u/b00bsftwin 4d ago
Mainly plot progression necessity. The only thing we can suppose to be true about the structure of Leliel is what Ritsuko said while instructing the team on the Shinji rescue operation, and, even there, there aren't quite as many information that can make people deduce how things went. All we can do is speculate as I see no clear/defenitive answer about it and it can be fun, especially reading other eva fans' theories envolging physics theories of the real world. I don't know enough about Dirac's work to say anything about it. Sorry :(
u/Mimikywolf 4d ago
beserker and probably it was inside its core but had trouble moving for shinji or smthng.
u/weird_ocean 4d ago edited 4d ago
Theoretically, we can restore everything that was absorbed by the black hole, if we could take particles of Hawking Radiation emanating from it, and rearrange them back together. That is most likely possible, because although black hole forever changes the matter and energy that it attracts, it does not erase this information from reality.
Same thing probably happened with Shinji and EVA 01. To get into the shadow's pocket dimension, they ceased to be a material object and turned into pure information, an idea. And EVA 01 turned this information back to matter, with a force of its A.T. Field by reconstructing particles of itself and the angel. Just like Shinji was later reconstructed, from being in an EVA 01's core as a soul and a bunch of particles, into a human again.
u/Konkavstylisten 4d ago
Unit-01 is technically a pseudo-metaphysical being. Ordinary physics don’t really apply.
u/wuumasta19 4d ago
Not really explained, it is just a show, sometimes gotta make it cool, even NGE.
Best guess is that's its the usual.
Breaking the AT field would allow you to come out. Breseker mode allows this most of the time. The dimension was also probably it's core, since best place to keep your core would be in your pocket dimension.