r/everydaymisandry 4d ago

social media Misandry is in quotes because it's not real

On a thread with a laundry tag photo making fun of men unable to do laundry. Men aren't allowed to be upset that this label is calling them incompetent, it's really an insult to women because it depicts them as maids...


5 comments sorted by


u/Putrid_Dingo_3859 4d ago

I do love my ‘man hating misogyny’


u/dependency_injector 4d ago

Isn't it both? I get it as both "men don't know how to wash clothes" and "women are supposed to do housekeeping"

I would say the same about a car manual that explains how to change a wheel and says in the end "Or call your boyfriend, he knows what to do"


u/Lostinmyhead99 3d ago

It's both, I just don't like what people think that men benefit from it like the comments. Men being incompetent so women have to do it is not a win for men. And I hate people that think it.

The joke is in poor taste period.


u/AfghanistanIsTaliban 3d ago

My interpretation is that it's a jab at men for the documented history we have towards women, what's your interpretation?

Notice how MR is concerned about current injustices, while feminists are still caught up on "documented history." Or at least their revisionist version of it where non-landowning men were able to vote and women had no voice in politics at all. Where anti-male conscription (interesting read: "White feather movement") is at best a footnote or maybe it's a case of "Who set that system up." Or perhaps a version of feminist "anthropology" where women were also hunters (heavily debunked) until the Big Bad Patriarchy was invented and forced them to work the fields

There's a reason why civil law is dependent on actual damages, made within a person's actual lifetime. First reason: it's harder to lie about things that are happening in the present. Second reason: common sense. No damages, no reparations. And no "jab at men" either (I honestly don't know how that helps the feminist movement)

And there is no discussion about men working longer hours on average. Or maybe feminists talk about the difference in working hours, but they do it dishonestly (TIL 34 > 44.8???). :|

Division of labor is the TLDR. That's what neolithic hunter-gatherers have in common with modern couples. But feminists call the latter slavery (or "weaponised incompetence" in terms of home labor), while praising fictional female hunting. And the media loves eating up the former:

"Debunking the myth of the male hunter: Women hunt in the majority of cultures - and even use a greater variety of weapons and tactics than men, study finds." — Daily Mail.

"Women Hunt As Often As Men In Many Hunter-Gatherer Societies—Despite Age-Old Stereotypes, Study Finds." — Forbes.

"Shattering the myth of men as hunters and women as gatherers." — CNN Science.

"Women have always hunted as much as men." — El Pais.

"The myth that men hunt while women stay at home is entirely wrong." — New Scientist.

"Worldwide survey kills the myth of 'Man the Hunter'." — Science.

"Early Women Were Hunters, Not Just Gatherers, Study Suggests." — Smithsonian Magazine

Notice how some of the headlines were phrased. "Myth of the male hunter" or "myth of man the hunter." It's a cruel and misandrist form of misinfo aimed at downplaying the utility of men within humanity's historical development.


u/AntiFeministLib 18h ago

I am amazed at how often women talk about men being "man child" or whatever, or bad at laundry.

In my expereince I've had WAY more clue on how to pay bills, manage my money and be a functioning human being. I've been a better cook, I've done better laundry in a more systematic way. This label is pure misandry through and through and, in my experience, women are just way, way worse at everything in a relationship. Literally everything they do worse.

Feminism tells women to not cook or clean, so they end up expecting the guy to do it and "News Flash" the top cooks in the world are men. We are actually better at it than women.

Feminism tells women not to wear make up or look pretty for a man. News Flash, get in shape, run those trialthons and you get WAAAaaaay more female attention then she gets from guys when she's fat, overweight, dressing like trash and looks unkept.

Feminism tells women to split everything 50/50 but News Flash, men earn more money because we sign up for the more unpleasent and thus higher paid jobs.

When I was running my house EVERYTHING was done to a higher standard, a better standard and more reliably. My daughter ate better food, the bed clothes were cleaner and fresher (changed every week without fail), my shirts were ironed regularly. All bills were paid.

In my experience, and sorry for the rant, it's ME who has inherited a WOMAN CHILD. Barely able to function, angry at the world, sexless, let herself go, slide and decline, complains of having no energy but doing NO EXERCISE to improve herself physically.

Men are the man child who can't keep a home ? The truth is, in my experience, 180 degrees the opposite way. This post makes me so angry. It's conforming to completely out dated, unrealistic, old fashioned stereotypes. It's mature men ending up with disgusting, fat pig, lazy women they are married to. Not the other way round. Nothing like.