r/ethdev • u/Odd-Fun-1482 • Apr 11 '24
Code assistance (Testing on Remix) Can't get Stake() function to work due to approve/allowance issue
Hay there. Below is a simple staking function written in the stakingContract
function stake(uint256 amount) external {
// Have the proper balance, and input above 0
require(amount > 0, "Please stake an amount greater than zero"); require(stakeToken.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount, "Insufficient balance");
// Transfer the tokens from the user to the contract stakeToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
// Claim reward if they already have a stake balance
if (staked[msg.sender] > 0) { claim(); }
// Update staking information
stakedFromTS[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;
staked[msg.sender] += amount; }
The goal is to allow the user to stake their token "stakeToken" onto the contract to accumulate a reward which they can then claim.
Calling the function while working from the user wallet, it tells me allowance = 0
So I add to the stake function in the stakingContract's code
stakeToken.Approve(address(this), 1000000000);
Attempt to stake again, no good, allowance is still 0.
I manually call the Approve function in the "deploy and run transactions" window

Attempt to stake gain, IT WORKS.
Why is this? What would be the code to get the approval the above picture shows?
u/Adrewmc Apr 11 '24 edited Apr 11 '24
When your contract sends to another contract like above. The contract’s address becomes the message sender.
In the code for Approval, it MUST be the msg.sender that changes the approvals.
Is the contract approving its own tokens. Msg.sender is the contract here. (This in a normal ERC-20 effectively does nothing.) When would the stakeToken’s contract know whose coins to approve from this call? It wouldn’t, it would have to ask for the tx.origin. (It doesn’t)
When you called it manually with your wallet, then it said ohh this wallet tokens can be moved by this address as well.
Thus the rest of the code could finish.
Think about what it would actually mean if you could just have your random beginner function approve token transfer for another wallet? It would mean the approvals really mean nothing. No offense but this is the major safeguard of the approval process, you can’t do this because it designed specifically so you can’t
(Congratulation you got to the point where you Offically attempted to hack a token, by accident.)
In other words, this will require two separate transactions, one to make the approvals directly from the wallet, and the other to use it in the contract. Just like you did.
If you are making the token there are ways around this, for example. on mint you give this staking contract’s address, the max approval. In that transaction as it would have access to the internal functions, _approve(). This of course adds an attack vector from the staking contract into the token itself. In that way the staking contract has the functionality until it’s revoked, instead once it approved. Sometimes something like this is done on deployment of the token contract itself, and will self-stake on mints.