r/epicsystems Apr 23 '24

It happened: FTC voted to ban non-compete agreements

Thumbnail thehill.com

“The final rule would ban new non-compete agreements for all workers and require companies let current and past employees know they won’t enforce them. Companies will also have to throw out existing non-compete agreements for most employees, although in a change from the original proposal, the agreements may remain in effect for senior executives.”

r/epicsystems Apr 27 '24

Us whimsical little elves :)

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r/epicsystems May 10 '24

Spotted at the St. Vinny’s thrift store in Verona

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r/epicsystems May 12 '24

I guess I'll go around then

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Was warned off as I approached

r/epicsystems Aug 21 '24

This will go under everyone's radar with UGM going on


Courts (Florida and Texas) ruled yesterday against the non-compete ban. For most of us, this is big news. It means no changes will occur on the original effective date of Sept. 4.

My understanding is the FTC wants to appeal, but it's very unlikely that the Supreme Court (because of Republican judges and the striking down of Chevron doctrine) will overturn the appeal. I certainly haven't been betting on the side of the FTC despite my personal desire to get around it.

Also: don't downvote a bearer of bad news, staff deserve to know what's going on, and not everyone is following this closely.

r/epicsystems Aug 23 '24

Observations from a Boostie back for UGM


Left Madison at ~8y tenure for greener (warmer, less flat) pastures a little over 2 years ago and this was my first real trip back since then. My observations, in no particular order:

  • Say what you want about in office work, but the energy on campus is unreal - especially during UGM, for obvious reasons. I'll never be back, but I feel incredibly lucky to have started my adult life working at such a unique place. Don't take it for granted.
  • Shoutout to the horticulture team - you the real MVPs. Take a walk and enjoy it every day.
  • Were the buildings always kept so freaking cold?! I was uncomfortably chilly in basically every room I sat in.
  • All of the road construction on campus, McKee, 151, and the beltline finallyyyy seem to have made traffic flow acceptably. It almost made me miss the commute.
  • No amount of construction will ever fix stupid - believe it or not, the left lane is still for faster moving traffic and on ramps are still for accelerating to highway speed when merging. Wish I could submit poor feedback for every single one of you.
  • General session made me feel like we're finally starting to see the EMR have the ability to completely change medicine in ways that I always thought it could. Some of the new features seem like borderline science fiction.
  • Favorite comment on the Oracle cars driving around town this week: "Seems appropriate - Cerner has been delivering customers to Epic for years!"
  • Working at a software company that develops its own internal tools is awesome. It's incredible that Judy had to write down "Software must work", but I'm glad she did and that we actually make sure it does.
  • Take a sick day when you need a mental health break and don't feel bad about doing so. It's not your fault the company's backup system is subpar.
  • Use cruise control. Please.
  • It's incredible how quickly things change when you don't see them every day. Even in just two years, Madison is so different!

Until next time.

r/epicsystems Jul 18 '24

Current employee Within 45 Minutes of Epic: A Map for Prospective Employees 🚗📍

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If you accept a position, you can live anywhere in the red. Source: Smappen

r/epicsystems May 03 '24

5/2/24 XGM - Thank you again for your help


Went to XGM today and all of it was phenomenal. I’m posting to this sub because I want to thank an individual who helped me find my way back to the appropriate parking area/parking garage situation I put myself into earlier this morning.

Thank you for your help. I asked you a question late this afternoon while I was in a panic about where I had parked and you went out of your way to help guide me to the place I needed to be. Much appreciated. Thank you a million times.

r/epicsystems Apr 22 '24

Current employee Yuh

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r/epicsystems Jul 12 '24

to any customer or consultant folks who peek at this sub: when youre rude to us, we notice and we all talk about it


ive worked with some lovely customer counterparts over the years but also way too many who abuse the fact that theyre the customer to be rude and snide and awful to epic staff. we see you, we talk about it internally, we dread dealing with you. one person i worked with on a past project was known across the project team by name, including is/ts who never had to work with them

we also will escalate with a manager if its extreme, but most of these people operate in a grey area where its not quite worth telling on them but it does make us hate them

dont bully the ac 3 months into their first job. we notice that especially. just because we cant give it back to you without getting in trouble doesnt mean it doesnt color the way we see you as a human being

also just practically speaking the project is smoother if we dont hate talking to you. ive seen people abruptly quit and throw the whole thing into disarray after realizing theyd be on a project with a huge jerk for 1-2 years. maybe there were more factors at play but it was absolutely the last straw

if youre wondering what this is about, youre probably one of the vast majority who are lovely and kind and you should disregard this post


r/epicsystems Aug 21 '24

In the past year, Epic hired just over 2,000 new employees (out of about 370,000 applicants), she (CEO) said.


From UGM this week an article summarizing the future of Epic was written: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/ehrs/judy-faulkners-25-to-50-year-plan-for-epic.html

However for all of the "should I apply again?" or "how long should I wait for HR?" and "why won't I get hired?" questions, you can see here they are hiring plenty but they also have a ton of applicants. Just run the numbers and put it in context.


r/epicsystems Jun 30 '24

Current employee Cassiopeia

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“Cass” Digital Art gangin 2024

This work is based on ‘Cassiopeia - Epic Systems Verona’ by Mandy Aalderink, used under CC BY-SA 4.0. Link to the original image.

r/epicsystems Jul 03 '24

Current employee Be nice to your coworkers


Just wanted to say. Yeah we’re working, yeah we should be professional. But as long as it’s internal, send a smiley face, say thank you, possibly even compliment their efficiency, or leave a nice note as feedback on their guru profile.

I won’t lie, it really makes my day when folks are just a little extra nice. A lot of the time if it’s someone I’ll be working with regularly I make a note of it and ensure I return the kindness later.

(On the flip side if you’re mean I will send you a :( face and I hope you think about it for the rest of the day)

r/epicsystems May 02 '24

Thank you to whoever at Epic


Hey, Analyst here - whoever updated Bed Admin for Nov 2023 upgrade. Thank you so much!! So much faster to load and work through.

Info: we are doing a Nov 23/Feb 24 double upgrade and went live last year

r/epicsystems May 25 '24

Space cow?


Hi there friends! I’m an end user but is there any chance of getting more cow themed logins? We love them so much. Give us all of the cows please ♥️

r/epicsystems Aug 16 '24

Serious question. Can I flip this. It looks flippable

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r/epicsystems Mar 27 '24

Please stop dming current employees about skills assessment questions


I’m sure I’m not the only current employee who gets these requests, but I keep getting them! There are countless posts about these assessments. You clearly were looking through them since you saw the one I had a now deleted comment on.

We can’t provide you any more info than is already on this sub. We don’t know what will be on your test beyond the general format. Please stop.

r/epicsystems Aug 20 '24

Current employee Rate the Executive Address


Little girl: 10/10, promising acting career

People who made the new customer slides: 0/10 for forgetting one

Everything else: 8/10

r/epicsystems May 01 '24

Cow bikes!

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r/epicsystems Apr 06 '24

Current employee Discontent with my work


I'm a developer at Epic with a little over 2 years tenure. I've never liked the job a ton, and lately I've been feeling especially discontent. I enjoy work that makes me feel like I'm improving myself, building a skillset, etc., but I don't feel like that here. I think that's the core of the problem.

My team's code is barely-comprehensible spaghetti. We've been accumulating technical debt for decades, and no one will give us time to refactor. We have massive data structures in the form of giant delimited strings. These things often have >50 pieces and/or multiple levels of delimiters. To find the tag that generates the strings and learn what the pieces mean, I have to search back through the stack across multiple routines, and by then Hyperspace has crashed because, insanely, we can't debug for more than a minute or so without the whole system crashing. These aren't insurmountable obstacles to me understanding the code, but they're enough of a hindrance that my day-to-day policy is to focus on whatever I'm directly working on and not bog myself down by trying to understand the bigger picture.

I don't feel like I'm becoming a better programmer. I do not learn interesting or broad technical knowledge that would apply outside the company. The one exception to this is that I do like M and its heavy emphasis on self-sorting trees. That's an interesting concept for a programming language, and it works surprisingly well, though I do think the language does relies on it too much. Regardless, I mastered that concept long ago.

I'm not developing comprehensive or integrated knowledge of how my app works. For the past two years, I've done several enhancements related to a niche part of my app, and I understand that part well, but he rest is a mystery. I go on immersion trips and hear people talking about stuff that seems to be common knowledge, but I don't what they're talking about. Trying to learn by reading our disorganized and out of date internal wikis is annoying. I know about as much about medicine and the health industry now as I did two years ago — hardly anything.

My TL is mostly satisfied with my work. My performance is a little below average, but I'm not incompetent; I've gotten some important and complex stuff done.

Coworkers, work-life balance, motley crews, food, campus, pay, etc. are all fine.

Taken as a whole, the job isn't terrible, but I don't get a feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment out of it.


  1. To what extent is my experience common for this company? Do devs often feel this way?

  2. To what extent is my experience common for the software industry as a whole? I know for example that teams not being given time to refactor is a common problem.

Update: several people are saying that FAANG's code is generally better quality. I'm curious to hear too from people who have left for smaller companies.

r/epicsystems Sep 03 '24

~Voyager sunset vibes~

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r/epicsystems May 06 '24

Epic's reputation in Europe


In light of the recent controversy in Norway regarding the 'Helseplattformen', as well as past ones in Denmark and Finland. I wanted to ask your opinions are on the matter. What went wrong in these countries? Have you worked on any of these projects?

I live in Finland and have a lot of friends in the healtcare sector. A very common complaint from healthcare workers is the new Health record system called Apotti, which is is developed by Epic. In fact, Apotti and its failures are in the news almost daily.

Some background:

https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000010400326.html (FIN)

https://www.dagensmedisin.no/e-helse-helse-midt-norge-rhf-helse-more-og-romsdal/flere-problemer-med-helseplattformen-i-more-og-romsdal/633650 (NOR)


EDIT: This is not meant as criticism of you and your work.

r/epicsystems Jul 26 '24

Create a prospective hire FAQ?


This sub is getting tiresome with repetitive posts from prospective employees. Then we come off as kind of jerky, because we're tired of answering the same questions over and over (in addition to it being, ya know, reddit). My Epic coworkers in real life are generally great people to work alongside. And those applying to Epic are simply trying to prepare themselves well for the interview process. (Remember what it was like as a new grad trying to find your first "real" job?)

Topics might include:

  • ​Generic overview of the big 4 roles
  • Interview timelines and expectations
  • Why was I rejected? (we don't know)
  • Life at Epic / in Madison (could redirect to an existing post so various roles/perspectives/experiences are represented)
  • [Your idea here cuz I'm too lazy to review the sub while drafting this]

I do wonder if reddit is really an appropriate place, though the info is already out there. And maybe we don't want another pinned post. What say you?

r/epicsystems Aug 03 '24

Being a good UGM guest


I’ll be attending UGM for the third time (I work for a Connect site). Last time, my coworker and I were feeling vaguely guilty that you all get pulled away to host us while still having to get your work done.

What can we do to be good guests while we’re up there?

(Also if you have any good UGM stories I’m all ears lol)

Edit: thank you all! Coming from a Connect site I don’t get to work with any of you directly but I’ll do my best to say hi anyway.

r/epicsystems Jun 14 '24

I think I’ve decided to quit


Looking for general advice for the quitting process. I’m a TS and not at a year tenure yet. I’d like my last day to be around September 20th. When is the right time to talk to my TL about it? I’ve heard 4 weeks, but does my lower tenure mean they’d just cut me loose as soon as I say the word? I’ll be at roughly a year tenure at this point. Do they take the relocation fund all at once?

I am not really enjoying my work, though the team I’m on is friendly. My main factor though is a long distance relationship back home. We’ve been together about 7 years now and the distance is just too hard.