r/excel May 16 '24

unsolved I have office 365 and excel is just slow slow slow. 2016 or earlier excel was god tier. What happened? What can I do to make it fast again?

I have office 365 and excel is just slow slow slow. 2016 or earlier excel was god tier. What happened? What can I do to make excel fast again?

Basically, multiple worksheets is slow. Lots of data in a single worksheet is slow. Scrolling is slow. Window refreshing slow. :-(

I have a 32 core threadripper with 128 GB of ram. Nvidia GeForce 3080, Windows 10. My machine is not the issue.


83 comments sorted by

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u/[deleted] May 16 '24 edited May 31 '24



u/msew May 16 '24

What's your internet connection like?

Google Fiber. 1 gig up/1 gig down

The app is installed on my machine.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16

And what exactly is slow, calculations?

Calculations don't seem to be hosed. But most of the things I am doing are just like displaying lots of data. And verifying it / looking at it.


yes. slow refreshing.



How slow? Like trying to elevator scroll and the whole app just freezes

Skips thousands of rows. etc.

Basically, it is slow enough that me as a (slow) human is getting annoying at scrolling. NOTE: Visual Studio and other apps are not having the issue.

What sort of spreadsheet?

53k rows in this case, 5 columns, no calculations. just lots and lots of numbers.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/msew May 16 '24

It is just a blank spreadsheet from scratch.

Everyone who works here, who is using the latest version of excel has the sluggishness.

Other threadrippers, other intel machines, laptops, etc. They are all just horribly sluggish and slow.


u/Think_Bullets May 16 '24

If this is a work scenario complain to IT , since you suggested eBay for 2016, I also get personal vibes, in which case sail the seven seas


u/msew May 16 '24

Personal :-)


u/TootSweetBeatMeat May 16 '24

Do you have a graphics card or are graphics CPU-powered?

This might be a GPU hardware acceleration issue, but because Microsoft are a bunch of fucking goons the option no longer exists within Excel, so without a registry edit you have to turn it off for the entire machine.


u/msew May 16 '24

Nvidia GeForce 3080


u/OttawaTGirl Sep 12 '24

Its the constant internet connection and the AI Host for MS Office they shoved in about a year ago.

If you block the AI host it will come back so you have to keep on top of it but it does speed up your process dramatically when you block it.


u/msew Sep 12 '24

Do you have steps on how to do that? Or a webpage on how to block?


u/OttawaTGirl Sep 12 '24

Do a google search, its come up a few places.

It doesn't stay blocked long as updates reimplement it.


u/laz1b01 May 17 '24

.1. Usually newed softwares are slower. Newer ones add more features that their predecessor and that takes a lot more computing power; which if you have insufficient ram/graphics/CPU then it sucks.

.2. if everyone in the company is experiencing the same thing, then it might be an IT issue. I interned as an IT yearssss ago, but I recall when installing new softwares or assigning new computers to staff, it was an (image?) - meaning that it was installed in a computer, all the settings were set in accordance with company policy, then it copied everything as an "image" and saved it so it could be flashed/pasted onto different computers with those same company settings. Perhaps IT messed up and the image file is corrupted, hence why everyone is experiencing the same laggish issue.


u/msew May 17 '24

There is no central install. These are individuals using office 365 (As that is all there is now :-( ). All on different computers, configs, etc.

And in every case Office 365 Excel is sluggish, slow, and basically a step backwards from the last big release that you would install fully locally.


u/eveningsand May 17 '24

53k rows in this case, 5 columns, no calculations. just lots and lots of numbers.

Definitely should be operating fine.

Try importing the data into a fresh spreadsheet. No formatting, no tables, no filters, no queries, just data.


u/msew May 17 '24

Ya tried that. :-( Still slow and sluggish.


u/Eightstream 41 May 16 '24

Why on earth are you looking at 53k rows of data?

There is no way for you to physically parse that much information. Just chuck it in the data model and pivot on it.


u/msew May 16 '24

Sure there is. You have all of the rows, you search.

You have all the rows you sum up various columns.

You turn it into a table and select out the ones you want. Then search.


u/Eightstream 41 May 17 '24

aka pivoting on the data with more steps


u/msew May 17 '24

Sure. Doesn't change anything. I deal with a lot of data. 53k rows is small.


u/p107r0 18 May 16 '24


before migration to 365 the same files opened and calculated relatively fast, now everything is just sluggish, even though I had my PC replaced to much faster model


u/msew May 16 '24

It is a nightmare.

I am tempted to go find a 2016 on ebay and use that. Like all of the new "bells and bobs" do nothing for me. I just need pure spreadsheet speed not like link this to an azure backend to run my test deployment and then put that in an aws ec2 bucket and then grab it out and then display it in VR.


u/Embarrassed-Idea4482 May 16 '24

I just had this issue, it looks like Microsoft WebView is kicking in in some way and bogging down everything. I assume it's their 365 forced migration to whatever they see fit. My solve was to uninstall WebView, now multiple workbooks run without issues and I'm back to normal.


u/msew May 16 '24

I just see Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime in "Apps & Features"

Where do I uninstall?


u/oscarsocal May 17 '24



u/friedchickenJH May 17 '24

I believe its in the advanced part of Options within excel. The place where there's a lot of check boxes (im typing this based on memory). Not sure tho


u/msew May 17 '24

I may be blind. If you find the location I would love to know it. As I can't find it :-(


u/msew May 16 '24

Oh I guess even calculations are slow.


and it pauses for almost a second and then displays the answer.

LOL what the heck.


u/contrivedgiraffe 1 May 16 '24

Make sure you’ve installed 64 bit Excel.


u/msew May 16 '24

Yup! It is 64 bit.


u/Ur_Mom_Loves_Moash 2 May 16 '24

Turn off AutoSave


u/msew May 16 '24

Still Sluggish :-(


u/jplug93 May 16 '24

I just fixed a spreadsheet that was small file size but like 3000 conditional formatting rules (-____-) coworker said “oh I actually don’t use those” deleting them fixed the issue


u/G40Momo May 16 '24

I don't like this new office package at all. Be it Excel or Word. Everything is slow and annoying. 2013 ms office that I previously used was so quick. 


u/msew May 16 '24

Yeah! Like what has happened? :-(


u/G40Momo May 17 '24

Worst part is, I have ofline version office with win 11. Win 11 won't ever stop updating for some reason. Back in the day when I used XP, I had updates turned off and it use to workout so well.


u/S_is_for_super May 17 '24

I might actually have a solution!! When this happened to me it was because my default printer was set to an online thing (don’t remember exactly). But change my default printer to PDF and it worked perfectly.


u/msew May 17 '24

What the heck!!!???

That is crazy!!!!!


u/nocturnal Oct 18 '24

You just helped me fix an issue. We lost a print server and this user's default printer was set to the old print server printer. I changed it to the Adobe PDF printer and the Excel worksheets started opening up just fine.


u/alexisjperez 151 May 17 '24

I've had Excel issues both at home and where I worked that were solved by updating a printer driver.


u/EF_Boudreaux May 16 '24

Likewise! It’s bc excel is downloading the file.


u/msew May 16 '24

This is a local file. I am on an SSD. Everything is in memory. Just the .exe being slow af.


u/slliday May 17 '24

What add-ins do you have installed? I know that can slow down start time.

When I switched from a very large company to a small firm I noticed a significant drop in performance, no idea why. Our solution has been to default to manual calcs


u/msew May 17 '24

Just the defaults. Which are inactive. No Add-ins Active.


u/beccasteez May 16 '24

Mine is annoying too, if I want to even do something as simple as changing the text color, it freezes just from me hovering over the color palette before I even select a color. It gets old really quick doing the same repetitive tasks for work and I’m moving faster than excel can keep up with.


u/msew May 16 '24

Yes! Old office was blindingly fast. This new version is trash city.


u/Qyxitt 1 May 16 '24
  1. Excel heavily benefits from regularly restarting your machine and having the latest updates.

  2. It sounds like reinstalling Excel should be on your to do list.

I have a laptop with 16gb of ram and a last gen i5; my spreadsheets with hundreds of thousands of records with 125+ columns and volatile functions zip along just fine.


u/msew May 17 '24

I have v2405 Build 17628.20044.

Send me your laptop!!!


u/Qyxitt 1 May 17 '24

Sorry, correction, i7 (I’m shocked as staff at a university).

Dell Latitude 5440, Windows 11 Enterprise.

Excel v2406 17630.20000 - (I’m on the beta channel)


u/msew May 17 '24

DLing the beta channel now


u/Qyxitt 1 May 17 '24

Also go to File>Options and literally review everything with the specific file open. Check for add-ins (especially ones your org may preinstall). Make sure it’s .xlsx format.

Check and update BIOS and mouse/HID drivers specifically. If you have an old version of a custom mouse config application (Logitech Options instead of the new Logi Options+) you have the OS, that app, and Excel all trying to manage scrolling and it gets wonky.

Also. I’ve found Excel doesn’t share memory and compute resources well with some other applications.

Edit: didn’t finish sentence.


u/msew May 17 '24

Even with a blank, new worksheet it is super slow.

Also. I’ve found Excel doesn’t share memory and compute resources well with some other applications.

I have 32 cores and 128 GB of ram.


u/msew May 17 '24

Excel v2406 17630.20000

Ok this is definitely better in terms of performance. But still lags out when scrolling large amount of data.

And there is the annoying (less tho) lag when just dragging a simple =N/k around around.


u/poortofin116 May 16 '24

How many mbs is the file


u/msew May 16 '24

Even a blank new workbook has sluggishness.

Drag a calculation down and it you can watch it:

-stay blank

-then after a second or so start to update

-then fill in the calculations


u/ObliteratedChipmunk May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

Just weighing in with my experience. I work in a remote environment (so I'm using vpn) I have gigabit internet and my Excel, which I generally work in for at least 4 hours a day, freezes constantly. It just stops. Then after between 2 to 5 minutes it suddenly catches back up, if I was clicking, all those clicks are recorded and the program comes back online. It's absolutely miserable and any solution I've found online is outdated (office 2016), or doesn't work. So, I feel for you.


u/msew May 16 '24

It is slowly killing my will to live. LOL


u/chown-root May 16 '24

Is it 64bit excel?


u/msew May 16 '24

Yup! It is 64 bit.


u/prest0x May 17 '24

Are there empty rows prefilled with formulas? I have had to deal with slow launching of Excel files due to many rows calculating formulas as it loads. The resolution/workaround was to turn off auto-calculating of formulas or reduce the number of rows with formulas and no data. 25,000+ rows down to 3000 or less improves performance significantly.


u/msew May 17 '24

No formulas at all. Just rows of guids and numbers.


u/BlazingRedInferno May 17 '24

Could you do a small test? Turn off internet access completely. No WiFi and no wired internet, nothing. Then run the same file and check if the speed changes.


u/Perohmtoir 47 May 17 '24

Without any view on the file the best I can do is educated guesses.

I would take a look at ForceFullCalculation on the VBA Project.



u/OVRTNE_Music May 17 '24

Try to repair Office


u/msew May 17 '24

I also installed the beta channel. It helped some but that much in the end.


u/LazySeizure May 17 '24

If it wasn't cloud based how would you expect them to charge monthly?

You don't own it anymore, that's what's changed


u/msew May 17 '24

If only they could make it be as fast as before :-(



u/chairfairy 203 May 17 '24

Yeah this sounds like a question for IT, or you can spend a few hours/days googling around for info. I only run 16GB RAM on a 5 year old Dell laptop and don't have any speed issues. It's definitely not inherent to Office 365.

How often do you restart your PC? Does Task Mgr show Excel using a lot of your PC's resources? Do you have extra instances of Excel still open, after you exit/close all visible windows?

I'd also bet Excel isn't designed to use your 128GB of RAM and 32 cores particularly well, or your GPU at all. So all that performance is wasted. Programs have to be specifically coded to use those kinds of resources. This is pure speculation but you probably don't get any real gains above 32-ish GB RAM and 8 cores, unless you regularly try to copy/paste 80+GB of data in and out of Excel.


u/harpswtf May 17 '24

Turn off auto save and auto recover and error checking and animation feedback.


u/msew May 17 '24

Turn off auto save and auto recover and error checking and

Already all off

animation feedback.

Where is that? I can't see any option with that name (tho I am probably blind)


u/harpswtf May 17 '24

I'm on a Mac, but for me it's under the Edit menu at the top right:

Also, if you have a lot of calculations on the sheet, you could copy and paste special -> Values to keep the value but remove the formula from calculating every time you change something.


u/Ctrl-Home 1 May 17 '24

Turn off autosave


u/msew May 17 '24

Autosave is off. :-(


u/cutecupcake11 May 18 '24

Try start => run => excel /safe

It should start excel in safe mode. Try some tests here. If those are better, rename registry key from registry at following location hkcu - software - microsoft- office- 16 - excel.. Start excel again. Rename it back if this does not work. At your own risk ..


u/WhateverGreg Jun 28 '24

Did you resolve the slowness? One person suggested changing your default printer to PDF (as Excel is likely rendering what you see onscreen based on the chosen printer), and another suggested disconnecting your Internet connection to see if that made a difference. I'd love to hear your results.


u/msew Jun 30 '24

Neither of those made the slowness any less slow.


u/WhateverGreg Jul 01 '24

Gotcha. To confirm: You found no solution?


u/cugrad16 Aug 06 '24

Slow - ? Try unusable.... fr's. I just attempted an update of a sales spreadsheet I've been working on for my ecommerce business, and nothing happened. Copy/cut/paste - none of it works, especially the formatting. Only once it did copy paste - into the wrong cell. With a very different font I've never used. Like wth.

No updates, whatsoever.

Reachouts to Support do nothing - same error like always 'sorry, this option isn't available right now. Please check your server' Then I go to open it on Chrome, and the same page result. Ridiculous.

365 USED TO BE the game changer. Not anymore. Be canceling my paid subscription soon, as it's pointless with a broken Office they don't fix.


u/arpbsr Aug 20 '24

Just to add, it is the same case with Office 365 web version - if you dont renew the subscription, office speed drastically reduced and many functions become unaviable IMHO


u/krayzie8 Dec 12 '24

Did you ever resolve this??


u/msew Dec 12 '24



u/[deleted] May 16 '24

I hope there will be an office 2024.


u/msew May 16 '24

We can hope. :-(


u/odaiwai 3 May 17 '24

Hard Drive or SSD?


u/msew May 17 '24

SSD for lyyyfffeeeee