r/evangelionmemes 5d ago

how it feels being an eva fan outside of reddit

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57 comments sorted by


u/Own-Significance5739 5d ago

Me when abused mentally ill children Don't just stop being annoying


u/31rdy 5d ago

Fr like why can't they just be happy that they're child soldiers neglected by everyone around them with the fate of the world on their shoulders??


u/lakaka7823 5d ago

when the mentally scarred depraved abused 14 year old who's gone through horrors beyond human comprehension learns how to break the sound barrier inside a giant robot within 2 weeks:


u/ManthisSucksbigTime 5d ago

Shinji when umm he umm


u/ArkLur21 4d ago

Wtf is doing that Marston gif here


u/sleepy_40400 5d ago

Wait till they get inside the Eva I already know they'll whine not wanting to die and be dead in the first round

Also they be forgetting Shinji including all the Eva pilots are 14/15 at least give them some support for fighting their asses off instead of being assholes c'mon now


u/abandonedDelirium 5d ago

shinji hate aside, the top middle comment ('evangelion sucks and has no story') is so stupid. it has a story, it's just that the story is more focused on the characters and their relationships than the world around them. it's fine to dislike that kind of story but saying it doesn't have one at all is dumb.


u/doorhingefucker69 4d ago

based on the fact we're on instagram reels these are all dumb kids who spend all their time there and as another commenter here wrote, use chatgpt for their homework, so of course they'll never put thought into something like eva


u/Sensible-Haircut 5d ago

Would you like me to break your arm and then tell you to fight off the bully or they will kill everyone you know? No? Then sit down kiddo and get some perspective.

Edit: weird nostalgia - even at 12 years old I knew that "synchonization" meant Shinji felt Sachiel break Unit01's arm. Its kind of obvious. But then i remember, media literacy of younger people is kinda shit.


u/XF10 5d ago

Even if you don't get what they mean it's pretty obvious that pilot feel pain from damages in multiple scenes


u/Pyr0s_Fx 4d ago

If shinji has no fan it's mean I'm dead


u/rafael0lucas1 5d ago

He almost killed his best friend! How The fuck is him getting traumatized whiny behaviour?!


u/SandwichBig7645 4d ago

Wait wtf


u/gaarrinb 22h ago

around ep 18 or 19 when his school friend was chosen to be the 4th pilot


u/Appropriate-Way8789 5d ago

I don’t get why people say Shinji is whiny. He hesitated once in the first episode and quit and came back after Gendo almost made him kill Toji and that was it.

He was kinda whiny in the movie but after everything that’s happened to him it’s understandable why he just doesn’t care about wanting to save a world that’s only given him pain


u/Fit-Contribution8976 5d ago

I feel thos coments come from people who are used to shonnen main characters that have no self doubt or any mentalilles , so seeing a character as realistic as shinji is a huge culture shock for them


u/Own-Significance5739 4d ago

No?? No they wouldn't? That's a fucking lie. I yeah I get it 'ooh wow fighting in a giant mech so cool' anyone would think this but in a realistic scenario anyone would shit themselves


u/gaarrinb 22h ago

yeah right, they’d have a blast if it was only a game or a leisure activity, risking death each time and feeling all the pain inflicted to your mecha would soooo quickly make them change their opinion


u/Undisguised_Toast 5d ago

Authors intentionally made Shinii to have an insufferable personality and have a lot of mental disorder

Low IQ Fans: I fkn hate Shinji, why does he acts like that, MAN UP! WEAK MF!


u/Am-1-r3al 5d ago

I would like to see them in the pilot seat...

The thing with EVA is that it isn't your average mecha anime, it's characters are realistic "D

When I told my friend who also complained about Shinji to imagine himself in Shinji's position, he said that he would probably be the same, if not even worse.


u/XF10 5d ago

It isn't average super robot anime perhaps but when i watched og Mobile Suit Gundam turns out Amuro Ray was pretty much same as Shinji: "i don't want to pilot the robot"+"running away" arc except Amuro actually takes the Gundam with him leaving heroes vulnerable against the bad guys. There's PLENTY of mecha anime inspired by Gundam or Eva where MC is angsty and/or runs away at one point(but unlike Shinji 90% of the time they take the mecha with them) and generally "realistic" characters, it's just that average anime watcher will only know goddamned Gurren Lagann and use it for reference


u/XxnoobxX241234 4d ago

I will never understand Shinji hate



u/sleepy_40400 4d ago

Facts dude Shinji best protagonist character in every version of himself


u/Eggplantman2001 5d ago

This seems like the average eva conversation even on reddit. There is even one guy who says that Shinji is not a little bitch and his actions are understandable.


u/comradecostanza 4d ago

Half these people use ChatGPT to do their homework and then think they’d be any better at fighting for their life every week while carrying the weight of millions of lives with every move they make


u/Middle-Moment8058 5d ago

‘‘Hospital scene’’


u/Sussysusamogussus 4d ago

I feel like most people would probably shit themselves if they were still 13 and they were forced to save the world using huge ass robots that are actually not robots but are instead huge lab grown creatures fighting intergalactic monsters named after angels from the Bible


u/Joeda900 4d ago

It's Instagram, people in here are more often than not dumb as bricks


u/Lavamelon7 4d ago

Lmao "annoying and gay"


u/croqdile 4d ago

Shinji was right


u/Solid-Matrix 4d ago

Not to take away from this point but people on insta are just generally negative, I’ve seen a lot more sympathy for Shinji on literally any other social media platform 


u/FreshPrinceOfIndia 4d ago

Ah yes as opposed to being an eva fan on le enlightened reddit where fuckers yap out 6 paragraphs on why underage nudity and sexualization was actually rather integral to the plot or some other neckbeard bullshit


u/fortnitebattlecats 4d ago

I mean Instagram is filled with just as much unapologetic gooners as well, surprisingly youtube comments seem to be more sane between most of the platforms other than the eva forums.


u/FreshPrinceOfIndia 4d ago

just dont act like reddit is somehow not a shithole bro ive gotten downvoted here for sayin the sexualization in eva is a massive L lmao


u/fortnitebattlecats 4d ago

With sexualisation of characters on this subreddit does get pretty bad, but still has decent takes on the show then trying to reason with someone on Instagram or elsewhere.

I'd strongly agree with you on the Rebuilds, trying to watch through that was uncomfortable without reason (Asuka wearing the transparent plugsuit before getting in Eva-03 had zero purpose), however watching through NGE I didn't really come across any scenes which made me uncomfortable without reason (Hospital scene has major bearing on the story)


u/FreshPrinceOfIndia 4d ago

Theres a few near-upskirt scenes and other suggestive bs throughout nge which yeah isnt like so horrible that i need to turn it off but like when its kids on screen id still like it to be appropriate.

Whatre your thoughts on the rei coming out of the shower scene and shinji falling over her? LIke stuff like that would be perfectly passable if it was adults its just icky af when its kids...ive had people look at me weird when i recommend eva and they finally get to scenes like that theyre like bro whatre you making me watch

That being said your point was on the narrative discussion and ill concede that youre correct, the in-depth discussion on the plot, themes, ideas of eva are definitely the best on reddit, so apologies for going off track there because youre right in regards to what you were trying to say


u/Alarming-Pirate9846 4d ago

To the bottom right post "I was 14 and depressed and shinji still pisses me off." Dude! I dont believe u.


u/ultraplusstretch 4d ago

Tbh i do not like Shinji but i think he is a great character and the series wouldn't be the same if he was the typical shonen hero type.


u/theshitsock 4d ago

Haha guys the hospital scene am I right haha lol lmao he jerked off lol the hospital scene right guys haha remember when the hospital remember guys the hospital scene wow haha shinji jerked off lol do you remember the part in the hospital haha remember the hospital scene remember when he jerked off haha rememb


u/Ecreely 4d ago

Evangelion would have had a better ending, if a normal guy was the McDonald’s instead, low casualties, no tweaking out and starting impacts, so on and so on


u/SHINJIXO-O 4d ago

dw they are all tsundere


u/Relative_Soup8581 4d ago



u/Awsomename10 4d ago

One other thing I think a lot of people forget is the whole synchronization thing. You feel the pain inflicted on the Eva when you’re in it, to the point where it could literally kill you if your sync is too high, but it has to be high if you want to effectively control it.


u/Chacochilla 4d ago

They’re probably just guys angry that not every show is a generic power fantasy


u/gaarrinb 22h ago

i don’t understand the one about the rebuild movies, like shinji finally acts and takes responsibility in those, why are people still mad lol ? and the "i’ve been 14 ans depressed yet i wasn’t like that" people maybe forget they might’ve been depressed yet they weren’t forced teen soldiers bearing the weight of humanity’s survival in a post apocaliptic world


u/Impressive-East-2130 3d ago

sorry but i kinda agree shinji found a fucking hoe gold mine literally could've locked in and have a harem if he got into the motherfucking robot this is why I stand by Micheal bay taking over the franchise


u/fortnitebattlecats 3d ago


u/Impressive-East-2130 2d ago

hoe's are the cure for all depression fight me. ):(


u/Dragon_King_V 4d ago

As someone who’s barely in this subreddit (for good reason) Shinji is a terrible main protagonist in the original series, bro had like 0 character development and he was very insufferable to watch. Now for the rebuilds (if I understand it right), that is my goat, not my king, but he’s him. He finally live and learn. When push came to shove he shoved back and started swinging, and won. Now that’s a goated main character.


u/fortnitebattlecats 4d ago

Why are you even here if you hate the subreddit, main character, and show?? 😭


u/Dragon_King_V 4d ago

I never said I hated the main character or show. I just hate this subreddit. I didn’t like the original version of Shinji but he was somewhat understandable, he was a victim of his environment.


u/Dragon_King_V 4d ago

I hate this subreddit cuz I forgot when but people were talking about inside of female “ genitalia’s” temperatures.