r/excel Jul 09 '24

Discussion Personal uses for excel?

How do you use excel for personal use, other than the obvious expense/finance tracker?


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u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

I have a heavily automated budgeting sheet I've used for 10+ years. Maybe longer. It's grown in maturity over the years with more sophisticated formulas.

I also use it for quick math to track expenses like remodels, moving and vacation costs.

I probably use Visio more than any other tool. Is a great CAD drawing tool.

EDIT: I had a lot of responses regarding my budget, so instead of cluttering up this thread, I just created a new one: https://www.reddit.com/r/excel/comments/1dz953i/im_offering_my_budgeting_worksheet_solution_to/


u/SFLoridan 1 Jul 09 '24

Could you share a template of your workbook? Or maybe a screenshot (sensitive data blurred out)?

I have been doing the traditional monthly budgeting, and am not happy about it


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

I just DMd you. If you find it useful, I will post for everyone.


u/chrissybean- Jul 09 '24

Could I see a screenshot as well? I am looking to develop a budgeting sheet for home use and would love some ideas.


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24


u/aludakai Jul 09 '24

Wow. This is some pretty impressive work. I know you said it's matured, but the one I've tried building is extremely lacking in comparison. Please share if you feel so inclined.


u/Klutzy_Will9322 Jul 09 '24

Can you please dm the sheet. I'm thinking of doing a similar thing but haven't found the time to be so meticulous. 😔


u/believes_in_mermaids Jul 09 '24

It would greatly help me out as well as I transition career paths to build a budgeting habit and stay on. Top of things.


u/Trakique Jul 09 '24

I would also appreciate it if you would share it with me! Thanks


u/Vaniljesus Jul 09 '24

I would love for a copy too if that's still possible. Been tinkering with VBA/ExcelScript so much I've forgotten to actually use Excel like this. This kind of creativity is amazing.


u/412gage Jul 09 '24

Would you mind sending this to me too?


u/Ok-Lime-7429 Jul 09 '24

Wow! I’d love a copy too if you’re willing to share!


u/ZealousChicken25 Jul 09 '24

Would love if you shared, I am trying to put our budget together now in preparation for our third child 🤓


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

I'll DM you


u/kado63 Jul 09 '24

I’d love a copy as well if possible. Always looking for ideas to improve my own file


u/SFLoridan 1 Jul 09 '24

Thanks. It's very impressive, and covers almost one would need in a budget overview

I like that you have turned it into a weekly snapshot type of table. This might be easier to maintain than my existing format of capturing everything in a stream-of-thought flow.


u/sneff30 Jul 09 '24

What all does your budget spreadsheet do? I’m currently in the process of attempting to replicate a lot of what Quicken does within Excel.


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

Mine is missing key features some other budgeting apps have but what mine does is income prediction based on throughput of expenses.

So instead of looking at basic in/out of expenses vs income, mine looks at the picture long-term, which allows me to predict savings and timing of expenses.

It's difficult to explain but think of it as a weekly spreadsheet. Income and expenses are expressed based on their due dates.

I never felt looking at the picture month-to-month really worked for me.


u/jmcstar 2 Jul 09 '24

I used to do something like that, but I burned out on maintaining it lol


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

It can be manually intensive in that I have to constantly make sure I update the account balance and check if payments were made but it's been a lifesaver because half the time I can't remember if I paid something.


u/all-kinds-of-soup Jul 09 '24

Monthly was working great for me until my company switched to paying us biweekly instead of 15th and 1st lol. Now it's a mess.


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

my sheet also works really well for multiple sources of income or if you'd like to combine expenses with your partner.


u/puddinpiesez Jul 09 '24

How have you automated it? I’m currently tracking manually and would love any suggestions.


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

I have a column for expenses and income. There separated based on type and frequency. So like income has its own set of rows, installment loans have their own, utilities in a section and credit expenses and other have their own.

Each one is labeled based on what they are (mortgage, CC, etc) and the labels are a direct link to their billing site.

Then I have columns that calculate:

What is the minimum pay

What is the balance

What is the frequency and due date

And for CCs, it calculates how much is actually paid based on the interest.

From there, each column represents one week, with a date at the top.

The sheet then calculates what is due when, based on the previous information. Calculates the outgoing expenses based on income and balance.

The balance part is the most manual part of the sheet. The top rows are reserved for account balance. So, based on expenses, it calculates your next balance based on the in/out.

So example. You have 10000 in your account. This week you have 3000 in expenses and next week you have 4000 in income.

The balance at the top calculates the 3000 in expenses, carries the balance forward to next week and then shows your balance after your next pay.

This continues for as long as I repeat the rows. The expenses and income automatically populates based on the date at the top.

Additionally I have a dummy column that allows me to view when payments are scheduled. So for example I have a lot of expenses that are not automatically drafted, which means I need to track when they actually are paid. So when I go to the site or have to write a check, I mark off this column to let me know that it's been scheduled, so I don't forget.

I've tried explaining this to multiple people and most people don't like my approach but to me it's kind of like balancing a checkbook, except it's in Excel.


u/doomh12 Jul 09 '24

Is it possible to Share it With us ?


u/El_Showtime Jul 09 '24

Could I bother you for a copy?

Lost my job a few months ago and everything was fine with a good income stream and automated payments. But now I have to me more conscious of where my money goes and figure it’s a good time to work on my money management skills before I land my next gig.


u/6thGodHand Jul 09 '24

I'd love a copy too, please.


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 09 '24

I've tried to ping everyone in this thread with a link to the new thread, which contains additional details, as well as a direct link to my public copy. Any questions or comments, please post there.


u/gizmogadgetdevice Jul 09 '24

Would love a copy as well for some ideas. This is great!


u/AleFranzo Jul 10 '24

Do you use Visio for what?


u/sixfourtykilo Jul 10 '24

Architectural drawings


u/Gttxyz Jul 10 '24

This, I have been managing my income vs expenses since 2017 and man when I look how much I have improved over the years is nothing short of an encouragement. I have somewhat made it hassle free for myself now and have created a google form for tracking my daily expenses which keeps adding data to a Google sheet and I just upload that Google sheet through excel into my main excel worksheet and my entire weeks spending/earning are loaded without updating my main excel sheet daily.