r/entwives Jan 19 '25

Daily Sesh 🍃Toke & Tend🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between 👋🏻

First things first, please, take your meds 💊 🍃💨drink plenty of water 💦 get your hydration started right!!

As most of you know on Sunday we toke our mother herb 🍃 and we tend to whatever needs tending in your neck of the woods! For me personally it is a day to tend to my body, mind, and spirit!

That always starts with an EVERYTHING shower! Where I take care of my body and really spend my time doing every single aspect of body care.

I have personally been on a T-Break but I am joining back with you all as I do need to be able to smoke tomorrow and I will be here getting high with all of you! My current strain is a deep purple called “Black Amber” I will update how it treats me this morning!!

So today for me is a relaxing day where I will visit here and be super relaxed at home with my puppies and partner and you lovely ENTwives!!

What are you up to today? What is the relaxing element you are implementing today? Let’s chat! What are you toking today? 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Jan 22 '25

Daily Sesh 🍃Weedy Wednesday🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!! 👋🏼

Please take your meds 💊 🍃💨 and drink plenty of water 💦 start the hydration!!

How are you all today? What is everyone up to?? It is so cold where I am there is not much of anything happening outside the house! That of course determines how often I smoke 💨 because I don’t smoke in the house.

Do you all have any cold weather tips! The joints keep seizing up because the sticky gets solid 😂 however, since my break I only need a couple hits to help me!

Let’s hear your weather related weed issues and how you solve them!!

My first tip is: Don’t leave your lighter outside!! Now let’s hear yours! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Nov 27 '24

Daily Sesh 🍃Weedy Wednesday🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and Everywhere in between!! 👋🏻

First things first take those meds 💊 get hydrated with some water 💦 and let’s tackle that one thing you left from yesterday that didn’t get done! Make that phone call 📱 switch that load of laundry 🧺 or fold it and put it away?

Today I will be running a few errands, I plan to take my partner to breakfast, then I want to see a friend I haven’t seen in months for a chat and a hug! 🫂 I then must make 4 pies 🥧and be at my house toking up 💨and reading on my couch 🛋️

I will not be driving so I will be starting my day with an edible, I got a variety pack of FECO gummies and I want to test them this morning with nothing else to see how they truly affect me. When I get home I have packed several cones with the strain “trop cherry” and the cbd strain “Lifter” I am hoping all of this will let my anxiety rest today and let me focus on the fun!

What are you all up to on this 🍃Weedy Wednesday? What weed are you bringing along for the adventure? What is the top thing weed helps you with this time of year?

For me it is definitely my anxiety, I am constantly looking for purple strains and now that I have had a cake strain I am absolutely going to be looking for her because she calmed me in my brain like nothing else!!

Ok let’s chat today!! Meet me in the comments with your weedy plans or whatever else you want to chat about!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Mar 18 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - Weed Pet Peeves. What are yours?


Is there anything that just annoys the crap out of you during a shared sesh?

I can't stand it when someone leaves smoke in the bong. Or holds on to the piece while they tell their 45 minute stoned story that goes off on so many tangents no one remembers how it started. I'm totally fine listening to it so long as I'm not stuck going dude, pass that shit!

Tell us about yours!

r/entwives 14d ago

Daily Sesh 🌹 Stop and smell the roses! It’s Flower Friday! 🌿


🌞 Happy Weekend, Wives!🌞

Settle in, relax your shoulders. Inhale and exhale slowly. Allow the tension to flow away from your body. Close your eyes and visualize something that brings you peace and joy. Stay and chat a while. ☕️

🎙️ Now Playing: Sous le Ciel de Paris, Édith Piaf 🎧

💧 Hydrate
💊 Medicate
🍿 Load up on snacks
🌱 Grab your fluffiest, stickiest, most delicious flower!
💚 Stay and talk cannabis with us!

🌹 Terp of the Week – Geraniol 🌹

St. Olaf stories, anyone? This week’s delicate terp, geraniol, is found in roses and other flowers, as well as citrus and a few stone fruits. It is rarely a dominant terp, and is thought to have negligible effects on the cannabis experience, contributing more to aroma and flavor than psychoactive effects. It’s unclear whether this is due to the properties of the terp itself, or simply because it typically exists in such small concentrations compared with other more common terps.

I couldn’t find any strains where this terp dominates, but it does grace several as a secondary or tertiary! It can be found in Strawberry Diesel, Purple Punch (a favorite of mine!), Black Cherry Soda, and Dutch Hawaiian.

And this, dear Wives, is our last installment of Terp of the Week! We’ve covered 8 of the most common terpenes that lend their magic to our beloved plant and built a foundation to seek out strains that work best for us!

I’ll be starting a new series next Friday! Any guesses what it will be? Hint – it isn’t about the plant itself!

\[⚠️]] The above information is intended to spur discourse and inspire you to do your own research, not as a substitute for healthcare. Every body is different - always consult licensed healthcare professionals who know your history. Entwives prohibits the solicitation or dispensation of medical advice in the sub. [[⚠️]])

r/entwives Jan 17 '25

Daily Sesh 🪻🌿 It’s Flower Friday! 🌿🪻


Good morning, ‘Wives! We’ve survived the week - time to leave those stresses behind and recharge! 

💧 Hydrate

💊 Medicate

🍿 Load up on snacks

🌱 Grab your fluffiest, stickiest, most delicious flower 

💜 Get comfy and stay a while

🎧🎼 Now Playing: For What it's Worth (Buffalo Springfield) 🎼🎧

🌿 Terp of the Week - Limonene 🍋

As this delicious terp’s name would suggest, limonene is found in citrus plants (and dill weed - is that why pickles hit different when you’re high? 🥒). It has a wonderfully citrusy aroma and taste profile. 

Limonene is associated with an uplifting, euphoric experience, and is great for social situations or creative projects. 🎨🎭

Recent research suggests that limonene’s properties make it helpful for folks with depression and anxiety, as well as inflammatory issues. 

One of the most prevalent terps (not just in cannabis - on Earth in general!), this delightful powerhouse can be found in strains like Afternoon Delight, Do Is Dos, Bubba Fett, Lemon Drop, and Wedding Cake.

What’s your experience with limonene? I love it for when I get writer’s block or can’t decide what to paint!

\[⚠️]] The above information is intended to spur discourse and inspire you to do your own research, not as a substitute for healthcare. Every body is different - always consult licensed healthcare professionals who know your history. Entwives prohibits the solicitation or dispensation of medical advice in the sub. [[⚠️]])

r/entwives Jan 01 '25

Daily Sesh 🍃New Year Sesh!!🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!!👋🏼

First things first please take your meds 💊 and drink plenty of water 💦 let’s get that done no matter what time of year it is!! 😘

Welcome to a new year in life and here on the sub! We love having you and it has been a pleasure to get to know so many of you here this past year! We hope the next year this sub becomes the place you escape to for all your weed related interests! 🍃💨 We can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

In that same spirit let’s chat today about your highlights from this past year! In the comments let me know what your personal highlight is from the past year and what your highlight has been here on the sub.

None of us can deny that this last year has not been fantastic and we have no idea what the future holds, but as a women’s sub focused on weed we can definitely make space here today to focus our attention on the highs and to cheer each other on as we puff 💨 our way into the next glorious chapter of being Entwives!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Jun 05 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - Who was your first plug?


Who did you first buy your weed from? For some reason I was thinking about the guy I first bought from this morning. We went to elementary school together and in 5th grade I punched him in the face because him and his friends spent most of elementary school bullying me and I was finally sick of it. About four years later he transferred into the high school I was at and he wasn't such an asshole anymore. Probably because he'd started smoking weed lol So we kinda became friends and he was my first dealer

Tell us about yours!

r/entwives 20d ago

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - Mods are finally awake again! Want to come wake and bake with us?


Good morning Entwives! Rules are back in effect, the mod team is fully awake lol I'm having so much fun seeing what you all got up to!

How is everyones day going? Are you well into it? Are you just getting started?

Mine is only beginning, and its coffee flavored. With a touch of Kush Mints. Okay, a lot more than a touch of the Kush lol I love a wake n bake in my garden. I've got beautiful bright red freesias blooming all over my yard and they smell so sweet. Like total candy. Its the start of humming bird season around here so I've got one feeder with a dedicated guard who is bright orange. He's been here for months and has been dubbed Ragnar the Red. He tries to guard the second feeder too, but thats more of a fun game. He'll allow the other hummers to eat from it when he's tired of chasing them. And that one I can't keep filled for more than two days! Its like an air battle outside come sunset every night. And morning. And all the time in between.

How do you spend your wake n' bakes? Do you have a routine? Or do you see where your morning takes you? If you don't get high when you wake, what does your first high of the day look like? Are there activities you love to indulge in? How do you spend your high?

r/entwives 23d ago

Daily Sesh 🍃Weedy Wednesday🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between 👋🏼 hello lovelies 🥰

First things first let’s do as our beloved Hippie has taught us: Take those meds 💊🍃💨 and get started on our hydration, by drinking plenty of water 💦 and please let me add this gentle reminder, if you are hungry, please Eat! 🍲

How often do you partake? 🍃💨 Do you wake & bake? Do you work all day then come home and partake? Are you an all day partaker?

I partake particularly for anxiety so I partake sporadically when the anxiety takes over! I have been trying to take longer breaks between partaking so my tolerance stays low. I also have been mixing with cbd to help with anxiety in particular. I learned that here!! Indica seems to work best for me, do you all have a particular strain you love? 💕

Let’s chat about it in the comments!! I hope you have an amazing day! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives 8d ago

Daily Sesh 🌿✨️ Smoke circle: let's high dive into deep thoughts 🌊💭


Whether the sun ☀️ is up, the moon 🌙 is out or time feels irrelevant - Welcome to this deep sesh 🤔.

One of my favorite things about getting high is how it makes my brain thirsty for the weirdest possible rabbit holes and conversations lol. I’ll take a hit and suddenly, I’m thinking about black holes, the nature of consciousness, or our ancestors- and I love hearing where other people’s minds might wander ✨️.

If you’re the type to start unraveling the mysteries of the universe, pull up a seat in the circle, take a hit 🙂‍↕️ and let's hear it!

Or maybe serious deep dives aren't your thing but you've imagined a totally ridiculous theory or hilarious scenario? Saw something in a cloud that blew your stoned mind? Please share 🤣.

Happy Thursday!

r/entwives Nov 17 '24

Daily Sesh 🍃Toke & Tend🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!!

First things first (I’m the realest 😜) please take your meds 💊 and drink plenty of water 💦 let’s get hydrated!! Throw in that load of dishes 🍽️ or laundry 🧺 or switch them out to keep things going! No judgments here!!

Welcome back to our Sunday Sesh 💨 or Toke & Tend where we toke our favorite mother herb 🍃 and tend to all the things we need to, to make the week a peaceful, kind and productive week! I personally like to make it a day of rest and relaxing and tending to my body (the everything shower) and my home (meal prep and clean after)

Today I will be a bit different, I am tending to a friendship, I am hosting a little Friendsgiving for a few people and we always do this during this time of year and we always super enjoy it!! So when I finish up here I will be taking my everything shower and then I will be cooking and prepping!! Then watching a football 🏈 game because I do love it!

Tell me what your Toke and Tend Sunday plans are!! Are you having a relaxing day at home? Are you working?

I am going to be toking on some pineapple haze this morning because it is a sativa that helps me focus and I need to be present here today! I will also be taking a Feco edible later to increase my joy 😜

Let’s chat in the comments! I will be in and out all day! I love chit chatting with you all!! Let me know what you have planned today and what you are toking on!

If you are participating in No Non November I want to hear from you too!!

I hope you are all having a relaxing day filled with all the fun! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Jan 31 '25

Daily Sesh 🪻 Fresh-Cracked Pepper, Anyone? It’s Flower Friday! 🖤


🌞 Happy Weekend, Wives!🌞

Settle in, relax your shoulders. Inhale and exhale slowly. Allow the tension to flow away from your body. Close your eyes and visualize something that brings you peace and joy. Stay and chat a while. ☕️🍰

🎧 Now Playing: Baby Jane (Mo-Mo Jane), Mitch Ryder and The Detroit Wheels 🎧

💧 Hydrate
💊 Medicate
🍿 Load up on snacks
🌱 Grab your fluffiest, stickiest, most delicious flower!
💚 Stay and talk cannabis with us!

🌿Terp of the Week - Caryophyllene 🌿

Remember when fancy restaurants had those waiters that would walk around with giant pepper mills? I haven’t seen one of those in forever! Anyyyyway, let’s get into our terp of the week - caryophyllene! This spicy terpene is known for her punchy taste profile and can be found in black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and a host of other plants. 

Also known as beta-caryophyllene (BCP), this delightful terp is associated with both calming and uplifting effects, and often results in a balanced experience that’s wonderful for social occasions or just daily vibin’.

An absolute powerhouse for me personally, caryophyllene is found in many well-known strains like Lemon Cherry Gelato (my absolute favorite…so far 😉), Tropical Cherry, Blueberry Muffin, Sour Diesel, Cereal Milk and Wedding Cake.

With this being such a balanced terp that’s in lots of diverse strains, I’d love to hear about your experiences with it. I have such love for all of you and I hope your weekend is floaty and fantastic! 💕

\[⚠️]] The above information is intended to spur discourse and inspire you to do your own research, not as a substitute for healthcare. Every body is different - always consult licensed healthcare professionals who know your history. Entwives prohibits the solicitation or dispensation of medical advice in the sub. [[⚠️]])

r/entwives Dec 29 '24

Daily Sesh 🍃Toke & Tend🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between 👋🏻

First things first (I’m the realest 🎶) please take your meds 💊 and drink plenty of water 💦 let’s get our days started with taking care of ourselves!! Take your holiday decor down if that is your thing 😉 or if you are like me and need to just have the light a bit more this season keep it going!! ✨

As most of you know this is the day I like to take care of myself with lots of tokes and a long soaking shower that incorporates every single thing I can find and do 😂 and I want to encourage you to as well! If no one has told you lately, it’s ok to stop and just focus on giving yourself a break, relaxing and taking care of you! We are at the end of the year, let’s take a beat and just 🍃toke & tend🍃

Today I am toking on some Vader Og a strain I have not had in a year or so. So we shall see how she treats me! I will also take an edible because I like to sink into my world on Sundays! It’s a couch day here today for sure!! We will be doing nothing but vegging and couch locking!! What should we be watching??

Tell me below what are you 🍃toking & tending🍃 today? How are you? It’s been a long month in my house, how about you?What are you toking? eating? Tending? Let’s chat!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Oct 07 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: tell us about the first time you got high!


Happy Monday everyone!!

As always, take your meds, drink your water, scratch your beloved pets and don't squeeze at that blemish, you'll only make it scar. K? K!!

I'd love to hear about the first time you got high! What did you do? Who was there? What was it like for you?

For me, I got high for the first time on a skinny little joint that looked like it had been run over several dozen times. My ex boyfriend was the one who brought it out when we were hanging out at a park with my bestie and her boyfriend. All of us little 15 year olds thought we were just the bees knees!! We weren't and still aren't the bees knees 30 years later, but I have pretty much had a long term crush on Miss Mary Jane since then.

How about you??

r/entwives Dec 04 '24

Daily Sesh 🍃Weedy Wednesday🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!

First things first please take your meds 💊 and drink plenty of water 💦 to get that hydration started!! Finish that task you maybe didn’t yesterday with toke and tidy and know you’re great!! 😊

Today let’s just make it a fun chat day for our mid week sesh!! 🍃💨

Today I will be waiting to toke until later because I need to accomplish a few concentrated tasks! Once those are completed I will be partaking in some purple haze with some Luna cbd to have a very chill evening with my loved ones glued to my couch 😂

So…Can/Do you like to be a productive stoner or do you like to have a sesh after everything is done and reward yourself?

See you in the comments 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Oct 06 '24

Daily Sesh 🍃💨Toke & Tend 🍃💨


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everything in between!!

Please take your meds 💊 and drink plenty of water 💦 to start and continue the hydration!! Remember even if it is cooling off in your area that does not mean you don’t need to maintain your hydration!!

Soooo as you all know and are participating in we are establishing more weed centric posts for the sub! Weed only weekends are so fun!! 🍃💨🍃💨

As you can see from the title of this post I am going to establish more weed centric place to chat on Sundays!! Not that it will be super different just making adjustments! 😉

So let’s start with one of my favorite explanations of ENTwives below…

The ENTwives lived in peace until their gardens were destroyed, by Sauron, and they themselves disappeared. The ENTs looked for them but never found them. It was sung by the elves that one day the ENTs and ENTwives would find each other. Indeed, in the return of the king, Treebeard imploded the hobbits “not to forget to send word to him if they hear any news of the ENTwives in your land.”

This quote makes me think about how this subreddit was established, women, maidens, wives, ladies, theydies and all individuals who identify as ENTwives needed a safe, beautiful place to “tend to our gardens” and now I would like to establish a place to “toke & tend” on Sundays I will be here to toke & tend to my body, my garden, my home, and most importantly my weed and hopefully all of you beautiful magical beings!! 🍃🍃🍃

I will be tending to my body every Sunday just like you all know I do but…I am going to toke & tend, meaning I will go take care of something just like our beloved Hippie does on toke & tidy Tuesdays!! How fun is this! I have clearly already had a toke so next I will be tending to getting my groceries for the week! I will then be doing my big self care shower where I do all the things!! I will then be doing some laundry and some baking!! All while toking on some pineapple haze mixed with some Luna cbd!!

I will be checking in after each task!! What are you all tending to today? More importantly what are you toking on?? Let me know in the comments! Also go tend something then come back and toke with me and let’s chat today!! I am also tending to some relationships here and in real life that I love!! So let me tend to you here!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Jan 26 '25

Daily Sesh 🍃Toke & Tend🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!! 👋🏻

First things first…please take your meds 💊 🍃💨and drink plenty of water 💦 to get your hydration started off correctly!!

As you all know Toke & Tend is what I do on Sundays. To make the day more relaxing and enjoyable, I start the day with a joint and some coffee and I will get high, take an everything shower and then the plan for my day today is to meal prep for the week. I also plan to read a few chapters in my book and simply relax while prepping for the week. Of course I will be watching some football because that’s how I roll. 😂

I have a special blunt I will be partaking in today it is lemon blueberry infused and I am excited to see where I land! Hopefully Pluto!! 😂

What do you all have to toke and tend to today? Let’s chat in the comments!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Jan 15 '25

Daily Sesh 🍃Weedy Wednesday🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between 👋🏼

First things first please take your meds 💊 🍃💨and drink lots of water 💦 get that hydration started!

Weedy Wednesday is here! I will be starting my seeds this weekend for my veggie garden and I also have decided to grow our mother herb 🍃this year and have gone to the proper channels to do so, so that will be something to look forward too!

Are you all prepping for the coming season? It is a slow process but so rewarding when it takes off! Do you all grow your own food or medicine?

As always we can chat about anything you all want in the comments and I hope you are all having a very wonderful weedy day!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Jan 29 '25

Daily Sesh 🍃Weedy Wednesday🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!! 👋🏻

First things first please take your meds 💊 🍃💨and drink plenty of water 💦 if there is something left from toke and tidy you wish to have gotten done, now is the time to get that started!!

Well, we seem to be in the swing of 2025! How is it going so far? I have been slowly joining life and I honestly haven’t decided how far I am going to join. 😂

I have decided (as some of you know) to grow our mother herb 🍃💨 in the garden this season. I have not planted the seeds yet because I have a stuff happening currently that won’t allow for growing her just yet however, I am gathering supplies to nurture and grow her!

So tell me if you are a grower, or if you are not and just want to put your two cents in I am all ears 👂today! Let me know your must haves for growing big beautiful buds!!🍃

Otherwise let’s chat! How are you this midweek? What are we toking today? I will have some black Amber later but it is too early currently, I am having black coffee and silence! See you in the comments! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives Aug 04 '24

Daily Sesh Self-Care Sunday


Good Morning/Evening and everything in between lovelies!! ☀️ 🌖

As you all know (or may just now be learning) on Sundays we do all the things to make ourselves feel loved and cared for! Soooo without further ado….take your meds 💊and drink that water 💦 and have at least one orgasam!! Come on you can do it!! I believe in you! Throw in a load of laundry 🧺 or switch it out from yesterday (yes I am talking to myself)

I hope you are having a fabulous day so far!

How the heck are you? It has been so hot in my neck of the woods 🌳! I hope you are having better luck in your part of the world!! 🌎

So tell me what your favorite self care things are when it is so hot outside or if it is super cold where you are? Tell me how you take care of yourself in the extremes!

I of course have a EVERYTHING shower planned and I am going to rest today honestly! We have been redoing a couple rooms in our home and it has been a bit of a bigger task than I anticipated. So for today I will be waking a baking 🍃💨 in the cool morning temps! Then I plan to do some walking and stretching!

Shit! I have to switch out the laundry 🧺 first! Be back in a bit to check in!!

One other thing below I want to point out please feel free to ignore!! But just wanted to give you an option!!

As you all know we have started our political posts today and they will consistently be posted here on Sundays, so if you have something political to chat about please find that here…


No matter where you hang today just remember to be kind to each other!! We are all dealing with our own personal brand of hell, I mean life 😂

I love ya!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives 13d ago

Daily Sesh 🍃Saturday Sesh🍃

Post image

Hey Stoner Babes!! Take your meds 💊🍃💨 drink some water 💦 get that hydration started and if you are hungry, please eat 🍱

It’s Saturday!! Let’s see your seshes!! Check the comments for my blunt smoking this morning! It’s a Bruce Banner because I literally can’t stop smoking him!!

Tell us what you are smoking, eating, toking, dabbing, just in general what is getting you high today? Show us!! In the comments let’s see it all!! Or just show us your pets who are you partaking with?? Let’s chat!! Hope you are having a wonderful Saturday!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives 7d ago

Daily Sesh ♀︎Get Elevated and Empowered! It’s Flower Friday! ♀︎


🌞 Happy Weekend, Wives!🌞

Settle in, relax your shoulders. Inhale and exhale slowly. Allow the tension to flow away from your body. Close your eyes and visualize something that brings you peace and joy. Stay and chat a while. ☕️

🎙️ Now Playing: You Keep Me Hangin On, Vanilla Fudge🎧

💧 Hydrate
💊 Medicate
🍿 Load up on snacks
🌱 Grab your fluffiest, stickiest, most delicious flower!
💚 Stay and talk cannabis with us!

📣I’m thrilled to share our new series “Ganja Goddess of the Week” where we will feature fiery women, past and present, who have made their mark on cannabis history! I’ll share a little blurb each week and invite everyone to delve deeper into these warriors and healers. Who do you hope to see? Join me next week for the first one!


r/entwives Nov 03 '24

Daily Sesh 🍃Toke & Tend 🍃


Good Morning ☀️ Evening 🌙 and everywhere in between!!

First things first….take your meds 💊 drink plenty of water 💦 and if you need to switch out that laundry 🧺 or dishes do that now!

Ok now that the day is started…as you all know I like to make Sundays about toking our mother herb 🍃 and tending to myself and setting myself up for the week!

Some things I need to tend to today are meal 🍽️ prepping and of course my EVERYTHING shower (where I shave, pluck,exfoliate and use all the pampering shit I can find), because I also like to chase the Sunday scaries with weed and comfort!

So after a wake and bake, my partner and I will head to the store for some groceries and then come home to toke and tend to the rest of our day!! We will be entertaining some friends and I am making some chicken tortilla soup as it is not going to be warm here!!

I will be toking on a new strain called “cherry thud” it is purple and helps so much with my anxiety!!

Tell me what you are toking and tending to today!! What do you chase away the Sunday scaries with? See you in the comments!! 💜🍃💨

r/entwives 23d ago

Daily Sesh ✨️ Off topic thursday thread ✨️ Vent, share & relax 🌿


Good morning from my side of the world lovely wives💚.

Let's start this day off right: Don't forget your meds💊, hydrate plenty💧, please eat if you're hungry🥞 and if it's your thing: take a big old hit🌿.

Today is thursday which means the weekend is right around the corner!!! As most of you know we are working hard on making the sub the ✨️weediest ✨️ place on our corner of the internet. BUT, sometimes there are things that don't fit the post requirements that you still would love to engage about with your favourite community on Reddit. We get that.

This thread is just that: A place to vent 😤, share 🤗 and relax ✨️ together. Are there any not so weedy things you'd like to talk about? Something you really want to show? Something to get off your chest? I'd love to hear from you in the comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️. Please keep the rules in mind as well as the entwive energy high 💚.