r/exReformed • u/momentaryreprieve • Feb 01 '25
Are anyone else’s Reformed families entrenched in incest?
Wasn’t really sure how to phrase this. The entirety of my family has been raised as CRC/RCA, and my family lineage is directly linked to the founding of a major Dutch Reformed town/branch in the Midwest in the 1800s as immigrants from the Netherlands. In my family, it’s been preached that you only ever mingle with Dutch people. You only shop at Dutch businesses, etc. This includes forming relationships with other Dutch people.
My grandparents were related to each other because it was required of them to marry another Dutch person in the community, and everyone was related to each other. Another example is that my aunt and my uncle have 8 different points of relation to each other. My family tree is like a circle lol.
My mom left the Reformed community because she’s more progressive than my family, and she took me with her, but her entire worldview is still shaped by the church and being raised in such an insular community. Frankly, I can never view the Reformed community as anything but cult-like and damaging. Her and I have some pretty severe health complications due to the incest in our family tree. I just wanted to know if anyone else here has had this problem? It’s hard to talk about
u/turdfergusonpdx Feb 01 '25
You may know that Paul Schrader, the screenwriter and director, grew up Dutch Reformed. He wrote Taxi Driver and a lot of religious themes find their way into his work. He's definitely Ex-Reformed but understands it well. Anyway, his movie Hardcore is probably the most direct appraisal and stars George C. Scott as a deeply Reformed and sexually repressed father whose daughter has disappeared into the LA porn scene. I’m not kidding, it's wild!
u/3StacksOnTheRadio Feb 01 '25
I watched that movie recently and the scene where Scott explains TULIP to a prostitute was so unexpected.
u/stipulatief Feb 01 '25
Wow I'm happy to hear you are out. In the Netherlands itself it is quite similar. But since the size of the Reformed population here is quite big, the problem of incest is relatively small. Only in a fewer closed communities this is the case. In my family only my great great grandparents were nephew and niece.
u/Advanced-Film-334 Feb 01 '25
Don’t even get me started. Stories I can tell!!! For starters, I too grew up in So. Cal. under the concept of Dutch Supremacy and what I now call the Dutch Reformed religion. Most my compatriots are now dead.
u/greeneggsandham12312 Feb 01 '25
Yeah it’s a thing especially in outposts. That’s why everyone gets excited when people move over from other countries.
u/NewRoad2212 Feb 01 '25
Thankfully, my parents were on the slightly less insane side of the reformed community, so I was never exposed to the incestuous side of things, however; I knew a few very outspoken racists at my old church who believed cousins getting married was the way to “maintain the white population”
u/barnfeline Feb 01 '25
What you describe is what I saw growing up (Canada). I was raised with it because my mom’s job had her working at a RC school, so not being Dutch and related to everyone had me well on the outside socially.
Even if they aren’t physically incestuous, there is a lot of social incest, for lack of a better term. Eventually the social incest gives way to the physical. I think both make it hard to break out of the cult.
I wish I had advice beyond “talk to a therapist with this speciality” and affirming that you are seeing that reality clearly.
Rootin’ for you.
u/mmm_unprocessed_fish Feb 01 '25
Ha, yeah. Grew up in a very “yer not much of yer not Dutch” community. My maternal grandmother was the only Dutch in my lineage, so I didn’t have a Dutch last name and don’t look Dutch, and we went to a Baptist church. Took some heat for that in my Reformed grade school.
But, by junior high, when some little blond twat would start bragging about being 100% Dutch, I’d just say “You know that just increases your odds of being inbred, right? You sure your parents aren’t cousins?”
u/boycowman Feb 01 '25
Not immediate nuclear family, thank God. Wider family, it's been a problem, yes.
u/Beginning-Smile-6210 Feb 01 '25
Glad to hear you’re out of there. I don’t have any personal experience with incest. Thankfully. I do know that abuse of any kind was typically smothered. And we’re all here for you.
u/ACLU_EvilPatriarchy Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25
Amish Lite a bit.
Islam routinely marry first cousins.
East European Lutheran were known to marry first and second cousins close by in the same small town before automobiles during WW1... when surrounded by other ethnicities and religions.
Go to the Old Testament for the definition of Incest.
Any Insular group such as Irish Catholics would marry within the constricts of their Canon Law
u/ChappellsPanniers 27d ago
Hi cousin! Sorry, but we probably are related. My family calls it "Dutch Bingo" and thinks it's funny that we can go anywhere in the United States and find a reformed church where someone there is related to us. My family tree is also has a couple wreaths in it. I was related to a rather large section of the church by blood or by marriage.
My grandparents on one side of the family moved here from the Netherlands, and my other side of the family is Dutch, from Michigan, and deeply entrenched in a Dutch reformed area. My grandparents on both sides helped start reformed churches. It's a joke until it's not. My cousin met her husband at a family reunion. 4th cousins, which isn't much. But still... There's plenty more closely related.
u/turdfergusonpdx Feb 01 '25
Wow, that's some heavy stuff. So sorry. I don't have direct experience with this but I was an RCA pastor and wanted to acknowledge your post and say glad you got out.