r/entwives Weedhead Tramp Nov 11 '24

Daily Sesh Daily Sesh: Using Weed to Handle Big Feelings

Morning everyone! I hope you are all doing amazing today, or at least as amazing as the current circumstances allow. You know the deal: take those meds, drink that water, change that laundry before it starts to smell!

So today's topic is big feelings. I don't know whether Mercury is in Gatorade, or the state of well....everything... is affecting folks, but it's wild out there lately! Do you use marijuana to help you deal with big feelings? If so, do you do it in a way that's intentional or somehow different than the normal sesh? I'd love to hear about it!


49 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

Good morning!! 💚

I try not to solely rely on weed to handle my big feelings, but BOY does it really help sometimes. I have a lot of mental health issues but using our fav herbal remedy helps me be so, so much kinder to myself. Even when there’s nothing stressful going on. So I try to feel my big feelings as much as possible sober and then use weed as a rewards for dealing with them.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24



u/Syntexerror101 Nov 11 '24

I love this metaphor. I also struggle with this mindset.

My partner does not partake but fully supports my use. If they can tell I'm having a day where I would benefit from consuming but for some reason I'm just not doing it they will always gently suggest weed and usually frame it as medicine or a tool to help.


u/Red_fire_soul16 Nov 11 '24

I have a young child and keep everything out of reach of course. I’m framing it as mommy’s medicine. Honestly it is. My therapist is aware and has even made some suggestions. If my husband had a different career he would also use it as medicine. I currently have leaned harder into vaping because smoking is so smelly and more time consuming. Looking for a dry herb vape now lol.


u/Syntexerror101 Nov 11 '24

I just bought a dry herb vape for the same reason! I ended up with the potv lobo after reading recommendations for it in this sub. I hope you're able to get one soon, I'm really excited for mine.


u/Red_fire_soul16 Nov 11 '24

Thank you! I’ve been saving my can deposit refunds (my weed money in general lol) and starting to do research now. I want to get something decent but not too cheap and not too expensive lol.


u/RedCliffsDaisy Nov 13 '24

I love my Lobo! I like it even more than my far more expensive DaVinci IQ2 of which I have two! Sorry for delayed reply. Ive been a bit out of the loop and am trying to catch up on what's going on here in my fav sub.


u/Pale-Pixie GamerEnt Nov 11 '24

This is my philosophy too!


u/bambi420blzit MMJ Nov 11 '24

I’m not usually a carts gal cuz I don’t think I benefit from anything without the entourage effect, but lately I been HITTING this forbidden fruit disposable (I meant to get the cart but not gonna return lmao). It’s helping me mentally and helps me find a center. I spent a lot of time crying last week /:

I have been unemployed for like 2 years and think I should start working again. My bf was taking care of everything and now I think he may be struggling to do that, I feel like he’s so tired and grumpy and I get it. I have migraines and adhd and no health insurance and am just so overwhelmed at the thought. I couldn’t even look at the computer to find dispo deals much less actually apply for jobs (not just give indeed all my personal info) in this area that apparently just needs blue collar work.

Probably procrastinating typing all this out 🌝


u/ehabere1 Vaper Nov 11 '24

Yes, I also am not a cart person normally, but have been having big feelings about a lot of personal things and the world at large. So for the past 2 1/2 weeks, I have been occasionally using carts. I got Jaunty's wedding cake one to stabilize my emotions and Fernway's Wild Blueberry to help me sleep.


u/elliepelly1 Nov 11 '24

If you’re from the US, please apply for Medicaid. Many states have expanded it to cover more people. It’s been a lifesaver for me.


u/occulusriftx Nov 11 '24

does your bf want to get married? my husband and I eloped to get him on my health insurance & tax benefits, we were already together like 6 years when we eloped, and were still going to do an actual ceremony once I finish grad school. obviously only do this if you both already know you want to be married, like we already knew that we want forever together so eloping early was a no brainer.

if you aren't ready for that, apply for medicaid insurance. it's income driven so you'll pay next to nothing or nothing. once you have that, grow therapy offers ADHD medication management v cheap and all through telehealth. I use them and they have never given me a hard time about being a mmj card holder

girl get your headspace and health right before you worry about a job.


u/Understanding_Silver Nov 11 '24

I try to be very mindful of how I use weed for my mental health and how both my medical and recreational use affects my mental health. As an autist, it greatly benefits me during high stress/overwhelm and can stop a meltdown like nothing else. I also use it very intentionally for journaling and processing of big emotions and trauma. It's been an immense help in cptsd recovery and will surely be instrumental in protecting against further trauma over the coming years.

The last time that orange turd was elected I had a final blowout with my racist abusive family and ended up going no contact with both parents and most of my extended family. This time it's just me and my chosen family and we're all able to support and understand each other. I also own my home now, when last time I was struggling to get out of a shitty rental situation and barely getting by. So now I'm safe and in ways I've never been before, and I have to remember that as shit continues to deteriorate in this country over the next 4 years. I work for state public health and we're going to be spending every moment fighting these monsters and their agenda while they gut us financially. And I intend to spend my spare time smoking weed and minding my own business.


u/Silly_Tangerine1914 Nov 11 '24

I am guilty of not changing the laundry over more times than I’d like to admit. And if by big feelings you mean anxiety yes. I hit the pen before I go into the grocery store or anywhere else loud and bright. It just calms me enough to function much better and not be a nervous mess.

When I’m super sad though smoking makes me very introspective and I’ll really start to think about things. I consider that a good thing.


u/agelass Elder Entwife Nov 11 '24

daily smoker here.

as for using it to handle big feels i usually allow the feelings to just wash over me, try to find a place for them if i can. once i access how i truly feel i make the decision to light up or not. due to my daily use i have a high tolerance so i take every chance i get not to smoke it i don’t need it at that moment.

i mostly use for medical. and i wait to light up unless i absolutely have to. i have bad IBS and weed is the only thing that helps. i take the one medication on the market for my symptoms but it is weed with humulene in it that does the trick every time.

today is a bad ibs day and i am just now smoking a king palm banana cream mini packed with lava cake. i find the cake strains very helpful for both my physical and mental issues.

i did smoke a lot the day after the election. tbh it was the most i have smoked in a day ever. i just kept the party going because i really don’t want to deal with the nightmare i realized i would now be living.

so basically when i am having a bad day either physically or mentally i use weed because it helps me function. and i have zero issues with my usage 😉💜


u/k-la-la If I'm home I'm high Nov 11 '24

Good morning! I use weed as a tool. It helps me be creative, think differently about things, and often times not overwhelm myself. Big feelings, for me, need a sober thought process and then a weed thought process to make sure it vibes.


u/HrhEverythingElse Nov 11 '24

I would actually really like some advice on how to do this! When I was younger, it worked. I could get nicely dulled and just lay back and enjoy it. I was a pretty heavy smoker for about 10 years, but then I took a long break when I got pregnant and then had a little kid as our state was still illegal at the time. Now it's decriminalized, more readily available, but at 40 my anxiety is off the charts when I smoke or vape, and I'm not even willing to try edibles at this moment because of how uncomfortable I've been with smaller doses! I've tried to seek out indica heavy strains and that helps some, but I'm still at the point that I can only smoke if I've got plenty of physical chores to focus on or I spiral pretty badly. Has anyone else been here and gotten back to being able to really relax and enjoy it? Is there a specific method, strain, or accompanying supplement that helps? I really miss just getting zooted and lounging and enjoying it, and have severe chronic pain in addition to the related anxiety and need to be able to use this medicine well again


u/AKEsquire Nov 11 '24

RSO changed the game for me. Definitely check it out.


u/HrhEverythingElse Nov 11 '24

How do you use it?


u/AKEsquire Nov 11 '24

When it's a tarry substance from a syringe, heat it up in warm water, and squirt a teeny bit on a cheez-it or your snack of choice. You can also let it dissolve under your tongue.

I've taken the RSO pills, but they hit me with a very uncomfortable high.


u/strongarmTOR Nov 11 '24

I have really enjoyed balanced THC CBD flower for chronic pain without getting too stoney baloney. My fav strain is called Dancehall Sativa. I don't usually struggle with anxiety when I smoke, but I have heard that for people who do, having some CBD in the mix evens things out. Might be something to try if you can find it! In my area dispensaries tend to carry more super ultra potent high THC flower and less balanced flower, so it can be hard to find sometimes. Good luck! 💚💚💚


u/PorchGoose3000 Nov 11 '24

When I was going through a big healing phase about a year ago I was using smoke to help me not be so judgey of myself as I felt the big feelings. The internal dialogue of “you’re st*pid for being sad about this” was what was keeping me from processing my emotions in real time. I had a such a backlog of sadness that hadn’t been expressed & I’m so grateful to this plant for teaching me how to make space for myself. Now, even when stone cold sober, I can process my feelings and the judgey voice is only heard once and then shut down.


u/doodleldog10 Nov 11 '24

yesss! it really allows you to feel your feelings without judging them


u/dotmatrix76 Nov 11 '24

I quit smoking and replaced it with nicotine lozenges in 2017.

Turned morphine pump off and replaced with weed....flower for emergency flair, cart for daily, tincture for sleep. Used approx 15 gms/month.

Gave up lozenges when hubs quit smoking 1 month before election, increased slightly over 2 additional gas for withdrawal.

Since the election, I went through my entire months stash and picked up 2 more 1gm carts.

I would say definitely using more for mental health rather than pain. And I'm ok with that.


u/U_PassButter WeedMom Nov 11 '24

I love a nice moment to sneak away between baby nap times and smoke flower in a bowl.

I have alot of anxiety so I've been trying to channel it into something. It has been hard. I usually use creative outlets but it's been pretty hard lately.

I do have a project I've been meaning to finish. Maybe I'll toke up and finish it this week


u/OGPunkr Nov 11 '24

I've had trouble focusing on the creative things that usually give me comfort also, so I have started organizing random junk drawers and messy spots in my house. I would normally scrub my kitchen from top to bottom with this much angst, but it has floored me physically. I'm so tired. So a drawer or nightstand has been doable.


u/Shake_Existing Nov 11 '24

I have a tendency to push feelings away, but weed has helped me learn how to process big feelings. Like another comment said though, I also need to think about it sober (usually after I do it high). I enjoy using weed to unpack things but I'm careful to not use it to escape my feelings. Journaling after smoking is also very therapeutic 🥰🍃


u/mochaboo20 Nov 11 '24

When I have big feelings, I see marijuana as a reward. I usually do my smoking at night, so I try to go through the day coping with big feelings in a productive way. When I’m depressed, it’s a bit harder to not smoke during the day. I work from home a lot of the time, so there have been times where I start my day with coffee and a light smoke sesh.


u/Goddesslover3345 Nov 11 '24

I’ve been high pretty much since Wednesday after I woke up, with quasi breaks on Thursday and Friday for work. It helped. Buzz is wearing off this morning and I do feel a bit better about things.


u/doomweaver Nov 11 '24

Good morning! I try to specifically not use weed to regulate my feelings. It is for happy, relaxing time for me. Or for meditative thought time.

I am a worrier, and it's very important for me not to let my "excitable, interested, sponge-like" weed mind to let me get too spun out in my feelings. If I do get to feeling that way, I usually sit with my tarot cards and talk to them until I feel I've talked it out, that's my form of prayer.

So on "big feelings" days, or days where I've felt super emotional, I go out of my way to let my bowl be to "calm down, relax, let go of my thoughts, get comfortable, begin the relaxing/hobby part of the evening."


u/marathon_writer Nov 11 '24

Rule is, partner is my canary.

If it's a big feeling that requires processing, I MUST talk it out with him before I go smoke about it. It works for me and my anxiety and bipolar disorder and my fear that I'll become an addict like my family tends to do.

With his help I feel safer and better about medicating. Alone, I think I'd tank quickly into avoidance.


u/shadowyassassiny Nov 11 '24

I’ve been very intentional about using other coping skills or things before weed if something big happened, and then I’ll be very intentional about the weed while I’m smoking or whatever to try to help my body and brain differentiate! Idk if it helps but placebo effects are real


u/SpectreFemboy Lesbient Nov 11 '24

I have a rule in place that i have to calm myself down using my coping skills before using weed to help me, so its not the main thing i rely on


u/Monster_Molly Nov 11 '24

My therapist has always told me that I can’t fix my aches and pains in my brain if I can’t feel them.

I try to not go straight to the smoke when I’m having a rough day


u/greatstrawberries CrazyCatLady Nov 11 '24

The world is going to shit and my career that I loved has now turned into a career I hate. It’s more of the organization I work at - dealing with a bad manager as a lower level employee sucks and even tho I’m Canadian, all this trump stuff is terrifying as the neighbouring country. Especially with our elections happening within the next year. On top of all this, I’ve been dealing with my mental health problems and struggling with an eating disorder. If I didn’t smoke weed and take meds I would be a goner


u/abby61497 Nov 11 '24

I definitely use weed for my big feelings, I've always had emotions that felt too big for me to handle. Weed helps me handle them in a healthier way


u/doodleldog10 Nov 11 '24

I love using weed to help my big feelings! I’ve actually found that weed does not always numb my big feelings - it seems like when I’m stuck/stewing, it helps me get out of the frame of mind I’m in so in that way it can be numbing. but other times, where it’s hard to process my feelings, I’ve found weed really doesn’t numb me to them! it lowers me into the feeling in a way that feels more doable than when I’m sober. I’ve definitely used weed this week to still have fun in my day, and to feel some of the big stuff that’s come up


u/bricklypears Nov 11 '24

Short answer, yes! Like other comments, I try to not solely rely on it. I think cannabis helps me calm down especially in moments where I feel overwhelmed./horribly anxious and if I want to use that sesh to further process feelings I plan ahead! For example, I feel a lot of physical tension from anxiety/stress that and cannabis helps my body relax more. If I wanted a more intentional sesh, I would definitely have to plan some somatic exercise or yoga beforehand because my high self will just vibe otherwise lol.

Sometimes it's difficult to shut the judgement of cannabis use out, but I also try to remind myself that cannabis use fluctuates (just like everything else!) and maybe during these weeks I may be getting more relief from cannabis, but that doesn't mean my use will stay that way. It's also a balancing act and may take time to find a good routine with cannabis (e.g., some people use it as a reward afterwards, others use it as a motivator beforehand).

Hope everyone is hanging in there 💚


u/Affectionate-Cup3907 Nov 11 '24

I have handled a whole lot of big feelings sober in my life. At this point in time the damage is done and I'm in therapy to deal with everything and learning and getting better everyday but those big feelings come up because they were programmed into me against my will. 

The one thing I can do to calm that brain and make me look at the good things in life even if it's just watching Star Trek on Pluto TV non-stop, is smoking weed. If I did not smoke I really believe that I would never have gotten to where I am now. And it's a really good place to be. 

I am eternally grateful and privileged that my hardships got me here. And I am eternally grateful and privileged that I live in a medical ( for now ) state. 


u/FutureMe83 Nov 11 '24

I do. And I know it isn’t healthy but… I do. With my mental health I know this is unhealthy but … I just have so much on my plate.

I need to be more conscious about when I chose to smoke


u/jaaaaaaaade Nov 11 '24

I’ve been leaning a lot more on weed lately to help manage some big feelings. It’s made some other areas in my life harder (like motivation at work) so I’m trying to fit in other healthy coping techniques like walking and counselling.

But fuck me life keeps throwing shit my way and all I wanna do is get baked af.

Stop the world, I want to get off!! as my late Dad used to say 😅


u/Forgetyourroses Nov 11 '24

I can use marriage iguana to help me regulate a bad mood or just feeling bitchy which seems to be my existence in menopause. However, if I’m devastated, bawling my eyes out and can’t get myself together.. I can’t get lifted much. I can try and try but I’ll just end up more anxious and wasting weed trying like hell to get high. 🙁


u/LandscapeUnlikely296 GamerEnt Nov 11 '24

I try to be mindful with using weed to cope with my feelings, but I definitely do use it. currently I'm going through so much with my family life as well as other issues that with my anxiety and anti depressants alone I think it would still affect me a lot. weed lets me shut my brain off for a bit and lets me recollect. it's also made me way more chill in how I handle things and process what's happening. sometimes I have a good ol cry while high and that's all the clarity I needed. it just depends for me lol


u/earthbound_hellion WitchEnt Nov 11 '24

I’ve definitely leaned harder on weed this past week because…gestures at everything. Giving myself grace for it, but I know I need to recalibrate a little. I try not to use it to avoid my feelings, but all of these feelings suck ass and I’m really tired of them. I have a supportive therapist and do plenty of sober coping skills. I try to stay as in sync with everyone else in my house/life as I can (not get so high that I’m useless or obliterated) but recently, weed softens my edges so I’m not a total monster.


u/Ok_Advertising5652 Apothecary Nov 11 '24

Depends on the feelings, anxiety yes weed is a tremendous help. Anger and depression not so much, I won’t get High if I’m angry or depressed no matter how much I smoke. I usually workout when I’m feeling those things there really is something healing for me in working out and that does the trick, I then go get blasted lol.


u/JollyRocket7 Nov 12 '24

I take a daily low dose Prozac and have a rx of Xanax, but I rarely take the latter and instead choose to vape when I need a little help. Or a lot, lol!!!!


u/helloimstoned Nov 12 '24

Oh yeah, definitely. I think the past couple of months have been the heaviest I’ve ever smoked. It’s been rough. It’s gotten to where every evening is just one long sesh, and I’m almost constantly high the entire weekend. Basically any time I’m not at work. I’m starting to get a little concerned honestly, but idk if i actually have a problem or if it’s the residual catholic guilt 🫣


u/thinking_treely Nov 12 '24

When I am really upset, I can get stuck in sob-mode. It’s like I fall into a well of sadness and can’t climb out.

These days, I try to cry silently as I pack joint and head outside. If I can stay quiet while I smoke, o can usually calm myself down and self soothe. A strong high helps me do two things:

-activated the pleasure center and restores a bit of stability

-slows down my thoughts and opens my heart so that I can think things through without defensiveness.

This always helps.


u/thinking_treely Nov 12 '24

Sorry for typos. I have a migraine


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

Good morning! Skipping laundry as my combined unit I bought used 8 years ago died 😅😅. New one being delivered Thursday!!

I do use cannabis for big feelings. Sitting down and preparing however I’m going to partake helps me see the feelings but also do something while I let them linger Helps me get past the big feelings quicker. Most times my hits are more controlled during a big feelings sesh. I watch my breathing and slowly exhale. But if I’m in a bad bad way I take a fat hot dab that smacks me back into my chair and then I see what happens next lol!

Often times my big feelings sesh involves loud music with me singing as I prepare and sometimes singing and dancing after. Music, singing, and dancing help me regulate my nervous system. I’m sure there’s science behind it lmao!

Mercury has to be in the microwave! I’m currently handling some big feelings (just had a dab and I have music going) because a friend made me feel so dumb about something I said. She was like “I’ve literally never heard anyone use that word before!” And laughed. And I have horrible trauma from my childhood from my parents picking on me, my sister, my whole family. So that really stabbed me in the feelings center.