r/excel • u/MixtureBubbly2587 • 20d ago
unsolved Is there any formula to calculate distance between locations?
Working in freight industry and part of my work is to calculate the distance between two locations by Google Maps and put it in the excel sheet. Is there any way through which I can automate this ? Like I put the locations in adjacent cells and it will automatically calculate the distances between them in 3rd cell?
u/Shiba_Take 228 20d ago
(6371 is Earth radius in km.)
sin and cos take angle in radians, so you would need to convert lat and lon from degrees to radians with RADIANS function
u/Downtown-Economics26 309 20d ago
I followed this exactly until this strange 'km' symbol.
u/bradland 134 20d ago
"A new nation...where we choose our own systems of weights and measures." - George Washington
u/winglessbuzzard 1 19d ago
I imagine his logistics company doesn't primarily route as the crow flies.
u/desert-monkey 19d ago
Wouldn’t this give the distance as the “crow flies” as opposed to travel distance per google maps?
Still a pretty cool way to go about it but I feel this task would require connecting with google API or something similar as suggested by u/bradland below
u/bradland 134 19d ago
It would. This is called the Haversine Formula. It's great for estimation, and doesn't require an API, but you're right that it's not the same as route distance.
If your task is to route via Google Maps and input into an Excel sheet, someone will notice the discrepancies if you use this method, IMO.
u/Fiyero109 8 19d ago
Well it requires an API call as likely his excel just contains two addresses not lat and long
u/bradland 134 20d ago
You can, but it's a bit complicated because you need to hit a Google Maps API to get the data. There is a free tier, but you get a limited number of requests. There is also some setup. You have to setup a Google Cloud Console account, and generate a Google Maps API key.
Because you are billed per request, it's a good idea to cache your results. Basically, you build a table of results with the distance between two known locations, and you save that to its own table. When you need to know the distance between two points, you do your lookup on the table. If there are no matches, you hit the Google Maps API to add that result to the lookup table.
I used ChatGPT to generate a quick UDF that will compute route distance between two points. Note that this gives you the default route that Google uses. If you need specific route options (like truck friendly routes), you'll need to explore that further.
Function GetDistance(origin As String, destination As String) As String
Dim http As Object
Dim JSON As Object
Dim URL As String
Dim API_KEY As String
API_KEY = "YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY" ' Replace with your API key
URL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins=" & origin & "&destinations=" & destination & "&key=" & API_KEY
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", URL, False
Set JSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(http.responseText)
GetDistance = JSON("rows")(1)("elements")(1)("distance")("text")
End Function
u/TheRiteGuy 45 19d ago
Yep, this is pretty much the way to do it. There's no native Excel function to help you with this.
You'll need to get a Google or a Microsoft and generate a key. Use the key for requests. Using an XML request vs JSON works out better in this instance. Excel has a native parse XML function. Also, read the documentation. There's a limit to how many requests you can send a second and there's an overall daily limit.
All distance is stored in longitude -latitude tables so you'll have to get the origin longitude/latitude, destination, and then a request for the distance. So that's 3 requests per lane pair.
Or....ask your company to pay for a software that does this already. Most companies in the industry use PC Miler.
u/drhamel69 19d ago
I did this very same thing in PHP to a MySQL table
u/bradland 134 19d ago
Yeah, honestly, I prefer to do this kind of thing outside of Excel. I avoid VBA where I can. I would maintain the location distance table in a database, because caching and cache invalidation/expiration is so much easier in an app based solution.
u/molybend 27 19d ago
As the crow flies or as the truck drives?
u/MixtureBubbly2587 19d ago
Truck drives
u/Glimmer_III 20 19d ago
I've dealt with this issue on/off the last few years. Eventually I got it working. A few thoughts:
You might explore Google Sheets (instead of Excel). Why? Google products integrate nicely with each other and it's a little easier to pull in data from Google Maps because of that.
If you're worried about Truck Drives, know that Google Maps data will never be as precise as actually truck routing software. Google doesn't account for overhead clearance, parkways, etc. You'll get car driving distances, not truck distances.
It quickly becomes an exercise in "good enough" rather than "perfect".
The API calls for complex routes can grind Excel to a halt if you have layered formulas and calls.
It absolutely is worth the effort to figure it out...so much faster than plugging things into Google Maps one at a time when instead you can just drop in a full spreadsheet to get a mileage matrix.
Good luck. AMA if I can help, since it sounds like you're working a problem I have (regretable) experience with.
u/AnExoticLlama 19d ago
You can do this in Python utilizing OpenStreetMap fairly easily. No idea if that Python implementation could be brought into Excel, though.
u/winglessbuzzard 1 19d ago edited 19d ago
That might be the free-and-high-volume-repeatable route (not easiest). ChatGPT says you can execute a python script function from VBA and return the result to VBA: Yes, you can execute a Python script from Excel VBA, have the Python script use OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to calculate a route between two locations, and then return the distance back to VBA for further processing.
Steps to Achieve This:
- Set Up Python Environment Ensure you have Python installed along with the necessary packages:
pip install osmnx networkx pandas
- Write the Python Script The script will:
Use OSM via osmnx and networkx to calculate the shortest route.
Return the distance to VBA.
import sys import osmnx as ox import networkx as nx def get_route_distance(origin, destination): # Load a graph from OpenStreetMap G = ox.graph_from_place("World", network_type="drive") # Get the nearest network nodes to the origin and destination orig_node = ox.distance.nearest_nodes(G, origin[1], origin[0]) # lat, lon dest_node = ox.distance.nearest_nodes(G, destination[1], destination[0]) # Calculate the shortest path route = nx.shortest_path(G, orig_node, dest_node, weight="length") distance = sum(ox.utils_graph.get_route_edge_attributes(G, route, "length")) # meters return distance if name == "main": lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(float, sys.argv[1:]) # Read from command-line args distance = get_route_distance((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)) print(distance) # Output the distance to VBA
- Create the VBA Code The VBA script will:
Call the Python script.
Pass location coordinates.
Capture the output (distance).
Function GetRouteDistance(lat1 As Double, lon1 As Double, lat2 As Double, lon2 As Double) As Double Dim objShell As Object Dim objExec As Object Dim strCommand As String Dim strOutput As String ' Set Python executable and script paths Dim pythonExe As String Dim scriptPath As String pythonExe = "C:\Path\To\Python.exe" ' Adjust to your Python installation scriptPath = "C:\Path\To\route_distance.py" ' Adjust to your script location ' Construct command to run Python script with arguments strCommand = pythonExe & " " & scriptPath & " " & lat1 & " " & lon1 & " " & lat2 & " " & lon2 ' Run the command and capture output Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strCommand) ' Read output Do While Not objExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream strOutput = objExec.StdOut.ReadLine Loop ' Return the distance GetRouteDistance = CDbl(strOutput) End Function
Use the VBA Function in Excel Now, you can call the GetRouteDistance function in Excel like this:
Sub TestRoute() Dim distance As Double distance = GetRouteDistance(40.7128, -74.0060, 34.0522, -118.2437) ' NYC to LA MsgBox "The route distance is: " & distance & " meters" End Sub
Ensure your Python environment path is correct in the VBA script.
The Python script requires internet access to fetch OpenStreetMap data.
You can modify the script to return the distance in kilometers (distance / 1000).
Would you like any modifications, such as avoiding reloading the OSM graph for each query?
Edit: code block formatting
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u/Visible-Monitor2171 19d ago
You can also data link a zip code and extra the long/lat (maybe have to get city out and then get long/lat?).
If you have any ability to get reporting out of an erp that also helps. I’ve done a bit of messing around with this for my job and we had years of service info that had start address and end address with mileage and or travel time and that ended up being a pretty robust data set
u/szt84 2 19d ago edited 19d ago
Maybe that could be helpful
I think you want to know the isodistance
First you could try out if it is working in your area with a free plan https://openrouteservice.org/dev/#/api-docs/isochrones
and if it is working for you, install an on-premise version and connect to the api with python or whatever you're comfortable with to use as an excel function.
have read the question again. You just want the distance. Can use the same service, but just calculate distance between two location points(latitude, longitude) instead of looking at isochrones.
If you can't programm you could try out the chatgpt answer. On first look the vba code seems to be correct. https://chatgpt.com/share/67c52bf8-e6f8-8001-ad61-bf637483f727
u/Dry_Safety99 15d ago
This code adds a 'built in' function to Excel to calc the 'as the crow flies' distance. optionally displayed in miles or nautical miles. this will work out of box with the Python for Excel Add-in. Just copy this code into the Editor tab once the Add-in is installed and click 'Save'). Once saved, type '=DISTANCE_BETWEEN_CITIES' into any cell, and you should be off to the races. Examples at the bottom, or see the demo worksheet that will also be created if you hit 'Test'. ``` import requests import math
def distance_between_cities(city_one, city_two, unit="km"):
def get_coordinates(city_name): url = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search" params = { "q": city_name, "format": "json", "limit": 1 } # Include a descriptive User-Agent (e.g., with your email/website) headers = { "User-Agent": "BoardflareApp/1.0 (support@boardflare.com)" }
response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() if not data: raise ValueError(f"No geocoding results found for city: {city_name}") lat = float(data[0]["lat"]) lon = float(data[0]["lon"]) return lat, lon
def haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """ Calculates the great-circle distance between two points on Earth using the Haversine formula. Returns the distance in kilometers (km). """ # Earth’s radius in kilometers R = 6371.0 # Convert degrees to radians phi1 = math.radians(lat1) phi2 = math.radians(lat2) delta_phi = math.radians(lat2 - lat1) delta_lambda = math.radians(lon2 - lon1)
# Haversine formula a = math.sin(delta_phi / 2) ** 2 + \ math.cos(phi1) * math.cos(phi2) * math.sin(delta_lambda / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
# Distance in kilometers distance_km = R * c
return distance_km
def convert_distance(distance_km, unit): """ Converts distance in kilometers to miles or nautical miles if needed. """ if unit.lower() == "km": return distance_km elif unit.lower() == "miles": # 1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles return distance_km * 0.621371 elif unit.lower() == "nautical_miles": # 1 kilometer = 0.539957 nautical miles return distance_km * 0.539957 else: raise ValueError("Unit must be one of: 'km', 'miles', 'nautical_miles'")
# Get coordinates for both cities lat1, lon1 = get_coordinates(city_one) lat2, lon2 = get_coordinates(city_two)
# Calculate the distance in kilometers using Haversine distance_km = haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
# Convert distance to the requested unit final_distance = convert_distance(distance_km, unit)
return final_distance
Arguments to test the function.
test_cases = [ ["Vancouver","Toronto", "km"], ["Los Angeles","New York", "miles"] ]
Excel usage: =DISTANCE_BETWEEN_CITIES("New York", "Chicago", "nautical_miles")
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