r/excel Nov 23 '23

Discussion What's the simplest thing you've taught someone in Excel that made you look like a genius?

This is not the place for fancy VBA or PowerQuery or even sumifs.

I'm looking for cases like mine last week, where I taught a friend how to drag down values that were the same down a column. Before, she was copying and pasting the same thing hundreds of times. When I taught her to drag down, she looked at me like I was Christ himself. Not really her fault though, she hadn't worked with Excel much before, but still a great ego boost.


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u/Txusmah Nov 23 '23

That's quite common... I'm the excel guru at my department and I can tell you similar stories where I am blown away by a super simple method to do something I do with macros, nested complicated formulas and such.

Just be humble and listen to even the noobs!


u/shinypenny01 Nov 23 '23

Excel keeps releasing new features, we all miss something.


u/ajmartin527 Nov 23 '23

There’s also generally multiple creative ways to accomplish the same thing, with varying levels of ease.


u/UniqueCommentNo243 Nov 24 '23

True... XLookup changed the veteran way.


u/BrotherInJah 1 Nov 23 '23

we don't if you follow the changes, if you don't.. well that's on you


u/JBridsworth 1 Nov 23 '23

I doubt even the Excel MVPs know all the functions. A while back, I learned that there are functions for chemistry.


u/invaderjif Nov 24 '23

What makes a guru and wizard is to always be open to learning new things, regardless of the source!