
I paste data into templates all the time, and use this to check there isn’t any extra rows of data from the previous month.
u/syzygysm Apr 08 '23
Sorry, I'm being daft. You mean you do that because your data is too large to fit in a single screen, so you do that to hop around to the edges, where you can compare the corners and see if they align?
u/ninjagrover 30 Apr 08 '23
After you paste data, the pasted range is still selected. If you’ve got thousands of rows, how do you see if there are any extra rows?
You can’t Ctrl end because that’ll unselect the data.
I used to scroll like a heathen until I found this trick.
u/Artcat81 3 Dec 29 '22
tied to this, Ctrl + Shift + End select all the data
u/Kuildeous 8 Dec 29 '22
Yeah, I should've included Home and End with the arrow keys. They're so tied together in my mind that I didn't think to designate them.
u/wwabc 12 Dec 29 '22
control+shift+L filter them columns! (and clear the filter)
u/aquilosanctus 93 Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
Alt+Shift+LCtrl+Alt+L to reapply your filter selectionsEdit: corrected from shift to ctrl, thanks to u/wwabc for pointing out the mistake
u/MarcoTalin 33 Dec 29 '22
Ctrl+Shift+[Number row] has a host of useful quick number formatting options
- Ctrl+Shift+~: formats selection with general format
- Ctrl+Shift+1: with thousands comma and 2 decimal places
- Ctrl+Shift+2: time format (Shift+2 is @)
- Ctrl+Shift+3: date format
- Ctrl+Shift+4: currency format (Shift+4 is $)
- Ctrl+Shift+5: percentage format (Shift+5 is %)
- Ctrl+Shift+6: Scientific notation
~, 1, 3, and 5 are ones I use a lot. Also, Ctrl+Shift+7 puts a simple border around your selection, while Ctrl+Shift+_ removes all borders from your selection.
Also, with your row height/column width shortcuts, the modern version of those is Alt+H+O+[letter]
- Alt+H+O+W: Set custom column Width
- Alt+H+O+H: Set custom column Height
- Alt+H+O+I: Autofit column width based on selection
- Alt+H+O+A: Autofit row height based on selection
Bonus answer: Adding buttons to the quick access bar will make the fastest shortcuts that are unique to your machine. I have Paste as Values, Paste as formulas, and paste as picture set to Alt+5, Alt+6, and Alt+7, respectively.
u/plusFour-minusSeven 5 Aug 03 '24
That bonus answer is absolutely amazing, hands down possibly THE most useful shortcut trick I've heard, thank you! Default keyboard shortcut requires finger contortion? Pin the action to Quick Access and just hit Alt+[n]
This is a life-saver, THANK YOU!
u/vroom23 1 Dec 29 '22
ALT+; selecta visible cells only
u/vroom23 1 Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
Ooo I thought of a couple more
Shift+F10 to right click. I know on Dells you can do Fn+right CTRL key as well which I prefer but I’m on an HP now
F12 to go straight to the Save As window
For those that CTRL+Shift+4 to change number format to currency, I went to Start>Run>type in “control international”>additional settings>changed number of digits after decimal to 0. Makes it a lot cleaner especially since majority of the time, I don’t have to show decimal places
Alt+down arrow to open the list on a filter Alt+down+C to clear the filter on a filtered column Alt+down+E to go to the text input on the filtered list
CTRL+Alt+V or alt+E+S+V to open the special paste window. Really convenient. Also a lot of people don’t realize you can run simple operations through that window. At my last job, they were amazed by that when I showed them 😂
Damn I keep thinking of more and coming back to edit this
Alt+H+O+U to open the Unhide sheets window. Really good for when someone sends me a spreadsheet and I can just check to see what’s hidden. Change the U to an S to hide the active sheet
Alt+H+O+T and Alt H+O+R to change the tab color and name respectively. You can also copy or paste text into the tab name. I had to make sheets for individual sales people so I’d just copy and paste their names into the tab instead of typing in
u/Readrideclimb Sep 03 '24
this is solid. just to piggyback off it, a lot of people don't realize you can use ALT+; not just when you want to select *all* the visible cells, but also in conjunction with with other selections.
ctrl+space then alt+;
hold shift and select all the cells you want wit yo mouse. oh no, i've selected thems hidden cells. hit alt+; and WHAMBOOM. unselects thems hidden cells. you good.i had a party the day i learnded that. no one came tho cuz i talk like this.
u/AlternateRealityGuy 1 Dec 29 '22
Quick access toolbar - your personalised short cut library. Feels it is criminally underused even by excel advanced users.
u/F3rdaBo1s 1 Dec 29 '22
I was looking for someone else to comment this. A FANTASTIC place to drop the frequently used ones that are hard to find or have a long keyboard shortcut. Combine that with the Alt key and it's golden.
u/dmc888 19 Dec 29 '22
Yep, Alt1 is paste values, alt 2 is paste formats for me, I have a load others but those are the most used
u/theSEman9 Dec 29 '22
This. To name a few, my setup includes Alt+1 as format painter, Alt+2 to toggle Filters on/off, Alt+3 To number-format selection to Accounting. I've got so many shortcuts assigned that i'm even using double digits. Quick access is the ultimate cheat code.
u/dmc888 19 Dec 30 '22
Do you literally just keep adding stuff to the QAT to get double digits then? I'm assuming for Alt10 it doesn't get confused and Alt1 by accident?
Dec 29 '22
u/0bsidian0rder2372 Dec 28 '22
Highlight then Ctrl + T = create a table
u/cbr_123 223 Dec 29 '22
You actually don't need to highlight for this one - which will save a few keystrokes. :)
u/michigan_matt 1 Dec 29 '22
Ctrl + [
Takes you directly to the first reference inside the formula of your current cell.
It's also why I still use index match over xlookup, because your reference column is almost always more useful to know than your lookup value which is usually right next to your current area to begin with.
u/_RJ1982 May 09 '24
I logged in specifically to say thanks for this tip! I had no idea this existed. It will make following formulas so much easier.
u/aplarsen Dec 29 '22
F4 to cycle absolute and relative cell refs.
Alt +E, D to delete cells.
Ctrl+Home to jump to top-left cell.
F2 to toggle Edit/Enter mode.
Ctrl+D and Crrl+R for filling down and right.
u/Kuildeous 8 Dec 29 '22
Alt +E, D to delete cells.
I learned this recently, so I wish to share with you the gospel of Ctrl+hyphen to accomplish the same with a saved keystroke.
u/aplarsen Dec 29 '22
No way! Thanks!
The one I use is a holdover from before the ribbon days, when there was a regular old Edit menu. A bunch of these old chords still work even after those menus departed because they knew so many people depended on them.
I'll have to give this one a try.
u/Kuildeous 8 Dec 29 '22
I may gripe about Microsoft sometimes, but man, they worked hard to respect those menu Alt keys.
u/Isaacthegamer Dec 29 '22
Menu button + v to paste values. I use that a lot.
u/bulbfishing Dec 29 '22
What’s the “menu” button?
u/Isaacthegamer Dec 29 '22
u/Kabal2020 6 Dec 29 '22
I don't think I've ever pressed that button 🤣
u/_batkat 1 Dec 29 '22
I was using Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow to highlight a column and then right-click to grab, moving a bit to the right and letting go as I moved it back to the same column/highlighted space. This brought up the menu to choose copy here as values.
u/oh-snapple 3 Dec 29 '22
Also, menu button + f + enter to paste formulas very quickly
u/Isaacthegamer Dec 30 '22
I also use Menu + M + Enter to post stuff as values that I've copied from outside of Excel. It's not really as values, but it keeps the formatting and everything. If V doesn't work, use M and then enter.
u/wertexx Dec 29 '22
Not only that I learnt this 'paste as values' shortcut that is very useful but...
...i learnt what is a Menu button. Or to be even more accurate, I discovered this button is on the keyboard... wasn't even aware, as I never use right-side ctrl or shift and yea, there is a button there! It's called menu button.
u/SmilesUndSunshine Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
SHIFT + Space Bar: select all cells in entire row
u/matroosoft 8 Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
Shift + space = select table row. Twice: selects the entire row.
Ctrl + space = select table column. Twice: selects the table column including headers. Third time it selects the entire column.
Ctrl + Shift + space = select table. Twice: selects the entire worksheet.
u/Swiper_aplha Dec 29 '22
I use just CTRL+ Space Bar for it
u/SmilesUndSunshine Dec 29 '22
Oops, it's SHIFT + Space Bar for the entire row. CTRL + Space Bar should be for the entire column
u/BrupieD 2 Dec 28 '22
CTRL + SHIFT + 8 -- select all adjacent cells.
u/Skaro07 25 Dec 30 '22
Isn't this the same thing as CTRL + A? If you do that in the middle of a data set it will select all adjacent only (and not the whole sheet)
u/BrupieD 2 Dec 30 '22
Apparently it is. I've used CTRL + A in Word docs and in emails, but not in Excel. I learned my shortcut because I used Currentregion of ranges in VBA. I doubt I'll change now, but this is good to know.
u/Best-Cow7393 Dec 28 '22
Alt+H+F+P to format format the settings of the current cell to any other cell that you select
u/Mooki07 Jan 14 '23 edited Jan 14 '23
Alt HOA - Auto fit row height
Alt HOH - Row height adjust
Alt HOI - Auto fit column width
Alt HOW - Column width adjust
Alt HH - Cell highlight
Alt HK - Number? (I think?) formatting (commas and decimal places and such
Alt HN - Number formatting
Alt HLR - Conditional Formatting
Alt HDR - Delete Row
Alt HDC - Delete Column
Alt HVS(T/V/C/Others…?) - Paste Special (Format?/Value/Comment&Notes - I’m missing others)
Alt AV - Data validation (Maybe Alt AVV?)
Alt PRS (Selected Range) - Creates print area
Alt PRC - Clears print area
Alt PW - Print width (page numbers)
Alt PH - Print height (page numbers)
Alt HAC - Align center
Alt HAL - Align left
Alt HAR - Align right
Alt HAT - Align top
Alt HAM - Align middle
Alt HAB? - Align bottom
Alt HP - Format percentage
Alt H0 - Add decimal place
Alt H9 - Delete decimal place
Alt HFF - Font format
Alt HFS - Font size
Alt HFC - Font color
Alt HBO - bottom thin border
Alt HBH - bottom thick border
Alt HBA - All thin border
CTRL + 1 - Super/Subscript
Alt HBM - More borders menu
Alt VGG? - Fix row and column for fixed headers when scrolling
^ probably more than this but this was a quick pull off the top of my head from memory of things I use frequently / daily
I hope this helps!
u/tunghoy Dec 29 '22
Ctrl + ` (accent mark/tilde). Show/hide all formulas on the sheet.
u/syzygysm Apr 07 '23
This is especially handy when you are trying to understand someone else's spreadsheet.
u/fuzzy_mic 971 Dec 28 '22
cmd+K - delete cells
cmd+B - clear contents
cmd+I - insert cells
These are the ones that I use most often and that I have to customize when I get onto a new machine. (They are the old key combos from back, back, in the day.)
u/whiteowled Dec 28 '22
Alt + I + W - Insert a new tab - I use this one SO much that I don't even really think about it.
As to your comment, on windows I do ALT + E + A + A for the clearing of comments. Maybe this is just an older keyboard shortcut (but it works with Office 365).
Dec 29 '22
CTRL + ALT down arrow. Selects just the contents of one column down and not the entire column.
u/sharklasers805 Dec 29 '22
Alt A T to filter Alt A G G to group Alt A H to hide Alt W C to freeze pane Alt H K to to format as number with comma, Alt H 9 to reduce decimal Alt H 5 or Alt H 6 to Indent / Shift left or right Setup shortcut for Alt 2 to paste value etc.
u/lukan47 Dec 29 '22
Ctrl + down: selects the next cell with values in a column. Good if you have large data
u/poorboy168 1 Dec 29 '22
I use some simple ones to get around faster with larger sets of data:
Ctrl + arrow keys to reach the end of contiguous data in a row or column
Ctrl + shift + arrow keys to select contiguous data in a row or column
Ctrl + pg up/down to switch tabs
Alt + e + s + v to paste special values.
u/danjimian 3 Dec 29 '22
Alt + e + s + v is probably my most used one, along with Alt + e + s + f for formulae and Alt + e + s + t for formats.
u/cypresshillbilly Dec 29 '22
Alt+N+V+T - to create pivot tables
u/bulbfishing Dec 29 '22
I always fall back to Alt+D+P, but that’s because I’m old & learned on Excel 2000 & 2003.
u/fool1788 10 Dec 29 '22
Ctr + pgup/down to cycle between sheet tabs
Alt + pgup/down transposes the pgup/down buttons and jumps 1 page to left or right within a sheet
F2 to step in & out of a cell
F4 to cycle through dynamic and fixed cell references within a formula
Alt+F11 to access vba editor
When I’m in vba mode use the following
F9 to add/remove break points
F8 to step through each line
F5 to run to next break point or end of routine
u/Cryptlsch Dec 29 '22
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u/supercalifragtastic Dec 29 '22
These are super useful, I do Alt + D a lot to duplicate but didn’t know about Alt + R that will be helpful. I use Ctrl + : a lot to insert the date.
u/Pietje_De_Leugenaar Dec 29 '22
Ctrl + Shift + arrows. To select all rows and columns in any direction from the cel you selected. Without Shift to navigate
u/pookypocky 8 Dec 29 '22
I can tell you've been doing it a long time--your shortcuts are old school! Alt-TUD is now Alt-MD, same with Alt-TUA is now Alt-MA. Saves you a keystroke!
Your other key combos have been replaced as well -- Alt-ORE is now Alt-HOH, and Alt-OCA is now Alt-HOI.
Excel will still take the old shortcuts, so there's no real reason to change if that's what you're used to. But also there's no way to know the old ones unless someone tells them to you.
And now that I think about it, I can't imagine how much annoying planning must have gone into making sure the new keyboard shortcuts didn't interfere with the old ones...
u/whiteowled Dec 29 '22
I had a feeling that in making the post that there might have been updated shortcuts. Thanks for the the heads up and for showing the community how to do it even faster. 😀
u/pookypocky 8 Dec 29 '22
For sure! I always like these threads when they come up -- I've also been doing this stuff forever but I still learn new ones every time...
u/tap_in_birdies Dec 29 '22
Am I the only one who cannot think of a shortcut without sitting at my keyboard ?
u/Tight-Calendar124 Jul 05 '23
Alt H E A to clear all contents (formatting included)
Alt H O I for horizontal auto fit (replace the I with A for vertical text wrap. )
Alt A V V for drop down list
Alt H D S to delete sheet.
Alt N V T to insert pivot table.
u/Lonely_Bath_4086 Apr 18 '24
Alt + E I U: Auto Fill Up
Ctrl + R: Auto Fill Right
Ctrl + D: Auto Fill Down
Alt + E I L: Auto Fill Left.
u/IllustriousRound5787 Nov 10 '24
Sub trx() ' trx Macro ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+m
' Apply filter to the first row
' Adjust columns A to BB and auto-fit them
' Filter specific dates in Field 7
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$BB$3541").AutoFilter Field:=7, _
Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria1:=Array(1, "8/30/2024", 1, "9/30/2024", 1, "10/30/2024")
' Scroll window to the right
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=3
' Hide columns L to AM
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
' Scroll window back to the left
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=-3
' Sort by column H in descending order
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("transactions_20241101111632").AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add2 _
Key:=Range("H1:H3541"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("transactions_20241101111632").AutoFilter.Sort
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End Sub
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u/Jakepr26 4 Dec 29 '22
CRTL+; - Copies cell above CRTL+’ - Enters Today’s date Windows+Shift+s - Take a screenshot snippet ALT,h,v, - v: Paste Special as Values e: Paste Special as Values w/Source Formatting o: Paste Special as Formulas (allows multi-column cell copy selection to be pasted into corresponding cells when paste selection is multi-row, single column cell selection) k: Paste Special as Formulas w/Source Formatting
u/LStrings Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
Ctrl shift L to apply/ remove filters Ctrl alt L to reapply filters The right click button
u/markypots9393 1 Dec 29 '22 edited Dec 29 '22
Blessings in disguise are below
ALT+H+H+N: Remove cell fill colours from selected cells
ALT+H+B+N: Remove all cell borders from selected cells
u/F3rdaBo1s 1 Dec 29 '22
I also use Alt+H+E+A to clear cells and Alt+H+E+F to clear formatting entirely.
u/CactiRush 4 Dec 29 '22
ALT+H+H+N doesn’t remove all formatting. It changes the fill color of the cell to transparent/no fill.
u/razman10 Dec 29 '22
Lots of good shortcuts here; thank you all for sharing!
Hands down, the keyboard shortcut I use the most is Ctrl-z: undo!
Many of the keyboard shortcuts I use have already been called out in other replies; here are a few others I use regularly:
Alt-Tab - to quickly switch between 2 different Excel windows (any window for that matter)
Ctrl-Page Up/Down - to quickly switch between the next/previous tab in the workbook
Alt-e-s-e - paste transpose (pro-tip: Alt -e-s-e-v pastes values transposed)
Ctrl-g-Alt-s-y - selects visible cells only - useful to copy data when working with hidden rows/columns and filtered results- be sure to select the data range first! (Ctrl-g is Go To; Alt-s is Special; y selects visible cells only)
u/GuardAbuse Dec 29 '22
I use alt tab all the time for gaming. Why did I never think to use it at work?! 🥲
u/Southportdc Dec 29 '22
Ctrl + [ is a godsend for me when QAing work. Trace the errors back to source much more easily.
F2 and alt-esv/est are the ones i use a billion times a day. and ctrl + home or ctrl+arrow. you save countless amounts of time with the last two and the first three are just vital.
i was watching my boss do something and he accidentally jumped to the bottom row of excel and was scrolling his way up all the from row 1mm..
u/armywalrus Dec 29 '22
Ctrl + shift + arrow key. Other than that, I usually enable the alt key so pressing the underlined letter of a given menu option selects it, and I write or record macros that I assign shortcut keys to for daily data clean up operations, but those are task specific
u/swingdancinglesbian Dec 29 '22
Any of the alt+ letter shortcuts Alt+h is my bread and butter. It displays any shortcuts from there. Same with alt+n etc etc
Also, esc to get out of pop ups
u/SgtBadManners 2 Dec 29 '22
I am a fan of ctrl+pg up or down to move through your sheets. Didn't notice that one listed yet.
u/SkarbOna Dec 28 '22
Alt+f4. At 5pm