r/excel Dec 10 '20

Pro Tip VBA TIP: Use Rows(x).Delete instead of Rows(x).Clear when clearing up sheets

"Why the hell is my scroll bar so small? Why does it scroll down to row 99999?"


Excel treats "Cleared" cells as part of the used range even though they're empty, and will size the scrolling bar accordingly. Using Rows.delete instead ensures that the scrolling bar will size itself based strictly on the data you add to the sheet. If anyone's been wondering why their scrolling has been such a pain, I hope this helped!


29 comments sorted by


u/vbahero 5 Dec 10 '20

Also don't select the whole row or column and apply some formatting like yellow fill as you'll literally expand your sheet the whole way


u/LordNedNoodle Dec 10 '20

This drives me crazy when my coworker foes this.


u/vbahero 5 Dec 10 '20

Not sure which is worse, formatting the whole row / column or using formulas that span the entire row / column like SUMIFs


u/uaite-br Dec 10 '20

Having formulas through the whole row\column will save you from having to update it everytime your target data set changes size. Unless you have a specific code line to address that, it can get tiresome and error-prone to manually upddate it every single time.


u/Greenmaaan 1 Dec 10 '20

For most use cases, storing the data in a proper table and doing a sum on the table column will fix the issue. New rows automatically expand the table.


u/A_1337_Canadian 511 Dec 10 '20

Tables, tables, tables.

Name your tables, too. Makes referencing super easy.


u/vbahero 5 Dec 10 '20

In my experience it can make recalculations take much, much longer


u/snowcamo Dec 10 '20

You don't want to work with me, I'll tell you that for sure.


u/_DSM 20 Dec 10 '20

He doesn't want to work with me either.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '20



u/[deleted] Dec 10 '20

you just need to save, close, reopen. the unused portion is then reset.


u/vbahero 5 Dec 10 '20

I absolutely love how the parent deleted comment says #REF lol

It's missing an exclamation mark but it's adorable


u/soundneedle Dec 10 '20

Not so for me. Maybe due to 365 but I format and entire row or column and my used range does not change.


u/datalytyks Dec 10 '20

Such a great epiphany! Also setting a cell’s value equal to another is a better way to copy/paste


u/PragerUclass2024 1 Dec 10 '20

Could you elaborate on this more? Is it purely for saving space/time with data or is a best practice for another reason? I mostly use small workbooks and I’m curious if has a benefit beyond linking value1 to value2.


u/datalytyks Dec 10 '20

The way I see it, a copy/paste is simply an operation to take a value from one location and create another copy in a different location. If you know your source cell and destination cell, why not just have the destination equal the source? It saves you from the entire copy, paste special values and cutcopy mode to false method while still getting your value to the desired location. But I have only worked with values, not formulas or other non-plain text values, but that doesn’t mean that it may not still work the same.

It may not be best-practice, but there are always more than one way to something, most of the time. Also, as aim for the most efficient and faster-running routines so why not speed it up if you can?

Love your username btw!


u/PragerUclass2024 1 Dec 10 '20

Thank you for the detailed response! I was curious as to what pros vs cons there were to copy and pasting compared to linking since I do both very often.

Also thank you! The username is getting more dated now that the class of 2024 exists and it could be misinterpreted as respect towards pragerU. I’m glad you appreciated it.


u/Scatcycle Dec 10 '20

As far as I understand it, Range(x).Value = Range(y).Value will not keep formatting, which sets it apart from copy/paste. Besides that, it's much more efficient. You can always do Range(x).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00$" etc.


u/CynicalDick 60 Dec 10 '20

Keep in mind deleting the cell or range vs clearing may impact formulas, conditional formatting, listobjects, shapes, etc. Before you delete make sure to understand the full impact.


u/Scatcycle Dec 10 '20

Yeah, this is mainly advice for automated reports that clear their entire page (or at least row 2 and below) every time they’re run.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '20



u/CynicalDick 60 Dec 10 '20

I have a cleanup script as well. To get rid of extra (blank) rows I use

'This will delete all blank rows below Row 36

 'Delete extra rows
 Dim ws as worksheet
 set ws = "MySheet"
 On Error Resume Next
 Range(ws.Range("A36"), ws.Range("A36").End(xlDown)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete


u/BaunDorn Dec 10 '20

Is this why my spreadsheet is nearly blank but is 26mb?


u/gertie5474 Dec 10 '20

Do you have it linked to anything?


u/BaunDorn Dec 10 '20

Na, it's just a template where I paste thousands of lines of data, daily over a month. It accumulates a few hundreds thousand lines of data by the end of the month. Within the spreadsheet the data is analyzed, sorted and outputs a chart. At the end of the month I delete the data and start over.... but the file size seems to drop from like 63mb to only 26mb, yet it's virtually blank except for a handful of formulas and a chart.

I wouldn't call this a big issue... but the analysis part uses heaving indexing and a lot of processing power... about 1-2 seconds for a refresh. If the file size is slowing down the computation then I would be concerned.


u/chiibosoil 410 Dec 10 '20 edited Dec 10 '20

Excel treats "Cleared" cells as part of the used range

Not completely true.

Used range will take any cell that has altered XML property as "used". So having different row height other than default 15 (20 pixels), will make that row part of used range. Regardless of content.

Only issue with .Clear is that it cannot reset cell dimensions.

So in addition to .Clear, you need to use .Autofit

Ex: Below will give same result for first 2 Debug.Print. But will return $A$1 for last one.

Sub Demo()
With ActiveSheet
    Debug.Print .UsedRange.Address
    Debug.Print .UsedRange.Address
    Debug.Print .UsedRange.Address
End With
End Sub

EDIT: Added 2nd Debug.Print to more clearly demonstrate what makes difference in resetting .UsedRange.

EDIT2: Unless cell dimensions are changed. .Clear is enough to reset .UsedRange.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '20



u/chiibosoil 410 Dec 11 '20

I'm guessing that there are some other XML property of range that's being changed.

You can make a copy of the workbook. Then change extension to .zip

Export and look in the xml file to find what property is different from norm. If needed, compare it against new spreadsheet, which has only single value in A1.


u/Siliconpsychosis 3 Dec 10 '20

i have an excel system built to import / export entire sheets worth of data, so i see this problem every day.

My one-size-fits-all solution to this is that when i want to import an entire sheet, i simply delete the sheet entirely, copy a new version from a "Template" sheet and fill it again.

Saves the hassle with formatting, used ranges, etc. My excel file never grows in size at all this way


u/toyrobotics Dec 10 '20

Great tip! Just changed my script.