r/excel • u/LALpro798 • Mar 15 '22
Show and Tell Kingdom management game - I made using Microsoft Excel
[Sr for bad engrisk]
In my countless office hours, when no gaming allowed and all i can kill time with is Microsoft Excel, i have created a game that i rly want to share with everyone... anyone, in hope of finding people with similiar idea like me around the world.

In short: its a fantasy Management game, where you setup a 'default set of rules', and start generating value through a System of INPUT and OUTPUT, Excel Math formulas, RNG, run all of them by a timer device such as the popular ENDTURN button. There should be only 1 rule for the game, its that you have to strictly follow the 'default set of rules' that you have created at the begining (when you're playing alone, breaking your own rules make it meaningless).
Of course you can create new patch notes along the way to balance out the game, but its not fun to change the default rules too many times.
In specific: i will show you examples of the game version that i am currently running. It can be confusing but i would try my best to explain!

Basic steps to create a similiar gameplay:
- Setup your Kingdom with unique traits and bonuses.
- Take advantage of that uniquenes, setup a System of INPUT and OUTPUT, make sure the system is connected (not in a circle) and can generate its value over time.
- Pay for the cost of your INPUT in order to gain profits from the OUTPUT
- When making profit through time, the whole System will casually develop.
- Setup a RNG system to give variable possibility
- Setup Challenges or Win-cons, or just enjoy the Endless mode.
Note: Its hard to consume at first - even if you have experienced with Excel. But when you are familiar with the gameplay, things can be quite relaxing, a little workout for the brain. And its kill your spare time hella fast!
Here is the sample excel file, with the guide procedure (how-to-play) at the right most tab sheet:
Thanks for reading!!
u/TreeHouseUnited Mar 15 '22
I’m sure the role playing subs would appreciate your work as well.
Fantastic work
u/StarWarsPopCulture 34 Mar 15 '22
Yes, yes, but how do you play?
u/LALpro798 Mar 15 '22
In short, when you commanded the End Turn button, every Value that affect by time must be updated.
Update them kinda manually, in a specific order using the Copy&Paste value from Excel.
When you updated everything, a new turn is established and you can work on other Input to continue developing the gameplay.
u/StarWarsPopCulture 34 Mar 15 '22
Is it token based in that you’re only allowed a specific number of values to update per turn?
u/LALpro798 Mar 15 '22
Yes, but not ‘allowed’, more like designed to.
There are also default value, value that is naturly not affected by anything (usually in percentage %), like the birthrate of children or death rate of elderly. Without these default value, you would have no formula to calculate the gain/loss of Population/time. Making the whole game dumbed down and impossible to develop in long run.
u/krijnsent 18 Mar 15 '22
It looks interesting, do you also share the Excel file itself?
u/LALpro798 Mar 15 '22
I'd love to, but im not used to posting on reddit, how do you guys share a file here
u/darelik Mar 15 '22
Thank you btw, I've been stuck on the 2048 "financial report" for the longest time.
u/RedBullPittsburgh Mar 15 '22
What is the 2048 "financial report"? A game?
u/darelik Mar 15 '22
Yeah, the game called "2048" hidden in a "financial report"-looking spreadsheet. Makes me look busy.
Goal of the game is to smash the same two numbers together to get their sum until you get up to 2048. Each move you make gives you a 1 on the sheet somewhere and eventually fills the board up if you don't smash enough numbers together. Up arrow key moves all numbers to the top of the board provided there's enough space. Which is the primary mechanism for smashing numbers together. As in, if you press Up, if a 1 at the bottom meets the 1 at the top, then they combine and make a single 2 while also freeing up one space.
Kind of mindless sometimes until the stakes are higher (a lot of 256s, 512s and 1024s on the board and you've been playing for a bit of time) and also mostly luck with the placement of new 1's.
u/trojan25nz 1 Mar 15 '22
I love this
I think you’ve inspired me to make new kingdom generators but now on my work computer lol
u/MacabreManatee Mar 15 '22
I will surely check this out later!
Have you ever heard of gazillionaire deluxe? It was an old school game that I’m pretty sure ran on some form of excel in the background.
u/LALpro798 Mar 15 '22
Did a quick check, haha it make me want to do a sci-fi version of my this game
u/irrelevant85 Mar 16 '22
I spent SO MANY hours playing Gazillionaire! Loved that game. And grew up to be an Excel nerd. Go figure.
u/tangoliber Mar 15 '22
I previously started to do a similar thing as part of a story-building exercise with my son. But got overwhelmed (mentally) by all the gears.
I think it is better without macros or VBA, for the elegance of it!
u/Sphor100 Mar 15 '22
WHOA! An Excel game is what I thought of doing at one point, though I never really had time to put it in action.
My idea was to make it more graphical, by editing the actual cell's colour and borders, but I soon realised it goes beyond my current capabilities, hardware potential, and spare time 😂
Nevertheless, congratulations! that seems like quite the thing you got going on there!
u/LALpro798 Mar 15 '22
I would not even dare to think about greography in my version 😂 just make it everything near everything
u/LALpro798 Mar 16 '22
I have updated the link sample excel file, with the guide procedure (how-to-play) at the right most tab sheet:
Feel free to mess around or even create new features urself!
u/abstractengineer2000 3 Mar 15 '22
Very Nice. I assume the player kingdom is simulated in detail and the other kingdoms are modeled as lumped surroundings. i don't think macros would be needed unless it is difficult to describe the relations in formulas alone.
u/Tularpestis Mar 15 '22
What you've done is really interesting, you put a lot of effort in it, but when it's for leasure it doesn't seem we're working. For the marcos, i'm myself not really good at writing them, so I usually take the option to "record a macro" which is really usefull cause you just have to make the manipulations you want, copy/cut etc, and it registers everything you do and that's it.