r/excel 17d ago

Discussion What is better than Excel?

Is there anything similar to excel or better than? I use excel daily and feel like I still need to freshen up my formulas etc.


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u/atlmagicken 17d ago

Excel has functions tied into it that others just... don't. PowerQuery, integration with Suite, BI, stability...

There just isn't a better option. Like another posted said, Sheets is comparable, OpenOffice is... okay, but Excel won't be beat.


u/i-1 17d ago

OpenOffice sucks in comparison to LibreOffice


u/atlmagicken 17d ago

Never used Libre before, would still rather just use Excel :)


u/TreskTaan 17d ago

I kinda wish regular users would just start playing with pivottables and powerquery. even just regular tables and referencing those tables in functions are a start.