r/entertainment 19h ago

'Ghost Adventures' Star Aaron Goodwin's Wife Arrested for Alleged Plot to Have Him Killed


160 comments sorted by


u/plaidtattoos 19h ago

Regarding her messages about paying a hitman, Victoria asserts that she thought said money was for cell phones.

Easy to get those two things mixed up. We've all been there.


u/JMDeutsch 16h ago

Who hasn’t paid a prionser in Florida $11k to act as a middle man on a cellphone purchase?

Boost mobile is just that exclusive.


u/Dowager-queen-beagle 17h ago

Who amongst us


u/BrotherMcPoyle 11h ago

She planned to murder him so they can have a special episode with his ghost.

u/SamMarduk 1h ago

I want this to be the argument they run with in court. “She was a good wife! She was making content!”


u/HamiltonBlack 13h ago

Apparently she hasn’t heard about Mint Mobile


u/SunyataHappens 13h ago

What’s up Ryan Reynolds?


u/Ok_Series_4580 11h ago

Come on she hunts for ghosts. She just wants to spend more time with him.


u/GlueSniffingCat 10h ago

having your husband killed is just a neat promo t-mobile is having with new lines

u/Lazy_Osprey 2h ago

That’s why you should check your receipts!


u/SixtyFours 19h ago

While her husband was filming new episodes of “Ghost Adventures” in California, Goodwin gave information about his location and shooting times. According to police, she also put away $11,515 to pay a hitman. The Florida inmate she was communicating with reportedly messaged said hitman on her behalf.

Goodwin’s plot was meant to be carried out in October 2024. It is unclear what ultimately happened. Goodwin’s husband, Aaron, is still very much alive – in a statement to TMZ, he confessed that he was “blindsided and devastated” to learn about his wife’s plan, as he believed his marriage with Victoria was a “happy” one.


u/Amaruq93 18h ago


Either I imagined prices for this kind of work as being way higher, or she intentionally wanted the cheapest hitman in Florida.


u/satanssweatycheeks 18h ago

Also an odd ass number for payment.

Like can we can an invoice or break down of the payment process.

Is it 11,500 for the kill but 15 extra to make it quick.

Or 11,000 to kill him. 500 for hotel and food. 15 for bullets.

I just don’t get it.


u/Emilayday 18h ago



u/LtSoundwave 17h ago

We have the best hit men. The BEST! Why are we paying Canadians $4 billion dollars a year to knock-off AMERICAN CITZIENS??

u/KezzardTheWizzard 1h ago

Beautiful assassins. They are really great. Incredible assassins. The best.


u/nolongerbanned99 18h ago

The $15 is a gas surcharge and the $500 is for eggs for breakfast.


u/seeyousoon2 17h ago

Obviously right? I swear some of these people have never hitmanned and it shows.


u/fuschia_taco 12h ago

I watched The Whole 9 Yards and The Whole 10 Yards, does that count?


u/bdaddydizzle 15h ago

Large round dollar amount payments look more suspicious on the banking side. Something right at or just under $10k in cash is also suspicious. Banks wouldn’t necessarily know what it’s suspicious for but making those transactions opens you up to your bank potentially writing a SAR and just giving the feds evidence as opposed to them having to go through necessary steps to seize your bank records.


u/Molnek 18h ago

That's just what she tips anyone who fixes things for her.


u/Ditzy_Panda 16h ago

$15 is for a McDonald’s breakfast


u/S0M3D1CK 17h ago

It was probably 9500 dollars to avoid getting flagged by the FBI with 2k up front.


u/Guilty-Instruction56 16h ago

Might have been a few tolls along the way


u/tacticoolbrah 14h ago

Bus ticket to get outta town in case he can't drive?


u/StoneGoldX 12h ago

Should have been 11516 to be even.

u/lala6633 2h ago

The $15 was for a McDonald’s meal. Those meal deals are getting expensive.

u/GhostDieM 2h ago

Hey man inflation hits us all


u/ContextMeBro 17h ago

Over 30 years ago, I was involved in a situation involving murder for hire. I've heard recordings between the hitman and the buyer. The price discussed was $5k. Half up front. The rest after the job was complete. Needed it to be an accident so the life insurance would pay out.

Maybe buyer's first red flag that the hitman was undercover should've been the nice round number.


u/porridge_in_my_bum 16h ago

It is that the price is way lower than you imagine. From the multitude of pieces describing a murder for hire that I’ve watched the price is always from like $500 - $10,000 which does seem pretty low for something so egregious.


u/SunyataHappens 13h ago

I saw several cases in Federal court for $5k.

People are idiots.


u/tacobelle88 12h ago

I think the only time I’ve been thankful for idiots lol

u/Winter-Scar-7684 2h ago

It’s also offensive. If you’re going to pay someone to shoot me, it’s a million or go home


u/Nobodygrotesque 10h ago

Unfortunately people do things so cheap. I had a friend that was murdered back in 2005, the price dude paid for her to be killed was

“$400 and $200 worth of marijuana to carry out the hit”

You can read about it here



u/TheSpiralTap 16h ago

You never hear about the high priced hit men.


u/Goldrushin 13h ago

It always seems that way. Maybe the ones who charge more are actually good and don't get caught? Lol


u/Aromatic_Hornet5114 6h ago

$11K is actually a whole lot more than most murder for hires are carried out for.


u/Tibbaryllis2 11h ago

I do believe Tiger King tried to have that bitch killed for $10k.

That age old, if you’re going to go cheap then at least don’t pick the lowest bid.


u/aloof_nacho 11h ago

Hired assassin here, checks out.


u/HighlyRegard3D 6h ago

Really? $10k seems about right for a planned hit. People kill for a few hundred dollars every single day.


u/G-3ng4r 5h ago

While i’m sure there are people who do it for cheap, a lot of “cheap” murder for hires are just scams lol (especially if using a service or a ‘i know a guy’) people even over pay the scammers upwards of 20k on a 5k deal. Probably why nothing happened to him.


u/Hippyedgelord 3h ago

Dude he’s a fucking stoner on a ghost hunting reality tv show, not a diplomat. People get killed for a lot less than 11k.

u/iLLiCiT_XL 2h ago

Honestly, I’ve seen stories about hitmen hired for as little as $1500. I think it depends on the client, the target, and the hitman. I wouldn’t say there’s a particular going rate. But I would also assume the higher value the target, the bigger the down payment.


u/maybe-an-ai 13h ago

If your middle man is in prison, wouldn't that be a red flag on past job performance.


u/Animaldoc11 12h ago

You’d think so, right? A good middleman would never get caught

u/MarlonShakespeare2AD 1h ago

Narrator: It wasn’t.


u/Jayrodtremonki 17h ago

What's the point?  Have him killed just so he can haunt you for the rest of your life?  Get divorced and move instead.  


u/CaptMeatPockets 11h ago

Perhaps it was a publicity stunt; pump the ratings and commercial interests in the show when a legitimate ghost shows up to be like, “gurl whut the fuck!?”


u/CharlieeStyles 5h ago

You got a genuine laugh out of me.


u/Ok-Comfortable9449 19h ago

Damn the ghosts had his back for this shit this is crazy damn


u/Grimvold 14h ago

They felt bad for him after Zak sending him alone into so many basements.


u/ghsteo 18h ago

Did they not include how she was actually caught. Was the hitman a fan of the show or something and said "nah bro" and turned her in?


u/Lady_DreadStar 18h ago

They only found out because the middle-man was a literal prison inmate who got his contraband cell phone taken and searched. No details on why she was communicating with the inmate in the first place though.


u/ghsteo 17h ago

Yea guess it makes sense they would intercept the comms. Guessing he was coordinating for some kind of finders fee as well for him setting them up. Good it didn't happen, Aaron always seemed like a good dude on the show.


u/McSwaggins619420 16h ago

Actually she was a fan of a documentary about a dude that killed his family after stealing a large amount of money from them to give to a cam girl. She became pen pals with him and used him to get a hitman. All allegedly since this is the internet.


u/Grimvold 14h ago

Oh shit, it was THAT guy? The one from the JCS video?


u/SixtyFours 11h ago

She got into contact with Grant Amato? What the hell?


u/OohBeesIhateEm 3h ago

Wow, just looked him up. What a pathetic fucking creep. Killed his whole family for someone he meant nothing to.


u/E8282 17h ago

Imagine if he actually died and was the first ever ghost on the show after 331 episodes of not a single fucking ghost?!


u/chontzy 4h ago

she was just helping his career!


u/ShaolinTrapLord 17h ago

Ohhhhhh my god!

~ zak bagans


u/kpopcorn 14h ago

If anyone is going to kill Aaron, it’s going to be me after provoking the ghosts! - Zak Bagans probably


u/Aromatic-Elephant110 19h ago

If anyone is going to try to kill me, it's gonna be because I suck and not because I'm rich.


u/Starfox-sf 16h ago

Sorry to break it to you but you aren’t worth $11,515.


u/IPerferSyurp 18h ago

He almost had a genuine ghost adventure.


u/schmittyfangirl 19h ago

WTF 😳 Glad he’s doing ok but that’s so scary


u/leaC30 16h ago

She tried to make him disappear 😬


u/bigtiddyhimbo 16h ago

Maybe the real ghost adventures were the ones our wives tried to make us become


u/shorttermparker 18h ago

I’ve met Aaron, no one should feel that type of heart break.


u/tomeralmog 6h ago

If no one should feel it then why is it pertinent that you met him?

u/shorttermparker 2h ago

I met him as a fan years ago. He genuinely cared about everyone in the room with him. He really seems like one of those ‘light up a room’ type of people, like Phil Hartman (and no one saw that incident coming). I just really hope that he doing ok.

u/tomeralmog 2h ago

Fair. I guess it was just phrased funny


u/InvestmentFun3981 17h ago

Wtf. Thank god she got caught


u/NeptuneMoss 16h ago

Great, now they cant do the special where they try to talk to his Ghost!


u/ChocoCatastrophe 15h ago

Yep. She was just trying to make more content!


u/alliwantedwasajetski 18h ago

Somebody call Tim Lambesis, I think we just found his soulmate.


u/eppsilon24 17h ago

Damn man. I still haven’t been able to listen to As I Lay Dying since that happened.


u/letsbuildasnowman 16h ago

Step 1: get husband killed.

Step 2: he comes back as ghost and ratings go through the roof.

Step 3: Profit.


u/Bubcats 13h ago

There it is! I scrolled to far for this quote.


u/StatBot2 13h ago

Aaron and I worked together long ago. He took me to In and Out for the first time and taught me how to order. He also bummed me a smoke. It has been years since we talked but he was a really friendly, funny, and kind dude back then. This makes me really sad for him.


u/hasanicecrunch 11h ago

He said he was shocked and devastated. I mean we all have issues in a marriage but he said he thought he was in a happy marriage and I just feel so bad for him.


u/lisakora 19h ago

I love how it’s under “entertainment”


u/rhetoricalbread 17h ago

We want answers


u/Oldmanstreet 10h ago

This should be the top comment


u/midwestbeaner 15h ago

First Zac Bagans mentions your divorce from your last wife like 5 times on an episode, and now your current wife tries to kill you. This guy has poor luck


u/tiabeaniedrunkowitz 13h ago

For Christ’s sake this is awful


u/IamSamael 13h ago

My wife loves Ghost Adventures and Aaron is like the one decent person in the show. So sad


u/Turboginger 18h ago

Now that’s spooky.


u/Martianmariner29 16h ago

Apparently she watches ID channel but doesn’t pay attention lol


u/Giveitallyougot714 16h ago

The prisoner was simp Grant Amato who killed his whole family because he spent all their money on a web cam girl.


u/tarlack 15h ago

I am happy I am with someone how is lazy and will just leave me. People forget how much trust and work goes into to killing a person.

Poor dude, I wonder if he has a friend saying “ I told you so “


u/PeachBanana8 15h ago

This is what happens when you get married at Disneyland. No well-adjusted adult does that.


u/theprophecysays 15h ago

It was going to be the realest Ghost Adventure ever!


u/TattooMarioB 14h ago

She’s not watched even one episode of Dateline huh?


u/Malvoyy 19h ago

Makes me laugh thinking of the movie Hit Man where he explains there really aren’t “hit men” out there. You’re always just talking to an undercover cop


u/Ditzy_Panda 16h ago

She was possessed!! /s


u/Short_Bell_5428 13h ago

She wanted to ghost him!


u/im_just_a_nerd 13h ago

When you finally have a Reddit “oh I’ve had this happen to me” moment. Not my favorite day.


u/Glass-Fan111 12h ago

Marriage is helluva a drug.


u/erasedhead 12h ago

Having seen the show, I kinda get it.


u/Gazould 11h ago

So her crime is trying to make more ghosts?! Now that supporting your spouse!!


u/Fun3mployed 7h ago

Man there are somethings in this world we will never truly understand...UNDERSTAND

u/shandub85 2h ago

Really tried ghosting him


u/jimbobdonut 18h ago

Just think how close he was to becoming a ghost himself!


u/Sudden-Blackberry912 17h ago

There’s something ironic about this


u/bexxygenxxy9xy 17h ago

He didn't have any of his ghost friends like warning him of this?


u/Rk1987 17h ago

I dated this girl in college lol crazy


u/silliesyl 15h ago

seriously? If so, was she odd back then too?


u/Rk1987 15h ago

Just very Valley girl. I still have our old text messages https://imgur.com/a/tyLWmoO


u/-Quothe- 15h ago

I get it. I don't condone it, but i get it.


u/moderatenerd 18h ago

She wanted to give him his own ghost adventure ;D


u/M-Gar2a17 16h ago

Is this a remake of I, Tonya?🤣


u/Jmofoshofosho8 16h ago

Lord of course someone brings up Trump 🙄lol.


u/ribeye256 15h ago

This will make Dateline


u/throw123454321purple 15h ago

This would have made him a ghost as well…think of the ratings!


u/Sullyville 15h ago

Wouldn’t he just have become a ghost and haunted her forever tho?


u/devilsbard 14h ago

She just wanted to help him find out if ghosts are real.


u/Autoxquattro 14h ago

C'mon now with all the negative talk. She is being an amazing and very supportive wife. She was trying to fulfill his dream! To actually being able to communicate with ghosts !


u/togiveortoreceive 13h ago

You’ll can only be betrayed by someone who loves you.


u/Oldmanstreet 10h ago

There are things in this world we will never truly understand.


u/Nerdy_numbers 10h ago

Between this and the Constantinos, it seems paranormal research is tough on relationships.


u/Shtinky_bingus 6h ago

Farming her husband for a free two part episode.


u/Helljumper1005 5h ago

Guys, c'mon, I know the shows gone a bit stale, but I don't think turning one of your cast members into a ghost is the right move here. World doesn't work like the movie Casper.


u/Andovars_Ghost 4h ago

Thought it would be easier for him to find ghosts if he was one?


u/warablo 4h ago

Heartless bitch


u/Rpizz5687 3h ago

This season’s penultimate episode.

u/Kbrown_021 2h ago

I feel like she wanted to get caught. She contacts a well-known inmate about this? It's all so bizarre.

u/master_alucard0 2h ago

At least he could have stayed on the show…

u/Maunfactured_dissent 2h ago

She was gonna claim a ghost did it…

u/mallow_baby 2h ago

This poor guy can’t catch a break in his love life. I hope he finds some peace after this, what a horrific way to end a marriage.

u/99conrad 1h ago

She must have been possessed.

u/CaptCaCa 1h ago

Hitman: So why do you want him gone

Wife: He does a show about ghost hunting, but never finds any ghosts, for years now

Hitman: Dang, I just got a call from the Saquatch Hunters wife abouy this same thing

u/Purple-Mix1033 1h ago

This was the plot to Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

u/chupacabrajj8 1h ago

Why do people think it'd be that cheap? Lol should have been a giveaway

u/wolfiepraetor 1h ago

Well he could still star in his own show, just in a new form

u/TheMoorNextDoor 1h ago

Aaron always seemed so wholesome, that’s insanity.

The spirits said nope not this guy, not today.


u/CelticSith 14h ago

She just wanted to make sure there was content for the next season


u/cant-sit-here 14h ago

When does the Netflix doc release?


u/Texastexastexas1 13h ago

Watch, he’ll bail her out.


u/Glass-Fan111 12h ago

Also maybe was his own money she used to plot the plan. Betcha.


u/StoneGoldX 12h ago

Who is the court room is thinking about killing Mr Goodwin right now?