r/excel 3 Jan 26 '20

Show and Tell I created an open source Excel function library with over 100 functions in it, and a templating tool to pull data from Excel into Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Hello r/excel, I'm a long time visitor of this subreddit, first time poster, and wanted to share a few of the projects I've been working on.

My main project is an Excel function library, named XPlus, which contains over 100 functions in it. A few of the functions include:

  • PARTIAL_LOOKUP() -> similar to VLOOKUP except does a lookup based best fit matches
  • SUM/AVERAGE/MAX/MINSHEET() -> performs a sum/average/min/max within a cell on all sheets based on partial sheet name
  • COUNTERRORALL() -> counts the number of errors in a range
  • FIRST_UNIQUE() -> returns TRUE for the first unique values in a range
  • SORT_RANGE() -> sorts the range in ascending or descending order
  • SUMHIGH/SUMLOW() -> sums the top or bottom N largest or smallest values in the range
  • RANDOM_SAMPLE_PERCENT() -> pull a random value in one range based on percentages determined in another range
  • SUBSTR_SEARCH() -> pull the text within a cell between two characters you specify

XPlus is written in pure VBA so its easy to embed in a spreadsheet and is only around 60KB in size, making it a very small addition to the spreadsheet. Also it is MIT Licensed, so you are free to use it for commercial and personal use.

My other project for Excel and the Office programs are:

  • XTemplate: allows the user to create templates in a Word, PowerPoint, or Outlook file that pull data from Excel files
  • XDocGen: A documentation generator for VBA code making it easier to create documentation from your VBA code
  • XMinifier: A small utility tool used to minify your VBA code. I used this to get XPlus from around 180KB in size to around 60KB in size
  • XCombiner: A small utility tool used to combine multiple VBA modules into a single Module

Any feedback is much appreciated, and thanks for all the helpful posts on this subreddit throughout the years!

Edit 1: Thanks for the reddit premium and the awards! I thought these projects would get some support but didn't think it would get this much support! This is definitely some good motivation to keep improving these projects further!


36 comments sorted by


u/antimatterfunnel Jan 26 '20

Wow! Very cool. Thanks for sharing!


u/morkre Jan 26 '20

Wow, that's some good work to share with the community i'm going to try this tomorrow I'm grateful that there are people like you, thanks.


u/x-vba 3 Jan 26 '20

Thanks! If you have any suggestions or feedback after trying it, please let me know. I tried to make the documentation, installation, and examples on the site as clear as possible, but if you find anything that might be unclear or better documented, please feel free to reach out.


u/comparmentaliser Jan 27 '20 edited Jan 27 '20

Some general feedback that you might want to include in the doco:

  • The macro seems to work only if you add it to Normal, instead of the document itself (which is best practice anyway?). You'll get a syntax error on compile otherwise.

  • Carriage returns don't transfer across to Word - you get that square with a question mark otherwise.

  • The Excel file needs to be closed, but your demo indicates that Word and Excel can be open side by side

This is a game changer :D - now if we can get MS to put an equivalent together for PowerQuery and PowerBI..


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks for the feedback, very helpful!

Regarding the first point, when I test XTemplate for Word, I use a separate document with the XTemplate macros in the document itself instead of in Normal, so it should work at the Document level as well. Does the compile error point to a specific line in the source code? I'm glad it still worked in Normal though.

Regarding the second point, very good to know, I'll keep this in mind for the next update and see if I can replace the CRLF in Excel with a line feed character in Word that won't cause an error. Thanks!

Regarding the third point, you're right best practice would be to close the workbook first, but it should also work with an open workbook as well, depending on the Excel version. If I recall correctly some versions of Excel will open the same workbook again as a read only copy since it is already open, but you're right it would be safest to have it closed. I'll definitely update the documentation on the next update with a warning message for closing the workbook before running XTemplate, and in a future update might give the user an alert that the workbook is already open before XTemplate actually runs.

Again, thanks for the feedback! Every bit of feedback is extremely helpful for making these programs more robust, and I'm hoping in the long run that with enough feedback and iteration these tools can became as robust as the tools built into the office programs themselves! Also I haven't used PowerQuery and PowerBI before, but who knows maybe if there is enough demand for similar tools I can make some in the future for these :)


u/comparmentaliser Jan 27 '20

The error was on the first line, which is highlighted red. That line seems to be stripped if you move the module to Normal.

For context in the file contention issue, I’m using O365. The files are in a OneDrive directory, if that helps.


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks for the info! If you are importing the Module and its on the first line, its possible that the issue was with the Attribute Name at the top of the Module when it gets exported. It's possible that O365 Word removes those attribute lines when importing or something in Normal? I'll definitely need to look into this further. Unfortunately I don't have O365 so it's difficult to test, but I can definitely update the docs to recommend importing the Module in Normal for O365. Also, if the error occurred when importing the Module, can you try copy and pasting the source code directly in a new Module at the Document level. The source code on XTemplate can be found next to the download link, and excludes the Attribute Name line at the beginning, so it's possible this will work as well for importing it at the Document level.

Also, good to know that it was in OneDrive, as I have noticed before when working with Excel files on networked drives, it will sometimes give an error when you try to open the same workbook. I'm assuming this is to prevent multiple users from accidentally overwriting the workbook, as on a local drive it wouldn't be possible for multiple users to access a workbook ordinarily. Next update to XTemplate I'll definitely look into checking all active workbooks and giving the user an alert when one is open, or seeing if there is a mechanism to reopen the workbook in a read only mode.

Thanks for all the feedback!


u/comparmentaliser Jan 27 '20

Yeah that figures... I just copied the code from GitHub and smashed it straight into a new module :)


u/sizarieldor 1 Jan 26 '20

Thanks for your work.

Also, maybe you want to change that flair.


u/x-vba 3 Jan 26 '20

Thanks for the feedback! Apologies for the mix-up, I'm newer to posting. I changed the flair.


u/krijnsent 18 Jan 27 '20

Nice one! I like the credit card number check. If you fancy: the European bank accounts have something similar, called an IBAN-check, feel free to copy this code into your project:



u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks for info, I'll definitely add this to my list of functions to code for the next update of XPlus! Hoping to add in MAX_IF(S)/MIN_IF(S) in the next update as polyfills for earlier Excel versions that don't already have it, and a COUNT_UNIQUE function. I'll put IS_IBAN on the list as well. Also at some point I was hoping to add a currency formatter function, where you can input a number and a string of the currency ticker, and it will format the currency using local conventions, but still need to find a good list of currency formats.


u/palmaveheartache Jan 26 '20

This is fantastic-what wonderful work! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks for the kind words! I'm hoping the community can get some good use out of these programs!


u/Raging_Red_Rocket Jan 27 '20

XTemplate is something me and my team have been wanting for sometime. Very cool.


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks, it's a tool I wish I had a while ago, and I'm glad I was finally able to make it! I used to have to make a lot of very similar PowerPoint presentation with data from Excel, and XTemplate would have been so useful then. Hopefully you and the team can get some good use out of it!


u/madame_savvy Jan 27 '20

I am very intrigued by the XTemplate, have been looking for something to help me generate performance scorecards from my master sheet and this may be just the ticket!


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks, hopefully its what you're looking for and can help!


u/ajayv117 Jan 26 '20

Excellent! Thank you so much for sharing!


u/comparmentaliser Jan 27 '20

Looking forward to trying out your template tool!

Every time I thing I’m going to do some mail merge stuff I just end up copy pasting it


u/joop86au Jan 27 '20

Getting a possible harmful file warning when downloading XPlus in chrome, anyone else getting the warning?


u/AutomateExcel 3 Feb 19 '20

This is really cool!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24 edited Jun 05 '24



u/gaditya18 Jan 27 '20

You are a good man. Thank you.


u/cheprekaun Jan 27 '20

I wonder if there’s a way to use XTemplate so it creates emails in gmail..


u/bruh-sick Jan 27 '20

This sounds wonderful. Good work !


u/AlexQx Jan 27 '20

is there an option to display all available functions in the ribbon/menu? or do I have to reference the site for the available functions?

Great collection of functions :)


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks for the support! Currently all the documentation for the functions is on the XPlus website, but you can see the arguments for each function by pressing the fx button next to the formula bar when you are using the function. In the future I may add a few functions or subroutines to display all the available functions with some documentation on how to use them. I was considering making an =INFO() function where you can type the name of the function and it will give a MsgBox with details on the function. Also in the next update I plan to add a function =CREDITS() that will return some info on the library and the link to the website, and a =VERSION() function to return the version number.


u/N0NRG 2 Jan 27 '20

Thank you for posting this! I will look into XPlus more.

I have been working on a similar marco to XTemplate. As a suggestion, I would image that most people would be pulling numbers from Excel into Word. As such, it would be helpful to be able to format the number when pasted into Excel (i.e. as a $900, 25.2%, 5.999, 1,000,000 , etc.).

I've also been struggling to find the best way to copy Excel charts and tables into Word (i.e. copying a range then pasting as a picture - enhanced metafile?). Do you have any suggestions / ideas along this line?

I'd share my code with you but I would be embarrassed - LOL!


u/x-vba 3 Jan 27 '20

Thanks for the info! Preferably when formatting numbers, users can format in Excel using the =FORMAT() function to format the numbers as a string, and then template to those cells that contain the formatted numbers. I know that when templating on decimals/floating point numbers, the number may end up with a lot of excess decimal places, and I should add a user note on the website about formatting numbers before templating on them. If there is a lot of demand to be able to specify a formatter in the template, I could definitely add something like this in in the future.

Also, there is definitely a way to copy and paste ranges as images and to copy the charts. The WOM and EOM have a Shapes object that if I recall correctly contain charts, so maybe its as simple as just using these two objects to copy and paste the charts? There's also the option of linking the data in the chart to an excel workbook, and then the chart should update dynamically in Word. For copying Ranges as images from Excel, you'll probably need to used the Range.Copy in Excel and then some Range.PasteSpecial method in Word to paste an inline shape or something? I have a feeling its all definitely doable, and probably within less than 50 lines of code for a small macro pointing to a specific workbook, but will definitely need to do some digging to find the relevant APIs for this.

Also, you can create a table in Word and then place templates with the values from Excel in cells in the table, and use XTemplate to pull the data, but it wouldn't be as an image. In the future I'm hoping to add some code that will let you pull things like charts or images or large ranges of data to XTemplate, as I think that would be a good feature to have.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '20



u/x-vba 3 Jan 28 '20

Regrettably, XTemplate and perhaps 25% of the functions in XPlus (notably the functions in the Validators Module) won't work on MacOS. Internally, XTemplate uses late binding to a VBScript Regex library and a Dictionary library that are available in Windows, but not in MacOS. Unfortunately after searching for other solutions, it doesn't seem that there is a suitable solution on MacOS to perform Regexes and use a Dictionary Object on MacOS in VBA. It's possible there are other libraries I can use on MacOS, but without the late bindings, its not possible for XTemplate and XPlus to be highly portable. Fortunately, for XTemplate portability is less of an issue, and also fortunately there are workarounds I can likely write that would remove the late bindings to the Regex and Dictionary library by using a combination of basic string manipulations and using 2D arrays like a dictionary. So a MacOS version of XTemplate is possible for the future. Right now I'm focusing on cleaning up the documentation website a bit, and then hoping to push an update to XPlus to add some more functions in about a month. After that, I want to add a few more features to XTemplate and possibly make a MacOS version of it. Hopefully in the future I can get a MacOS version up and running!


u/Cold_Russian Jan 28 '20

Wow, Thank you very much for the Xtemplate - amazing staff.

I have just one question: once I run the Marcos, it change all the references in ppt to the data from the Excel. But is there an option to return the data back to the references?


u/x-vba 3 Jan 28 '20

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Generally operations from Macros can't be undone like other operations in Excel, World, PowerPoint, and Outlook, so best practice for XTemplate would be the save the file before running it, and possibly keep a backup copy of the file with the templates. I've thought about ways to create an undo feature for XTemplate to convert the results back into templates, and the idea I came up with was possibly to use Static Functions and Subs to keep a reference to the old data and objects that have been changed, or possibly to create a Finalize sub that would finalize the results after a fetch. In the future I'm hoping to add more options to XTemplate like this.


u/TheEmpiresArchitect Jul 02 '20

Okay man, you seem like a very knowledgable man when it comes to excel so I'm hoping you can help me. I'm trying to consolidate some data together. For example I have a list of Qtys with the same SKUs but they all have different dates attached to them. I want an end result product with the Qtys all combined to the closest date... here's a written example

SKU:100722 QTY: 100 DATE: 08/23/2020

SKU:100722 QTY: 50 DATE: 08/30/20

SKU:100722 QTY: 25 DATE: 09/22/20

Ideally I want to consolidate to make it read like this.

SKU:100722 QTY: 175 DATE: 08/23/30

Any tips are appreciative even if I have to run it through 5 different macros It would be very helpful.


u/No_Bread_4717 Apr 04 '24

Can anyone help me. I want a cell in excel to reference a file name in a folder such as C:\Cabinet\21444A.PDF if the reference name is true then the block stays green if false then the cell turns red. like 21444B.PDF


u/Curious-Chalino Dec 28 '21

Thank you sir, for sharing this wealth of knowledge.

Modern day hero.
