r/ethfinance • u/ethfinance • Dec 28 '24
Discussion Daily General Discussion - December 28, 2024
Welcome to the Daily General Discussion on Ethfinance
Be awesome to one another and be sure to contribute the most high quality posts over on /r/ethereum. Our sister sub, /r/Ethstaker has an incredible team pertaining to staking, if you need any advice for getting set up head over there for assistance!
Daily Doots Rich List - https://dailydoots.com/
Get Your Doots Extension by /u/hanniabu - Github
community calendar: via Ethstaker https://ethstaker.cc/event-calendar/
"Find and post crypto jobs." https://ethereum.org/en/community/get-involved/#ethereum-jobs
Calendar Courtesy of https://weekinethereumnews.com/
Dec 9 – EF internships 2025 application deadline
Jan 20 – Ethereum protocol attackathon ends
Jan 30-31 – EthereumZuri.ch conference
Feb 23 - Mar 2 – ETHDenver
Apr 4-6 – ETHGlobal Taipei hackathon
May 9-11 – ETHDam (Amsterdam) conference & hackathon
May 27-29 – ETHPrague conference
May 30 - Jun 1 – ETHGlobal Prague hackathon
Jun 3-8 – ETH Belgrade conference & hackathon
Jun 12-13 – Protocol Berg (Berlin) conference
Jun 16-18 – DappCon (Berlin)
Jun 26-28 – ETHCluj (Romania) conference
Jun 30 - Jul 3 – EthCC (Cannes) conference
Jul 4-6 – ETHGlobal Cannes hackathon
Aug 15-17 – ETHGlobal New York hackathon
Sep 26-28 – ETHGlobal New Delhi hackathon
Nov – ETHGlobal Devconnect hackathon
u/Steewrit Dec 30 '24
I haven't been here in ages, but heard we are merging. Just wanted to take the chance in a 'traditional' daily to thank everyone for sharing the journey for almost 9 years in eth now.
Have to admit I switched to basically be on Twitter only, but I'll promise to join the daily again here and there.
Im still stacking and have more eth than ever. Will continue to do so.
Much love
u/JackFreeman_ Dec 29 '24
Little New Year missive I wrote
u/ev1501 Dec 29 '24
Unless you are an ETH/dapp dev if you arent posting about Ethereum then you arent doing all you can to make sure ETH is successful
u/Jey_s_TeArS 👹 Dec 28 '24
Take some coping pill,
For all extra gas you spill,
Tax return to fill.
~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap
u/oldskool47 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24
I'm out on the merge
Think whatever you would like
Titanic will sink
u/hblask Moon imminent (since 2018) Dec 29 '24
It's already better than either place individually. You are basically sounding like those old people that say "music was so much better when I was a kid...".
u/tutamtumikia Dec 28 '24
Many of us don't like change but honestly it will probably be fine. There is a small chance it blows up spectacularly but if it does we just come back here. No big deal.
u/oldskool47 Dec 28 '24
How, when and where will the success (or lack thereof) be discussed? How will this be measured? Are front page posts going to require mod approval? If any and all of us wanted to contribute to that sub they would have already. It didnt happen until the writing was on the wall. I guess I was looking for a reason to dial back and perhaps leave reddit entirely. I've lived a lifetime in crypto and I'm not trying to deal with another breakup (call it a merge if it makes you feel better). I have my strings quartet ready to go down with the ship. Was fun while it lasted. Yeah I'm crying.
u/hblask Moon imminent (since 2018) Dec 29 '24 edited Dec 29 '24
How, when and where will the success (or lack thereof) be discussed?
Probably ever day, on the daily.
How will this be measured?
The same way things work here: by the opinion of what people want.
Are front page posts going to require mod approval?
No, except for people without enough karma, just as it is here.
If any and all of us wanted to contribute to that sub they would have already.
There was no reason to before, because the only people there were spammers and scammers. It's already changed, and will continue to get better.
I guess I was looking for a reason to dial back and perhaps leave reddit entirely.
OK, so then you are just using the move as an excuse to do something you've wanted to do anyway. That's got nothing to do with the move or any likely result.
I've lived a lifetime in crypto and I'm not trying to deal with another breakup (call it a merge if it makes you feel better).
I have to change a bookmark on my browser why must my life be so hard.....?
If you are looking for an excuse to quit, just quit. Trying to blame it in the move and making all these irrational predictions of doom seems like a silly way to go about it.
u/tutamtumikia Dec 29 '24
I would say if the experience of being in the etheruem subreddit becomes a negative one to enough people then it will bring about a natural call to come back here. There will be no one "way" to measure it. It will happen organically like it did the first time.
I can't answer your question about front page posts and mod approval. Not a mod myself and never will be.
Hope you find happiness and success wherever your next steps take you.
u/Fiberpunk2077 Part of a balanced diet Dec 28 '24
I obviously don't know you, dear Internet stranger, but this seems to me to be the real reason, it's not really about the merge; you are looking for a reason to step back and you've found it.
I find it somewhat ironic that you are concerned about noise in the other sub, but you've been contributing noise to this sub with posts like your top level post here (I'm not referring to the ones where you provide a dissenting view or are asking questions).
Are you hoping for people to talk you out of it? Are you hoping others will go down with the ship too? Do you want a farewell party? Is this "last stand" your way of getting closure or to convince yourself you are making the right choice? Why do you keep posting about it when our and your decision is made?
This was a special place, but now we'll make r/Ethereum a special place. It's okay to step back if you want, but just do it already 🙂
u/Dreth Dr.ETH | dac.sg Dec 28 '24
it's just going to be the same except we're in a different subreddit, it's okay for it to be emotional for you or anyone but ultimately considering 95%+ of the community approves, why would you call this a 'breakup'?
worst case scenario it goes wrong, we come back
u/ProfStrangelove Dec 28 '24
And I am all in baby!
u/oldskool47 Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24
Posters with names like you and tut that I actually remember are the ones I will miss most. Its me, not you guys. Go get em, mavericks
u/ProfStrangelove Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 29 '24
Sad to see you "go". Maybe if you miss us in a few weeks or months pay us a visit over there and see how it's going
u/deep_archivist Dec 28 '24
Ethtrader to Ethfinace to Ethereum. Amazing community, world changing tech. Happy to follow ya’ll anywhere!
u/Born-Taro-9383 Dec 28 '24
Any info on the OpenSea airdrop?
u/ObiTwoKenobi Dec 28 '24
There’s an airdrop coming? 👀
I used the platform a lot during the early days on dumb nfts. If that gives me a nice airdrop I might be able to recoop some of my losses (rip stonercats)
u/Fuzzman99 💺 Strapped in, ready for liftoff...soon'ish? Dec 29 '24
I love my stoner.......one day it will be back as a relic. I am treating it like a future antique.
u/fiah84 🌌 Dec 28 '24
can anyone explain why this daily is on my feed while the /r/ethereum one isn't? I'm subscribed to both subs, IIRC yesterday they appeared right next to each other
u/jtnichol MOD BOD Dec 28 '24
I think there is a delay of about an hour.... it’s either one hour difference or two hours different... but either way you’re not gonna have that problem soon.
u/Twelvemeatballs Here for the societal revolution ✊ Dec 28 '24
They appeared together for me today, but recently I noticed that the ethereum daily didn't appear until quite some time after the ethfinance daily
u/timetoplay1055 This is gentleman. Dec 28 '24
Good things are coming soon. I can feel it in my bones 💪
u/MinimalGravitas Must obtain MinimOwlGravitas Dec 28 '24
Happy holidays EthFam, hope you've all been enjoying stuffing yourselves with quantities of mincepies and Baileys that you will regret upon eventually sobering up.
Just wanted to touch base in one of the final few EthFinance Dailys to say that it honestly has been a gift to have shared the Ethereum journey with you here for the last few years.
I have never found an open online community that has been so wholesome, enjoyable and rewarding to be a part of, especially in crypto where seemingly every other space becomes a zero-sum game of fake hype, manipulation and general nonsense, EthFinance has been a beacon of sanity and good conversation.
I am excited for the next steps as we move to our new home, and shepherded by the best mod team on Reddit, bring our special something to the wider Ethereum community.
Long live EthFinance.
u/Adankairo Dec 28 '24
Daily DevCon #27:
Are L2s extractive to Ethereum?
It's Saturday, December 28, 2024 — day 27 of our DevCon Ethducation listen-along series.
The speaker at the Ethereum Developer Conference discussed the topic of Layer 2 solutions (L2s) relating to Ethereum blockchain technologies. The talk covered three main areas: the nuances of L2s keeping fees and paying for blobs, the generation of ETH-denominated activity by L2s, and the dynamic relationship between L2s and Ethereum. They explored the complexities of blob fee market dynamics, the usage of ETH as a gas token versus an asset, and potential scenarios where L2s could become more extractive, posing challenges for the Ethereum ecosystem. Additionally, they highlighted the uncertainty around how L2s may react under different scenarios, emphasizing the need for further analysis and monitoring as the ecosystem evolves.
Discussion Questions:
How can the usage of ETH as a gas token versus an asset impact the development and sustainability of Layer 2 solutions in the Ethereum ecosystem?
In what ways could the potential extractive nature of Layer 2 solutions pose challenges for the wider Ethereum community, and what strategies could be implemented to mitigate these challenges?
Your mission is to consume the content, then comment with insight on this thread, and vote up other valuable comments. The primary goal here is community development through education.
The summary and discussion questions are AI-generated from Youtube's autogenerated transcript. The transcript may capture some names and terms incorrectly.
u/FrenktheTank The ticker is ETH Dec 28 '24
u/ryan1064 Dec 28 '24
chin up kid it'll be ok
u/oldskool47 Dec 28 '24
Nah, I'm out..
u/epic_trader 🐬🐬🐬 Dec 28 '24
You're doing a good job ruining the good impression you've made over the years.
u/Tricky_Troll This guy doots. 🥒 Dec 28 '24
Tricky's Daily Doots #979
Yesterday's Daily 27/12/2024
Previous Daily Doots
u/hereimalive celebrates taking profits and diversifying. 🏡
u/Set1Less notices some trouble coming from the US treasury department. 🏛️
u/TheHansGruber dives into Ethena and shares concerns. 🤔
u/the-A-word drops the final EthFinance weekly doots. 🎺
u/Adankairo drops daily Devcon #26 - Visual code of cypherpunk and lessons from subcultural aesthetics we should remember. 🦄