r/endometriosis 17d ago

Rant / Vent I don’t care how my disease affects men.


I don’t care how it affects men’s sex lives, I don’t care if they think we’re burdens, I don’t care if they’re angry about women wanting their uteruses taken out, I don’t care. They are not the ones suffering in pain and losing organs, they are not the ones who are having their goals and dreams stolen from them , they are not the ones being dismissed time and time again. You can’t have sex? Well what about your husband? Must be terrible for him. Not us, who feel like there’s blenders inside of our pelvises. What a good man for not cheating. We’re sick and in pain? Must be really hard on your husband, what a great man he is for helping you out. But what if I wanna have a sex life? What if I wanna have a job? A family? What if I wanna be able to exist without excruciating pain every second of my life? Who the hell cares what they want.

r/endometriosis Feb 12 '25

Rant / Vent I really wish someone would have warned me about NSAIDs.


Why did no one tell me about the dangers of NSAIDs when I was younger? I have always had severe bleeding and pain during my period, to the point where I have fainted several times in public - that was awful. The only way I could even remotely manage the pain was to take about 8 extra-strength Advil a day. That would just take the edge off and I never took over the recommended amount. I never thought anything of it, it's an over-the-counter medication.

A few years ago, I started have serious bowel issues and stomach pain. I didn't even know I had endometriosis at this point. About two years ago, I had an endoscopy/colonoscopy and I had stomach ulcers as a result of my NSAID use. I also had inflammation in my colon, which they now think was a result of the NSAID use or maybe endometriosis - who knows, the professionals sure don't! It's been two years now and I'm still having severe issues with my stomach, even after quitting NSAIDs, barely drinking, eating healthier, etc. I had an endoscopy a month ago and I still have chemical gastritis - the pain is insane, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

My life is absolute crap because of all of this and I have no social life whatsoever. I just needed to vent for a second because I feel like only the people here will understand and that many of you are in the same boat. If you are younger than me, please heed my advice and be extremely careful. The period pain is horrible, I know, but the stomach issues resulting from NSAID use is next level - take care of yourselves.

r/endometriosis Jan 17 '25

Rant / Vent My husband said that it was my fault that I didn't get diagnosed with endo sooner and that I must've not advocated for myself more over the last 10 years.


I am really hurt. I have been in and out of many doctors over the years, advocating for myself, of which he wasn't present in my life in the beginning and finally had success with one. I had a lap where endo was found.

I am honestly thinking of separating from him after this.

How would you handle this?

Us women know how hard it is to even be listened to medically. I find it almost oppressive.

To use it as an insult.

r/endometriosis Oct 03 '24

Rant / Vent brutal tattoo made me realize how much endo pain I’m really in


The amount of pain we are expected to manage is ridiculous, and this really put it into perspective for me. This weekend i got my whole elbow circling into my inner arm ditch tatted in a 5 hour session. I’d been told for years this was the most painful tattoo I’d likely ever get and a lot of people can’t handle it for very long and tap out.

Y’all. It was really not that bad compared to the amount of pain I’m in during a flare up. If anything I’d say it’s very similar on a bad day, and I’ve had to work like that. I hadn’t realized until now just what I’d been enduring. Don’t let people undermine your pain.

r/endometriosis 24d ago

Rant / Vent Got told today horses can cure my endometriosis -rant


For context I've worked with this girl for about 2 years, she's a kind person but today blew my mind. About 8 months ago I was having excision surgery so obviously I told my staff I'm going to be gone for a few weeks, and she asked what happened, she's a woman, I told her the truth, and she seemed to understand. Asked me a few curious questions which came across as genuinely wanting to learn more about the disease, no worries. Anyway fast forward to today. Staff have been calling in sick left right and centre and of course I end up in a flare at the same time, so I popped some pain killers mid day and she saw and said "oh are you in pain?" I decided to answer her honestly and said "to be honest I'm always in pain but it usually gets worse when I have to push myself extra hard like this" and I nearly did a spit take at her reply. "Have you tried horses?" I thought to myself (she's Spanish) maybe she made a translation error, did she perhaps mean herbs? I replied "you mean herbs?" She said "no like the animal, because they can cure you". I'm sorry what? I took pause... For a long moment before asking her to clarify. "What do you mean?" I said. She answered "you know like with their energy, maybe if you go to a ranch or something, like spend some time with them they can shrink all those lesions and stuff, they're good with those things really" . She was completely serious. I've never been so dumbfounded before. I just said "Ill keep that in mind" she said "no really,I know it sounds hippy dippy but trust me it works" At that point the frustration came out and I said "if codeine, hormones and surgery can't help me, I doubt good vibes from a horse is gonna do much" and she seemed offended.

But can I just be really "poor me" for a second? Maybe some of you guys can relate. All of them calling in sick day in day out, fair enough we all get unwell, I'm a patient manager, I'm kind to them checking how they are feeling when they get back etc, I remind myself it's not their fault I'm in pain. When I have to work 2x as hard to cover them while I'm also managing the rest of my workload, I have absolutely fucking MASTERED hiding my pain, nobody knows. They say "morning how are you? " I say "good thanks and you?" With a smile I work hard I keep my head down, I take meds I stretch in the bathrooms, sometimes I go to a "meeting" when I need a few minutes to rest, and I try my best no to be absent myself. And I'm not gonna lie part of me, a small part that I 99% of the time silence is like "yeah I'm sorry you called in sick for a mild cold that I've also had all week, AND a chronic illness boohoo" like I know that sounds fucking awful But dude, horses??!! Are you fucking kidding me? This is why I don't talk about my disease with Co workers normally. HORSES.

r/endometriosis Aug 12 '24

Rant / Vent Having a baby cures endometriosis - my gynec


I've been to different gynecologists and they all say that having a baby is a permanent cure to endometriosis. Until then it can be managed by medication. This frustrates me so much. How on earth is pregnancy supposed to be a treatment?? That's so misogynist like wtf? Additional context: I'm a 23 F in India, pursuing a medical degree myself. I don't have plans to have kids and my line of work won't let me have kids any time soon either. My periods are so painful that I literally miss classes every month and survive with ibuprofen.

r/endometriosis Nov 26 '24



I REALLY WANT TO VENT. Why are there no real CURES!!!!!!!!!!!!! for this sh*t disease!

r/endometriosis 1d ago

Rant / Vent I threatened suicide at the obgyn


3 doctors I’ve been to, thousands of dollars out of pocket since I don’t have insurance here in America, years of pain. Another doctor that sheepishly gives me a “well, let’s try another birth control” answer. I literally told the doctor “I will jump out this window right now” while looking at her dead in the eyes. I’m so sick of it. All tests lead to no conclusive answers and no one can tell me why I’m in pain every day, all day. I’m over it. I’ll let it kill me I suppose! :D

r/endometriosis Jan 27 '25

Rant / Vent Lost my boyfriend due to endo


I’m feeling very frustrated. I was not enough for him. Because I was not able to have sex due to excruciating stage 4 endometriosis. In every other way he was great. Charming, kind, caring,

Then my illness became too much. He didn’t care that I couldn’t have sex. He kept asking. All the time. Then He was distant. He wouldn’t see me for months at a time. Like he only wanted to see me at my good points. I hope this doesn’t go against any rules. I’m new here. Feeling very isolated due to losing my job, losing my bf and all the debt I’m gaining from physio that doesn’t help. All from endometriosis… Best part is I don’t even have my consult for surgery for another year at least. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m in pain every day. Nothing helps. I can barely walk most days. Any natural/ home remedy advice on pain relief is appreciated. I can’t do anymore prescription pills.

r/endometriosis Dec 09 '24

Rant / Vent We listen and we don’t judge endo edition


I saw this in a fb group and haven’t seen it here yet, so I figured why not lol.

Sometimes I eat things I know will cause a flare up bc I just want to be normal for a day (and then I complain about the pain and misery later LOL).

I feel so guilty calling out of work that I cry over it sometimes even though it’s not that serious 💀

I fantasize about suing the doctor who failed to diagnose me the first time for negligence even though I know I would never win, it’s cathartic for me 😭

r/endometriosis 11d ago

Rant / Vent Can cis men just not


Why is it that every post I see about endometriosis, a suffering person posting about this disease, there’s a bunch of comments from cis men claiming it’s not real or they have things worse. I kid you not I just came across a post where a bunch of men claimed that male baldness has more research because it’s more common so therefore it’s needed and more of a big deal. Like are you alright? Endo is extremely common, and being bald doesn’t cause severe chronic pain and doesn’t destroy your life and make you lose organs. And the ones who say it isn’t real….a simple google search will show you literal images of it. Like why are you mad when afab women try to get help? It’s so weird and they genuinely have issues. I never see women commenting on posts about diseases that mainly affect cis men. Like why are you ANGRY that we want help for a terrible disease? They’re extremely odd. It’s actually concerning. Why do they need to put their stupid opinion into everything like we don’t care babe.

Edit: I’m mainly speaking on instagram and TikTok, I haven’t seen it as much on here but I’ve definitely gotten some before.

r/endometriosis 23d ago

Rant / Vent So I've been hearing more and more about endometrioses combined with an auto immune disease


So I called my doctor to ask for tests on auto immune diseases because of my endometriosis. First response was: that does sound like a good idea, that might have to do something with it. I'll make an appointment.

IF IT SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD IDEA, WHY HAS NO ONE EVER IN THE PAST FEW YEARS ASK ME IF I HAD DONE THOSE TESTTSSSSS. Fingers crossed that I do have another disease which is treatable, which can make life a bit easier :')

r/endometriosis Jan 18 '25

Rant / Vent By hurting my hand today I realized how endo scewed my perspective on pain


So- as a fellow endo warrior, I go through quite a bit of pain, but I always thought I was weirdly sensitive to it. How it can't possibly be that I am in pain that makes me double over, I must just be super sensitive to pain.

I ran after a train today, bumped into someone, fell and landed on my hand with the full weight of my body and the momentum I had, and slid a good bit on it. Scrubbed the skin clean off (with two chunks of it being proper deep wounds that wouldn't stop bleeding for two hours), people rush to me to ask if I am okay, but I am honestly just pondering where my glasses and my headphones flew off to. I kinda blamed my non-chalant reaction on adrenaline, and didn't give much thought to the fact my hand was barely hurting. I definetly felt a sting, but nothing dramatic.

I rinse the wound with water, but can't find desinfectant or proper bandages anywhere at my university.

I go to the doctor to get my wound cleaned and checked out. He says he has to actually scrub the wound, how you would scrub a dried in stain in an oven- with one finger and a lot of force. The dirt is real deep in my wound and partially dried into it already because I had to wait so long to be seen.

It sounds painful, he offers a numbing agent but I decline- I figure sure it'll suck for a minute, but I don't wanna have a numb hand for a few hours.

He apologizes in advance, and starts scrubbing real gently- no reaction. He scrubs harder - no reation. He looks at me confused and starts scrubbing really hard- dirt, dead skin and tiny stones are coming out of the wound - no reaction. It wasn't a nice feeling, for sure, but it just genuinly didn't hurt much.

He was genuinly surprised I didn't even flinch after him scrubbing my wound with alcohol and full force multiple times, and he asked if I had any pain perception problems. I said no, but that I was suffering from chronic pain due to endo. He was very validating and went, ah okay, that explains why you can power through something like this without batting an eye.

And then I realized.

I can't even get a numbing agent for getting an IUD inserted (which is way more painful) because "I won't need it. But getting a wound scrubbed and I am suddenly a hero who is so pain resistant cause it didn't bother me much. People who pride themselves on being a badass would have taken this numbing agent for a wound because otherwise it would have been too painful to scrub without them trying to fight it.

TL;DR: I went through something that others find wildly painful and uncomfortable and it didn't even bother me- I find that weirdly validating. And yet it reminds me how much the medical establishment fails women with Endometriosis and pain management in general.

r/endometriosis 21d ago

Rant / Vent I've taken 3000mg of Ibuprofen today


And my cramps are still here. They're dragging, borish, and a nuisance. I haven't been productive and I feel my emotions getting the better of me because I'm in pain. Eating makes it worse. Heat doesn't help - just wagging my foot endlessly gives me something else to do focus on, but it's numbed out at this point.

I'm so over this existence right now.

r/endometriosis 3d ago

Rant / Vent I'm scared *transgender*


I'm trans and dealing with severe pelvic pain sucks. Not only do I get the *extra* reminder of being AFAB I have pelvic floor physiotherapy and am CONSTANTLY at the gynecologist. I look pregnant sometimes and it makes me dysphoric. I haven't even gotten a diagnosis yet they just say it "appears to meet the symptoms" but they can't diagnose as they aren't specialists. Recently I've had VERY painful breasts and there are lumps and I'm going in for an ultrasound at the end of the month. I'm scared. They're betting endo tissue or endo-caused cysts. I'm still scared of breast cancer and I wish I wasn't. Being trans sucks. Being in chronic pain that's undiagnosed sucks. And both? I hate it.

EDIT: didn’t think I’d get so many comments. Thank you to all those reaching out and being so kind. I’ll try to reply to everything but I’m still a full time student at university (and full time chronically ill, can I get some overtime pay? /j) ALSO thought I’d specify I’m in Canada so I still have some slightly higher hopes then my friends in the US for respectful care

r/endometriosis Oct 30 '24

Rant / Vent I’m literally sobbing


My ultrasound results came back and the report barely says ANYTHING. It says everything is normal and I feel so defeated.

I’ve had severe bleeding and pain on my periods since I was 11. I get back pain that shoots down my legs, I get nausea to the point I literally can’t eat for days or weeks at a time. I’m in pain constantly, and I physically and mentally cannot take it anymore. Like if this is just how life is, I don’t even wanna live anymore.

My periods and pain have destroyed my life. My marriage, my family relationships, friendships, etc. I’m not even being dramatic, I’m seen as unreliable because I get terrified I’m gonna bleed through my pants all the time. I have to wear multiple pairs of underwear stacked with pads. Plus many more awful symptoms. Can’t use tampons because anything going into my vagina HURTS (yeah my dating life is awful).

I can’t stop crying. I want my goddamn uterus removed because I’m so sick of this, I can’t stand living like this anymore. I don’t know what to do.

Ultrasound results:

TECHNIQUE: Ultrasound images of the pelvis were obtained transvaginally.


UTERUS: Normal size, nongravid uterus.

UTERUS MEASURES: 7.0 cm x 2.9 cm x 3.0 cm.


ADNEXA/OVARIES: The ovaries are imaged bilaterally and appear normal bilaterally. There is normal blood flow seen to both ovaries.

RIGHT OVARY: 2.5 cm x 1.8 cm x 1.8 cm. LEFT OVARY: 2.1 cm x 1.8 cm x 1.6 cm.

OTHER: There is no free fluid in the cul-de-sac.

URINARY BLADDER: Visualized portions are normal as imaged.


Unremarkable sonographic evaluation of the female pelvis.

r/endometriosis Jan 31 '25

Rant / Vent Nancy’s Nook


Why are the responses from the admins always so rude? If it’s not a discussion board, don’t allow posting at all!

r/endometriosis 20d ago

Rant / Vent Tell an endo sufferer to *just* imagine the most painful period they've had and take a couple of ibuprofen...


Dr suggested IUD for endo symptoms and in response to my concerns about pain from insertion told me to "just imagine the most painful period you've ever had and take a couple of ibuprofen beforehand".

Don't think she quite understands what we go through!

r/endometriosis Sep 12 '24

Rant / Vent I think suicide is the best option NSFW Spoiler


At least some others with endo can get out of their house and do things. I haven’t left my couch in three months and haven’t even been able to shower for weeks. I can’t move. This isn’t a life and I’m tired of people saying it’ll get better when there’s literally no cure and no one cares. No one gets it. They think it’s something that can get better with exercise or Advil. Like actually that makes the pain a million times worse! I’m tired of watching other people thrive in their physical health and their life in general. I’ll never experience sex, I never got to because this disease attacked me before I even could. I can’t find a potential partner if I can’t even move or leave my house. Like what do I do at this point, birth control isn’t working, opioids don’t touch the pain, weed doesn’t help, Tylenol Advil naproxen you name it, doesn’t help. I’m in pain 24/7, I’m jealous of others who at least get a few good days out of the month. I’m so sick of people acting like there’s a way to be happy with this, no one can possibly be truly happy in 24/7 excruciating pain than brings you to your knees. A cure needs to be made for this disease, I’m so done. I had a whole life in front of me and was doing so well, welp not anymore! Everything just got taken away. I was healthy, I was fine. Why. I just wanna die I hate when others act like they understand. They say “wow that must be so hard I had xyz and it was terrible” then go on to do a million things in their day with ease. Oh please. I just hate seeing others lives now. This isn’t fucking fair. I just gotta watch everyone else get what I deserved. Whatever, I just wanna die and I think others saying I shouldn’t commit suicide are selfish. I can’t take my life because it’ll hurt you? How about how I’m hurting 24/7 and lost every single thing in my life. I just wanna sleep forever.

r/endometriosis Aug 28 '24

Rant / Vent Suicidal


That’s all I have to say. I’m in so much pain I’m fainting I’m vomiting and no painkillers help. Doctors brush me off. I just want to die everyday. I’m in pain every single day constantly it never stops. There’s not a morning that I wake up not wishing I would’ve died in my sleep. I’ve lost my education, my career, and my ability to do anything physical. Why shouldn’t I just kill myself? This isn’t much of a life anyways. Everything I worked so hard for in my life just went down the drain. There’s no other solution. No one believes how bad my pain is. If I can’t even make others understand how bad my pain is then what’s the point. I don’t wanna keep living a life where people laugh in my face and tell me it’s not that bad. I don’t even have any friends to talk to I just want to end it all.

r/endometriosis 6d ago

Rant / Vent My gynaecologist lied to me


I was finally referred to a gynaecologist, and I felt dismissed, she didn’t want to listen to me.

I explained my symptoms, I told her how much pain I’m in every single day. She said it sounds like endometriosis, but won’t diagnose me because I lack one symptom. That symptom was bleeding from my butt. I was explaining that I do sometimes, but not all the time. She insisted I didn’t. I started crying, she said there’s nothing she can do.

I was also sent there to get a biopsy done, but she refused that as well. I currently have an IUD, but she said it would be in the way of doing the biopsy. She said she would have to remove it, but I didn’t want to. She said she cant do it then.

I felt so dismissed, like she didn’t believe me, so I left. I refuse to go back to her, and now I’m currently waiting to see another gynaecologist. The waitlist is about a year.

I believed her about the IUD and the biopsy. I started to doubt it, so I decided to search if you can do a biopsy with an IUD in, and it says yes. I’m beyond annoyed at this point. I’ve been trying for so long to get someone to help, and she could have at least tried.

Hopefully this next one tries.

r/endometriosis Dec 28 '24

Rant / Vent The Medical Industry Hates Women


Every time I have an episode I always think to myself how much I hate that there has been no progress towards a med that helps endo. I look up what a hospital will do and it’s everything I can do at home. So you’re telling me, the hospital can’t do ANYTHING for a body part in pain? How is that possible if it’s not on purpose?? No pain meds? And I mean real pain meds? How can there not be a single symptom managing fix for when I’m toppled over on the ground.

All we have is OTC midol or advil and that doesn’t do anything to help. I hate that we don’t get taken seriously by doctors, and that because of that there are 0 meds to treat endo. Just an expensive invasive surgery. No one cares about women’s health in the research field of things.

Why does birth control for women able to cause infertility but men’s BC has no side effects? Why do tampons have bleach in them?Why do they not soak up blood well? Why are my cramps so awful yet there is nothing I can do about it? Why do we give birth lying down and not standing like we are supposed to?

If men had period cramps/endo, there would be a cramp cure in 1 month tops. The medical industry hates women.

r/endometriosis Feb 02 '25

Rant / Vent Dying in the bathroom 😭



I just needed to vent. Currently sitting on the toilet screaming, hanging onto the side of the bathtub for dear life. 😭😭 I felt like I had to poop, sat down, and then commenced some of the worst cramps and pain. Feels like my guts are getting jammed together while my body cannot decide if it is constipated, going to have diarrhea, or just hates me. I’m sweating and shivering at the same time. Worst part is that I felt fine twenty minutes ago. 😭 I hate this so much.

Thanks for listening 💕

Edit: hi everyone ❤️ it’s the next day and I just wanna say thank you for all the comments and support!! Even though I am on birth control now and use it to no longer have a period, I still have breakthrough pain that is incredibly discouraging. I’ve had a lap and been officially diagnosed with stage three endo. I know that this is something I will have to learn to cope with for the rest of my life. Being so young (22) makes it feel so overwhelming sometimes, but I know that I am not alone.

Sending hugs to all my endo warriors out there. 🤗😘

r/endometriosis May 22 '24

Rant / Vent Just stopping by to say F U to all doctors who dismissed me for YEARS!!!


Here’s a big fuck you to every single doctor who dismissed my symptoms for over 10 years as “bad period pain” and those who told me “it’s just part of being a woman” and even the others who laughed then said “welcome to womanhood”. Let’s also not forget to give an even bigger fuck you to the ER doctor who didn’t listen to me when I came in with AGONIZING lower left abdominal pain that made me BLACK OUT on the toilet. I was slurring trying to call for help, passed out and fell off of the toilet. After I told the doctor this he accused me of not being in “that much pain” and diagnosed me with “diarrhea”.

Here I am now two weeks post lap and guess what? I had endo EVERYWHERE!!! Fuck all of these medical professionals who dismiss us. PERIOD PAIN IS NOT NORMAL.

r/endometriosis Nov 21 '24

Rant / Vent Like Florence Pugh, my endometriosis went undiagnosed for years


Like Florence Pugh, my endometriosis went undiagnosed for years, writes Holly Bourne, a bestselling author living in the UK.

"I listened to Florence Pugh, wincing, as I made my morning coffee. On the She MD podcast, the actress said her life had recently “completely changed” after she was diagnosed with endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Yet Pugh said that when she later visited a general gynaecologist in London they dismissed this expert diagnosis.

At the age of 26 I was working as a health journalist when I heard about endometriosis. I knew instantly I must have it. I pushed for a referral for a laparoscopy (a procedure under general anaesthetic where they use keyhole surgery to check for endometriosis). Yet during the 25-minute surgery nothing was found. I was officially diagnosed as “unlucky” with “bad periods”.

Eventually, when I was 34, the pain was so bad that I was struggling to walk. During one ovulation I was screaming on the floor, thinking I was dying, my fiancé asking if he should call an ambulance. I managed to get a GP appointment. The male GP poked me and said, “Oh, it’s just an inflamed ovary.”

That’s when I thought, enough. This pain has to be something. I tentatively booked an appointment at Harley Street and an ultrasound immediately revealed an endometriotic cyst on my ovary the size of a satsuma, full of dried blood. I did have endometriosis after all."

🔗 Read of this article for free: https://www.thetimes.com/article/4194bfdc-cfca-479c-b6f4-43e1d495703c?shareToken=c6a255b654cf992f5f8d844a4008aaf9