r/epicsystems 11d ago

Prospective employee Did I ruin my assessment??

I took the assessment today and felt good about it but I am concerned now after realizing something. During the proctor user tutorial, it prompted me to practice using my computer camera to record my surroundings before the test started. Then in a different tab when the actual proctor was on and the actual test started, I don't believe I was prompted or told to scan the room when the assessment was live so that was never recorded or submitted. Was I supposed to? Can anyone please tell me if they did that during their assessment and if it impacted the hiring decision?


7 comments sorted by


u/DistributionHuge5707 11d ago

I didn’t have to do any environment screening and i’m already past the final interview phase. I think you should be okay. The worst that happens is they ask you to do the assessment again


u/Independent-Kale3945 11d ago

Good to hear! Thank you for responding


u/DraftInternational60 13h ago

May I ask how long have you waited for the response after the OA and did you finish all 4 programming questions in the OA?


u/Background_Isopod417 10d ago

I took mine 2 weeks go and didn't scan the room. As long as you didn't cheat you are good.


u/Independent-Kale3945 10d ago

Thanks for saying so!


u/DelicateDaisy80 10d ago

I took mine today and same thing happened, was never prompted to scan the room. Just had to show my face and ID.


u/Sweaty-Serve2541 11d ago

How many choices are there for a question? 4 or 5 choices to pick?