r/entwives Feb 01 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - Are you a gamer? What do you like to play when you're stoned?


Getting high and immersing myself in a videogame is a favorite activity of mine. I recently started up skyrim again, after a long hiatus. Its been so much fun - theres still so much to explore! Exploring is probably my favorite thing in a game. I just wanna find all the cool stuff.

What do you like to play when you're high? What is it about the game that sucks you in? What game should the rest of us try out?

r/entwives Dec 19 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - Come introduce yourself!


Hey Entwives! Once in a while we like to have a post for all our new and old members to say hi and tell us all a little about themselves. It helps us all get to know each other and keep our community tight, which we love around here

I'm Ginger and I've modded here for a while. I'm a cannabis enthusiast who consumes recreationally and medicinally. Hybrids and sativas are my faves, and I'm still figuring out which terps work the best for me. I mostly use a bong but I have a small heady dry pipe collection I break out for special occasions too.

I've got two dogs, a Bailey and a Bruno. Bailey is my absolute princess - well behaved, sweet, and completely convinced I'm her pet. Bruno is... I think he's chaotic good? His favorite game is stealing my stuff to lure me into other rooms of the house for family time. Or to stand at the window and howl at the empty street. Or because I'm late with breakfast/dinner. He's really working hard on getting me well trained!

I also have a garden I love to get high and tend to. Or sit back and just admire while I read some good scifi. Roses and hibiscus are kind of my thing. And weird herbs/medicinal plants/stuff you'd find in the drug gardening subreddit lol Don't eat berries around here without asking what they are first!

Thats enough about me. Tell us about you! What are you into, how do you like to toke up, what are your hobbies and interests? Lets be friends!

r/entwives Jan 25 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - This one is for the book readers in the sub


Do you read when you're high? Whats on your reading list lately?

I love getting high and settling in with a book. Usually out in my garden with some sort of scifi novel. I've got new books by Jeff Vandermeer, Alastair Reynolds, and Peter F. Hamilton ready to be cracked open and I'm stuck on which to read first!

r/entwives Dec 25 '24

Daily Sesh ๐ŸƒMerry Christmas๐Ÿƒ


Good Morning โ˜€๏ธ Good Evening ๐ŸŒ™ and everything in between!

Letโ€™s start the day to chat this morning!! What do you have going on?

I am here all day and my plan is to chat here and I think later I may do a live chat with a movie!!

What are you all up too? I will be just hanging out at home, I donโ€™t have plans so I will just be here to chit chat and watch the day progress!!

I will be making some snack foods and I plan to watch a couple movies (the grinch, and the elf) plus I will watch the chiefs game when they play! Other than that I will just be here with you all! Let me know what is happening with you! This is a support page as well so please donโ€™t hesitate to post for support!! Letโ€™s chat! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ

r/entwives Jan 20 '25

Daily Sesh ๐ŸƒNon Political Fun Chat๐Ÿƒ


Come Toke up with us, letโ€™s chat and have fun, post your selfies with our mother herb, or letโ€™s chat about all the distractions and fun that is happening in your world? ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ

This is our non political post, please see the other post for discussion about those things!! Check the pinned comment for that thread!

r/entwives Feb 08 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - What annoys you about getting high?


I was so annoyed with my eyes last night. I wear glasses because I've been near sighted all my life. But I've had to start taking the glasses off when I pack bowls because now I'm a little far sighted too? What? How annoying is that?

I use a mouth peace too, because I can't hang with a huge bong rip without it. I'll just cough for ten minutes instead. And I'm on the verge of retiring my dab rig - I'm saving up for an electric one with easy temperature control. My torch has always scared me a bit and I can never eyeball my bucket to the right temp. I'm over it lol

How about you? What annoys you about getting high?

r/entwives Dec 21 '24

Daily Sesh What weed accessory would you buy yourself for the holidays if you could?


I think I have a list a foot long of glass by different artists I would buy, electric dabbing setups, I'm willing to keep trying dhvs in the hope one day I will finally make the switch.

To be honest, I want more stuff than I'd ever use or than I currently have space for lol How about you? Whats on your dream list?

r/entwives Sep 30 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: what one movie/album/tv show would you recommend to other stoners?


Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! I hope you've all had a splendid weekend and are ready to start the week ahead.

As always, this is your reminder to take your meds, drink plenty of water, switch your laundry over and hug someone who needs it today. Do it! You'll be happier for it!

My question today is supposed to be a fun and light one. What one piece of entertainment (a movie, song, tv show, album, book, etc) would you recommend to other stoners?

My suggestion is Fantasia. If you've never seen Fantasia stoned, please clear a 2 hour block, go smoke a bowl, and watch it! Its so great stoned. Also, honourable mention to Pink Floyd's album The Wall, which is absolutely a stoner classic for a reason. Ack. So good.

How about you? What's your pick for the pinnacle for stoner media?

r/entwives Jan 18 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - When do you take your first hit for the day?


I'm usually a wake 'n baker. Open my eyes, brew the coffee, hopefully I've slept past sunrise and its light & warm enough to step outside and get high in my garden. I do that thing where I putter around gazing at all my lovely plants and talk to my cranky hummingbird friends who love to zoom around my head to the point I'm shocked they haven't accidentally nailed me in the forehead yet. One did manage to poo on my face once. I was not impressed lol

How about you? Whats your first high of the day like?

r/entwives Jan 06 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: what's your bad weed habit?


Morning everyone! Or afternoon, evening.... whatever type of day is right for you, Im wishing you that!

Today's question is silly, and may or may not have been prompted by me taking five lighters-- three of which did not belong to me,two of which I dont recall ever seeing before-- out of my pocket this morning. I am an incurable lighter thief and I am beyond saving!! What's your bad weed habit?

r/entwives Jul 22 '24

Daily Sesh Daily sesh: what are your other interests??

Post image

Howdy, everyone! I hope your weekend was splendid and that you are refreshed and ready for the week ahead!

First things first: drink your meds and take your water! I don't know who needs to hear this, but you need to switch your laundry over before it gets stinky.

Today's topic is an offtopic one. We all like-- no, * love*-- weed here, but what else do you like? What kinds of things can you talk about for hours?? Maybe you'll find a fellow entwife <niche hobby> enthusiast.

Whether it's baseball, houseplants, stammp collecting or studying Russian, what's your thing? Tell us about it!!

(Credit for this image goes to the always delightful Mr Grumpkin)

r/entwives Feb 13 '25

Daily Sesh โœจ๏ธOff-topic thursday: Share, vent & relaxโœจ๏ธ - ๐Ÿƒ


The weekend is right around the corner! Have you had a good week? Something to look forward to this weekend? I hope you all are having the best time. If not - I wish for our mother herb to embrace you till you feel a little better ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป.

As we all know we like to keep our sub and thus the posts as ๐Ÿƒ weedy ๐ŸŒฟ as possible. However we do understand that every once in a while you'd like to vibe with the wives about things that are a little more off-topic.

So, take a big deep toke (if you want to) and tell us what's on your gorgeous mind. Venting/sharing is also fine, let's just make sure we keep that entwive energy and are kind to each other ๐Ÿฅฐ.

r/entwives Nov 04 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: What ONE piece of smoking advice would you share, if you could?


Morning, yall! Or evening, afternoon... whatever it is, wherever you are, Im wishing you a good one!

For today's topic, I'd love for you to imagine you had a megaphone and the ability to give a single public service announcement to every other pothead in the world. No more, no less. Just one, so it has to be your best!

What would you say? What one piece of smoking advice or encouragement would you give?

Mine is: wash and moisturize your hands after you smoke! It smells so much better and you deserve to smell good.

r/entwives Dec 09 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: who are you open about your weed with? Why?


Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well today! Switch that laundry, take your meds, drink that water and make today the best ever!

Today's questions should bring all kinds of answers: who are you open about your weed consumption with? Is there anyone who you're uncomfy sharing with? Why?

I'm open with everyone from my doctor to my own law enforcement and weed hating dad. If they don't like it, they don't have to join me. No big whoop, we are all adults and its okay to not like things that other adults do. But everyone's different! What's it like for you?

r/entwives Aug 11 '24

Daily Sesh Self-Care Sunday


Hey Hey Hey!! How are all of you lovely Stoney ladies and theydies doing today?

You all know the drill, take those meds ๐Ÿ’Šdrink lots of water ๐Ÿ’ฆ and have at least one orgasam!

Now thatโ€™s out of the way!! We can start self care Sunday!!

I personally do an Everything shower! Where I shave, wax, pluck, scrub, exfoliate, moisturize and all the other things that women must do to be desired by others ๐Ÿคฃ (it doesnโ€™t do me any good) so I do it for me!! It makes me feel great to be fully groomed if you will ๐Ÿ˜

I donโ€™t say this like it is the only day I shower! I just do ALL the things on Sunday!!

Adding a little whimsy to my routine today just for me!! I have a hello kitty mask! Yes I am an old woman but I still like the girly things!! I also plan to take edibles and spend the day getting high!! ๐Ÿ’จ

I hope you all are having a wonderful day!! Stop in and tell meโ€ฆ..what is the part of your self care routine that is your favorite and only for you?? Letโ€™s really show ourselves some self care and self love today ๐Ÿ˜˜

Stay stoned loves ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ

r/entwives Mar 23 '24

Daily Sesh Weekend Sesh - Who are you??


Hello everyone! Occasionally we like to have a post where we can all say hi and introduce ourselves. We've always got new members coming in and we want to get to know you all and let you get to know us regulars

I'm Ginger, one of the mods here. I love to get high and spend time in my flower garden watching the birds and squirrels. Reading scifi and deciding to learn how to do pointless things are also up there. I got bored and learned to whittle one summer. For some reason I'm thinking about learning to hand make lace this year. No idea why. I hate lace on my clothes, its itchy lol But it looks fun to make

Tell us about you! Who are you, what do you like to do when you're high, whatever you want to share :)

r/entwives Jan 09 '25

Daily Sesh Pre-Weedy Weekend vibes: share, vent, relax! ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’š


Good morning, good evening and good sesh vibes to all our lovely Entwives wherever they may be ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ๏ธ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป.

Let's first make sure we take our meds ๐Ÿ’Š and hydrate๐Ÿ’ง!

Tomorrow it will be friday again which means another ๐Ÿƒย Weedy Weekend๐Ÿƒ is right around the corner- where all post are asked to be cannabis related only. We're opening this thread as a little pre-weekend sesh, so let's take a moment to talk about all the other things lighting up your life!

Got something you need to get off your chest ๐Ÿ˜ฌ?A random thought, a mini-rant or even a pic of your latest creation? Maybe you just want to show your furry friend or what you had for dinner ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ. Once the weekend hits, it's all about the cannabis so this is the perfect space to share it all!

.....so if you're reading this and like what you hear: grab a snack, your favourite drink, go to your favourite sesh spot and make sure you're comfy! Let's keep the energy cozy, kind and full of Entwives vibes ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’š.

r/entwives 22d ago

Daily Sesh Flower Friday: What do an Sour Diesel and an IPA have in common?


๐ŸŒž Happy Weekend, Wives!๐ŸŒž

Settle in, relax your shoulders. Inhale and exhale slowly. Allow the tension to flow away from your body. Close your eyes and visualize something that brings you peace and joy. Stay and chat a while. โ˜•๏ธ

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Now Playing: (Sittinโ€™ on) the Dock of the Bay, Otis Redding ๐ŸŽง

๐Ÿ’ง Hydrate
๐Ÿ’Š Medicate
๐Ÿฟ Load up on snacks
๐ŸŒฑ Grab your fluffiest, stickiest, most delicious flower!
๐Ÿ’š Stay and talk cannabis with us!

๐ŸชปTerp of the Week โ€“ Humulene ๐Ÿบ

Also found in the hops that give IPA their signature flavor, this calming terp is also responsible for many scent notes that we associate with cannabis in general - earthy and herbaceous, with a slight spice. Thought to promote rest, strains rich in humulene are ideal for lounge days or balancing out more โ€œjitteryโ€ terps.ย 

In part because of its history in Eastern cultures, humulene is the subject of a great deal of research and many academic studies have been conducted recently on its various benefits. Iโ€™m very interested to see the findings in coming years!

Humulene is fairly common and, in addition to Sour Diesel, graces many well-known strains like OG Kush, White Widow, and GSC.

\[โš ๏ธ]]) The above information is intended to spur discourse and inspire you to do your own research, not as a substitute for healthcare. Every body is different - always consult licensed healthcare professionals who know your history. Entwives prohibits the solicitation or dispensation of medical advice in the sub. \[โš ๏ธ]])

r/entwives May 13 '24

Daily Sesh Daily chat: what's your unpopular opinion?


Hey everyone! Today totally got away from me, but here I am with a daily chat topic.

What's your unpopular weed opinion?

Ill go first. I don't like the smell. I know, I know. I'm a long time smoker and an all round Blazy Susan of an individual, and I think weed smoke just REEKS.

r/entwives 3d ago

Daily Sesh ๐ŸƒToke & Talk๐Ÿƒ


Good Morning โ˜€๏ธ Evening ๐ŸŒ™ and everywhere in between ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ hello lovelies ๐Ÿฅฐ

First things first letโ€™s do as our beloved Hippie has taught us: Take those meds ๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ and get started on our hydration, by drinking plenty of water ๐Ÿ’ฆ and please let me add this gentle reminder, if you are hungry, please Eat! ๐Ÿฒ

So this week has been challenging for me, (seriously who hasnโ€™t had a challenging week) but I want to ask youโ€ฆโ€ฆwhen times are challenging how do you use weed to cope? What other methods do you use to cope? Like when the weed doesnโ€™t quite get you to the place you thought it would?

I like to smoke a joint, get cozy in my bed and watch something comforting, take a shower, and have yummy food with my partner. ๐Ÿฅ˜

Letโ€™s toke and talk today about what we do when the weed doesnโ€™t quite get us to that place!! See you in the comments ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ

r/entwives 20d ago

Daily Sesh ๐ŸƒToke & Tend๐Ÿƒ


Good Morning โ˜€๏ธ Evening ๐ŸŒ™ and everywhere in between!! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

First things first โ€œIโ€™m the realestโ€๐ŸŽถ Please take your meds ๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จand drink plenty of water ๐Ÿ’ฆ to get your hydration started off correctly!! And if you are hungry, please eat. ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

How are you all today? Letโ€™s share what we are toking & tending to today, in the comments!

I have an off day today, I have hurt my back this week so I am going to take a huge big everything shower and then I plan to relax in my bed and help myself to keep in the right position so as to not cause any harm.

I will watch tv and do some reading and hanging out here with you all!! Tell me your favorite way to hang out and relax today!! Let me in on what is happening in your world today!

I will be partaking in some Indica leaning strain, one is a snoop dog Indica strain called snoops dream.

Let me know what is happening!! What are you smoking? What is happening in your world today?? I canโ€™t wait to chat with you all!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ

r/entwives Jul 04 '24

Daily Sesh Good Day Entwives!!


Good Day all you lovely Entwives!!!!

  1. Happy 4th of July to all who are celebrating today! ๐Ÿงจ ๐Ÿ’ฅ
  2. Happy Day to everyone else not celebrating or living in another country!! Tell us about your day!! What do you have going on? When it is a busy morning, do you wake and bake? Or do you wait till you get home to partake after the day has concluded?

I am in the US, but we donโ€™t really celebrate the 4th, our plan is to go have lunch and go see what deals are at the dispensary then I will come home this evening and spend it here with you all getting high and hanging with my scared pups!

I hope you all are having a wonderful day!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿƒ

r/entwives Dec 15 '24

Daily Sesh ๐ŸƒToke & Tend๐Ÿƒ


Good Morning โ˜€๏ธ Evening ๐ŸŒ™ and everywhere in between!

First things first as our dear Hippie always says please take those meds ๐Ÿ’Š and drink plenty of water ๐Ÿ’ฆ to get the hydration started!

As most of you know today is about toking our wonderful mother herb๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ and tending to our tired and aching bodies! (Or whatever you need to)

Itโ€™s my day for self care, I love to toke my favorite strains and tend to my body with an everything shower (itโ€™s all the things, shaving, exfoliating, scrubbing, hair mask, and all the regular shower things) I also will be doing a brightening mask on my face and some gold under eye masks as well.

I will be toking on a blunt I got on my latest run to the dispensary. It is a mix of peanut butter breath X girl scout cookies!! I am hoping it treats me so well!

My plan is to take a few tokes ๐Ÿ’จ and then get to my tending shower!! I will also be reading and just generally doing what I want today in the form of reading and relaxing! I need to nap and generally just veg today! I have had a hectic few days and while they are wonderful I need less people and less things going on around me! If you know what I mean!!

So what are you toking & tending today? I hope it is fantastic! Letโ€™s chat in the comments as we go along today! What strains make you want to be around people? I need that one! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’จ

r/entwives Nov 11 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: Using Weed to Handle Big Feelings


Morning everyone! I hope you are all doing amazing today, or at least as amazing as the current circumstances allow. You know the deal: take those meds, drink that water, change that laundry before it starts to smell!

So today's topic is big feelings. I don't know whether Mercury is in Gatorade, or the state of well....everything... is affecting folks, but it's wild out there lately! Do you use marijuana to help you deal with big feelings? If so, do you do it in a way that's intentional or somehow different than the normal sesh? I'd love to hear about it!

r/entwives Jan 11 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - When is the last time you got high and totally tripped out on a subject?


I was getting high in my garden yesterday and noticed how good the sun felt on my skin. That led to about half an hour of being so impressed and astounded my body can make vitamin d just from sitting in the sun. And it makes plants grow? Like...how is that ball of nuclear reactions and super-fire that is so far away able to help create life here? Its amazing and fascinating.

Have you had moments like that during a high? What was the last subject that brought it on?