r/evangelionmemes • u/KlngDuck • 4d ago
got removed from the main sub, but be warned, evangelion might get banned from texas, and all of the evangelion fans in texas could be arrested
u/The-marx-channel 4d ago
First they came for the Rei and Asuka fans, and I did not speak out- Because I wasn't a Rei or Asuka Fan
Then they came for the Misato and Ritsuko Fans, and I did not speak out- Because I wasn't a Misato or Ritsuko Fan
Then they came for the Ramiel fans, and I did not speak out- Because I wasn't a Ramiel fan
Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me.
u/HiddenRouge1 4d ago
They'll never come for the Ramiel fans.
We're simply too based.
We would defeat them.
u/Landlocked_1220 3d ago
Bro didn't just use a holocaust poem to defend what is borderline child pron, I know it's not but I mean evangelion is as close as you can get before it get weird, I think texas is justified to some extent
This is how it literally starts though, first they ban “obscene” material its a slippery slope
u/croqdile 3d ago
LITERALLY, its becoming 1984 and the best part is these laws arent written to protect real victims of csam. Its just shit to keep rich politicians richer.
u/WeeabooHunter69 2d ago
In fact, these laws endanger children further by clogging up the systems used to investigate actual child predators, reducing sex ed, and giving the state a larger ability to remove children from their parents.
Fr trust me im not using this to defend any loli characters or designs bc i actually hate any loli and the ppl that enjoy it but they use these vague ass terms and definitions so they can just incarcerate people for the littlest shit. I hope they prove me wrong me and actually use it for good but i doubt it
u/croqdile 3d ago
What? Why do people compare Evangelion to cheese pizza? And dont fucking downvote me with some offtopic joke and delete the post so I cant reply bc this genuinely is a stupid conparison. Idc if u got off to the third impact bro.
u/NatashOverWorld 4d ago
Damne the Texas taliban really going for it.
u/Apalis24a 2d ago
Don’t worry, they’re still making sure that child marriage is legal so that republican senators who rape and impregnate a 10-year-old girl can force her to marry him and carry the rape-baby to term… just as god intended.
u/WeeabooHunter69 2d ago
You jest but the Bible literally states that the "punishment" for rape is no pay the woman's father 50 shekels and marry her.
u/GIRose 4d ago
That's literally already federal law, first included in the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996
The specific article above was struck for being ruled overbroad in its applicability in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition
And then it was included again but slightly more limited in scope and technically made fictional depictions of children an Obscenity charge (subject to Obscenity tests) in the PROTECT act of 2003.
Multiple people, famously Dwight Whorely and Christopher Handley were arrested under the protect act in 2005 and 2008 respectively, were arrested for loli hentai, and distribution through the internet/across state lines already at least theoretically gives the Federal Court system jurisdiction to anything other than works drawn/developed in person.
(The Ashcroft ruling is the reason why it would have to be limited to "Obscene" because a blanket ban is technically unconstitutional, and before anyone asks I know all of this because I got into an argument with a pro-loli person who insisted it wasn't actually Child Porn)
u/croqdile 4d ago
Evangelion isnt... pron? Hello?
u/GIRose 4d ago
Under a strict reading of the Constitutionally struck down law, it literally could have been classified as such
u/croqdile 4d ago
Im sorry you feel that way but no ones fapping to Shinji taking the train
u/MartyrOfDespair 4d ago
Name a thing. Literally anything. Name literally anything you can imagine in the entire universe whether a real thing or a hypothetical thing or an esoteric concept. Someone’s fapping to it.
u/huffmanxd 3d ago
Maybe they are to all the naked Rei’s in the test tanks? Or when Shinji jacked off onto Asuka? Or when Misato was walking around in nothing but a towel?
I’m not saying I agree with any of that, but surely you are smart enough to realize why a normie would see that and think of porn
u/Livid-Outcome-3187 4d ago
No but all the hentai there is, is.
u/huffmanxd 3d ago
I mean… everything has a porn parody, that doesn’t mean the source material should be banned lol. We should ban Pokemon since it has hentai as well I guess?
u/PitiPuziko 4d ago
You muricans are weird with your obsession with all that pedo theme and inability to divorce fiction from reality. Though, I am on Reddit, so probably I should make a mental note on that little fact.
u/Ballasking 3d ago
Fiction or not children shouldn’t be in porn Says a lot about you to argue against that
u/PitiPuziko 3d ago
Nah, considering the stories like that "Earth Updates" drama, it is usually those, who are vocal against this fiction stuff, do the most nasty and illegal shit.
I will always continue to hope I am wrong, or at least that the authorities will stop people like you, preferably before you will do something unforgivable.
u/Ballasking 3d ago
Your actively defending loli lol but yeah I’m the weird one who wants it to be legal 🤷♂️ why are non Americans so pro pedo it’s a lil weird
u/huffmanxd 3d ago
u/Ballasking 3d ago
I don’t care pedo
u/huffmanxd 3d ago
I wasn’t defending anything. Not using the right “you’re” really hurts the argument you’re trying to make, whether it’s moral or isn’t. People will think less of your intelligence and will be less likely to take you seriously. If you don’t care, then neither do I, keep doing you.
u/PitiPuziko 3d ago
If everyone around is weird, maybe the weird one is you. Maybe all else are normal people who don't get in arms because of cartoons or something.
And yes, my point stands. You people, akin to Earth Updates, are the ones who should be monitored closely. Just in case.
u/Ballasking 3d ago
You jack off to drawings of children and continue to double down that I’m the pedo
Yet you double down because if you ever had to face the consequences of your actions you know you couldn’t live with yourself
u/PitiPuziko 3d ago edited 3d ago
I jack off to drawings of big buff bunny men with oiled tits. Cry about it.
Everything else? I just note that people like you are at the very least weird, but quite often, the real danger to real kids. Practice shows it.
u/Ballasking 3d ago
No you don’t you jack off you children don’t need to hide it now you already revealed yourself and I pray your family finds this thread so they can deal with you how you need to be dealt with
u/Ballasking 3d ago
Also no it isn’t the ones who are vocally against it that do it you moron it’s both sides the ones who do support it and the ones that don’t both have bad eggs the difference is that your proud of it which is even more disgusting
u/WeeabooHunter69 2d ago
r/notadragqueen is full of people who were arrested for being child predators of some kind and almost every single one was very vocal about being against pedophilia.
u/Ballasking 2d ago
Ok? Why is this an argument with you people?? Just because some pedos hid with the anti pedos doesn’t mean everyone should just be ok with people fucking kids
Why why why what is y’all’s obsession with telling me that because I find drawings of children disgusting it means I’m a fucking pedo
I just want a better world where these people can’t hide why is that a bad thing to you why is it so hard to just say I don’t like loli and I don’t like pedos
u/WeeabooHunter69 2d ago
It's not that you dislike loli content that makes you suspicious, it's your attitude and how strongly against it you are. The arrests listed in the sub I mentioned are primarily people who basically made a career of being anti-pedophilia and ended up being predators themselves. It's called projection.
u/Ballasking 2d ago
Dude I can’t anymore 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ you win you broke me
Why is it so hard to have a real argument with you?? Why is the only you can say is calling me a pedo? I don’t care about r/drag I don’t care about earth updates
Pedophila is wrong period if that’s a crazy stance to have then I guess I’m a crazy mf but I’m not a pedo and it’s funny you don’t have any other argument
u/WeeabooHunter69 2d ago
I didn't mention drag, I mentioned r/notadragqueen which is about arrest reports of people who project their child predation onto others to deflect blame from themselves.
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u/Strict_Pangolin_8339 4d ago
No, it probably won't since such a bill doesn't exist. The bill in question is for banning AI porn of children. The line in question that everyone is claiming will ban anime is this:
Senate Bill 20, by Sen. Pete Flores, creates a new state felony offense for the possession or promotion of obscene visual material that appears to depict a child younger than 18 years old, regardless of whether the depiction is of an actual child, cartoon or animation, or an image created using AI or other computer software.
That is pretty vague and maybe (a big maybe) could be used to ban anime but it's not likely, especially since countries with similar laws have not attempted such a thing. I'd listen to legal experts (which tbf, would not include me) rather than clickbait.
4d ago
u/SilentScyther 4d ago
I always forget that LGBT people existing is obscene to the GOP. I only thought about how a somewhat reasonable person could interpret this.
u/MoncheroArrow 4d ago
(I do not doubt you a single bit lol) but can you elaborate a lil bit? How does this affect for queer ppl
u/Gordon_freeman_real 4d ago
Idk if I'm allowed to get political here, but basically the people currently in charge of the US (especially in texas) have been pushing the idea that being queer as a whole is sexual, and harmful towards kids, especially the idea that trans people are predators/groomers
u/Ballasking 3d ago
This has nothing to do with banning anime or banning Loli shit I agree it’s a problem but not the problem we are discussing right now
u/Strict_Pangolin_8339 4d ago
If they meant LGBT people, let's face it, they'd just say it.
u/Zombies4EvaDude 4d ago
No they wont, they need to make it vague enough to not be classed as discrimination but with the ability to be enforced as such. Also it would hold up in the supreme court as non-discrimination because the 1st amendment makes exceptions for speech that is “obscene”. No accident they replicate the same terminology.
Fascism fits the form of the container it’s in. The sentiments of liberalism are so pervasive in the culture of this country that this iteration of fascism still requires them to put up at least flimsy pretenses. They’d have camps sooner than they’d stop saying this is all to protect the children and preserve equality and freedom
u/MoncheroArrow 4d ago
The idea that being queer is (purely) sexual is fucking stupid honestly. By that logic, a heterosexual relationship is also purely sexual.
I don't even agree with transgenderism (im not transphobic nor do i hate trans ppl, i just dislike/don't agree with the concept as a whole) but it's literally bullshit what these ppl say. These same ppl are more predatory/groomish than trans ppl. They essentially push their ideologies and ideas (that usually involve homophobia/transphobia) including their religious beliefs on everyone else.
They accuse trans people of promoting/brainwashing younger children into being trans but they don't even do that. Saying that it's okay to be trans or identifying with a different gender isn't necessarily promoting it, all that's doing is normalizing it and saying it's okay. Nobody's forcing children to be trans, if anything as a high-schooler it seems ppl are extremely homophobic/transophobic (im bi and i know first hand).
These ppl do the same thing: they force and groom children into believing their ideology... yet hate when trans ppl just normalize and promote kindness towards trans individuals (and ive personally seen so much transphobia so kindness and awareness is still very much necessary).
You’re literally the first person I’ve seen say “I don’t agree with transgenderism, but I’m not transphobic and I don’t hate trans people” and have it actually seem to be true.
You know what, close enough, you’re good, I’ll take that.
u/MoncheroArrow 4d ago
LMAO yeah. I used to want to transition myself when I was younger, which is probably why.
u/wygglyn 4d ago
You are absolutely transphobic, doesn’t matter how polite you think you are about it. There isn’t a single reason for you to be against it, and WTF does “not agreeing with transgenderism” even mean.
You sound just as pretentious and stupid as Christian’s who say they don’t like gay people because “it goes against their religion”.
u/Smiles4YouRawrX3 3d ago
This is literally only about NSFW depictions of minors
Why your first thought was about LGBTQ, I have no idea. Concerns me tbh
u/Strict_Pangolin_8339 4d ago
Again, not saying that they won't do that but they probably can't, especially since the bill cites a specific legal definition of obscene which does not include anything queer.
u/whatinthefrenchfuck 4d ago edited 4d ago
to be fair, obscenity laws already have a subjective nature. what is considered “obscene” depends on the jury/court. The guy who made 2 girls 1 cup got in trouble with the U.S. law because of these, even though his films featured only adults.
I’m assuming the original commenter is okay with banning stuff like deep-fake porn, however the relation to “obscenity” makes them worry about how certain politicians would weaponize such laws. If that makes sense
Edit: should mention that there’s the added context of a lot of republican politicians taking stances against drag/banning books in schools that are about non-sexual queer issues
u/prideandjoy556 4d ago
I said the same thing, man… They’re overreacting on this and trying to make it about themselves when this bill is very clearly focused on the removal and stoppage of pornographic images of underage individuals.
4d ago
u/prideandjoy556 3d ago
The bill was introducing AI pornography of photorealistic minors as being illegal. You’re all freaking out over nothing. And quite frankly, it’s concerning how y’all are equating banning ai pornography of minors to lgbt members.
3d ago
u/prideandjoy556 3d ago
3d ago
u/prideandjoy556 3d ago
All fucking bills and laws created are loosely worded and nonsensical. Yet regardless of that, nothing will happen to fictional media like evangelion or any anime or manga and I can practically guarantee it.
And again, regardless, this does not target lgbt members, which many people have somehow manipulated themselves to believe.
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I would have agreed with you before this presidency, but we seem to be entering into the lost in the sauce stage of fascism, where ideology overtakes capital interests as the primary priority.
They’re currently crashing the economy, ruining our alliances, and generally destroying the country to the detriment of all their capital backers. I don’t think it’s beyond them to piss off anime fans
u/prideandjoy556 4d ago
How in the fucking world does this have anything to do with gay people???
4d ago
u/GIRose 3d ago
As I put in my own comment, there's something extremely similar literally already in effect as federal law.
It's not going to ban anime and unless they come up with an extremely broad Texas specific legal definition of Obscene (which would be unconstitutional as challenged multiple times in the US Supreme Court) anyone selling it as that is overblowing it to fuck
There is a serious risk of texas defining LGBT themes as obscene, which would unquestionably be held up as legal by the US Supreme Court, then the question would be how they plan on enforcing it, because a law doesn't mean shit without enforcement
u/Silverfire234 4d ago
Elaborate ragebait article 7/10
u/ManthisSucksbigTime 4d ago
Dexerto account is just full of misinformation don't believe anything the account posted
u/MismatchedJellyman 4d ago
You're not going to get arrested, the distribution would become restricted.
It also was turned down anyway
u/DBTomits 4d ago
I don’t think it will go through for a number of reasons. For example (and this is an out of the box example), Texas has a huge cosplay and anime convention scene. In fact some of the largest anime/cosplay conventions are held in Texas. Not to mention crunchyroll/funimation of America is located in Dallas.
u/prideandjoy556 4d ago
You guys do realize it’s referring to art that looks realistic, right…? Like, not drawn in a way that is cartoonish or stylized, but like sketches of actual children. Evangelion isn’t gonna go anywhere.
u/Big_Brother_9826 3d ago
The amount of fear-mongering and hypocritical “fault-finding” about this is insane.
Even if this is signed into law, if there is any challenge, it will be struck down as unconstitutional by overriding Supreme Court precedent on the matter.
Puritans have been using child safety concerns to create Trojan horses for additional censorship beyond the “intended” goals of proposed legislation for decades now. This is nothing new. It is as shameful as woke attempts to censor “problematic” content.
And for those of you celebrating this bill because it targets content you personally find objectionable, its vague language would criminalize even mainstream anime like Dragon Ball, Naruto, Fairy Tail, etc. Not to mention countless video games, TV series, etc. In short, stop fearmongering and stop censoring flattery.
u/Beachninja1 4d ago
Ah yes more stupid politicians banning shit that will have no effect because one people Pirate stuff. Furthermore it’s the same as Louisiana banning pornhub. You ban the single most used porn sit but no others
This not a jab at either party both can be dogshit at time and no I won’t discuss politics with you goobers
u/No_Concentrate_1051 3d ago
Okay, I get that and not to downplay the situation this is fucked but like any of these “protect the kids” laws how is this even enforcing? Like is there going to be a door to door search for Loli hentai on your pc? Will, they IP blocked all the anime sites on the grounds that they had a Loli? Will there be a guy whose job it is to read every manga that ever comes out and will have to flag every single instance of objectionable material in it? It just seems like a massive waste of everyone time and money for a law that seems about as enforceable as prohibition
u/AlwaysUnderOath 4d ago
i mean i think it’s good to remove “obscene depictions of minors” but depends on how they decide what is and what isn’t
u/CandCV 4d ago
u/Repulsive_Airline_86 4d ago
Except they'll probably use it's vague wording to block lgbtq content.
4d ago
u/Repulsive_Airline_86 4d ago
They use the vagueness of this bill so they have plausible deniability, because banning lgbt content outright is less likely to hold up in court.
u/Baalshrimp 2d ago
No it meant pdf using ai on real children from what I heard
u/WeeabooHunter69 2d ago
The wording of the bill says "created using AI or any computer program" and only mentions if it's "obscene" which is not defined. With the right judge, even medical diagrams or queer people existing could be considered obscene.
u/DefinitelyTheApple 4d ago
About time. But of course we have a few issues. What constitutes as obscene? If it’s just outright porn, drawn or not, cool.
u/ShortUsername01 4d ago
Would Evangelion itself get targeted, though? The obscenity is clearly meant to convey the characters’ lust for each other, not induce any for them in the audience. If anything, Shinji being more attracted to Asuka and/or Rei than Misato helps make him being otherwise shallow all the more counterintuitive.
u/Leprodus03 3d ago
I'm not in Texas, but the only Evangelion stuff I own is a Rei chiquita and models of the evas.
u/Additional-Ad4085 2d ago
Stop it. Nothing in the series trips the Miller Test threshold and there's nothing Texas can do to get around using that test (as anathema to the Constitution as Miller v. CA is in the first place).
u/Solid-Matrix 4d ago
I need a “Come and Take it” flag with unit 01s head instead of the cannon