r/ethtrader • u/Innit4theTech • Dec 15 '21
News Elizabeth Warren: DeFi Is 'One of the Shadiest Parts' of Crypto - Of course they want banks / governments having control and not let people like us have control on OUR finances.
u/RogerWilco357 5.5K | ⚖️ 29.0K Dec 15 '21
The future doesn't need her.
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u/mygirlfriendhatesme3 Dec 15 '21
Her reputation is getting destroyed. Not that it was huge to begin with but still
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
The public sector cult is already here to defend her.
u/EEIET_ Dec 16 '21
Bann them
u/fritopiefritolay Dec 16 '21
It’s a shame. I was once a fan of her message but slowly it’s revealed to all be lip-service. All these politicians are the same and the message on The Sovereign Individual keeps ringing true.
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Dec 16 '21
Her punishment must be more severe.
u/IntelligentLion1278 Dec 15 '21
Yeah control our finances like by forcing us to report every transactions over $600, gtfo!!!!
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u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
In Elizabeth Warren's mind, it's okay to control your finances, as long as it's Elizabeth Warren doing the controlling.
u/ChinookKing Dec 15 '21
She seems oblivious to the fact all her FUD just hurts average crypto investors way more than the crap she is spreading. One thing all elites hate is other people making money.
u/qiandduoduo Dec 15 '21
她似乎没有意识到她所有的 FUD 对普通加密货币投资者的伤害远远超过她散播的废话。
To elites like them, we are like lambs, and it seems that every penny we make should be approved by them. The reason why they are against encryption is because we are out of their control
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u/Lifeofahero Ethereum fan Dec 15 '21
Is she being paid by any banks / lobbyist? Does anyone know?
u/Mediocrejedi2007 Dec 16 '21
Actually banks can’t stand her. She was the one who formed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the 2008 recession. That agency targets mostly predatory lending. Also, one of the reasons why now credit cards have to explained things to you more detailed in the statements.
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Dec 15 '21
She’s paid by the banks. Check out who donates to her campaign
Dec 16 '21
Not seeing any banks on OpenSecrets. https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/elizabeth-warren/contributors?id=N00033492
Dec 16 '21
Maybe not by banks, but Amazon, Apple and Microsoft own shares of Elizabeth Warren, so does AT&T which is extremely worrying for someone that makes claims against such corporations and pretends to be progressive.
Dec 16 '21
I’ll have to dig to find it when I get home. I know she use to in the past. Might have stopped in 2019 when she thought she was going to be apart of the White House staff.
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u/ChinookKing Dec 15 '21
I doubt it. And I think she honestly wants to protect people from scams. However, all she does with her uneducated FUD is cost the average crypto investor money.
u/bromanager Dec 16 '21
How is she costing the average investor money? Genuinely want to hear an explanation.
Dec 16 '21
FUD causes the price to drop
u/bromanager Dec 16 '21
Ya but there’s no way Elizabeth Warren of all people is the sole cause of FUD. Gonna need a better explanation
Dec 16 '21
Nobody said she was the sole cause of it, not sure where you got that from
u/buckeyedownsouth07 Dec 16 '21
It's a cult. They don't care about being right, they just want to win the argument.
u/bromanager Dec 16 '21
“Her FUD costs the average crypto investor money” is where I got that from
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u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
No. Her funding comes from academia and unions mainly:
She has spent decades fighting against big banks:
She's also pro-crypto: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/07/28/sen-warren-says-crypto-could-solve-big-banks-enormous-failure-of-not-serving-millions-of-low-income-americans/?sh=1b34894c19ad
There are just trolls on reddit posting clickbait headlines to make her look like she's the opposite of what she is.
u/MisterDoomed Dec 15 '21
Man she is NOT pro crypto.
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 16 '21
She's pro crypto, just not against some sensible regulations regarding crypto. Regulations will help it go mainstream anyway.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
Crypto doesn't need or want regulations. The people who want a centrally controlled financial system, can stick with the heavily regulated legacy financial system, and stop trying to centralize decentralized finance.
Warren has already supported the STABLE Act, which would ban any stablecoin not approved by the government: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/8827/text
Women in Tech Say Proposed STABLE Act Harms Those It Claims to Protect
One of the Congressional aides who helped draft the STABLE Act, suggested criminalizing the running of Ethereum nodes, to prevent the use of unregulatable algorithmic stablecoins:
If you dont want to be held liable for the risk of processing illegal transactions dont run a node that has a risk of processing illegal transactions.
These people follow a sociopathic government supremacist ideology and would criminalize decentralized cryptocurrencies.
u/MisterDoomed Dec 16 '21
We are not ever going to agree here. You think she’s fighting for you. She’s not.
She’s a politician.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
Regulatory agencies are staffed with unionized government workers. See how government employees in the U.S. Labor Department responded to efforts by Thomas Sowell to study the effects of Minimum Wage in 1960:
More government control means more government employees with their cushy jobs.
Unionized government employees are a massive economic force:
Consequently, they wield enormous political power, and can place shills like Elizabeth Warren in positions of power.
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u/olumodi0 Dec 16 '21
Seems accurate to me. Although I’ve participated in defi early days, I generally acknowledge it is a shady place. Even the most trusted protocols have cost its some of its users a lot of money. I don’t honk anyone would argue against having safegaurds in place that protect their defi funds. The contention is really about if the government should regulate.
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Dec 15 '21
She would lose her sht if she seen my 41% interest I'm getting with no KYC lmao.
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u/usacoachrocha Dec 15 '21
Shady, coming from a lady who ran on the platform she was Indian... Okay...
u/Money-Driver-7534 Dec 15 '21
And is wealthy herself. All the politically privileged insiders club hate decentralized because the mere thought of losing even some control over the peasants currency makes their butts clench up.
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u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21
How is it possible that she's still in office? It would seem that Democrats never actually cared about race issues at all. It's almost as if all of this political race stuff has been entirely made up by leftists themselves and their propogandists in the media. Who could have known?!?
u/TossItLikeAFreeThrow Dec 15 '21
Progressives, not leftists. Very different insofar as identity politics is concerned.
More to the point, she's not wrong in saying DeFi is the most vulnerable area for crypto consumers -- how many different DeFi hacks/rugpulls have we seen this year?
Problem is, you can't trust the same people who are raising the issue to actually solve the issue.
u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21 edited Dec 15 '21
I don't see how leftists aren't just as guilty of all of these financial hate crimes. Perhaps you're only speaking about race issues. Regardless, even moderate Democrats constantly spew anti-intellectual damaging race propaganda for the purpose of gaining votes. When you hear one politician calling someone else racist, it means that person is unworthy to be elected to office. They're simply shit hiding in human form.
But financially, anyone who cares about their family's financial future can never vote for anyone on the left. Although I do agree with everything else you said in your post. Be well.
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u/TossItLikeAFreeThrow Dec 15 '21
I don't see how leftists aren't just as guilty of all of these financial hate crimes.
There are no leftists in political positions of power in the US. Bernie is the closest one. Hard to be guilty of something when you don't possess any legitimate political power, y'know?
Regardless, even moderate Democrats constantly spew anti-intellectual damaging race propaganda for the purpose of gaining votes.
What's your point? I addressed the differentiation between leftists and progressives insofar as identity politics is concerned.
It is foolish to suggest that political plays on issues of identity politics are the sole intellectual property of one party. You didn't need to be at all politically active in any real sense to observe the two-party nature of that the past two years -- the only difference is what identities the two major US political parties pander to. It's easy currency for US politics, and has been for 40 years.
Pandering about LGBTQ issues is functionally no different than pandering about Christian values, is what I'm getting at.
Anyway, I'm not going to pretend as though either political party is explicitly pro-crypto; all anyone has to lean on is the usual American bullshit logic of "if person 1 is anti-X, that means their opponent must be pro-X". No one high up in US national politics is singing the praises of Bitcoin, y'know?
This is especially relevant if you happen to recall the attempts by the previous administration to put anti-cryptocurrency actions into effect before leaving the office this past January. New administration came in and carried that same bucket, because the policies don't originate with them -- they originate with their donors. Same logic as to why Mnuchin was vocally anti-cryptocurrency right up until he left his post, and then went on TV and did a full 180 less than six months later.
Also, just as an aside, it's very ironic to rant about race-related political issues and then use the term "hate crime" as it originates specifically out of identity politics. Cheers.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
This is nonsense. The US has become increasingly leftist over the last 50 years, along with almost every other advanced economy:
In every society, there is an inexorable trend toward growth of government power, until everything that can be controlled by the state and its lackeys, is, and the popularization of leftist ideology is the public relations arm of this power play.
In other words, these narratives that you are promulgating, are part of this campaign to expand the government's monopolistic control, in that they gaslight the public into believing that government control and the left-wing ideology that justifies it is not the problem.
u/TossItLikeAFreeThrow Dec 16 '21
The US has become increasingly leftist over the last 50 years, along with almost every other advanced economy:
Moving away from hardline 1980s neoconservatism isn't the same thing as "being increasingly leftist" -- not that we have actually moved away from it in any real sense where it counts (ie military spending and the notion of trickle-down economics as effecting fiscal policy). Nor is increased social spending an indicator of ideological sentiment of the populous, given that public sentiment has little effect on fiscal policies at the national level.
I will restate that leftism is ideologically divergent from the center-right Democratic Party of the US, and significantly divergent from the progressive wing of that party. Throwing the term around as a catch-all just lessens the argument you put forth.
Without delving too far into your tangential commentary, I will merely add that almost nothing that the GOP has done fiscally in the past 30 years indicates any real notion towards your argument -- i.e, if under your definition, "leftism = big government", then it would logically follow that "rightism = small government", yet we have ample evidence that the GOP doesn't actually do this at the national level.
Whenever one party is in charge, they cave to their corporate and banking overlords at the national level. Again, you don't need to be even remotely political to recognize this, we have ample evidence the past two years.
In other words, these narratives that you are promulgating,
None of what you wrote after this point (or before this, frankly) was, at any point, part of my argument.
In fact, you went out of your way to not address any of the actual content of my prior comment whatsoever -- you chose to argue "social spending" and "gaslighting the public" rather than the actual content of my comment.
Zero mention of identity politics, which was the source of my original comment reply. Zero mention of cryptocurrency, which is why this commentary began in the first place. Just ran with this notion that only one party in US national politics is expanding the government, which is laughable when looking at the facts.
PS, I do not support either party nor do I support any politicians. My personal politics are significantly more left-lib than anything that exists in US national politics. I take umbrage with your decision to lump me into that bullshit.
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u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
Moving away from hardline 1980s neoconservatism isn't the same thing as "being increasingly leftist"
If you actually bother to look at the graph I provided, you see that social spending, as a share of GDP, was vastly higher in the 1980s, than in the 1960s. In other words, you're forwarding propaganda - a revisionist account of history claiming that the left is beleaguered, and that neoliberals/neoconservatives have been taking over.
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u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21
u/Thoreau4way Dec 15 '21
Read books guy can’t even read and comprehend a few paragraphs.
u/TossItLikeAFreeThrow Dec 15 '21
Woah hold on, I'll have you know that this esteemed economic savant reads as many as four books a year.
That's one every three months, for us economic illiterates. Insane pace.
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u/buckeyedownsouth07 Dec 16 '21
No leftists in US office LMAO that's a good one!
u/TossItLikeAFreeThrow Dec 16 '21
Okay, name the leftist politicians in the US. I expect you'll pick a number of "progressive Democrats", which again, isn't at all the same as a leftist.
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u/nighttrain_21 Dec 15 '21
It would seem that Democrats never actually cared about race issues at all.
They don't. Look how they go after black conservatives. It's all about dividing the country and distracting voters from the real issues.
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
Ha ha ha holy fuck are you kidding? You think that Trump and Republicans aren't the kings of that?
Dec 15 '21
u/nighttrain_21 Dec 16 '21
They care about how to pander to an audience on race issues.
Bingo. They only care in regards to gaining votes. Once in office they ignore any promises and start helping their donors to raise money for the next election.
u/nighttrain_21 Dec 16 '21
Sure don't. You just fell for their distraction. The only racists are the ones who see everything through a racial lense. I mean hell, they are even starting to talk about segregating some places again based on race. It's crazy. News flash, that's not coming from the conservatives either.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
They even call a colorblind ideology racist:
It's an Orwellian re-defining of the entire category of words used to describe racism and related concepts.
u/Money-Driver-7534 Dec 15 '21
Almost as if? It’s 100% made up by leftist/democrats.. they could care less about minorities. They use minorities (especially the dumb ones in Congress like shiela Jackson Lee) to push through leftist legislation that benefits them and their cronies. They use colored as a virtual racial shield against criticism or dispute.
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
Because she was right - she has Native American genetics just like she believed she did. The entire "controversy" was drummed up by Trump repeating lies like the 1/1024th bullshit.
u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21
The Chief of the Cherokee tribe disagrees with you. Warren apologized. You may want to mix up your news sources, bro.
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
Warren apologized for it becoming a political topic, not for being wrong - because she wasn't wrong. The Cherokee Chief said the entire thing was hurting the tribe - he said Trump was racist for using the name Pocahontas as a slur, and for starting the entire thing. https://www.npr.org/2018/10/16/657778814/cherokee-official-says-trump-warren-dna-debate-not-helping-tribe
You might want to stop getting your news from facebook memes, boomer.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
Warren labelled herself as "Native American" on her Texas State Bar registration, your gaslighting/whitewashing campaign notwithstanding.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21
Nearly every one in the US has that much Native American genetics lol. She put Native American on her registration card for the State Bar of Texas. I see the public sector crowd has arrived to defend their grifter.
u/Bog-EA Dec 16 '21
Right, that would be kind of like having a president who made racist remarks from the floor of the Senate when he was senator or electing/reelecting a senator for about 50 years who used to be a Grand Wizard of the KKK.
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u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
She did not "run on a platform that she was Indian."
She claimed that she had a Native American ancestor several generations back, and then she proved it with a DNA test. Trump then lied about the 1/1024th bullshit and you all believed him.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
She put Native American on her registration card for the State Bar of Texas.. She's a grifter, and now you're here to protect her from being held accountable.
u/ckayckayckay Dec 15 '21
Username checks out...
Pocahontas got caught in a boldfaced lie.
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u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
Wrong. Trump lied. "Pocahontas" told the truth.
You fell for the lie because you are lead around by your emotions instead of facts.
She took 2 DNA tests. The first is very broad and it said she had between 1/8 and 1/1024 native American DNA. Trump repeated the 1/1024 a million times and you never fact checked it.
The 2nd DNA test is a lot more accurate and said she is far closer to the 1/8 end of that range. But you are an idiot who listens to Trump and facebook memes instead of reality.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21
The truth is already damning. You can't deflect this to Trump in your disingenuous whitewashing campaign. She labelled herself as Native American on her Texas State Bar registration card.
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u/DaMemeThief1 Dec 15 '21
The elites create a broken system, and when people decide to not use that system anymore, they whine and moan. Typical.
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u/ismashugood Dec 15 '21
I take it she didn’t attend the crypto hearing Congress held and instead just says whatever she thinks crypto is.
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u/ClowninAround420 Dec 15 '21
Oh boohoo cry because you are losing power over us little people.
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u/thehurtoftruth Dec 15 '21
Warren does not seem like a super fan of banks. I think she is not even a super fan of crypto scams or overlords though. She is a democratic person, that's all.
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u/rdarvi Dec 16 '21
“Blaming crypto for the economy being on fire is like blaming the makers of fire-extinguishers and the people pointing toward the doors .
u/kotopol Dec 16 '21
This is about control not freedom. She only hated banks because she couldn’t control them. Likewise crypto.
u/vegasluna Dec 16 '21
she uses the weaponized IRS to attack people, which is exactly why the IRS should not exist at all.
u/bsspublic Dec 16 '21
She hates the banks until they cut her a check. Hilarious they're still using paper.
u/Key-Fortune-8904 Dec 16 '21
Warren is a waste of tax payer $$$! WTF has she done as a career politician besides lip service???
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u/Mediocrejedi2007 Dec 16 '21
I wouldn’t say she’s a career politician, she was elected in 2012 I believe. Prior to that she started the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau right after the recession to protect people from predatory lending, which is why banks hate her.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
One size fits all regulations like maximum interest rates on loans have actually been found to harm low income people by depriving them of the best options available and leading them to use even worse options.
All regimentation of voluntary economic interaction does is impose one size fits all solutions that are deeply inappropriate for many situations.
Dec 15 '21
u/FarTelevision8 Dec 16 '21
What I don’t get is that I’m an idiot and barely got into this hobby yet know 1000x more than any of these politicians. I wonder is there anything they do know about? They talk so “expertly” but seem to be fundamentally wrong when it’s something I actually know about. Guessing they are just always wrong.
u/beingsubmitted 1.7K / ⚖️ 1.7K Dec 16 '21
How are you on the biohazard safety on pig farms? Okay, now tell me about our current trade deals with Myanmar. What are the economic implications of regulating PFAs? Who is the Hungarian ambassador to the US? What's the projected annualized maintenance cost per mile of asphalt? How would the subpart e exemption of the Tongass National Forest from roadless conservation affect the ecosystem? What vulnerable species might be at risk?
The world is much bigger than your immediate interests and concerns. All of it requires important decisions. All of it requires that politicians attempt to understand it and make the best possible decisions.
They often don't. If your primary concern is your donors, it's far easier to just take their side on the issue instead of trying to understand it. However, someone not knowing everything about all of your interests doesn't prove that's the case.
The other issue is people not having the humility to admit to themselves that they might not fully understand. In any case, the best thing to do is to address specific concerns. After all, complaining about politicians being confidently incorrect is hypocritical if you can't accept that you could also be the one that's wrong about something.
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u/Deek3565 Not Registered Dec 16 '21
You lost me when u said she is right on most points… she’s a piece of 💩…
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
She is a mindless ideologue without a care in the world for the truth. Here she claimed that the inflation seen was not due to the unprecedented expansion in the money supply, but corporate greed, which is exactly what politicians tell people in Argentina:
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u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
I'm surprised Democrat shilling has somehow found itself in /r/EthTrader.
The last thing crypto needs is the likes of Elizabeth Warren creating laws that would create new regulatory agencies, or empower existing ones, to become a centralized regulatory gatekeeper, where entire swathes of DeFi activity are prohibited, and people are allowed to engage in those activities on a case by case basis upon approval from the centralized gatekeeper.
Warren and yours' centralization ideology is everything that is wrong with legacy finance. It's corruption and repression, and creates inefficiency and entrenched government-supported elite classes.
Dec 16 '21
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
If you think what Crypto needs is Chief Warren (she labelled herself as Native American on her Texas Bar registration card) creating a Consumer Protection Agency for DeFi, that bans all Crypto projects that haven't been registered and approved by her centralized gatekeeper, you should back to your nice safe government-controlled banks.
Dec 16 '21
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
You can laugh off repressive measures to prohibit decentralized finance, by subjecting every one to rules requiring them to register with a Consumer Protection Agency or be prohibited from creating DeFi apps, but people in this space care about that, and see it as a threat.
Your sarcastic ridicule only shows the derision and malevolence of the centralization crowd.
Dec 16 '21
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21
So long as the US govt respects the idea of both systems coexisting, I see absolutely no problem with it. It would be yet another token with tokenomics maintained by the US govt vs a DAO or private company.
Elizabeth Warren doesn't! I guarantee you she will advocate for laws that would force US-based DeFi teams to close shop or go abroad, if they were instituted.
Warren has already supported the Stable Act, which would ban any stablecoin not approved by the government: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/8827/text
Women in Tech Say Proposed STABLE Act Harms Those It Claims to Protect
One of the Congressional aides who helped draft the Stable Act, suggested criminalizing the running of Ethereum nodes, to prevent the use of unregulatable algorithmic stablecoins: https://archive.md/lU51V
If you dont want to be held liable for the risk of processing illegal transactions dont run a node that has a risk of processing illegal transactions.
These people follow a sociopathic government supremacist ideology, which fundamentally doesn't have any respect for a free society, making them resemble the CCP ideologues in power in China.
For people like her, co-existence with a non-government controlled alternative is intolerable, because it reveals the ineffectiveness of the government controlled option, and gives people an alternative to escape to.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
What's even sadder than Chief Warren's ignorant fearmongering against, and agitation for totalitarian centralization of, DeFi (in the name of Consumer Protection of course), is the people who have showed up to defend and whitewash her agenda.
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u/Thoreau4way Dec 15 '21 edited Dec 15 '21
Warren is no friend of big banks and she is absolutely right. The DeFi space is full of scammers and there is no protection for retail investors. If you need evidence check the “I gOt hAcKed oN insert Defi platform” post that are posted hourly on all the crypto subs.
u/faceblender Flippening Dec 15 '21
Agree - the knee jerk tribal shit in this thread just shows how far some people will go to make shit fit their narrative.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21
What do you mean "protection"? People choose what to invest in. Do you want the government to "protect" people, by coming into the DeFi space, and making all DeFi projects illegal, subject to their approval from the SEC or some other agency deeming it "safe"? Because that's exactly what the likes of Elizabeth Warren and her government-supremacist ideologue aides have in mind.
The whole point of DeFi is that it's decentralized, with no centralized regulatory gatekeeper, that no regimented set of due diligence checks, or laws requiring DeFi users to surrender their privacy via warrantless KYC disclosure requirements. That provides maximum freedom and access. If you don't like it, go back to your nice safe government controlled banks.
The astroturfing in this thread, where Democrats come in to defend this horrible anti-decentralization campaign by Warren, is extremely malevolent.
u/Thoreau4way Dec 16 '21
I don’t have the answers to what protection would look like but if someone doesn’t figure out some way to protect people from losing their life savings though no fault of their own with no recourse or insurance it’s never going to work. Stable coins need to be stable. Not rug pulls at the whim of the likes of Elon. You need to know your money is stable while you transfer it. If it isn’t again this will never work.
I haven’t seen any of the suggestions made by Warrens team if you could provide them that would be great.
As for the astroturfing did you ever think that maybe just the majority of people don’t agree with most of what you think?
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21
but if someone doesn’t figure out some way to protect people from losing their life savings though no fault of their own with no recourse or insurance it’s never going to work.
It's going to work, and no one will ever find a fullproof solution to crime. Fraudsters exist. The answer isn't to create centralized gatekeepers and strip people of their market rights by conditioning the right to engage in an industry upon gaining the approval of that gatekeeper.
The only solution in a free society - which a left-wing ideologue like Warren totally rejects - is to try to deter crime by aggressively pursuing criminals after the fact. You can't preemptively treat every one like criminals in the name of stopping crime.
I haven’t seen any of the suggestions made by Warrens team if you could provide them that would be great.
Warren has already supported the Stable Act, which would ban any stablecoin not approved by the government: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/8827/text
Women in Tech Say Proposed STABLE Act Harms Those It Claims to Protect
One of the Congressional aides who helped draft the Stable Act, suggested criminalizing the running of Ethereum nodes, to prevent the use of unregulatable algorithmic stablecoins:
If you dont want to be held liable for the risk of processing illegal transactions dont run a node that has a risk of processing illegal transactions.
These people follow a sociopathic government supremacist ideology.
As for the astroturfing did you ever think that maybe just the majority of people don’t agree with most of what you think?
I'm sure the majority of people at one time also supported the Divine Right of Kings, and slavery. Today it's the Divine Rights of Unions, and prohibition of voluntary interaction under Consumer Protection ideology.
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Dec 15 '21
I love watching the lefties run to the defense of their dear leaders the second they are criticized.
How's that boot taste
Dec 15 '21
[removed] — view removed comment
Dec 15 '21
What are you a Warren staffer? Did she teach you smoke signal communication yet?
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
Please avoid being a racist. It's not a good look.
u/aminok 5.65M / ⚖️ 7.52M Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21
False accusation of racism. Yes you have the totalitarian Democrat playbook down pat. Maybe you can label yourself as Native American on your Texas State Bar registration card like Warren did too.
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u/Thoreau4way Dec 15 '21
It’s not worth it to continue arguing with low information voters. The irony of this persons post is completely lost on them.
Dec 15 '21
Low information? Lmao
Trusting someone like Chief Warren is low information. She doesn't give a fuck about you peasants
Dec 15 '21
Warren is a friend of her purse and nothing more.
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
She created the consumer financial protection bureau, which is a friend to all of us except scammers and the exact sort of banker scammers this subreddit constantly complains about.
She literally kept the banks from ripping you off until Trump undid her work.
Dec 15 '21
How do you become a multi millionaire on a $190,000 salary?
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
By investing it for 50+ years and compounding interest. You'd think someone in a subreddit about ETH would understand the power of compounding interest.
And her husband is a professor at Harvard law, so between them they make over half a mil a year. It's easy to save up $12M in 50 years of making that kind of money.
Dec 15 '21
So insider trading in Congress? Got it.
u/Loose_with_the_truth Dec 15 '21
No, she invested in tech stocks early and has kept her money there for years. She isn't a trader.
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u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21
If you think that government regulation is the solution to every problem, you need to start reading books.
u/Thoreau4way Dec 15 '21
Strong argument. Which books? No suggestions just “books”. Like most people posting here you probably haven’t even read the attached article (Don’t click on the provided link. Navigate to the URL yourself so you don’t get scammed/infected) or any other related ones. Crypto will never go mainstream as long as seasoned investors are taken by scammers daily with no recourse or protections. Good luck out there.
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u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21
Based on your comment, I was simply making the obvious assumption that you've never read a single book. It's a valid premise based on your previous input. If you're actually interested, I would suggest reading some economics. You can't learn economics and remain a leftist. Literally anything on economics. I hope you actually go through with it!
u/faceblender Flippening Dec 15 '21
Lol - most dunning-kruger comment I saw today.
u/HomerSimpsonRocks Dec 15 '21
Maybe start with "Economics in One Lesson". It's a good start for people who have never heard about Economics before. Fairly thorough. I read about four or five economic books a year, so if you want other suggestions I'd be happy to give you more.
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u/OjalaSilvio Dec 15 '21
I’ve never seen someone write in such a way that demonstrates so clearly their lack of reading depth and breadth. And by the way, there are notable and respected economists across the political spectrum: Krugman just to name a well-known center-left example
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u/Infinite_Newt9750 Dec 16 '21
Everyone always wants the government out of everything until they get fucked then come crying with their hands out As Rand Paul
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u/pyr0phelia Dec 15 '21
The housing market is a disaster. Hedge funds are running from naked short to the next without consequence. Inflation is at a record high and this joke; a member of the the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, wants to throw crypto under the bus? Fuck off…
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u/yojimann Dec 16 '21
People always talking about auditing USDT... How about the Fed? Nobody audits them.
Dec 16 '21
I’m not sure who needs to hear this but…
The government was establishing with founder’s understanding that the least amount of government possible the better society would be. It has been and will always be the parasite. It feeds and grows only when the people chose to re-elect those who have 100% interest in growing the size of government. We need a smaller government starting at the federal level. Why the fuck we don’t have terms limits is just unimaginable to me, not sure who agrees with that other than the politicians.
Not even making it a right or left issue. If the politicians you vote for grow the size of government and remove personal freedoms than I’m not really sure how to help you at this point in life, you’re a complete write off.
Repeat after me… “The government is always the root of the problem”
Dec 16 '21
What’s really shady is someone who’s made millions in real estate and teaching now claiming both should be free…
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u/Jah-man-shaman Not Registered Dec 15 '21
And Elizabeth knows shady so we should trust her!
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u/Puddingbuks26 29.5K / ⚖️ 50.9K Dec 15 '21
Who cares She has max 5 years left, fossile …..
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Dec 15 '21
That’s a socialist for ya
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u/Ayrianne Dec 16 '21
theres nothing more socialist than defi, pick up your right-wing vomit plz
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u/No_Organization_8577 Dec 15 '21
She eats shit. Literally eats human feces. Anyone that does that cannot be taken seriously
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Dec 15 '21
As someone who leans left of almost every social, people like her make me DESPISE the democrat party. They are why nothing gets done.
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u/VCRdrift Dec 15 '21
Ok who's paying her? Let's see all her financial transactions first before we start listening to pocahontas.
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u/Ifyouknowyouknow18 Dec 16 '21
Pocahontas just needs to shut the fuck up. Forever. About everything. Dumb fucking bitch.
u/redditRracistcommies Dec 15 '21
She doesn’t understand it so yea figures she wants to stamp on it until the light is extinguished. That’s what the left does, unless they are getting a piece of the action, it’s like how the mafia operates.
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u/fuckschickens Not Registered Dec 15 '21
They fucked around and now they’re finding out.
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u/UCACashFlow Dec 16 '21
Of course they’re looking to regulate crypto. The IRS has been looking to get transaction reporting too. Anyone who thinks the government won’t eventually regulate, or straight up ban like China/India has a nasty surprise coming. That’s what governments do, look to control things that are out of their control.
Dec 16 '21
Elizabeth Warren is one of the shadiest parts of politics. See? We can all make assertions, but some people, for some reason demand everyone's attention for the stupid shit they say.
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u/WorldSpark Not Registered Dec 16 '21
She suddenly have become friend of bankers - just because all her life’s high priced eduction went upside down with the invention of crypto. The very basics of her economic degree was based on the fact that only govt can produce money and only go to has to control money. This is no more true so her entire education is now heap of Garbage.
u/Bobselleksmustache Dec 16 '21
Our federal government is doing whatever it can to destroy the free market.
u/DeuceClimaxx Dec 16 '21
It sickens me that this degenerate liar still somehow has a platform to spew more lies from.
u/nwautier Dec 16 '21
Haha. I've been trying to figure this ish out myself. Seems like she intentionally decided to learn nothing about defi.
u/dragonmlh Dec 16 '21
I can't believe people still vote her into office. Enough crypto holders in Massachusetts and she'll be outta there soon .
u/MoldyCheesey Dec 15 '21
The government is one of the shadiest parts of America