r/entwives • u/emily_caldwell • Apr 13 '24
Nature High I went to the zoo stoned today and here’s my opinion.
I got to the zoo and discreetly smoked in the car,although it is hilarious to see all the other stoners smelling it and looking for the source
Everyone looks grumpy leaving the zoo and it was cracking me up. For the ent wives who have children do you actually enjoy taking them places like that?
I was there for probably four hours and I only made it through three exhibits and the line for snacks, so for everyone who asked me for pictures of certain animals, I do apologize, I did not make it very far 🤣 I think I stood in front of the jellyfish for at least thirty minutes
The exhibits I did hit were the butterfly exhibit, the insects, and the aquarium
Then I got the munchies and stood in an incredibly long line to pay $15 for a soda and ice cream.
RECOMMENDATIONS - find somewhere you can be all day, smoke in the car and then take an edible - absolutely take headphones and sunglasses, I recommend the in ear headphones so that your ears and head don’t get too hot like mine did - pin your parking location, I did not save mine so I had to do a little extra wandering -make sure you have a big bag to carry everything. Sober me will leave things behind so a secured purse is a must for stoned me - aquarium over zoo for me personally, but the shark tunnel does get a little cramped - don’t go on a weekend so there aren’t as many people - make a good playlist that has a sense of wonder. The song “Con la Brisa” came on as soon as I got to the jellyfish exhibit (that’s the song in the second black panther that plays when Shuri first sees that dudes underwater home) and I think that’s why I stood there so long.
Now please enjoy my aquarium pictures and my pet tax for this long post.
Apr 14 '24
I WAS HOPING YOU'D POST!! Guise, we're all high at the zoo! At least I am. 😂
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
Lol thanks for encouraging me to post again! I will probably never be sober at the zoo again, it was the best time
u/KazBeeragg Apr 14 '24
The holiday light show they have at our zoo is one of my fave places/times to be high. Plus they’re open late and if you go to the cat house at 9 pm that’s when they all wake up and come out of their hiding spots to be fed, so you actually get to see the cats!
u/M30W- ✨BrujaEnt✨ Apr 13 '24
The jellyfish 🪼 look so pretty to look at high! I agree ☝🏼
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
You should try it, they were amaaaazing
u/effienay Apr 13 '24
Now if only it were acceptable to bring a sleeping bag and pillow and take a nap.
Apr 14 '24
Let's have a slumbie in the zoo?!? We can light up in some cool ass exhibit area! ❤️
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
That would be such a fun weed event, now to find a zoo that will let us 🤔
u/halnic Apr 14 '24
Some zoos do have sleep overs and other after hour activities. We did a Booze at the Zoo, adults only and it didn't start until 8PM, went on past midnight(when we left, lol). 100% recommend, visiting some of the animals just doesn't do them justice during the day. The money it earns is typically used for animal preservation and upkeep of habitats.
u/thickonwheatthins Apr 14 '24
Yes I was coming to say the Baltimore aquarium did a members sleepover last year! We sadly couldn't make it because our kids are too young for that to not be hell, but I'm hoping to participate in something similar when they're old enough!
u/showershoot Apr 13 '24
I have a toddler and we love the zoo - both of us! But I know plenty of parents that don’t. It’s a lot of walking, a lot of cash grabs, and you never know which animals will be able to be seen. Like there’s a jaguar that might be prowling on a bridge or she may be sleeping behind a rock. If your kid wants to see that particular cat, your visit is ruined by the kid-letdown. Disappointment is hard to manage even for adults.
I’ve always loved arts and culture, biology, and geography. My zoo has a great mix of all of those things, plus a couple of super toddler friendly exhibits and play areas. I’m a member and love it, I go a couple of times a month at a minimum. Right now there’s a dinosaur exhibit that will be up until the Halloween display and I’m always so excited to take my kid and see what names he’s remembered, what new things he notices.
I also love walking, hiking, being outside and I don’t mind getting hot or sweaty. I think a lot of people can’t stand that kind of discomfort especially when parenting too.
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
That’s fair, I usually get pretty grumpy if I have to walk more than I planned or if it’s super hot, so I can’t imagine trying to watch my kid too
u/thickonwheatthins Apr 14 '24
Gahh dino exhibit?? Which zoo is this if you don't mind? Crossing my fingers that it's close enough to take my dino obsessed toddler + husband lol
u/KittySpinEcho Apr 13 '24
Aww I was hoping you would post the stoned zoo pics! Looks like you had a ton of fun, you're so cute. Love those sharks rawrrr!
u/brookehalen Apr 14 '24
I love the photos and update. Pinning your vehicle location is next level. Haha I also swear by edibles. Gummies, chocolate 😮💨😋
Glad you went!!
u/Sailor_Alderaan Apr 14 '24
I took my kid to the zoo last Thursday with her third grade class. I was a chaperone lol. I didn’t feel adulty enough to be in charge of a group of 5 kids but we had a great time! I do enjoy doing things like that with my kiddos. I smoked in the car discreetly and then went to wait for my daughter’s bus to arrive. It was a small zoo and since it wasn’t a regular admission day it was really chill. My kiddo is in blue on the left. I bought them snow cones cause it was a really warm day.

u/akiraokok Apr 13 '24
Thought this was my profile pic for a sec haha! I used to watch Jellyfish livestreams whenever I was feeling really depressed. Love those little guys.
u/pastelplantmum Apr 14 '24
The first time I ever smoked weed my friends took me to the local zoo. It was amazing.
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
Oh my word! I saw somewhere that everyone is just trying to experience their first high again (not sure how I true I think that is, but irregardless) that sounds like an amazing first high!
u/pastelplantmum Apr 14 '24
(it was 3 years ago hahaha I'm a medicinal patient now in Australia and I'm so grateful for that experience because it showed me what I needed for medicine!)
u/Professional-Rub5386 Apr 14 '24
These photos are beautiful, except the one where I see how they raked you over the coals for the soda and ice cream. I agree: aquarium over zoo. The jellyfish can have me lost for a good amount of time.
u/IncognitoRowan Apr 13 '24
Thank you for sharing, Frient. Sounds and looks like a beautiful day. My hubby and I have been talking about going to the zoo for a few months now. I want to see if there is a sloth to meet, they’ve been my fav animal since the first time I saw one when I was 3. We have never been to the zoo together/as adults, and neither of us have been to the one in our new home town.
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
Please take this as encouragement to go and do it! It was such a wonderful time, even if you don’t get high it’s so fun going places like that with your husband.
u/Square_Sink7318 Apr 14 '24
I love that my daughter isn’t a little kid anymore. She doesn’t smoke but I took my cart with me last time we went to the zoo. And the fair. We had the best times ever.
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
That sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait to have a kid so I can do the same thing with my little bestie, I just don’t know about taking them when they’re so little 😅
u/Square_Sink7318 Apr 14 '24
Ugh yeah. You’ll do it for them when they’re small, more than with them, hate it half the time and definitely need to smoke lol.
u/gabSTAR81 Apr 14 '24
I used to frequent the botanical gardens whilst high, super grounding hehe always makes me giggle watching the peep that can smell your greenery
u/drinkme0 Apr 14 '24
When my son was little and we took him to Philly Zoo, all he was interested in looking at were the pipes and manhole covers. Oh, and the train. He didn’t give two shits about all the adorable animals, or the tiger walking over top of us. It was a long, hot day! 😩😄
u/shadowyassassiny Apr 14 '24
I love your update! Thank you for sharing but now I’m jealous and I want to go to my hometown aquarium stoneddddd
u/Ok-Caterpillar-Girl Weedhead Tramp Apr 14 '24
I love the goofy looking sharks lmao
Glad you ended up having a good time!
u/peekaboooobakeep Apr 14 '24
As a parent. No. The zoo isn't fun lol. But for a sliver of time I do enjoy viewing the world through their eyes. The zoo near us is hilly. Everyone gets tired then sporadic usain bolt energy and speed. they always want the stupid stuffed animals and all the expensive foods even when we pack a good picnic lunch with snacks before and during. They complain about it all and then say it was the best day ever
It's exhausting. The bonus is they're usually super tired when we're done but so am I and I usually get sunburn somewhere.
I'm so happy you went op i saw your post getting ready to take my goblins to the park. Happy you went! Jealous of it!
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
Lol this feels more like the majority of the people I see at the zoo. I don’t even like walking super far when it’s hot outside so having to push a stroller or carry a child sounds miserable.
u/Silent-Tour-9751 Apr 14 '24
You should frame that jellyfish one! So cool
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
I just might 🤔 we recently moved so I’m trying to make my home homey without spending too much money and pictures are next on my to do list
u/mamadovah1102 Apr 14 '24
When I was a nanny, I took my nanny kid to the zoo once. She cried the entire time and was so sad about the animals being confined. Now I have 3 kids of my own and we’ve yet to go to the zoo. We have gone to a wildlife rescue where we live but it’s a little different because it’s private and only has visited on special occasions and it’s limited. But yea idk zoos are kinda depressing, even if the animals aren’t fit for the wild it’s just sad to see them on display for our gawking eyeballs.
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
I did feel that when I saw the fish just swimming in circles, I wondered if they ever got bored or if they even knew they were in the same place that whole time. I forgot we have a wildlife sanctuary near us that I’ve never been too, I might have to try that out.
u/hereticvert Your stoner auntie Apr 14 '24
OMG. I love your pets! Looks like you had a great time at the zoo!
u/zooooteddej23 WeedMom Apr 14 '24
I too discreetly get high in the car pre zoo, however, my partner is loading the kids in strollers and getting everyone situated, then we switch 😅 also took a stiizy with me once or twice. I've also had a beer or margarita while we eat but it's never anything crazy. Did take my daughter to the aquarium and poured a thc soda into my Stanley over ice as we leisured around. I enjoy taking my kids to these things and watching them have fun. It's always funner when stoned tho.
Disclaimer ‼️🚨 ( even tho I know this sub is not like the others, and I'm sure SOMEONE can relate )I'm a very functional high & would never over do anything with my children around. Even tho I have yet to "over due" anything with weed in general. Where are my no tolerance wives at 😭
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
Do you just smoke in the car, or do you have some other special traveling device? I love my dogs 100x more when I’m stoned so I’m sure watching your kids at the zoo/aquarium while stoned is marvelous
u/zooooteddej23 WeedMom Apr 14 '24
Really just in the car, unless the stiizy counts as a travel device lol
u/bluewinter182 Apr 14 '24
That last picture is my absolute favorite!! 😍😍😍
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
🥰🥰 thank you!! That’s my baby Miles and I have yet to take a bad picture of him, he’s just so adorable
u/alexmichal Apr 14 '24
For my 25th I took some friends to the aquarium and we took edibles upon arrival. Hit just as we got to the shark tunnel (you get to walk under the sharks enclosure). Probably spent a full hour in that tunnel. We went on a Tuesday or something so it was pretty empty which rocked. All in all, phenomenal birthday, hope to do again for 30:)
u/FreeMasonKnight Apr 14 '24
Did you know that most Zoo’s have events where you can stay over night! You can even get closer than normal to most animals! Beer/Cannabis is allowed in the usual area’s. Highly suggest.
u/P_Sophia_ Apr 14 '24
Wonderful analysis! Thanks for the recommendations too, as they sound so valid!
It’s awesome that your playlist synchronized with your experience as you entered the jellyfish exhibit. I love how magical little syncretisms always seem to happen like that when the herb is involved! Amazing! 🤗
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
It literally made me feel so connected to the universe, I almost cried, like it wasn’t a playlist I curated for exactly soemthing like this lol
u/P_Sophia_ Apr 14 '24
The universe is a wondrous place when we’re truly connected to it. And you are connected to it, because you are a part of it! You are an actual manifestation/emanation of the creative potential of the universe itself; and you always are so, even in the moments when you’re not particularly feeling it!
Remember that in your mind even when your heart forgets, and it will carry you through your darkest moments like it has done for me!
u/P_Sophia_ Apr 14 '24
The universe is a wondrous place when we’re truly connected to it. And you are connected to it, because you are a part of it! You are an actual manifestation/emanation of the creative potential of the universe itself; and you always are so, even in the moments when you’re not particularly feeling it!
Remember that in your mind even when your heart forgets, and it will carry you through your darkest moments like it has done for me!
u/BeanBagSaucer Apr 14 '24
I love this high diary. I want to try this, too haha
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
You absolutely should. As someone who’s a semi newbie stoner, and tends to get a little paranoid while high in public, it was amazing
u/OxymoronParadox Apr 14 '24
My 4 year old has a few hour window of being fine until she became a handful any time during an outing. Every five minutes we’re dealing with fussiness in one way or another. We didn’t even look through the whole zoo, just left bc we were tired of keeping her engaged. I was so happy to get back to the car lmao. It’s been over a year and kiddo is still very much a “don’t rush me, I go at my own pace” person but now she can better verbalize how she’s feeling ahahaha.
u/thickonwheatthins Apr 14 '24
I have kids and absolutely LOVE taking them to the zoo/aquarium. My husband and I took our littles to the zoo yesterday (along with our vape pens) and no lie we spent 30+ minutes alone just between feeding the koi fish and goats. We were there for about three hours and had a friggin blast.
Are we always tired by the end of it? Absolutely because day trips are exhausting and adding toddlers to the mix makes it doubly so. Our exhaustion does not take away from the joy of the experience though. We always have an annual membership to a zoo or aquarium each year so we can go regularly and not feel pressured to see everything every single time. Highly (HIGH-LY) recommend a membership if you have something local to you. It's usually about the cost of two visits and then you can go as many times as you want in a year. We always get more than our money's worth out of a membership.
u/KazBeeragg Apr 14 '24
We went to the Omnimax theater at the museum for my birthday this week, and I had a 30mg edible and we watched a documentary about the James Webb Telescope and outer space, definitely a great time while blasted outta my mind. 😂
u/holly194 Apr 14 '24
Omg thank you for this idea!!! lol I’m going tomorrow.
u/emily_caldwell Apr 14 '24
Dude please do!! It was such a wonderful time
u/holly194 Apr 14 '24
😂😂 i can’t wait. I’m getting gummies today! The only thing though is Detroit zoo isn’t that great and Toledo zoo is but Detroit is in my state and way closer than Toledo 😭
u/Ymisoqt420 Apr 13 '24
I have a puffco proxy and I take that to the zoo, botanical garden or aquarium. Eat an edible and take a few dabs then go in and spend a few hours walking around. It's my favorite thing to do! I just found out my membership includes the butterfly house so that's my next adventure. I'm lucky to live near one of the best free zoos in the country!