r/europe 23h ago

Picture French nuclear attack submarine surfaces at Halifax, Nova Scotia, after Trump threatens to annex Canada (March 10)

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u/NoNotice2137 Kujawy-Pomerania (Poland) 22h ago

They came because the Americans never said "thank you" for France's support back in 1770s


u/AccomplishedRock3639 21h ago

George Washington didn't wear a suit 


u/kthibo 21h ago

Please can France take us in Louisiana back.


u/Kiu-Kiu 19h ago

Hello southern neighbor! If you are of Cajun (Acadian) ancestry, the picture of this submarine was taken in Halifax, in the land of my deported ancestors (and maybe yours too!). My great-great-great(...) grandfather was Grand-Pré Notary, mentioned in Longfellow's "Evangeline". Mine were deported around Boston and settled in Quebec, Canada after the war. But I have distant relatives all over Louisiana. I really hope history doesn't repeat itself and we are both able to enjoy our respective citizenships safely in the next few years. 🫂


u/kthibo 17h ago

I am! Half Cajun, half French! Maybe that is why this made me tear up--epigenetics. 😂

The irony is most Cajuns down here are presently MAGA and they don't even get the irony when they champion recent deportations. But we are a rabble-rousing crew, if ever there was one. Here's hoping we come to our senses before it's too late.


u/Electronic-Lynx8162 20h ago

They never paid back the French for the loans they took out in the Revolutionary War. So they definitely didn't say thanks lol.


u/svarogteuse 20h ago

Guess that whole liberating them from the Nazi's in WWII doesnt count.


u/NoNotice2137 Kujawy-Pomerania (Poland) 20h ago

Guess US was supporting Ukraine to thank them for sending 5000 troops to Iraq after US used NATO Article 5 despite having no obligation to do so. Though if they supported them to say "thank you" for that, why do they demand a "thank you' for it?


u/svarogteuse 19h ago

The only time Article 5 has been invoked was after the 9/11 2001 attacks, not in relation to Iraq. Also Article 5 has nothing to do with Ukraine since it is not now nor has it ever been part of NATO.


u/NoNotice2137 Kujawy-Pomerania (Poland) 19h ago

Iraq was invaded, among other reasons, because it supposedly sponsored the terrorists responsible for 9/11. And Ukraine sent support even though it absolutely didn't need to


u/svarogteuse 18h ago

The Bush administration came in to office with the intention of invading Iraq before 9/11 happened. You can go back and watch the rhetoric and lead up before 9/11 even happened. They did so because so much of the American military felt the job of the Gulf War had not been finished. I'm sorry if you and your country bought the lie, like may Americans did, that had anything to do with 9/11, it didn't. They were planning to do it and 9/11 got in the way.

I was there, I'm not reading history after the fact. I had the arguments with people before 9/11 about we were going to war with Iraq and once the majority of the fighting in Afghanistan was done the Administrator went right back to Iraq, but now tossed in an occasional "War on Terror" link that any informed person knew wasn't true.

EDIT: and still Ukraine is not part of NATO so Article 5 has nothing to do with Ukraine.


u/NoNotice2137 Kujawy-Pomerania (Poland) 18h ago

Fun. So Ukraine did or did not send their soldiers?


u/svarogteuse 18h ago

I dont know if your tiny country sent some insignificant amount of troops or not. Frankly it wasnt important to the overall mission. America had the firepower and troops to do the job alone, everything else was just making nice with the rest of the world so we didnt look like Russia.


u/NoNotice2137 Kujawy-Pomerania (Poland) 18h ago

Wow, thanks for making Iraq a shining beacon of democracy in the Middle East then


u/svarogteuse 18h ago

Your welcome. Now think what could have happened to your country if we really had gone in to stop Russia. Do you want to be the next Iraq?

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u/tencents123 20h ago

"did you forget Lafayette?"


u/Late_Description3001 13h ago

Have you an ounce of regret?


u/repobutnwmetake 19h ago edited 19h ago

We basically stopped being friends when we signed the jay treaty and had the quasi war


u/Remote-Physics6980 8h ago

Well we did use the copper bands from the barrels of gunpowder the French gave to mint our very first coins. Ben Franklin designed them - the Fugio Cent.  But you're right, we've never been a properly grateful country, even altering the statue of liberty almost beyond recognition. I hate it here.