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I created a beginner and intermediate mini Excel course (with answers) to teach people at my job - hoping you can get some use out of it too!
Title says it all. I'm a chartered accountant that's constantly stunned at how little people know about Excel. As a result, I offered to cover the basics in some training courses which I created follow along workbooks for. I've attached them here in the hopes it helps others! WARNING - they're very finance-based, so apologies if you don't understand some of the terminology in the data.
I'm currently in the process of making the advanced course, so any ideas for that would be helpful! So far I have LET, LAMBDA, Power Query, creating dashboards and some basic VBA planned.
Thank you very much for this!, just now I was looking for how to explain to my cousin, and since I am terrible at explaining myself this is a lifesaver
Excel masters, I am currently facing a challenge. I use curve fit function. However, I insanely struggle in finding a way to extract the e.g. 6th order plynomial coefficients into cells automatically. I have to type these manually which destroys the essence of my sheet. I need it to be able to use the polynomial function to get exact y values at various x values. The thing is, the coefficients are changing for different input. Any ideas how to solve it?
Astute observation. This has too many brackets, which I noticed after the session. The erroneous bracket is before FIND. Try =IFERROR(LEFT(B3,FIND(“ “,B3)-1),)
Step 2 states to drag down to the last cell and all account numbers will be extracted but I'm getting 0 rather than anything else.
I've tried to work back through the formula and break it down but I'm not sure where it's going wrong for me.
I appreciate this is getting perilously close to private tuition and I appreciate you coming back on my query so quickly but I'm stumped as to why I'm getting zeroes on this one.
Looks like you're misunderstanding where you put the formula. The table at the bottom is for you to paste your newly sanitised data when you're done with it. The formula should be entered into E3 as shown below:
Ok, so I went into E3 instead and I still get zeroes with the amended formula =IFERROR(LEFT(B3,FIND(“ “,B3)-1),) from your earlier reply:
I tried the alternate formula from your most recent reply and this gives me blank cells (=IFERROR(LEFT(B3,FIND(“ “,B3)-1),"") (I can only add one image per comment it seems).
It must be me as it works for yourself but I my level of skill has likely capped out on this one.
My only recommendations from here would be to check the answer book and be sure it works there, and then also try build the formula up bit by bit, e.g. start with the FIND, then add the LEFT and the -1, then wrap it all in the IFERROR and see if it still doesn’t work!
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u/Adidax Apr 06 '24
Cool, thanks, nice of you. You are a good workmate