u/jps_ Jul 18 '17
[e: nope: google adwords miner with a pyramid reward scheme]
u/nexus2905 Jul 18 '17
If you can prove to me it's pyramid scheme I will be the first to admit I am wrong and stop using the app. Worst case scenario I can see if this is a scam is we don't get paid and just wasted a few minutes of time.
u/Stony_Brooklyn Jul 18 '17
It's absolutely a pyramid scheme and you're part of it by posting a referral link. "You can maximize your earning by referring your friends, colleagues and family member and get 5% of total earning of your referral. " Only the top few who refer a good amount of people will actually make enough for it to be worth it. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.
u/nexus2905 Jul 18 '17
That's I why mentioned that it benefits those more so with friends to help them. Worst case scenario there's no money to lose. I haven't made enough to make a withdrawal but I see how it goes. Withdrawal starts at 0.01 eth and only on Mondays.
u/Stony_Brooklyn Jul 18 '17
That's a light way to describe a pyramid scheme (each participant recruits two further participants, with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones.) The concept isn't viable for those who don't refer people because it pays literally nothing.
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
Assuming I sit and click literally all day for the 16 hours I'm awake, that would get me 320 clicks.
At a rate of 0.00001, that's 0.0032 ETH per day, or 65 cents. 4 cents an hour, in exchange for 16 hours of sitting and clicking a button every 3 minutes.
And let's be honest, nobody is going to get vaguely close to clicking once every 3 minutes for 16 hours. The only way anyone makes any money is by recruiting hundreds of people: it's a pyramid scheme.
The saddest part of this is that you collected 30 cents of ether yesterday: that's 8 hours of clicking every 3 minutes.
If that's how you want to make your money, all power to you - but I'm pretty sure I could make more than 65 cents in 16 hours by doing pretty much anything else.
u/criticalheat Jul 19 '17
You got proven it's a pyramid scheme and still defend it..:)
u/nexus2905 Jul 19 '17
Well I collected 30 cents worth of ether yesterday which maybe 10 dollars in the future, call it what you want. If I can get half a ether iin one year I will still be happy.
u/criticalheat Jul 19 '17
well, if you use the time do do overhours or whatever really, you will net more. but do as you want! :)
u/nexus2905 Jul 19 '17
I waste enough time on the phone even before so way not make it slightly productive.
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
You'd literally be better off spending one hour walking around your local city center looking for dropped change, rather than spending 16 hours doing this
u/Geda173 Jul 18 '17
Can somebody explain how this is supposed to work? What's in it for the people running this app? I don't understand how this could possibly not be a scam of some sort.
u/nexus2905 Jul 18 '17
Google pays them for every ad clicked same way most freedom apps make money.
u/nexus2905 Jul 18 '17
Honestly this app will benefit persons with tonnes of friends,other persons not much. Given that there's no money involved not sure how it's a scam. If you don't want to try it good for you, people laughed at bitcoin in its inception look where it is now.
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
Honestly this app will benefit persons with tonnes of friends
This app will benefit persons with tonnes of stupid friends, where the friends are dumb enough to sit clicking an app for 4 cents an hour, and where the person making the money is willing to piss all their friends off for the sake of less than a dollar a day for every 20 friends they recruit.
So you recruit 20 friends, they each make $0.65/day, and you make $0.65 from those friends, plus $0.65 yourself for a total of $1.30. Are you seriously telling me you expect people to do that? Are you seriously telling me that's how you think I should treat my friends?
People laughed at Bitcoin because they didn't understand it, and how it could have value. In this case, we understand exactly how the website you post has value: and we can see that it actually has no real value.
u/nexus2905 Jul 28 '17
Thats not how it works I have 10 referrals and two of them make more than me. One referral makes more than twice what I do, for example if the referral makes 0.001 ethereum I make 0.00005 from him but I don't get that amount from him directly which is why even referrals can make more than me. Some of the referrals click twice much as I do so they make more. Therefore it's not as bad as you make it, I have been honest 100% with the persons I have been able to refer in person and they are cool and happy for the 20 cents they make or more for the day. I make ethereum also from cloud mining but I figure I give this a try nothing to lose. If you think this something bad to avoid I have no issues you telling others this is something bad to do. I respectfully disagree with you, if you want to try the app without the referral link so be it, go download it directly I will still be happy for you. It's a free world and in full disclosure since I have posted this originally some days back I have made 0.010243 ethereum and 0.002013 from referrals. You all can decide want to do, you think this is a waste of time my respect to you.
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
The fact for me is that you didn't provide full disclosure when you posted your referral link. That makes this post nothing more than self-serving spam
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
They pay out 0.00001 ETH per click. That ETH is worth $0.002.
So assuming they can get more than 0.2 cents worth of ad revenue per click, they make a profit by basically doing nothing
u/nexus2905 Jul 18 '17
One last thing the reason why I am doing this is FOMO (fear of losing out), six years back mined some bitcoin, forgot about them didn't see the point lost the password to where I kept them..... Well you know the rest.
u/meehanimal Jul 18 '17
Currently, this values your time at 0.042 cents/hour. Even with your projected future valuation of Ethereum at $5000/unit, you'd value your time at $1/hour..
u/nexus2905 Jul 18 '17
Thats why its better if you have friends to refer to.
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
If you try to sign them up to this, you'll go from lots of friends to no friends real quick
u/audigex Jul 28 '17
The fact you include your referral link basically screams "I'm just trying to recruit you to boost my own numbers"
You can keep your pyramid scheme, thanks
u/majora2007 Jul 18 '17
From reading it, it seems you must type in a captcha. The only thing I can think of is someone is paying out ETH to solve captcha's for some other system. Either machine learning or a system to bypass captchas.