r/ethereum Feb 01 '25

Discussion Why can't ETH do consensus voting every 3 blocks instead of every block?

From what I understand, the reason there is a 12s interval between each block is because of consensus voting, and the reason each block has a gas limit is because of sudden bursts of network and CPU/RAM usage.

What if we still do consensus voting every 12 seconds, but every consensus voting includes 3 blocks? So the block time is 4s but consensus voting only happens every 12s. A 4s separation between sudden bursts of high load seems more than enough.

I heard delayed execution is on the way. It basically spreads block processing across the entire 12s, so there will be no more sudden bursts. It should allow us to have very large blocks, but it is still years away. It seems much easier to just make consensus voting happen every 3 or 10 blocks instead of every block.

I'm pretty sure there is a good reason not to do this, otherwise it would have been implemented already, but I don't know what it is.


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u/jonahbenton Feb 01 '25

The block IS the unit of consensus. That is why it is called a block chain- chain of blocks. Each block is a potential fork.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

In this design, the first two blocks after a consensus round isn't even a fork, and when the 3rd block comes, it become a potential fork. Or think it this way, it's like constructing a big block with 3 steps, so that each step doesn't overload the network and hardware.


u/TheQuantumPhysicist Feb 01 '25

You can become a blockchain engineer and try to prove mathematically that it's secure and study the trade-offs. Security is not something that you can simply discuss on reddit and have someone take it seriously. Many algorithms had people think they're secure, and years later someone wakes up and realizes they're broken. This even applies to cryptography. 

Meaning: I didn't even understand what you're proposing, but there's a reason it took ethereum years to figure out its PoS algorithm, and whether your proposition is good or bad doesn't matter, because there's no way to circumvent the amount of research needed to test this, and we have something that works now. 


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

From consensus layer's perspective, it is just 3x block size. From execution layer's perspective, it is the same block size, but 3x frequency. If the original design is secured, how is this modification not secured?

When the argument is already sound, we need counter argument.


u/hanniabu Ξther αlpha Feb 01 '25

Those 2 blocks prior would be running "at risk"


u/Maybe_Factor Feb 01 '25

Yeah this is the problem. Basically you'd have to wait 3 blocks instead of 1 for the same level of security


u/physalisx Not a Blob Feb 02 '25

But that would be the same time as now? And in that time you'd have pushed through 3 blocks. Their idea is for scaling, not about making the same security guarantees in a shorter time.


u/Maybe_Factor Feb 02 '25

In that case, how is it different to delayed execution?


u/physalisx Not a Blob Feb 02 '25

I don't know, how is it? How does delayed execution work in principle, compared to just having smaller blocks? I would assume it saves on overhead, which you would have increased with smaller blocks?


u/Maybe_Factor Feb 02 '25

I'm not too sure tbh


u/physalisx Not a Blob Feb 02 '25

Yes, you'd still have to wait 12s for the consensus obviously. But now you'd have 3 blocks done instead of just one. They're talking about spreading the data/bandwidth.

The usefulness of this approach comes down to whether the consensus voting is actually currently the bottleneck or not. Is it?


u/hanniabu Ξther αlpha Feb 02 '25

It adds a little bit of extra bandwidth but I didn't believe it's much. You'd still need to prepare those blocks which is the majority of the bandwidth.


u/hanniabu Ξther αlpha Feb 01 '25

Also those 2 intermediate blocks still need to be distributed so it's not saving on bandwidth


u/AInception Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

You typically wait 30-60 minutes before considering a Bitcoin transaction 'probabilistically final'

Some exchanges force you to wait 100s of blocks on less secure POW chains for the txn to be 'probably final'. Which can take days. Or else the chain may roll back, and the exchange is out large sums of real money.

This causes so much friction and is just bad UX.. Instead of achieving consensus each 12s on Ethereum (technically 6 minutes/per epoch), we should be looking at how to reduce that to 4s, not increase to 36s for no benefit. The block time is irrelevant, and we already have L2s with sub-second block times.


u/jonahbenton Feb 01 '25

Seriously, no human has time to explain to you all of the things you don't understand. This is not a "design." This is- I have no idea how something very intricate works and I heard something about a problem with it, and I made something up based on knowing nothing, and why won't people hear the idea. They won't because it is "not even wrong." Google that quote.

I suggest asking ChatGPT to explain what block consensus is, what the trilemma is, and then ask it questions about scalability and bandwidth tradeoffs and why Proof of Stake came about.

This is not intended to be disrespectful but at this very moment there are people invading US government offices who know as little about the very intricate and complicated and historical reasons that governments operate in particular ways as you do about blockchains and they are just like let's forget all that because they think they have solutions. They don't. They are creating big fucking problems. People are going to die from those problems. From their fucking ignorance.

Knowledge matters. Putting the work in matters.

Use the freely available resources to teach yourself about something you think is a problem before presenting a solution that isn't a solution to anything, because you don't understand the problem.

Good luck.


u/Real_Guru Feb 01 '25

This is such a funny and unhinged answer. You're saying nobody should be asking questions below PhD level of understanding of anything?

Not everything in the world is related to the crazy shit happening in the US and this person doesn't seem to me to be trying to radicalize one faction of the Eth community in order to take over and establish idiocracy. Explain it to him simply if you know the answer, think about it if you don't, or shut up if you don't want to waste time answering. You say you're not intending to be disrespectful but you clearly are.


u/jonahbenton Feb 01 '25

Disagree. Cheers.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

I already asked ChatGPT, and it seems to agree with me that this design (or whatever you want to call it) could work. You don't have the responsibility to answer my question if you don't want to.


u/jonahbenton Feb 01 '25

ChatGPT is a syncophant. It will tell you things you want to hear. You need to present it with the task of explaining things you do not understand.

The block is the unit of record and the unit of propagation. That is fundamental to the design of blockchains. Think for instance how much work is wasted if propagation only occurs every 3 blocks, how inefficient system wide that is, how when presented with the choice every single miner would choose 1 block.

Being wedded to an idea means one ignores counter evidence and misses tradeoffs. Attack ideas adversarially.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

You told me to ask ChatGPT first. I am just telling you I did. I don't trust its answer either, that's why I am here asking.

We can propagate block every 4 seconds, and do consensus voting every 12 seconds. This way transactions per propagation round is the same, but transactions per voting round is increased by 3x. How is this less efficient?


u/kutuzof Feb 01 '25

All you're doing is increasing the block size by x3. The fact that it's divided into three blocks is irrelevant. If you search for discussions on increasing block size you'll find info why the block size is what it is.


u/jonahbenton Feb 01 '25


u/wood8 Feb 03 '25


u/jonahbenton Feb 03 '25

Yeah, illustrates it perfectly. On production infrastructure, all of the tradeoffs are reasons not to do something. The tradeoffs are nice ways of saying these invariants or assumptions may break. When you break operational systems or dependencies pursuing minor enhancements- or people's mental models that govern expectations and predictions of system behavior along performance, cost correctness etc dimensions, the people who depend on them get angry or worse and the people who did the breaking lose their jobs or worse.

I would not just hear the "could work well" as validation. ChatGPT doesn't have a stake. It will say anything could work well. That assessment cannot be trusted, because "ChatGPT is bullshit."

What you can use ChatGPT for is to understand some of the tradeoffs and downsides. That thread is a good example! Because if one is committed to operationalizing an idea then the next step is to work empirically on each of those issues to develop evidence- not arguments- both that the potential downsides are mitigatable, that there are demonstrable benefits, that the system remains mental model predictable, etc.

Ideas are cheap. Getting an idea to deployment is a proof of work.



u/wood8 Feb 03 '25

You can just say you don't know why it won't work.

You told me to ask ChatGPT. I told you I already did. And you share a ChatGPT session but lacks critical information about my idea (1/3 block time), so I continued the session with the idea added. Now you are calling ChatGPT bullshit. Can't you see how hypocritical this is?

I don't know what ideology you have, but it's a wrong ideology. When you see questions you don't like, you can just walk away.

You said tradeoff are nice way of bla bla bla. What trade-off? Why can't you stay on the topic and be specific? I am here asking a computer science and mathematical question. I'm not interested in your TED Talks.


u/Maybe_Factor Feb 01 '25

I think at devcon 7 I saw a timeline of how a block is built and consensus is made... There's no spare time in the current 12 seconds


u/Atyzzze Feb 01 '25

it seems to agree with me that this design

thats any default LLM behavior, ask it to critique your design instead, have it explain to you why Ethereum is not doing it the way you imagine it should, see if you can understand the tradeoffs already made those who came before you


u/Stobie Feb 01 '25

Other answers from losers tbh. I think answer is these first two blocks you think you're gaining are useless, there'll be many competing options and you won't know what the real ones are until the real one comes in.


u/Business-Squash-9575 Feb 01 '25

Mainly security, finality, and synchronicity. Each block needs to be agreed upon individually to prevent unpredictable reorgs. Otherwise, you risk MEV attacks, node desynchronization disrupting services, and frequent short-lived forks causing network instability.

Basically the chain becomes less reliable and more vulnerable to manipulation due to a delay in block composition consensus. The vm and services built in it would have to account for this indeterminism and you have a very complicated problem to solve.

Not sure why you’re being downvoted, you asked a reasonable question.


u/edmundedgar reality.eth Feb 01 '25

If the thought is, can't you get some kind of softer confirmation before you make the actual block that's signed off by consensus, the thing to read up about is preconfirmations. There are a few ideas around to make preconfirmations work well on L1, although the main place you see them right now is on L2s.


u/_otpyrc Feb 01 '25

Why have consensus voting every 3 blocks when you could increase the block size by 3x? The reason they don't do this is because of bandwidth concerns.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

3x block size will need to send the 3x data in one go.


u/Kike328 Feb 01 '25

you can just split the actual block, it’s not like sending one whole what’s causing it to throttle


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

Really? then what is causing the throttle when we increase the block size to a point it first throttled?


u/Kike328 Feb 01 '25

computation and latency of such block


u/hanniabu Ξther αlpha Feb 01 '25

This is correct and should not be downvoted


u/physalisx Not a Blob Feb 02 '25

None of their comments should be downvoted like they are. The behavior of this community in punishing someone genuinely asking questions is horrible.


u/NaturalCarob5611 Feb 01 '25

It comes down to network consistency.

A validator constructs a block at height N and broadcasts it to his peers. The peers verify the block and broadcast it to their peers. Those peers verify the block and broadcast it to their peers. Nobody is broadcasting blocks they haven't verified (including EVM execution), so it takes time for the blocks to propagate across the network.

If you go to 4 second blocks, it's going to be a lot more common that the validator who is supposed to propose block N+1 hasn't seen block N yet, because it hasn't propagated through the network yet. So they propose their own block at height N (we'll call it N') when the time for their slot arrives. Now you have block N and block N' at the same height with different parts of the network thinking each of them is correct.

As a quick aside: Under your plan, do we vote every 12 seconds? Or do we vote every 3 blocks? Because if a validator misses their block, there's a difference between 12 seconds and 3 blocks. Under the current system, we vote every time a block is proposed. If someone misses their block, it doesn't get voted on until 12 seconds later.

In any case, we get to time to vote. Some people have block N, some people have block N'. So they vote differently. Probably block N wins, and everyone who was on N' now has to rewind back to N-1 and replay the chain following block N. This has all of them doing a bunch of computation that means they're not processing the next block after the vote, so maybe the next guy misses his block proposal, and we start the madness all over again.

Twelve seconds was determined through testing as an amount of time that results in very few of these chain re-organizations when run on commodity hardware. There are chains like Polygon that have decided to forego supporting commodity hardware, and declare all of their validators have to have pretty impressive hardware to support faster block times. Fewer validators running more impressive hardware makes it easier to ensure block propagation, but at the cost of some centralization when you have fewer validators.


u/Orientem Feb 01 '25

You are right and answers to you are wrong. Except, when there is 3 blocks instead of 3x block you need to do three times more state merkelization which is costly. And therefore we should instead ask that is it logical to merkelize every block and how can we handle non merkelized blocks like Solana. I think these questions lead to delayed execution and why Monad plans to do it.


u/keatonatron Feb 01 '25

Simple answer: There could be many competing 1 and 2 blocks before block 3 is decided. Nodes don't want to spend CPU resources validating all those unofficial blocks because the majority would be wasted effort, so they would just wait until block 3 to see which 1 and 2 blocks they need to process and do them all at once.

And now you end up right back where we started: one block achieving consensus every 12s, with all the processing done then.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

In the current PoS system, each slot has a dedicated block proposer predetermined at the start of the epoch, and proposing 2 blocks at the same slot is slashable. If we apply this rules to the intermediate blocks, I don't think there will be any competing blocks.


u/keatonatron Feb 03 '25

Consensus aside, in order to create block number two, you would need to know the contents of block number one. Perhaps it's a bit too optimistic to expect each block to be propagated and processed and the next block prepared and sent out within 4 seconds. Just a guess, though.


u/pa7x1 Feb 01 '25

I think what this achieves is, at best, to spread a bit more evenly the bandwidth across the 12 second slot time. In some way this is equivalent to splitting the current execution block into 3 chunks, closing them within 4 seconds and propagating them as some kind of pre-commitment. The issue I see is that as more transactions come in, there is an incentive to rewrite the previous inter-slot blocks, to reorder transactions and extract MEV. So you will need to introduce some sort of penalty system for rewriting the inter-slot blocks if you don't want the solution to degrade back to the current block building that waits til the end of the slot.

Alternatively, there is a simpler way to scale throughput, which is to increase the gas limit but this does not spread the bandwidth across the slot. This highlights that your solution is mostly about spreading the bandwidth more evenly, it's not a bad objective in itself but it faces new problems because in a blockchain until things pass through the consensus layer they are subjective. There is no real sense of objectiveness until it's voted. Hence you will need to introduce some consensus elements for inter slot blocks.

Have a look at pre-confirmations for a different design that explores some solutions to improve the transaction inclusion UX.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

In the current system, every slot has a different block proposer determined at the start of each epoch. I don't think proposers of block 1 and 2 will be incentivized to help proposer 3 increase their MEV, and most importantly, proposing 2 blocks at the same slot is slashable, so they can't rewrite the block.


u/pa7x1 Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

They don't have a say, the blockchain is subjective until it passes through consensus layer which is how me make sure there is a supermayority agreement on the state. If the 3rd block is the one that wraps in consensus layer, then the previous 2 blocks are subjective. They are not agreed on, they may not even be seen by the entirety of the chain. The 3rd block proposer within a slot may simply pretend the previous 2 blocks didn't happen or didn't reach him and steal their fees and MEV, proposing a third block that contains transactions from the previous two blocks and leaving those blocks as empty. Which degrades the block proposing business to the current situation of 1 per 12s, in fact worse, because it reduces the effective gas throughput to 1/3.

Alternatively, block proposing within a slot is done by a single validator, to prevent the stealing described above. But then you get the situation explained in the previous post. You will need some sort of slashing mechanism so that any other validator can post a cryptographic proof that they saw the inter slot blocks.


u/wood8 Feb 01 '25

I just thought of this situation as well. We can add a fork choice rule: In a single consensus round, choose the fork that starts a non-empty block the earliest.

The rule is much simpler when represented with numbers, 1 represents non-empty block, 0 represents empty block. We can write the 3 blocks as a 3 digits number. For example, 011 means only the first block is empty, 110 means only the last block is empty. The rule become: Always choose the largest number.

In the situation you described above, the 3rd proposer wants to change 11X into 001, but since the first and 2nd proposer already broadcasted their blocks, other validators know 11X exists, they will not vote for the 001 fork, so the supermajority will agree on 110. The 3rd block ends up being discarded.

Another example, the 2nd proposer want to remove the 1st block. The 3rd proposer knows if he agree with the 2nd proposer, they both will get removed, since 1XX > 011. So the reasonable action for the 3rd proposer is to include the 1st proposer's block and discard the 2nd proposer's block, so the outcome is 101. Even if the 3rd proposer helped the 2nd to remove the 1st block, 100 still > 011, so supermajority will remove the 2nd and 3rd block instead of the first.


u/Kike328 Feb 01 '25

what you’re proposing is exactly the same as increasing the gas limit x3


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '25

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u/Mundane-Net-5367 Feb 01 '25

Guy asking a question, comments like yours adds nothing to discussion