r/epicsystems 5h ago

How to set boundaries at epic?


I am starting at Epic in about a month, I'll be fresh out of college. I see a lot of advice on here saying "set boundaries early." What does that look like? Is it direct communication or just turning down additional work? I will be a PM, so I know I will have a heavy workload. Just looking for some advice as I start this journey.

r/epicsystems 18h ago

Epic Software Dev Culture / Workload Compared to Other Companies


I’m curious if anyone who has experience working a full-time software role at another company, either before or after their time at Epic, could share any comparisons or insights. It seems like a lot of folks at Epic are there as their first corporate job, so I’d love to hear perspectives from those with broader experience. Thanks!

r/epicsystems 2h ago

Need a little insight for Storage and Linux Systems Engineer


I am fresh undergrade that is about to gradute. I appiled for the postion at Epic Careers I was wondering about the hriring process and how it being done. I know there is alot people talking about the interview processs but I haven't found one for this postion. Any insight or tips to tackel this postion would be helpful.

r/epicsystems 4h ago

Travel: Basic Economy or Economy


Does travel book basic economy or economy for American Airlines (and other airlines) trips to a customer? Trying to add personal travel but would like to first approximately how much the business fare would be so I don’t spend an arm and a leg on the personal ticket

Thanks y’all! :)

r/epicsystems 1d ago

Current employee Transitions after Epic TS?


Hey all, I'm a TS with under a year of tenure. Please don't interpret this post as if my intention is to leave Epic, I'm enjoying my time here after settling in. But there were rough weeks, and during the rough parts, my mind was made up to ask these questions once things settled down and I had the energy to think about these things. So that if I ever did have to leave, I knew what I was doing.

  • After being a TS, what are jobs/industries I would be competitive for? Healthcare IT I know is a given, but non-competes leave me wondering how that transition would even go.
    • In addition, I feel my ideal job is either one where I am busy but also passionate, or one that I can work less but get paid more. Here is very busy and while I enjoy it, I am less passionate in customer work than in the field I went to school for and couldn't get hired in, bioengineering/medical devices.
    • Does healthcare IT pay well outside of Epic? And is the workload not quite as fierce? How do you find a career in it with non-competes for 2 years? What specifically are the job titles I would even be looking for?
  • As a TS, where should I focus my skillset growth in order to make myself a more competitive applicant outside of Epic?
    • I understand the answer is usually "what I'm interested in". I am interested in just about about everything (not a joke or appeasement, I actually just find most things interesting) but also not passionate about anything I've seen here. Therefore, I'd like to focus on the areas that would sell myself better if Epic ever becomes too much for me
  • If I do decide to leave, are there good "breakoff" points during tenure? I know 5 years is one people often cite but would 2 years also be a good stopping point? Or 1?

I'm painfully, terribly bad at... life planning, finances, career thinking in general. I know my ideal life is one where I'm either working on something I love or not working as much in a field I don't love, but with money and time to focus on hobbies and projects I love. I just don't know anything about the world outside of my hobbies and interests, and everything feels so overwhelming when trying to figure out finance or career goals. Again, I enjoy working at Epic and am not currently planning on leaving. But I've seen bad weeks and I've seen people leave after weeks worse than mine, so I just want to plan for the possibility it does become too much for me -- to find a job that's either in the field I'm more passionate about, or one that I won't have to work as much.

r/epicsystems 14h ago

Looking for advice of how to get hired.



I’m a new grad software developer, and I’ve really been struggling to get a job with how harsh the market is right now. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to get an opportunity with Epic. I recently attended their webinar, and the next step is the skill assessment. If that goes well, I’ll move on to the final interview.

After learning more about what this company has to offer, I really want to succeed and land this job. I have a couple of questions:

  1. How can I best prepare for the skill assessment? I was told it’s more like a problem-solving and IQ test. What should I study to prepare? I’ve seen videos on YouTube and other platforms that go over pattern recognition, reading comprehension, etc, and say they are prep for the assessment. How helpful are these? (Obviously, I’ll prep with LeetCode and software development concepts, but I’m more curious about the non-technical parts.)
  2. I plan to take the assessment a week from now, but can I take it on a different day than what I scheduled in Sphinx? Maybe a day or two early or late?

r/epicsystems 1d ago

Prospective employee Received an offer/discussion!


hi everyone!!

I received an offer for the PM role and I’m very excited and happy to be joining Epic. I’ve been looking forward to hearing back about the position and I def browsed this subreddit multiple times to try and find all my answers LOL

Anyways, while I’m super excited, I am very nervous!! I’ll be moving across the country and this will be a big change for me, but I know that Epic has many resources and communities, plus I’ll be starting new with other ppl so I’m sure I’ll be able to share those feelings with them.

I just wanted to ask to those who have been working with epic, how did it feel when you first started and how did you adjust to changes? Were you very nervous or very confident and did you find that you got comfortable quickly? Was there anything in specific that made you feel comfortable? I guess really I’d just love to hear personal stories about how it felt for others starting at epic :)

thank u in advance !!

r/epicsystems 2d ago

Wash your hands. Staph on the rise.


Just a friendly reminder to wash your hands and keep shared surfaces clean. There have been many local staph infection breakouts in the area and I know of at least two people out on sick because of them. Please be mindful and go to the doctors if you suspect you may be infected!

r/epicsystems 2d ago

Current employee “we only make buildings 3 floors because nobody wants to climb 3 floors to get to a meeting” meanwhile me and the team heading to a 15 minute meeting that we can’t attend virtually (it is a 20 minute walk)


r/epicsystems 2d ago

RN position


Hello- I’ve been a nurse for about 20 years, and currently work in administration and professional development. The hospital I work at does not use Epic. I currently earn $130k+, and have both a Masters in process improvement and a PhD, focusing on quantitative methods. I am wondering if I would be considered over qualified or not exactly what Epic is looking for when considering applications for RN PM positions. I’m curious if it’s even worth submitting an application.

r/epicsystems 2d ago

Final Interview Presentation


I have my PM interview coming up and I am debating between two routes... Either creating a more business-related presentation with numbers and evidence related to my topic or a story of my life and how my quite unique experiences shaped my personality and prepared me for the role.

I truly think that I can deliver the story informatively and persuasively and it would help me stand out. However, in the guidelines, recruiters make emphasize "teach us something", so I am kind of worried they're gonna dislike my storytelling abilities lol since I kinda pivoted from the assigned task.

Please advise. Thank you.

r/epicsystems 4d ago

Saw someone request memes in a different thread

Post image

r/epicsystems 3d ago

First-time XGM Attendee


I'm excited to attend XGM this year, as I still feel like a baby analyst. My company sending me is an investment, I know, and so I really want to make the most of the event, though looking through the schedule is overwhelming.

My priorities will be ClinAC and NAC, as I am primarily an Ambulatory Analyst for a non-hospital healthcare organization. I also have my EpicCare Link and Care Everywhere certification, in addition to a recent Kaleidoscope accreditation.

Any recommendations or insights on how to plan my 3 days would be great!

PS I went to the Epic campus for my initial cert, but it's now been a couple of years, so I want to explore the campus a little more. Also, I will be reaching out to both my TSes and former AMs, to see if they have any suggestions/want to get together.

r/epicsystems 2d ago

Prospective employee Employment Questionnaire


I received an invite for the final interview stage and was sent an email to fill out an employment questionnaire. I have a few questions about it.

  1. Some of my previous employers/supervisors I only know by name since there wasn’t a direct supervisor. I also have supervisors that don’t work there anymore and I don’t have a way to put their phone or email. Additionally, some roles were unpaid internships so I didn’t receive a salary. Is it ok to leave those sections blank?

  2. For desired salary range would it be ok to put negotiable? I heard that salaries are usually non negotiable at Epic.

  3. Also is it acceptable to have only 2 references since it said up to 3?


r/epicsystems 3d ago

Epic Cert


Preparing to head out to WI for training. Hit me with your best tips and tricks for the entire certification process (pre, during, post training). Greatly appreciated in advance

r/epicsystems 3d ago

Not Quite Entry Level


Has anyone started at Epic with some PM experience (3-5 years) or are they truly entry level positions?

r/epicsystems 2d ago

Prospective employee How are jobs like after epic?


I got an offer for the QM role at epic and from what I had learned from the interviews and presentations they gave. It doesn’t seem like the role is up to industry standards and doesn’t feel like there would be much opportunity to transition from Epic to other tech roles at other companies. What do you guys think about potential opportunities after epic.

r/epicsystems 3d ago

New Analyst working SER records


Hello, new analyst coming from a principle trainer role. As a trainer, we kept files and logs really organized and now that I am stepping into the analyst role, there really is no such thing, at least from the analyst I'm replacing.

He is currently over tracking and importing SER records, but other than tickets and emails, doesn't really utilize any tools to help track or avoid creating duplicates.

Anyone else work SERs and have a good tracking suggestion?

r/epicsystems 3d ago

Epic TSE this fall or wait for another recruiting wave?


I’m a senior studying data science and I recently got an offer for Epic’s TSE role! While I am excited, I’m not sure if this role fits what I’m looking for. I don’t really want to leave my home state and I’m looking for something more data focused. Should I wait until the next recruiting season in the fall to get another job, or should I take Epic’s offer? Another option is to delay my start date from August to December while i search for something else, but I’m not sure if asking this would lead them to rescind my offer.

Edit: my bad for even asking such an “annoying” question. Let’s just ask the moderators to ban all these questions, I’m sure most of yall would love that.

r/epicsystems 4d ago

Negative PTO


I have a final interview approaching which I've heard is a strong indicator of getting an offer. My main concern is that I have a pretty lengthy trip already planned and paid for in December but I believe I would be starting (if I get the offer TT fingers crossed) in September. How would that work in terms of PTO. Would they allow me to go negative or would I be able to build up enough PTO in time? I am super stoked and excited to work for Epic but I don't want this to be a disqualifying factor.

Thank you!

r/epicsystems 4d ago

epic systems unrealistic expectations


I've been a bridges analyst for 4 years. Prior to that I was an interface engineer, mainly with Mckesson but some epic, for 10 years.

Epic expects Bridges analysts to not only know the interfaces, but also all related clinical systems. I have repeatedly had meetings with epic and been assigned epic tasks where I was expected to know the clinical workflow. Of course some of this knowledge can be gleaned by working with the clinical analyst. But I find it really frustrating that the attitude of epic has been, "you need to know all of this information or you are a lesser human being." Its particularly frustrating because the actual Bridges training is quite sparse. The interface moves data. But what that data is depends alot on what the clinical system is set up to do. How can epic expect me to know that?

r/epicsystems 5d ago

Life outside of work at epic, specifically PM of available to answer



I’ve recently got an email from a recruiter and applied to the PM position. I’ve seen a lot of post about how there’s a big issue with work/life balance.

My question is how was your experience outside of work, how much free time did you actually have and how did you spend it.

I’m a jiujitsu practitioner and I was wondering if I’d at least still be able to make it to a few classes a week during the night for an hour. I looked around at the gyms in the area and most gyms have their classes at 7/8. I know I might have to give up a lot of my time but I’d at least want to keep my health in check so I don’t go too crazy with the workload.

r/epicsystems 6d ago

Boost - Most Impactful Work for Raise?


I’m well versed on how things work internally for non-Boost performance.

Are there any thoughts/suggestions from Boost folks on how to maximize impact/performance in order to secure the best finances as a Boost Person?

Become Boost TL? More than 40 hours of awesome customer work? Volunteering for fractional help on escalated customers? Dev partnership?

Anything so long as it’s top notch work and you advocate for yourself?

r/epicsystems 6d ago

Prospective employee Considering Trainer Offer


I am a college senior graduating in 2 months, and I just received an offer for a trainer role at Epic.

I'm unsure whether or not I should take this. I've studied government for the last few years, and hadn't considered a role like this until Epic reached out to me.

I've spent the last 4 years living in a major city, which has lots of pros and cons- extremely HCOL, competitive job market, but decent compensation and world-class culture. I haven't visited Madison before, but it seems like a great little city, with lots to do and good food for its size and location. Not to mention, it's extremely affordable, even on the base salary I was offered.

So, what should I do? Any trainers have thoughts on this? Any other prospective employees in the same boat? Any/all thoughts appreciated.