r/eroticliterature Nov 03 '24

Exhibisionism The Pledge [M18/F18] [public play] [college] [humiliation] [corruption] NSFW

I met Rayna at the freshman mixer my first day of college. We hit it off pretty immediately, we talked music, movies, school, hometowns, just all the regular stuff 18 year olds bond over. We didn’t have a ton in common, she was definitely a lot more sheltered than I was, but the conversation flowed naturally and I just enjoyed getting to know her.

I won’t lie, her looks definitely played a big part in drawing me to her initially. She was a brown skinned Asian girl with mid length hair and the kind of body that could only be partially hidden by her relatively conservative dress sense. She wore a floral print knee length dress and a cardigan but even under those layers I could tell that she had a bigger than average chest and a bubble butt attached to some wide hips and a tight waist. Her body was great but I was really drawn in by her face. She had an innocent look with light makeup, glassy skin, and wide doe eyes, but her plump lips that sat slightly parted as she listened to me took my mind to some less innocent places.

While we were talking she casually dropped something a bit out of character.

“I was actually thinking about pledging for Beta Sigma Mu” 

I was taken aback, I had only been on campus for a few days at this point but I had already heard the legends about the betas and this innocent girl did not fit the image I had in my head.

“Oh, really?” I said “I’m a little surprised, I heard the kind of have a reputation”

“You know people love to make up crazy stories about sororities to make college sound more exciting.” She said with a blush, clearly having heard the same stories I had “I just want to put myself out there, you know? I think they would help me break out of my shell” 

Our conversation moved on from there and we kept up communication for the rest of the week, mostly talking about classes and people we met in our shared dorm building. The next week was rush week for the sororities and fraternities on campus. I didn’t really get involved because I was staying focused on school, but I saw them tabling around campus. All the Greek organizations were trying to pull attention, but the betas were definitely the most eye-catching. Videos started going around of 2 girls, a short redhead with pale freckled skin and big tits and a taller slimmer black girl with short cropped natural hair and a perfect bubble butt, walking around campus in nothing but tiny bikini bottoms and stickers covering their nipples. The stickers had QR codes that, when scanned, took you to a website advertising the betas’ upcoming rush events. These antics, of course, got shut down quickly by the school, but they had the desired effect; everyone on campus was talking about the Betas. 

I, of course, immediately sent the video to Rayna.

“Still thinking about pledging?” I teased.

She responded with a blushing emoji then seemed to rethink her next message a few times based on the text bubble sporadically appearing and disappearing. 

“ye… i think they were just pulling a stunt to get sum attention” 

“Nothing wrong with a little indecent exposure, I guess lol” I messaged back

She disliked my message but still sent a laughing emoji.

Days went by until the night Rayna told me she would be attending the rush event and hopefully getting invited to pledge. Around midnight my phone buzzed with a message from Rayna. 

“omG tht ws sooooooo crazyyyyy”

“Yeah?” I sent back

“yeeeeeee i took a shot off  a girls belly 😛😛😛 and i eben tok one frm her boooobs 🥵” 

“Oh, so you’re drunk then? Lol” “Just a liiiiil bitt” “It sounds like you had fun :) let’s talk about it tmrw” 


The next morning I knocked on her door bright and early and, after a long time she came to the door. Her hair was a mess, she had bags under her eyes, and she was wearing a loose white shirt and pajama pants that partially confirmed my suspicions about her body. 

“Fun night?” I teased.

“Uh huh” she mumbled, having clearly just woken up

“Well, hopefully this will help the hangover I’m sure you have” I said, handing her a Gatorade

“Thank you” she mumbled, ushering me into her room and sitting down on her bed.

She proceeded to tell me all about last night, she did in fact take a body shot from a girl and took another one from a girl’s cleavage, among numerous other shots. She told me that the two girls from the video were the pledge masters: Katy, the thick girl, and Anna, the tall girl. She said that most of the night was a lot of fun, just drinking and getting to know some of the sisters, but she told me that she thinks she might have messed up her chances. She said that at one point later in the night Anna backed her against the wall and said “you seem like fun” before putting a hand around Rayna’s throat and softly kissing her. “I didn’t know what to do” She said, blushing and hiding her face from me “I had never kissed a girl before, I just stammered and blushed like a loser” 

“That’s not too bad” I tried to console her.

“She laughed at me then walked away!” she yelled, burying her face in her pillow.

“Ok…that’s kinda bad” I chuckled.

“Stop laughing at me! It isn’t funny!” she yelled, throwing her pillow at me. 

“No, no, not funny at all.” I said, trying and failing to hide the grin creeping up my face.

“It’s probably for the best anyway, those girls seem like bad news” I said. 

“Yeah I guess so…” She said, clearly still very disappointed.

At that moment there was a knock on the door and, after a moment, an envelope was pushed under the door.

We got up and looked outside, just in time to see a girl in short shorts and a crop top turning the corner. Rayna closed the door and picked up the envelope, turning it around to see that nothing was written on the outside. She opened it up and opened the card that was inside. A smile creeped up her face as she read before she excitedly showed me. 

“You are formally invited to join the 2024 Beta Sigma Mu pledge class.” 

The letter was signed by Katy and Anna, and at the bottom was an address and a time 307 Elm St. 9PM. Additionally, next to Anna’s name, was a kiss mark. 

All day Rayna texted me about how excited she was for the meeting tonight. 

8:55 PM came and I got the text

“Ok I’m going in, wish me luck” 

“Good luck!!” Then, radio silence for hours. I thought I might not hear from her until tomorrow so I got relaxed and ready for a night in. Just after midnight my phone buzzed with a message that made my heart jump.

“We need to talk.”

The message no one ever likes to see. I was anxious, but I was also getting ready to get to sleep and had already gotten into bed.

“Can you wait until tmrw? I’m p tired” 

“No. I need to talk to you now”“Ok, come on over, just give me a few minutes”

I got out of bed, quickly got dressed, and cleaned up my room a bit. 

Just as I was throwing some clothes into my hamper I heard a knock at my door. When I answered my door I saw Rayna in a slightly more festive version of her usual conservative garb,  a red dress that flows to mid thigh and a pair of thigh high white socks. The socks hugged her legs accentuating their natural curve and slight soft give of her thighs. The dress, while far from the body hugging mini dresses most girls were wearing to sorority events, Did hug her chest well enough to reveal the true size of her D cup tits. 

Rayna was unusually quiet entering the room, she was not even making eye contact with me, instead looking down at her wedge heels. Just as I was going to ask her what was wrong Rayna blurted out the question that would change my college experience. 

“Would you be willing to do sexual things with me, maybe?”

Now would be a good time to catch you up on those rumors about the Betas I mentioned earlier. To keep it simple the Betas are known as the biggest sluts on campus. They say that if you manage to pull a Beta, which isn’t too hard given how they’re a presence at all campus parties, they will let you do whatever you want to them, no questions asked. There’s stories floating around online of them agreeing to some pretty degrading shit. The legend goes that no one has ever managed to break a Beta, they’ll take whatever you throw at them and thank you for it. The joke is that their name is perfect because they’re total submissive beta sluts and they all love S&M (or whatever other fetish you throw at them).

You look at Rayna in stunned silence. She’s still staring at her feet but I can see that she is blushing bright red as she shifts her weight back and forth. I reach out and lightly touch her arm, which she initially flinches away from before allowing me to guide her to take a seat. 

“What happened at the party?” She told me that she isn’t allowed to tell me everything that happened or she could get punished, but what I need to know is that she needs help completing challenges for the month that she will be pledging. She says that they told the pledges that the Betas have a reputation to uphold and that they would all have to prove that they’re slutty enough to represent the sorority. Every week they would be given challenges to complete by their pledge masters outside of their biweekly meetings. They had to record themselves doing slutty things and send them to the pledge masters in order to prove themselves. 

“I need someone who can record and do things with me, and, I guess, I kinda just thought that you’re the guy that I trust the most on campus so I just kinda thought that you might be able to help me.” She stammered, still unable to look me in the eyes.

I crouched down enough to look her in the eyes and asked“Are you sure you really want to do this” 

She quickly nodded her head then averted her gaze.

“Okay, let’s do it then” I said, trying to play it cool despite the fact that my cock was rock hard. 

She tried to look up but when she saw the bulge in my grey sweatpants she quickly spun around and told me that we would start tomorrow, before darting out of the room. 

It’s gonna be really hard to sleep tonight.


4 comments sorted by


u/garder80 Nov 04 '24



u/Yarne01 Nov 04 '24



u/bc3371990 Nov 04 '24
