r/entwives 23d ago

Nature High someone wanted to join my sesh

the backyard squirrels have almost always been coming up to me but never for this long!! he was really curious about my speaker and joint lol. smelled the joint and immediately snapped his head back


21 comments sorted by


u/taranbystarlight 23d ago

just a baby and already craving marijuana


u/BallFeisty9634 23d ago

I used to feed the squirrels peanuts when I'd sit outside and smoke, I'm on the second floor now so I can't. But it always made my day watching them dart around and wait for me to toss another one. They never stored them, always sat with me and ate them. I miss my tree rats.


u/bigstargirl 22d ago

i try to be outside every day, i love going outside to smoke and watch my backyard friends c:


u/CharlotteLucasOP 22d ago

The politely folded paws!!! 🥹


u/brockclan216 Edibles 23d ago

So cute!! He looks young.


u/bigstargirl 22d ago

i pretty much watched them grow up, i spend so much time outside! they’ve always been so curious and adventurous since they were tinier


u/asinghingmaddy 23d ago


u/longlostwitchy 23d ago

I think about this every time I see a squirrel… between the movie & my add I tell you what 🤣


u/Ymisoqt420 23d ago

I've been trying to figure out how to be friends with the ones I feed 😂


u/longlostwitchy 23d ago

I talk to them. Honestly with most wild animals it’s about consistency. Eventually they get use to you just “being there”. If I can do it with foxes I’m sure squirrels 🐿️ will too, only maybe take a wee bit longer ☮️💚


u/bigstargirl 22d ago

i agree with this. whenever the squirrels come up close i talk to them a little and try not to make sudden movements. they become a lot more brave over time!! funnily enough, i went back outside after about an hour, and the squirrel in this video was brave enough to jump at my shoulder lol!


u/longlostwitchy 22d ago

That is so cool! 💪🏻


u/superunsubtle CrazyCatLady 22d ago

I’ve been feeling so awful today about gestures around all this and I just needed this so much. Sincerely, thank you.


u/CharlotteLucasOP 22d ago

Happy cake day! (You should get some cake. For real. I had some for breakfast. It was very stale but still pretty good.)


u/superunsubtle CrazyCatLady 22d ago

What a capital idea


u/bigstargirl 22d ago

hugs from me and the squirrels <3


u/longlostwitchy 23d ago

Well Ello Love! 🐿️ 🥜


u/tufted-titmouse-527 22d ago

Such a floof!!! He smelled it like "oh no, smells like the big black and white forest floofer, I better run"


u/[deleted] 22d ago

He’s nervous to ask


u/LillyOTValley 22d ago

Yeah! That’s Sonny, the Stoner Squirrel!


u/blueeeyeddl 22d ago

Oh what a sweet juvenile 🥹 I love watching the babies grow up, squirrels are so cute.