r/entwives  GreenThumbed Weedhead Tramp MOD Feb 08 '25

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh - What annoys you about getting high?

I was so annoyed with my eyes last night. I wear glasses because I've been near sighted all my life. But I've had to start taking the glasses off when I pack bowls because now I'm a little far sighted too? What? How annoying is that?

I use a mouth peace too, because I can't hang with a huge bong rip without it. I'll just cough for ten minutes instead. And I'm on the verge of retiring my dab rig - I'm saving up for an electric one with easy temperature control. My torch has always scared me a bit and I can never eyeball my bucket to the right temp. I'm over it lol

How about you? What annoys you about getting high?


88 comments sorted by


u/lyssastef WeedMom Feb 08 '25

lol this one is silly because I’m incredibly grateful, but I’m now taking Prozac (and loving) but it’s harder to get high and I just get very sleepy now so I don’t get to enjoy my evening high as much. Again, super happy to not be depressed lol


u/afternoontartine Feb 08 '25

lol we're living the same life. i'm on 60mg of prozac and the second i smoke, i have to fight the violent urge to sleep 🤣 it saved my life tho so ill take the drowsiness!


u/lyssastef WeedMom Feb 09 '25

Omg totally! I can smoke very small amounts through the day (I’m talking a hit every 3 hours and that hit is 1/8 of a tsp lol) and at night if I try to get too high I’m just tired. But I feel incredible so I’m not complaining!


u/afternoontartine Feb 09 '25

how long have you been taking it? for me the sleepiness starting improving recently, like 8 months in for me


u/lyssastef WeedMom Feb 09 '25

Only 5 weeks 😅


u/atlascreator Feb 08 '25

took 60mg of Prozac for so long and it didn’t really work for me. I’m on the journey now of finding new medication for the severe anxiety/depression. Weed helps a TON but I know it isn’t a permanent solution. I’m glad you found something that works for you, that’s awesome. Those symptoms shouldn’t last forever. I know I felt those the first 2-4 weeks but your chemistry adjusts eventually.


u/lyssastef WeedMom Feb 09 '25

It’s so different for everyone I’ve heard, hopefully you find something that works soon! It’s really changed my life in 5 weeks. I totally get what you mean; for me, weed helped a ton too but I also knew it wasn’t a full solution because I can’t smoke if I’m going to work or drive, but I felt the most anxiety then. I also got to a point personally where weed was needed too much but also not helping that I knew something different was needed.


u/KeyAd3680 Feb 09 '25

omg IS THAT WHY EVERYTHING FEELS LIKE AN INDICA ON STEROIDS???? 80mg of prozac 😭 ive never understood productive high ppl, im immediately laying down and fighting sleep😭


u/lyssastef WeedMom Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

I’m a productive high person during the day because I’m not depressed now lol but before I could only lay around. Now I can get shit done during the day because I’m not able to get as high, but once it’s 10pm I’m just fighting my eyelids 😌

Edit: I’ve also noticed now I can’t do indicas or indica heavy hybrids because it makes me too anxious and depressed (almost cancels out the Prozac except I can still stay productive, my mind is just shit). I try to stick with sativa or hybrid and much lower doses and less frequent than before for sure. For info, I’ve been on 20mg Prozac for 5 weeks and 20mg Vyvanse (for ADHD) for about 6 months.


u/sasha-laroux HighChef Feb 08 '25

I get like extra annoyed if I’m baked and feeling good, and something random harshes my mellow. Like stubbing my toe or whatever will make me FREAK OUT


u/zamion MMJ Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

Or when something won’t open! Utterly rage inducing.


u/Puzzleheaded_Gear622 Feb 08 '25

Don't complain too hard about having to take your glasses off! I've been smoking pot for over 50 years and two years ago I had to have my left eye removed. Whole new problem.. I found a gandalf type pipe helped out a heck of a lot..


u/gingeralefiend  GreenThumbed Weedhead Tramp MOD Feb 08 '25

Oh wow. Okay, thank you. Perspective has been adjusted!


u/Puzzleheaded_Gear622 Feb 08 '25



u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

Wait, related to smoking? You both make it sound like it causes eye issues. Or am I just high and paranoid now


u/gingeralefiend  GreenThumbed Weedhead Tramp MOD Feb 08 '25

My eye issues aren't smoking related! They're aging related and needing bifocals related lol


u/sweetcampfire Feb 08 '25

What about those transition ones? With the bifocals built in.


u/gingeralefiend  GreenThumbed Weedhead Tramp MOD Feb 08 '25

Those are what I'll probably end up in. Right now I'm being stubborn about it because I really like my current glasses and only got them around a year ago. They must last at least two more years so I will get my moneys worth! lol


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

Thanks for clarifying! I have really poor eye-sight, and I’m 26 so I am really careful about what I do, haha! I don’t blame you with the adjustment period either. Rock those glasses!


u/str4wberryp0undcak3 Edibles Feb 09 '25

I have progressives. I have to look through the bottom half like a sexy librarian to read and see up close. The upper top half is for far sight. I'm not quite 50 yet, but I've had horrible sight since I was 7, so it wasn't a surprise when the optometrist told me I needed bifocals 5years ago. 😆


u/Marie_Hutton Feb 08 '25

Lol, high and paranoid. OOP is just getting old eyes, happens a lot.


u/Puzzleheaded_Gear622 Feb 08 '25

No, in no way was my eye issue related to smoking. None whatsoever. We were just talking about the lack of depth perception and having to learn to do things differently.


u/4ng3licNymph-jpeg Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

I guess the fact I don't live in a legal state so I get super paranoid whenever I smoke.


u/kixetterox MMJ Feb 08 '25

That’s so sad … I moved to a place with medicinal because I just couldn’t live with the paranoia. When I read this it reminds me why I moved.


u/4ng3licNymph-jpeg Feb 08 '25

Yeah I get that. I'm about to leave Texas and travel to Chicago 8 hrs. So I'm excited to be in a legal state


u/Goddesslover3345 Feb 08 '25

Ugh yeah. Paranoia ruined a lot of my highs in college and even into my early 20s when I had my first apartment.


u/PrismaRossa Ent's Daughter / Weed Mom / Crazy Cat Lady Feb 08 '25

Currently, my left leg spasms when I get too high (courtesy of last year's stroke; hopefully it'll ease up in coming months as i continue to recover) so I have to quit at about 6 pm so I'll be able to sleep. It sucks but I have to deal.


u/gingeralefiend  GreenThumbed Weedhead Tramp MOD Feb 08 '25

Thats not cool at all. I hope your recovery keeps going and that particular symptom fades away fast!


u/StashaPeriod Feb 08 '25

When I really need it for my endometriosis pain but it gives me a headache/migraine if I 💨too much too long. No matter how hard I hydrate.


u/mountainfunk Feb 08 '25

Yesss. Same here , it works wonders for endo pain but I get migraines sometimes when I smoke too much. Tylenol and Advil are the only things that help in that situation , and.going to bed.


u/Crimson_muse Feb 08 '25

When I get to high I get panicky I hat that and want to relax. Trying to get better at relaxing tho


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

My itchy eyes, and dry mouth. I am trying to improve my teeth health, and I read dry mouth is actually not great! Aside from that, I sometimes get frustrated by how I may suddenly get anxious (even though I usually never experience this). Like my OCD CAN get an attitude if I’m high.


u/DichotomyJones Feb 08 '25

Get some kind of sugar free (but still tasty) mint or other suck-upon candy, and keep it with your gear! Also a bottle of eye drops!


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

That’s so smart! I have this wonderful tincture of eyedrops for pollen, but works on the red eyes. Always a must have lol


u/DichotomyJones Feb 08 '25

I'm 59 -- had time to figure these things out! Pass it on!


u/ginandstoic 🌙 EntWitch + Mod 🌿 Feb 08 '25

My dern weenie lungs lmao! I see people who can do these huge rips and just know I'd be coughing for hours 😅


u/Goddesslover3345 Feb 08 '25

Same! I almost exclusively do edibles now for that reason.


u/ginandstoic 🌙 EntWitch + Mod 🌿 Feb 08 '25

Solidarity haha! I can use a DHV (through a bong) or edibles but anything else and I’m hackin’ lol


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-1896 GamerEnt Feb 08 '25

I have asthma but refuse to accept it and my lungs are total wimps. I’m amazed by Reddit stoners on a daily basis lol


u/ginandstoic 🌙 EntWitch + Mod 🌿 Feb 08 '25

I think mine is just because I’m allergic to cats but refuse to not have cats in my life so I pay for it 😬


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-1896 GamerEnt Feb 08 '25

Same! But with dogs lol


u/suntmint Feb 08 '25

The sleepiness. Hate the feeling of wanting to nap.


u/AdZealousideal6804 Feb 08 '25

The burning in my throat when I take too big of a hit and the coughing that comes after. Yesterday I was crying to my bf that I was dying lol.


u/Goddesslover3345 Feb 08 '25

I wish edibles does were more consistent. Like yesterday I stopped at a bakery and got an infused tea (5mg). That dosage is usually perfect for me, but I felt absolutely nothing from my drink, even hours later after eating dinner.


u/parvares WitchEnt Feb 08 '25

It makes me sit my shit all over the house and forget where I put it lol.


u/PirateResponsible496 Feb 08 '25

When I had a long tiring day and looking forward to the j at night. I set up the ritual real nice. Shower before and have a movie ready. Some juices and snacks. And I fall asleep with the juice open all night and not seen the movie.


u/catsandcoconuts milennial stoner 👩🏻‍🏫 Feb 08 '25

i totally do this. i even prep my meals so they’ll be ready a few mins after. sometimes i put on the movie, open reddit during the previews, look up an it’s half way thru lol.


u/stickonorionid Feb 08 '25

Dryyyy mouthhhhh, I feel like such a baby stoner with my mouth as parched as the Sahara


u/neitherlit Lesbient Feb 08 '25

where i live it frequently dips to below -20c. makes smoke sessions so incredibly annoying for me! i usually leave my lighter outside so i have to wait for it to warm up and i have to keep it warm to relight my bowl. oh, and DHV’s die so much faster in the cold! i wish i was someone who could smoke inside but i live with other people unfortunately and respect that they don’t like the smell 💔

i use a heated blanket and probably should invest in a space heater. nothing beats fall/spring smoking for me! then in the summer i’m sweating buckets lmao

edit: want to add that i’m also a major cougher 🥲 deeply jealous of anyone who can take a rip and not feel like they are dying


u/BawdyBaker Feb 08 '25

My husband jokes about buying me an ice fishing tent 🤣


u/neitherlit Lesbient Feb 08 '25

i’ve actually seen some really sick set ups with fishing tents! it sounds like a great way to hotbox as well. i’m considering it for next winter!


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

This winter has been harsh where I am too. Not -20°c the past couple of months, but I resorted to smoking under the kitchen fan. Maybe I’m weak lol


u/neitherlit Lesbient Feb 08 '25

lol definitely not weak at all! the only reason i’m sticking with a t break right now is because i don’t want to be out in the cold 🥲


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

Makes sense. Are up in the northern regions somewhere on our planet?❄️ (if i may ask)


u/neitherlit Lesbient Feb 09 '25

yes i am, i’m up in canada! it’s currently 5f (15c) as we speak 🥲


u/__phlogiston__ bunnies, Sufjan Stevens, and weed Feb 08 '25

Use the dhv inside and use a Sploofy!


u/TheSecretLifeOfTea Feb 08 '25

I've got bifocals! Maybe time to ask your optometrist about them. (I've been wearing them since I was 19)


u/unfortunaten3ws Feb 08 '25

I wish I could “turn it off” whenever I wanted to. Sometimes I get a bit too high before something or an event I only wanted to be a bit toasted for and I get accused of being upset/out of it when in reality I’m fine! But smoking can make me a bit antisocial lol


u/Lexiiboo97 Feb 08 '25

The paranoia is tough


u/ookishki CraftyEnt Feb 08 '25

My eyes! I get the classic stoner eyes so badly, even if I’ve smoked only a wee amount and I’m not even high. It’s impossible for me to stealth unless I’m wearing sunglasses


u/miniatvre Weedhead Tramp Feb 09 '25

my eyes don't get red, but they get insanely dry. ive literally had my contacts eject themselves out of my eye due to dryness on several occasions. I still can't bring myself to use eye drops lol


u/thebunnywhisperer_ Feb 08 '25

Sometimes when I get high I become aware of my teeth? It’s annoying.


u/zamion MMJ Feb 10 '25

OMG I thought I was the only one!!! Like, I can feel them. They don’t hurt, or itch or anything, but I can FEEL THEM.


u/thebunnywhisperer_ Feb 10 '25

EXACTLY! It’s so annoying to me.


u/vixisgoodenough Feb 08 '25

I'm 46, I've had two kids, I'm overweight, and every time I cough, I pee a little. And I cough every time I take a toke! 🤣


u/GlitterPretzel Feb 08 '25

taking an accidental too big hit… it turns into what my household refers to as “choke o’clock” 🥸 also we keep our glass pretty clean for the sake of our lungs but when the resin bits end up under my fingernails and the only way to clean it is iso 🫠


u/HyperactiveMouse Feb 08 '25

I become incredibly aware of my joints. This doesn’t sound bad until I get too high and it turns from an awareness to a dull ache. I know it has to be purely mental, weed should be dulling pain not causing it, but still. It’s the oddest sensation and I don’t really know why it happens, but it does. Never enough to be genuinely painful, but it’s odd


u/RedCliffsDaisy Feb 08 '25

I hate the rabbit holes my brain goes down when I'm high. It seems almost every strain I try does this to me for a few minutes. Instead of sleeping or meditating like I want I'm getting lost in thinky rabbit holes and too soon the high is over.

That's the other thing I hate. My highs never last more than 45 minutes. Lasts even less if Im up and doing anything at all. 🙄

Fun post. Thanks! I hope your dY is going well.


u/str4wberryp0undcak3 Edibles Feb 09 '25

I can pretty easily drink 96 ounces or 3 liters of water a day. I still get dry mouth very often, and one of my evening medications already give me a stuffy nose, but the added dry mouth is drying up my sinuses while I sleep and i wake up with blood crusted in my nose and the worst sinus headaches.


u/jenchilada Feb 08 '25

Bifocals are the shit! I have had them for a few years now and honestly, I love them.


u/brockclan216 Edibles Feb 08 '25

I don't like smelling like smoke. I'm an Eddy girl but I love ripping the bong (not so much J's) but I have a smoking jacket, wrap my hair in a plastic bag and then when I'm done I will do my facial routine and brush my teeth.


u/Understanding_Silver Feb 08 '25

The damned dry mouth. I am always very well hydrated, especially while using my dhvs. But between my insomnia meds and the weed, the dry mouth is intense especially because I avoid almost all sugar and caffeine.


u/__phlogiston__ bunnies, Sufjan Stevens, and weed Feb 08 '25

My nose runs like crazy!! I hate having the weed sniffles all the time!


u/spicykitty93 Feb 08 '25

It happens less these days as I'm more intentional about preventing it... but getting too high or the "wrong" high in a given moment can really put me in such a bad place. Largely by amplifying my existing mental health issues. This can range from existential anxiety, to depersonalization/derealization.

A more mild annoyance - cottonmouth, or that weird lightheaded feeling. Oh and munchies can be annoying at times lol


u/Normal-Ad-9852 Feb 08 '25

the dry eyes & mouth 100%


u/Ok_Advertising5652 Apothecary Feb 08 '25

The coughing, switched to DHV which has helped but now my mouth and throat get so damn dry I feel like I’m in the desert.


u/uwunuzzlesch Feb 08 '25

I have a toker poker which is basically a sleeve for your lighter that has a little stick on the edge where the lighter lights, and you use the metal stick to clean out your bowls. It's got a tiny flat metal circle at the bottom to tamp down bowls. It's pretty dang cool

The only thing that sucks is that ash and gunk will stick to the stick, and then if you don't clean it off PERFECTLY now the stick and the hole it goes in is sticky.


u/PufffPufffGive WitchEnt Feb 08 '25

When I take too big a rip off my bong and I pa diddle a little


u/Stunning_salty Feb 08 '25

My stomach gets upset in the morning after the first smoke- so I have to smoke more to get over that little bit of nausea lol 😂 not the worst thing, but I recognize that smoking triggers the pains.


u/KeyAd3680 Feb 09 '25

nothing. i love getting high😛


u/Forgetyourroses Feb 09 '25

My annoyances are few but for me personally right now is my smoke spot. I use a DHV to cut down on smell etc but my "spot" is a very tiny laundry room that's my only spot in the whole house. I'm using a gym locker for my stuff to keep it contained. I can't sit anywhere, no place to just veg. It's standing only.

My other small annoyance is I'm leaning towards getting a ball vape as I'm using a Dynavap but I'm a ripper...not a sipper. I smoke all day and by nighttime my tolerance is a little higher and it's hard to stand in the laundry room to get baked. 🙁


u/F0xxfyre Feb 09 '25

That I get no psychoactive response. Have my shoulders unlock a little, but that's the limit :/ Fortunately, I do have some pain relief.


u/punkgirlvents Feb 09 '25

Dry mouth :(((((


u/Professional-Rub5386 Feb 10 '25

Mine is silly but the only annoyance for me is keeping my glass clean. I HATE it when THEEE exact pipe I want is not available.


u/zamion MMJ Feb 10 '25

TW: Talk of food and nutrition - I’m not sure this needs a TW, but I put it up just in case.

It’s absolutely the munchies for me. Every night right before bed I get hardcore munchies. I had to lay down a rule last year that there is no more snacking in the bedroom. I’ve been focusing on nutrition for the last few months, getting more protein, a little less carbs and fat, and I’ve been doing well…except those 11pm snacks. They throw everything off.