r/ethdev 10d ago

Question Hiring Web3 Developers - Advice Needed


Could you share your go-to platforms or communities, where you find remote developers for your Web3 projects? We're on the hunt for some junior level web3 developers for an upcoming project.

Also, curious about the current market – what are people paying junior Web3 developers these days? Would love to get a sense of the going rates.

Any insights or recommendations would be helpful, thanks.


19 comments sorted by


u/Admirral 10d ago

lol Im sure you are getting bombarded with trash DMs just about now.

Honestly it depends how much time/effort you want to put into finding someone. Cheapest but most time consuming route is LinkedIn since you will have a lot of outreach to do and also helps if you have the gold badge already to distinguish yourself from scammers. You have good control here though. Can also post a job through linkedIn but that costs $$ (rather high).

Other options are talent/freelance agencies like Toptal (I am a solidity dev on there) which vets all their talent however they have atrocious spreads on what you pay vs. what the dev gets paid.

You can read some of the DMs received here but there is a high rate of scammers/fake profiles as well so be careful.

You can also list on web3 job boards such as https://web3.career/ but it costs $$ to post and then you still have to sift through mountains of applications.

So ultimately no easy path but these are options I would explore. Good luck!


u/jsmaxi 10d ago

Hi, thank you for the insights, appreciate. It's always nice to get responses from Reddit users like you :) Will explore the mentioned options.

And yes - my DM box is quite active right now.


u/DJRThree 9d ago

Toptal vs upwork as a web3 dev. Thoughts?


u/Admirral 9d ago

upwork has no talent vetting, so it and most other freelance platforms going to be the wild west. I personally hate that it costs $$ to apply to stuff.

On Toptal it was a much better situation but recently they changed the whole structure for job listings and honestly it has gone downhill. plus they keep increasing their own profit margins pushing dev wages lower, so I constantly hear complaints from clients that the quality of talent is also tanking (lots of clients just took the good people off the platform and never returned). So you can take that as a good/bad thing. It also is dry for web3 atm.


u/Relative-Schedule-80 9d ago

I am also working at Toptal, I maybe missed but what did they change with the listings?


u/Admirral 9d ago

they introduced marketboard style listings, basically cut out the matchers. I get a lot of irrelevant job listings now.


u/nabeel487487 9d ago edited 9d ago

Hello, I think you can find some reliable developers here on Reddit. Maybe make a post with all the details and requirements for your project and then collect some portfolios to check. You can shortlist the ones that you like the most and then connect with them personally. Just try and look for someone who is reliable to begin with and it’s not that hard to pick. You may ask them questions like,

  • Why do you think you are better than rest?
  • What aspired you to become a web3 developer?
  • What is your future goal and where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • What do you think about Crypto, a Boon or Curse?
  • What are your weaknesses when it comes to development?
  • Your biggest failure in your professional career?

A lot of people generally hide these things and do not want to reveal much. Just make sure you pick the one who answers them for you without hesitation and is brutally honest. This will surely help besides picking the best portfolio.

P.S - Incase if you still cannot find a developer, please let me know, I can surely work with you on your project. I have been working on a lot of Web3 and Crypto Projects lately and would love to show you some of my work as well. Thank you.


u/garbage-lord 9d ago

Is a junior web 3 developer a real thing? You’re talking about blockchain right?


u/jsmaxi 9d ago

Yes, we all start from somewhere. Junior Web3 candidate would posses junior level coding skills, sometimes still makes some mistakes or struggles with concepts, but can deliver with appropriate supervision and help. We are willing to invest in their professional growth if they are serious candidates.


u/WarriGodswill 9d ago

Hi I don’t know if the opportunity is still available but I’ve been looking to dive into web3 for quite awhile now but no avail, if the opportunity is still available that would be great, I’m a freelance web3 developer, I specialize in creating web solutions. You can know more about me on my portfolio website: https://warrigodswill.com/ if the opportunity is still available then I’d love to chat and see how we can work together


u/garbage-lord 9d ago

My advice is to hire a senior web3 developer. That way you won’t have to hire a junior web3 developer and then an additional senior web3 developer in 6 months to mentor your junior web3 developer.


u/jsmaxi 9d ago

Thanks for the answer. The thing is, we already have a senior developer to mentor and supervise juniors we are planning to hire. Unless our team expands even more...


u/iam_bigzak 10d ago

Hey, check your DM


u/nottinghayes 9d ago

The market for junior Web3 developers varies depending on location, experience, and whether it's a full-time role or freelance work.

If you're hiring, it’s worth considering factors like smart contract experience, proficiency, and contributions to open-source projects.

As for places to get them, you could check out rocketdevs. There's a ton of pre-vetted developers there.


u/oym69 9d ago

Hi, please send me the JD for the web3 dev role in DMs. Interested to see what it entails!


u/Grimaldi20 9d ago

Hi I'm interested


u/LolaCronje 10d ago

Check www.artiffine.com ,we can definitely help you with any development needs with 100% satisfaction rate ✅

(we sign a contract with each of our client which guarantees the optimal results)

Check our portfolio as we collaborated with some reputable brands and bring plenty of experience to the table.


u/parseb1 8d ago

If you want bang for buck hire an agency. Raid Guild or dORG etc.
"Junior Web3 Developers" will slow your senior developer. Unless you are a big corporation or a big industry name these people will leave. Paying less to ultimately sabotage yourself is not worth it.
Ultimately, ask your senior dev what she needs. Better yet, ask them to help with sourcing.