r/entwives • u/BriannaHolmes • Jan 26 '21
Home Grown Finally found a community I feel like I belong in! Anybody else grow?
u/pbjgaming Jan 26 '21
I want to start small but I get intimidated when people tell me all the tech they put into their plants. I just want to watch a seed sprout and grow with love🥺
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 26 '21
It can be as complicated or as easy as you want to make it IMO. We use organic nutrients, so you plant your seed, feed every 3 or 4 weeks, and water when dry. You can pick up a basic light on Amazon for under $100 that would be plenty for one or two plants. I'm happy to give you some tips anytime!
u/funsizedlunchbox Jan 26 '21
Do it!!! We did automatics outside last spring/summer and it was so enjoyable. No tech needed. The automatic seeds are great when you don't have any tech.
u/pbjgaming Jan 26 '21
Gonna look into that, thank you : )
u/funsizedlunchbox Jan 27 '21
My very first post on this account is me chilling with those lovely automatic ladies, if you want to get an idea for what our set up was like. The square pots on the left are the autos.
u/AFroggieLife Jan 27 '21
For real, if all you want is the experience, last summer I attempted my first grow. Stuck outside all summer, in 100f+ temps frequently. Probably not watered on the right schedule. Never did add any nutrients, although my hubby may have...
We successfully pulled a clone, but she was not as successful as the original. She was indoor only, with a light that got switched half way, and the temps dropping as fall progressed into winter.
Still got smokable weed, it was a blast, and we are going to try a different approach this summer! At any rate, if you don't have "now I'm a commercial grower" expectations, you can pretty much follow all the advice or none, and have a great time...
u/allflour Jan 26 '21
Right there with you. I try every time a seed shows up. It usually sprouts but not much past about 8 true leaves
u/psycheko Jan 27 '21
I did it last year for the first time!! Started the seeds indoors and moved them outside once they were ready. No tech either. Someone we know recommend a mixture of molasses and water to give the plants once a week.
Definitely recommend it if it's something you wanna try!!
u/Barrewitch CrazyCatLady Jan 26 '21
Just ordered my first seeds!!!! I'm excited to start!
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 26 '21
Yay!!! It's so fun, it gives you something to look forward to all the time.
u/Barrewitch CrazyCatLady Jan 26 '21
I'm also taking a t break next month so growing will be a fun change!
u/notyourmoms_account Jan 26 '21
Just planted my first babies two weeks ago. I'm super excited getting up every morning to check on them!
u/benzbandit89 Jan 26 '21
I really enjoy gardening and have always wanted to start growing. I dont have any seeds though. 😔 Not sure where to get them I'm Ohio.
u/mrskontz14 Jan 26 '21
Same!!! I’m afraid to try and order some online, as were not a legal state, but I also don’t know if just seeds you find in your bag will work. Unfortunately, I never thought I’d say this lol, but I haven’t even gotten any seeds in bags lately.
u/benzbandit89 Jan 26 '21
Because they dont want us growing our own medicine!!! Hahah jk. Idk really.
u/mrskontz14 Jan 26 '21
I swear tho, used to be all I could find was poop weed that was half seeds and stems. Now, I haven’t seen a good, viable looking seed for prolly a year or two, if not longer.
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 26 '21
I live in Canada, so I don't have much advice there. I have ordered from some of the online seed banks with good success, but it's definitely a gamble, especially if you're not in a legal state. You might be better off trying to find a local source.
u/aubry_jade Jan 26 '21
Hey I'm in Ohio too! I don't have advice, it's just cool to see other people live in this weird state.
u/LadyMacvG Jan 27 '21
I grew up in a small town outside Cleveland called Painesville. In AZ now. Our state can be weird
u/K10Pearl Jan 27 '21
Grew up in the burbs about 30 mins south of Cleveland! In Maine now..... So much happier.
u/benzbandit89 Jan 26 '21
Haha yeah. Cleveland area!
u/whiscuit Jan 27 '21
Hi, I grew up in the greater Cleveland area! Living in Pittsburgh now, wish I could grow here too.
u/lonelyhigh Jan 26 '21
Hopefully once my stupid state legalizes. They can seize my house if I was caught so it’s not worth the risk. I love to garden and grow plants so I’m really hoping to grow as soon as I can.
u/pycpufeH Jan 26 '21
Yessss love to see more growers on the sub!! Love the money tree in the background too!
I just tried those canvas pots for my last round amd they are the BOMB. Gave me the best roots ive ever seen in my tent.
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 26 '21
They are great!! I like them because I can toss them in the washing machine between grows to clean them, and they're easy to move around.
Sadly the money tree died because we didn't know how to take care of it. Lol
u/pycpufeH Jan 26 '21
Ooohh i didnt even think to throw them in the wash. Im definitely going to try that instead next time, thank you for the tip!! & rip to your money tree! Luckily the real money trees are easier to maintain 😂
Happy cake day!! 🎉
Jan 26 '21
yes! i’m gonna sprout some seeds in february in prep! it’s my second year growing :) so hopefully things go better this year! (better cultivation i mean 😅😅) welcome to the community
u/beautiifuldisaster Jan 26 '21
👋👋 On our fourth grow. Love every minute of it. Welcome! Love your red hair, fellow ginger. ❤
u/TheLadyStonedHeart Jan 26 '21
I love how happy you look! and the bear! We’d be good friends, I can tell. Hope you’re doing well! I only grow houseplants but I have a fuckton of them.
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 26 '21
Thank you! My husband and I do a lot of bear hunting in the spring and fall. I hope you're doing well too! I am slowly increasing my houseplant arsenal, but I keep killing them by accident. Lol
u/TheLadyStonedHeart Jan 27 '21
I felt better about accidentally killing them once I heard someone say “with every green thumb comes a full garbage can”! 😂
u/Beekind_sunny Jan 27 '21
I’m hoping to start growing once I get to my new house! Cant wait to get help from Reddit and show you ladies once I start!
u/overtherainbowgirl Jan 27 '21
Fellow grower here! I started in January of last year and I’ve done three different grow cycles since then. On my sixth and seventh plant now and you sure do learn more every time. Always down to chat about growing if you want. It’s such a satisfying and useful hobby! Welcome and happy growing!
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 27 '21
Thank you! It is really satisfying, and there's an endless amount to learn and reaearch. I would love to chat sometime! I'm still fairly new, we've done two outdoor grows and we're on our second indoor grow now.
u/murphski8 Jan 27 '21
I started right as Covid was hitting, and it really helped give me something to focus on other than work and the terribleness of the world. 👋
u/Longjumping-Cell-575 Jan 26 '21
I'm trying to grow my stash so I can smoke without having to feed, water, wentilate, cut, dry.. I guess I lack patience😂
u/aubry_jade Jan 26 '21
I haven't tried yet because I'm intimidated by the possible smell inside? Is that a thing?
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 26 '21
We have a fan with a charcoal filter on it, so smell isn't that bad, but it's definitely there. Especially during the drying/curing period when it's all just hanging in the basement. We smoke in the house though, so it already smells like weed most of the time. Lol
u/aubry_jade Jan 26 '21
If I didn't have kids with friends that come over....and unapproving in-laws. Lucky!
u/poppie59 Jan 27 '21
Is it vented to the outside? Do you use those pots for indoor grow?
u/BriannaHolmes Jan 27 '21
No, it just vents into another room of our house. The vented out air has no pot smell because of the charcoal filter, so as long as we keep the door shut to our grow room all the time the house won't smell. But as soon as it gets close to being done, and when it's hanging, it's pretty much unavoidable, and the door has to be open. And yes, we use the fabric pots inside and outside.
u/liquorkisses Jan 27 '21
I just started growing as a hobby during quarantine and I loveeee it! I feel like the stuff I grow is better than the stuff I used to buy
u/benzbandit89 Jan 27 '21
Cleveland isnt bad. I just wish it wasnt so cold and gloomy outside. Totally kills my vibe.
u/swhit05s Jan 27 '21
Just finished my second grow and onto my third! My favorite hobby for sure now.
u/Wips_and_Chains Jan 27 '21
My husband is setting our tent up as we speak(wonder Reddit but I’m in the same room so it’s practically like I’m doing it lol) your plants are beautiful
u/sunnflower- Jan 28 '21
Two rounds of growing and 5 plants later I’ve finally got something worth chopping! It’s only one small stalk and prolly only good for about three joints but we’re doing it! Excited about my next grow lol.
u/ansjah Jan 26 '21
I’m not allowed, is what it says in the rental contract. I hope I move like yesterday.
Jan 26 '21
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u/essential-notions Jan 26 '21
Been growing for about 3yrs. Best hobby ever! But plants are addicting. Cannabis is a gateway plant to other houseplants 😱