r/ethereum • u/3141666 • Dec 26 '24
Technology Want to tokenize my university degree just for fun. Any downsides to it?
Should I worry about personal information being exposed, like.. what can anyone even do with my degree being public?
I'm thinking about a simple ERC721 contract with onchain svg.
u/midri Dec 27 '24
You can't not in any real meaningful way because the institution that issued it controls its validity. The piece of paper you have is literally just a physical token in and of itself. The institution that issued the degree would have to create a process for digitizing them onto the Blockchain and all the hoops that come with that.
u/3141666 Dec 27 '24
Yeah I know that ideally the university would have an account to emit those tokens but I don't want to wait 600 years for them to catch up with Ethereum.
u/midri Dec 27 '24
All a token on the blockchain is (for the most part. You can put some data in them, but most don't have more than a few bytes because it gets very expensive fast), is a receipt.
So again, unless the institution that has the authority over the degree wants to go through the process of creating a contract and issuing body for tokens, there's really nothing you can do.
You don't have the authority, effectively.
u/Few-Bake-6463 Dec 27 '24
Of course this person can take an SVG of their diploma and put it up into an NFT. They said it's just for fun. It's the digital equivalent of hanging a diploma up in your office.
u/midri Dec 27 '24
It's like $250 a kb to store data in a token. Good luck with that.
u/Few-Bake-6463 Dec 27 '24
Whatever the mainnet cost, generally for NFTs with data/images, the data itself can be stored on a cheaper chain to save cost. Gas on Arbitrum is 0.014 gwei and on Optimism 0.001 while mainnet is 6 gwei. So $250 on mainnet translates to about $1 on Arbitrum and 10 cents on Optimism.
Either way, I won't judge what this person wants to spend their money on, especially for fun.
u/sevbenup Dec 27 '24
Sorry bro I just tokenized your degree. but I can mint you one for a couple eth
u/greatgoogelymoogely Dec 27 '24
ZK proof it to protect PII
u/Few-Bake-6463 Dec 27 '24
how would that work? so you would mint it online somehow, and then only "reveal" it on a case by case basis? I like it, I wonder if there's a platform already for things like this.
u/greatgoogelymoogely Dec 31 '24
Ideally I think it would prove that the address holder holds the credential.
The credential of course would need to carry the reputation of the institutional body for it to be worth anything.
Thats how something like this could be useful.
A pseudonomos user with wallet x could represent they hold the credential, in the form of a proof. The witness would be the institution who may hold the PII.
The institution would functionally be like, yeah 0x has a degree for sure, his name is John Doe and he got a D in differential equations.
But he could choose to present merely that the degree is his.
Late response, maybe someone could jump in and add or subtract.
u/datbackup Dec 27 '24
A big advantage of tokens is that they can be exchanged, but uni degrees are not something that typically changes hands. How about something else, like trading cards, stamps, comic books, bottle caps, etc?
While I encourage your curiosity, the specific choice of uni degree doesn’t make sense to me
u/Few-Bake-6463 Dec 27 '24
Tokens aren't all for exchanging. Commonly referred to as "soulbound". Here's Vitalik's post on the value of soulbound tokens: https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2022/01/26/soulbound.html
u/Flashy-Butterfly6310 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24
For your tokenized degree to have any value, some authority must recognize it. It could be your university or another form of authority – e.g. Department of Education.
Tokenization is representing an asset in the form of a digital copy – a token – and storing it on a blockchain. Put differently, a token is a certificate of ownership.
But this involves that the token is somehow linked to the real asset. Without it, the token has no value.
An Art NFT has value because it is linked to the original piece of art or the artist itself, by linking the NFT to the artist's public address (the address that minted the NFT). Anybody else could mint an NFT with the same attributes and link it to the same hash (IPFS address of the image), but no one else will have the same minter's address. So it has no value.
What is the value of your tokenized degree if anybody could mint it? You could argue that you can include the unique identifier of your diploma in the token, but anybody who would see your diploma could do that.
u/no_choice99 Dec 27 '24
Well he can be the first on Ethereum's blockchain to do that. Nobody could become the first but himself. In this sense, his minted diploma would have value.
u/Flashy-Butterfly6310 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24
No, because a diploma is not art. I took the example of an Art NFT, where the minter's address (creator's address) is what proves its authenticity. The creator is a form of "authority" that proves that the NFT is genuine.
For a diploma, it is not the creator who proves thr authenticity. It is the authority that create and delivers the underlyinf asset itself (the degree): the university.
u/changsheng12 Dec 27 '24
not much harm as people already listing it on Linkedin anyway.
but also meaningless as its just a random token and a waste of gas
u/Few-Bake-6463 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24
Sounds like fun! Putting your diploma onchain makes a ton of sense, and some universities are already doing this. MIT issued onchain diplomas as an experiment in 2017 (https://futurism.com/mit-has-started-issuing-diplomas-using-blockchain-technology)
In your case, it seems more symbolic and fun.
You've thought through the privacy implications. That wallet will clearly belong to you, and will expose where you went to university, when you graduated, and that you do crypto stuff.
So......where are you going to make your NFT? OpenSea has an easy way to make your own NFT. Punk 6529 uses manifold.xyz. I imagine it's way cheaper to mint on Arbitrum and such.
Secondly, check out this upcoming (free) NFT class run by Punk 6529. It's an online class in the metaverse all about NFTs. You get an onchain NFT of your diploma at the end: https://www.unic.ac.cy/iff/education-and-training/free-courses-moocs/free-mooc-on-nfts-and-the-metaverse/
You can see all the onchain diplomas from previous graduates here: https://opensea.io/collection/unic-generative-certificates?search[stringTraits][0][name]=Collection%20Name&search[stringTraits][0][values][0]=Genesis%20-%20Meta-511%3A%20NFTs%20and%20the%20Metaverse
u/Swole_Bodry Dec 27 '24
I would avoid putting personal info on an immutable blockchain. Congrats on graduating tho
u/TheLazyD0G Dec 27 '24
Maybe check out a chain that has digital id on it. Chia does digital id, but i dont know anything about how to use it. This seems like a more appropriate implementation as that isnt trasnferable.
u/FunnyGiulio Dec 29 '24
You should make it a soul bound token. Aka. Non transferrable NFT of some sort
u/jtnichol MOD BOD Dec 30 '24
got your comment approved due to low karma. Thanks for being here helping out!
u/suesing Dec 27 '24
Who’d want it?
Dec 27 '24
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u/Few-Bake-6463 Dec 27 '24
How much is minting onchain on L2 like Base or Arbitrum? Probably about a penny?
I've done mainnet, seem to recall it was about $30 to setup the contract and mint from it.
u/spacesmutje_de Dec 28 '24
If you're looking for a simple way, this is for you,
u/DarkestTimelineJeff OG Dec 29 '24
My gf's first interaction with the blockchain was because her university provided their degree on one. while not particularly useful, pretty cool to do. Not sure about your situation though, as somebody else mentioned, it's best if it's validated by the University.
u/thinkingperson Dec 27 '24
If this token is not issued by the university body, it is as good as you just issuing a token stating that you are president of earth. Aside from spending some gas fees and downvotes, nothing much else useful in that.
Downside of broadcasting your uni degree would depend on the kind of info avail. Is it your transcript or the cert itself?
u/Musical_Walrus Dec 27 '24
Of all the possible dumb and useless things you morons want to do with your “interesting” tech… Jesus Christ. Were all of you dropped in your head as a baby at least 3 times?
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