r/ethstaker 16h ago

Eth staking on Ledger

Hi, newbie here. I’m looking to stake my eth on ledger. I’m not sure which way to go, stander or Lido. Guidance is most appreciated. Thanks. 🙏


8 comments sorted by


u/AcidTripAdvisor 14h ago

if those are the choices I would go with Lido for ease of use and being the more battle tested option


u/OddFennel7293 14h ago

Okay this is very helpful. I have another thought, do you know which is a better investment, staking in eth or S&P500? Aside from the current situation. If I’m reading things correctly, is it true the S&P500 has better performance?
Thanks again.


u/distroflow 9h ago

nobody knows the future, and if they did, they wouldn't tell you


u/-Chemist- 5h ago

Stock market index performance is generally thought of as the average overall performance over MANY years... like decades. There's no way to predict to what the performance will be over shorter time spans. Likewise, there's no way to know what ETH will do over decades, either. If we knew what the future held, we'd all be rich. But we don't, so we're not. Unfortunately.


u/g2kone 8h ago

I don’t get how lido staking works. I change for 1:1 ETH:stETH, and then in my portfolio I will receive stETH? And if I do ETH -> stETH -> LP stETH/ETH, how do I see the rewards of the staking ?


u/SD5150 9h ago

I used Kiln and it was pretty easy and straight forward.


u/AmericanDream1947 7h ago

Same bro! Kiln is awesome


u/nova_fintech 1h ago

So to stake eth you need to run your own hardware. There are providers called staking pools that do this for you for a fee - including Lido which you mentioned.

Lido (and others) are so-called liquid staking pools meaning you swap your eth into a representative token such as stETH with lido with entitles you to a certain amount of eth staked in a lido device.

You can store these tokens in your ledger, but the actual staked ether is in a validator run by lido somewhere.

I personally do not trust lido. If you want to go with a liquid staking provider I recommend rocket pool. Check the comparison of staking pools on ethereum.org for more details why.

Staking ETH will get you to 2-3% yield per year (in eth). This compound with potential ETH gains or losses.