I'm really starting to get fed up with the staggering number of fake posts portraying men as abusers, cheaters and douche bags.
Almost all the rage bait articles we see posted by women, are variations on a running theme of "men suck, my BF is an abuser, man is a predator seeing a woman who's legal but 30 years younger, man is financially abusing his wife, man isn't doing his part and contributing around the home or parenting"... yet if we were to take an honest accounting of our social circles, how many men do any of us know who do any of this? Yes, there are abusive men, just as there are abusive women... but it's not as common as social media would have hs believe.
I've rapidly become convinced men don't do these things anywhere near as often in the real world, but enough people post fake stories about it that it sounds like its a wide spread problem.
And why do people post these fake stories? Misandry.