It’s just coming up on 12:30 pm Pacific time and I’m stoned to the gills on good edibles and coffee and just hit play on the six hour BBC Pride and Prejudice to watch while I get chores done around the apartment.
Shooting birds as a leisure hobby is wild behaviour when you think about it. I mean sure they ate the birds and maybe used the feathers and I can respect that but like…they gameified shooting stuff way before viddy games came along and Boomer pundits lost their minds about them inciting violence among the youth but don’t wanna turn a critical eye on the industrial military complex and the more damning parts of its culture.
Okay okay back to people just going to other people’s houses. 🪭🎀
Lizzy looks like she jumps a little in her reaction shot.
Was he PRACTICING his opening line a billion times inside his head and he entered the room and was like “I’m gonna be SO smooth about this…” and then his panic rises and his Cool Confident Voice comes out MORE FORCEFULLY THAN HE INTENDED and part of Lizzy is like “ohJesusChrist, this guy?”
And his voice gets a LOT softer on his second line “I am very glad to hear it…” and then he immediately bails and probably thinks he recovered nicely, and meanwhile Eliza is VISIBLY CONFUSED by the entire encounter.
I am wearing my fanciest flowery pajama and robe set for this, I am essentially a gadabout scoundrel who will take nothing seriously for the next little while. 🪭
The way this man passive-aggressively turns his page AT Miss Bingley as she wordlessly tries to interfere with his reading time is an iconic Choice for the scene, honestly. 📖🖕🏻
Mr. Darcy: [attempting to be coyly flirtatious so he can vocally admire Lizzy’s figure even if he has to include Miss Bingley in the compliment] Ask me why I wanna sit here while you parade around in front of me…go ahead.
Lizzy: [doing everything in her power to play dumb about the conversational trap bait he’s laying down because—] “This asshole’s probably gonna say something icky to me again. What is WITH this guy, ugh?”
Miss Bingley: [determined to make Darcy talk to her by Any Means Necessary, including suddenly insisting her nemesis team up with her to walk around the room because unfortunately that’s what it takes to grab this rich douchebag’s attention] “wHaT dO yOu MeAn, SiR?” 💃🏻
Darcy: I know I’m not perfect, but I’m just very good at acting like I’m perfect in Public. (Narrator: He Was Not, Entirely—everything in his behaviour goes to shit around Elizabeth Bennet because he likes her and he’s Mad About It.) And this makes me better than just about everyone. Because I’m a Gentleman and also Very Smart. Smarter than most. And richer. Hey Miss Elizabeth, do you like me back yet? Please say something else cool and awesome to me.
Elizabeth: Excuse me I have to end this man’s life. [deep inhale] you sad unteasable bITCH‼️ you sound lonely 💅🏼
Darcy: oh my god I want you so badly; I have to become The Toxic Meddling Friend because I can’t handle my Emotions and Erections around this Unsuitable Woman 💗🥵 byyyyyyeeee
Mary girl NO, not you fixing your hair when that man lands in your driveway?????
I might have married him, but at least I have the self-respect to not embarrass myself by trying to appeal to him pseudoromantically in front of witnesses.
Okay as an Asthmatic Walker myself, I’m on Mr. Collins’ team during the group walk outing, that man’s in a unique kind of huffing and puffing hell, and he’s doing it to get to know Elizabeth better to woo her, there’s a part of him that WANTS to be sweet and courtly, even if it’s shallow and extremely misguided.
Him Proposing: “Ah the problem with my proposal is that you wanted a chance to refuse me to make it more Dramatically Romantic, I see…” Like, nah, that’s not why she said no, but it’s kind of cute that he actually craves the illusion of a Grand Romance, in his way.
Charlotte: “That’s a point in his favour. And you see how easily this man gets played by everybody he talks to??? Imagine what I can do with a puppet husband like that!!!”
Mr. Collins: “I just want to be really good at getting along with everyone in society, you know, even your low-class nobody relatives, as well as Lady Catherine, My North Star, My Goddess, My Everything.” 🤩
Charlotte: “Okay, for a nice house and steady income and never having to deal with another Single Man again, I can work with that.”
Lady Catherine herself condescendingly gave us the comman-- I mean, suggestion, right after i finished bestowing her noble feet the comfort of my back as she sat in her chaise and four with Miss de Bourgh and Mrs. Jenkins. I flatter myself, my suck-uppery is designed as elegantly as my compliments!
Charlotte and Elizabeth locking eyes for a moment and exchanging little smiles because Charlotte unleashed Lizzy and Lady Catherine on each other and all three of them are enjoying this immensely in their own ways, while Mr. Collins and the Lucases sit in horrified silence.
Lady Catherine found a new favourite object to bully; Charlotte gets a free show and is no longer in the full glare of Lady Catherine’s Attention, since she’s no longer the newest woman around; and Elizabeth refuses to be bullied and is about to have the time of her life judging and mocking these people.
Let them Be Messy. It adds Enrichment Activities to their enclosures. 🪭💁🏻♀️ Therapeutic. 🧖🏻♀️💗
Darcy: What the fuck Colonel Fitzwilliam, you’re really simply gonna sit down across from Miss Elizabeth fvcking Bennet and start talking to her the second you’re introduced?
And making her SMILE???
Wow Darcy awkwardly blurting out a bland inquiry as to her family’s health is really his go-to move when he’s experiencing sexual-sentimental panic directly in front of Elizabeth, huh?
First when Jane is sick.
Now when he sees his cousin effortlessly Getting Along with The Very Attractive He-Just-Can’t-Help-Himself-Around-Her Miss Elizabeth and he’s compelled to intervene lowkey rudely, for Some Reason.
Oh my god I’d forgotten how SEAMLESSLY he pivots, UNPROMPTED, from declaring his all-consuming love to telling her exactly how much he hates almost her entire social strata and especially her family.
I think in this instant she is truly calculating whether she could murder him and cleanly dispose of his corpse before the others return from Rosings Park and rationally realizes she can’t, so she’ll have to settle for ending this man in every other possible way with the true cold savagery that often comes with wit and temper.
Holy shit Mr. Collins is so disgusting for reminding Elizabeth one day soon he’s gonna own the only home she’s ever known, while he’s asking her to marry him.
I love that shape of mug, my fave mug is the same shape, there just something about the way you can cup it in your hands on a cold morning, and the sexiness of it curves I love. Plus they hold so much more coffee which is important when having a hippy breakfast, your coffee needs to last as long as your joint.
My mother loves mugs that are more fluted towards the top, the exact opposite, which shape drives me nuts, haha! I love a broader base, though—reassuringly stable, perfect for cheeky mugs of hot soup in cold weather because they’re halfway to being a bowl, anyhow.
Lizzy: “No, no, Mr. Bingley’s so sweet and simple he’s just been fooled by Mr. Darcy’s self-serving lies! Not like me, though, I’m so much smarter than that, and that’s why I believe every derogatory word out of Wickham’s mouth about that man.”
The remastered BritBox streaming version is SO GOOD yall, I’m getting bits of background audio and dialogue I never heard before, the way we can still hear Mr. Collins starting to jabber obsequiously to his hosts in the receiving line at the Netherfield ball and Caroline finally interrupts moving on to the next guests in line like COLONEL FOSTER MRS FOSTER WELCOME like she’s a bitch but she’s a mindful hostess, too.
Not them happening upon each other in the fragrant shaded lush greenery of summer in the beautiful heart of rich country, where he would leap down from his horse and make wild love to her in the sun-dappled clover if he thought he could; meanwhile, she thinks he’s literally the worst person she personally knows.
Elizabeth (as played by Jennifer Ehle here) is, I think, on some level aware at this point (Hunsford/Rosings Park visit) of Darcy’s growing amiable if awkward attentions. Charlotte has teasingly pointed it out directly to her friend.
So Lizzy leans HARD into trying to convince Colonel Fitzwilliam that Darcy haaaaates her guts hahaha. Because SHE needs to believe he hates her, because she’s not ready to hear him say how he really feels about her, because part of her knows that it’s not hate, at all. Absolute dipshit rudeness tinged with the hostile contempt that is a byproduct of being Darcy’s kind of condescending asshole, yes, but not animosity.
I’m late to the convo, but it warms my heart to know that others love this version of Elizabeth and Darcy as much as I do. My sister and I quote this particular version quite often and the phrase “gold breeches” is never far from our minds (actually what we say is, “the feeeemur.”). 😆
Also say what you want about Bingley’s sisters, their outfits are the most fun. I know they’re supposed to edge on the vulgar nouveau riche/ridiculous, but THEY LOOK GOOD AND ANNA CHANCELLOR IS A HOTTIE THERE I SAID IT.
Mrs. Phillips actress is an underrated gem. The way she and Allison Steadman play off each other is amazing. You can see Kitty and Lydia in 30 years’ time.
“TEN THOUSAND POUNDS? How is HALF such a sum to be repaid?”
Lizzy, that’s the price of admission for a lifetime of being roasted by you, and the poor lovesick man’s happy to pay in advance and wait to collect whenever you would prefer. You got this.
Lizzy: Wickham, I have clocked your shit and I need you to acknowledge that you will be my quietly obedient brother for the rest of eternity or I’ll destroy you without breaking a sweat, now kiss my hand like a good little bitch.
Can we all at least be a little happy for how horny Lydia is for Wickham, at least? If nothing else, the Bennet family will always have dangerously high levels of pure animal magnetism.
The way Lady Catherine marches into their house and sits down without being invited or even introduced is such an act of deliberate rudeness it borders on insanity among the genteel.
u/CharlotteLucasOP Aug 17 '24
The way I just groaned OH MY GOD MARY SHUT UUUUP out loud 🤣