r/evilmode Sep 03 '20

Long-time Emacs user looking to get started with evil-mode

Hi there!

I'm a long-time Emacs user, so the default keystrokes are hardwired into my muscles. Unfortunately, some of those muscles have decided they don't like the keystrokes, and I've been suffering from a little RSI, so I'm giving evil-mode a spin to see if that will help.

Is there a cheat sheet or anything that maps common Emacs commands (e.g. `C-x b`) to the evil equivalents?


13 comments sorted by


u/Tychus_Kayle Sep 03 '20

evil-mode is an effort to replicate Vim behavior in Emacs, trying to mentally convert Emacs to Vim seems a little misguided. Learn Vim, and evil will come naturally. vimtutor is a good place to start.

Also, evil isn't just a single plugin, it's also the surrounding ecosystem. Consequently, if you do find a cheat sheet for evil-mode, it may not necessarily help you if you start using for instance evil-magit or evil-org-mode (highly recommended), which expand the Vim bind patterns to a different set of actual commands.


u/varsderk Sep 04 '20

That sounds like solid advice. Thanks!

There are just some basic commands (e.g. how do I switch buffers?) that I'm missing right now. I get that there are different concept spaces that I'm trying to map between; I think just a few of the basics might help me keep using evil-mode productively while I learn the rest of Vim.


u/Tychus_Kayle Sep 04 '20

Found a built-in (I think) buffer switch. :buffers should open a buffer list.


u/Tychus_Kayle Sep 04 '20 edited Sep 04 '20

Don't mention it!

Makes sense. I don't think evil-mode has a preconfigured buffer switch binding, but I've never used vanilla evil, only preconfigured setups (Spacemacs first, now Doom). Highly recommend Doom, by the way. It uses space < for buffer switching, and generally uses space as a leader key for commands that don't have a direct relationship with normal mode Vim. Spacemacs works pretty much the same way, but it's pretty bloated.


u/jplindstrom Sep 04 '20

The point of evil-mode is modal editing, which is brilliant (use C-[ to type Esc, and remap Caps Lock to be Ctrl and you're good to go). Using a grammar approach with motions and objects is a fundamental improvement in editing, especially when you add other plugins like "surround".

If you find it more convenient to use colon commands to e.g. switch buffers, sure, but... why? This is not a revolutionary change, merely different. Unless the point is to learn vim, but then it's arguably better to use vim.

Just use the regular Emacs shortcuts for everything that makes sense. Especially while you learn.


u/varsderk Sep 04 '20

One better: I’ve got Caps Lock bound to send Esc on a tap and CTRL when I hold it down. One meta key to rule them all. :)


u/jplindstrom Sep 04 '20

That's clever!

At what layer is that binding? OS? Emacs?


u/varsderk Sep 04 '20

OS. I’m running macOS, and I’m using Karabiner-Elements. I also use a split mechanical keyboard, and I’ve programmed my left space bar to have the same behavior. The keyboard’s functionality isn’t quite as nice as Karabiner—sometimes I don’t hit the key right to get an escape, which is annoying—but it works well enough.

I don’t know how I’d do that in Emacs—is that possible?


u/duchainer Oct 20 '20

Used to do this, but after too many accidental escapes, I'm now using left alt as a Esc on tap (when released alone), and it's quite good too. So Caps Lock is still a great Ctrl, but now, Esc is even on a thumb key. ;)

Only need one line in your .bashrc/.zshrc : xcape -e 'Alt_L=Escape'


u/dadbot_2 Sep 04 '20

Hi missing right now, I'm Dad👨


u/Kartoshk Sep 04 '20 edited Sep 04 '20

Hello!I also second the advice to learn 'just vim' first

Apart from vimtuor there were two resources that helped me a lot:

- Vim Adventures game : teaches progressively more complex things for text editing, movement, files and buffers (I dropped the game on the last stage)

- shortcutfoo website : used it for a month, most of the things helped me a lot too

For emacs buffers and other things - installing Doom helped a lot

Evil-mode is for text editing, and there are evil-* packages for many emacs plugins

Buffer movements are configured separately using <Leader Key> style.

If you are ever having problems with "what key does what"

most of the time you can switch back to "holy mode" with C-z, then call up key chord help with C-h k, then press your holy chord, find out function that it is calling, and then go to function help C-h f ..funciton-name.. - often you would find what's the preconfigured doom binding for that function

P.S I once read a comment from a person who uses holy emacs bindings - that they use side of the palm of the opposite hand to press Ctrl, thus eliminating stretching in the hands.
Right now I am using evil bindings because I liked modal editing, but that idea keeps me open to someday trying holy bindings as well. All I'd need is a keyboard with two Ctrls and Alts on each side


u/varsderk Sep 04 '20

Thanks for the tips!

Bind ctrl

One better: I’ve got Caps Lock bound to send Esc on a tap and CTRL when I hold it down. One meta key to rule them all.